Installing RVM and Creation of Gemsets Part 2
In the last tutorial we learnt how to install RVM.
by dinesh.singh -
Installing RVM and Creating of Gemsets Part 1
Installing RVM and creating Gemsets can be difficu
by dinesh.singh -
Use pik in Windows
Managing multiple versions of Ruby on Windows can
by anirudh.rautela -
Using Bundler in Rails 2.3.x app
Managing Gems in Rails can be infuriating at times
by anirudh.rautela
Choosing Between has_many :through and has_and_belongs_to_many
In Rails we can establish many to many relationship between two models in two ways 1) by using has_and_belongs_to_many 2) by using has_many :through associations.
We generally use HABTM when we dont require a third intervening model to join t...
has_and_belongs_to_many relation in rails
has_and_belongs_to_many association is used in rails where we dont need a third joining model to establish the relation between the two model. There will be no additional columns (except the foreign keys) of the third joining table.
For exampl...