Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
Forgot Password using ajax in wordpress
Hello reader's, In this post we discussed about "Forgot Password using ajax in wordpress".
In the below code, forgot password screen appear user fill their email address into the text box and click submit button, after that a new password will...
Set Menu locatin in wordpress
Hello reader's, In this post we discussed about "How to set Menu location in wordpress".
You can use the below code for creating menu and set their location, when you import data file in xml.
You can put this code into functions.php file
How to send mail using Codeigniter mail function in php
Hello Reader's! If you are working on PHP framework, Codeigniter then you should learn how to send mail by its functions.
CI offers you the best way to configure the email and send the mail and you just have to call it on the place required.
How to send attachments in mail using PHP
Hello Reader's! If your mail is contating some attachments then you can use the simplest way to sending the mail with attachments.
Lets see the example below:-
$email = new PHPMailer();
$email->From = 'you@example.com';
How to send mail with multiple CC using PHP
Hello Reader's! If you want to send the mail to multiple CC or BCC then you just have to put the emails separated by coma. Lets see the example below:-
First create and string with coma separated cc emails:-
$cc = 'abc@gmail.com,zye@yahoo.com...
Send HTML email in php
Hello reader's we discussed about "Send HTML email in php".
In this code we use Html tags in the " $message " for the better user interface.
example: " h1 " tag for heading and " p " tag for paragraph (write a message).
Hence You can use all ...
Static Method in PHP
When you declare class method as static then these method can be called without instantiating of the class .
When you declare a method or a variable static then we must use static keyword before declare this and when accessing these method or ...
preg_match_all php functions
Welcome to FindNerd. We are going to discuss the function preg_match_all which will match the substring from the string. It try multiple times for matching pattern.
Please have a look.
$str = "tird";
Regular expensions in PHP
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss the pattern making for regular expersions in php. We use the inbuild functions named preg_match and preg_match_all
to find the matching one from the string. Before starting using this functions ...
Fetch data in Laravel Route without a controller
Laravel provide more routing features. In laravel we can fire mysql queries in 'Route' also without any controller or model. For example
Route::get('/getData', function()
$fetchData = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', a...
How to create joomla user password using php
To generate password in joomla first need to import JUserHelper which defines in libraries/joomla/user/helper.php.
jimport( 'joomla.user.helper' );
$salt = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(32);
$crypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword("mypa...
Check username availability on keypress using jquery
Username or email availability or any other types of availability check we can do in this way. When user type on a text box an ajax request has made and check what if its available or not. we only required jquery.js
<input type='te...
How to pass data from controller to view in laravel
You can pass data from laravel controller to view by using 'with' keyword
return View::make('profile')->with('userDetails', $userDetails);
you can send multiple argument b...
How to bind model at runtime in cakephp
Hello guys,
Most of time we need to bind model at runtime, So cakephp provides inbuilt function
bindModel(). Using this function we can associates model according to requirement .
Using this technique we dont need to association in Model. I...
How to union two sql query in yii
For combine the result of two or more select query we use union in sql query.If you want to use union in yii query you can use the below code
$queryFirst = (new \yii\db\Query())
->select("id, name")
How to avoide exposing the public properites
In this tutorial we will see the how to avoid exposing the public properites of any class in oop as it is always a good practice to use encapsulation while coding.One of the main advantage of hide the public properties is that if we want to make...
How to install Laravel 5.0
Laravel 5 is the latest version of Laravel. If we want to install Laravel 5 in our system then we have to write simple command to run the project.
composer create-project laravel/laravel test-laravel-5-project --prefer-dist
Here test-lar...
How to fetch twitter user feeds using PHP
If you want to display twitter user feeds then use the below code of flow.
First of all for user timeline json you have to visit below twitter link.
For detail parameter please visit....
How to use AJAX in WP
If you are looking to use AJAX in WP. Please follow the below example.
var stateName = $('#state').val();
type: "POST",
url: "<!--?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ); ?-->",
data: { 'action':'custom_d...
Extract Zip File Using PHP
If we do not have access to shell and we want to extract a zip file then just put the below php piece of code and run.
$zipObj = new ZipArchive;
$file = $zipObj->open(zip_file_name.zip);
if ($file == TRUE) {
How to create custom module in joomla
A module is light weight extension which pulls information from database or from joomla components.It can be placed in any predefined module position within joomla template.
For Creating any custom module we need to create four basic files w...
Cakephp ajax pagination using jquery
Using default pagination helper in cakephp.
<div class="paginator">
<?php echo $paginator->first(' First ', null, null, array('class' => 'disabled')); ?>
<?php echo $paginator->prev('Previous ', null,...
Difference between view and task in joomla component
view stands for component view in joomla any component have multiple views for e.g default component. like- com_users have multiple views(register,profile) inside user component. so we can call any view using below url.
Upload File using Aajx
Sometime you need to upload the image without refreshing the page , in that case you can upload the image with the help of ajx using FormData Objects .
To achieve this lets create a form in HTML to upload the file.
<div class="control...
How to create error log in cakephp
For write error in a file we use error log. In cakephp we can create error by using keyword CakeLog. For example
try {
//code here
} catch(Exception $e) {
CakeLog::write('error1', $e->getMessage());
How to send email using joomla
We can easily send email in joomla using $mailer = JFactory::getMailer(); which invoke jMail class. It returns a reference to the JMail object.Below is the code which define how to send an email in joomla.
-Invoke JMail Class
$mailer = JFa...
How to load module within a component in joomla
This method is really useful when any user want to add module inside component.There must be situation where user need to display specific module for component below is the code which will works:
$position = 'typemoduleposition';
How to fetch data from database in php ?
Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss fetch data from database in php .
In this blog you can fetch data from database .
Firstly establish a database connection
Use the mysqli( ) function to established connection to the MySQ...
Validation in PHP?
Validation basically meant for test or check the input values which are submitted by the any user while processing any form or process.
PHP allow us two kind of validation there.
Client-Side Validation These Validation we performed on ...
Writing a file in PHP
File handling in php allow us to make operation to write in a file .So we can write a new file or we can append text to an already existing file.For this we have fwrite() function in PHP.
Syntax is : -
natsort php
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss the function natsort. There are many sorting function available for different types of sorting like usort,asort etc.
natsort uses natural order algorithm. It is nothing but to sequence element a...
array_pad function php
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss the function array_pad which is used to build another array by specifing the size of the array and value to be added.
You can take an example for the same. Please have a look.
Reading a file in PHP
PHP File handling concept allow us to do operation with any file in php.
For reading a file we have to open it using fopen() function.Now for reading this file we have a function named as fread().
fread function accept two arguments....
Magento install error - Exception printing is disabled
How to Solve Magento installation error ?
Magento install error - Exception printing is disabled
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 213...
PHP Namespaces
What is namespaces
PHP introduce NAMESPACES in 5.3 version. Namespaces are virtual container/directory to organize code structure. In php we can not share same name for two classes. For example if you are using user management plugin for your...
User authorization in Cakephp
In order to use the auth component. You have to add the component to the AppController. (/app/Controller/AppController.php)
var $components = array('Auth');
Define $components array in your controller.
public $components = array(
How to access the private members of the same object type
In this tutorial we will see the visibility of the properties/methods of Objects of the same class, wherein same type of objects can access each other's protected/private members and also both the instances are not same.
Let us create a file tes...
OOPS Visibility concept of properties in php
In this tutorial we will see the visibility of the properties which are defined as public , protected or private. The property of a class that is defined as public can be accessed from any where restricting the visibility of property which are de...
Remember me in Cakephp
In a portal login page once you check the Remember Me checkbox your login id will be remembered on the browser for 7 days. And when with in a 7 days if you login on the same browser, you will get logged out.
Use the below code in order to use ...
Difference Between paypal parallel payments and chained payments
According to paypal docs: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/gs_AdaptivePayments/
The payment which is split among 2-6 receivers is known as a parallel payment. Technically, we can say that the mult...
Laravel Eloquent groupBy() AND also return count of each group
We can also make our query on groupBy using Laravel 4.x.Let me demonstrate it by the following example.
Suppose we have a table in which we have n number of users which are from different-different state and we have to find that how many user...
laravel 4 - how to Limit (Take and Skip) for Eloquent ORM
Take and Skip are one of the functionality which is used when we are making Android API. By using Take And Skip we will fetch limited record according to our need.I can easily explain it by using simple example.
How to get a list of registered route paths in Laravel
If some one find a way to create an array with the registered routes paths within Laravel 4. If someone wants to get a list something like this returned:
Solution: For this we will use the method
Anonymous class in php
Welcome to Findnerd. We have discussed the anonymous function. Today we are going to discuss the anonymous class. Here is the same concept. It does not have no name.
It can extends the class and implement the interface to use these menthods and ...
Export MySQL Table Records into CSV file
This article demonstrate how we can export records from MySQL Table to a CSV file. fputcsv() is a buit in function of PHP which takes an array and a file pointer as parameters which convert the array data into CSV format and writes it to the fil...
array_flip function php
Welcome to Findnerd. We are going to discuss the array function named array_flip which is useful to exchange the keys and its associated values.Please have a look.
$patients_nfo = array('Deepak'=>23,'Dipti'=>24,'sonak'=&g...
Using closure function for passing data to callbacks
Here we will see example of how we can pass data using closure function.As we've seen how to create a closure, let's see how we can use them.
When we pass a callback function to the PHP usort() function, and usort() calls our callback, the cal...
array_map function php
Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss the array function that is array_map which takes two main arguments one for callback function and other arguments
are in form of arrays. It will return the array according to callback function. ...
Inline functions PHP
Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss the inline functions in php. PHP implements inline functions concept is different from other programming language.
In php you can define the function inside other function. Please have a look.
Anonymous Function PHP
Welcome to Findnerd. PHP introducing new concepts version by version but many of us still are using old style of coding. We need to study these new concept and implement
these concepts in our code. Today we are going to discuss the anonymous fun...