How to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Requests) in ASP.NET Web API
There are certain steps that need to be followed f
by gaurav.gautam -
Why does my CHM have a blank content pane?
Hello Readers, Many times I have heard that, many
by Chetan.Sharda -
How to connect to icloud calendar?
Hello coder's world, To connect to icloud calen
by govind.chauhan -
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App This Blo
by shubham.mamgain -
REST attributes of WCF Service
Objective: In this article we will explain what a
by govind.chauhan
Jagged array in c#
Jagged array is an array of array it means jagged array is a collection of homogeneous arrays. An arrays inside the jagged array are of different length. As the jagged array contains the arrays therefore its collection of homogeneous reference ty...
Auto complete using Angular Material
In Angular Material, we use <md-autocomplete> for auto complete functionality. <md-autocomplete> is a UI component with dropdown to shown all possible matches to custom query. It acts like a real time suggestion box. When ...
Generics in C#
Generics in C#
Generics in C# allows a programmer to generate a class or method which can work with multiple datatypes.
The specification of datatype of the elements used in class or methods is delayed by using Generics until these ...
Friend Assembly in C#
Friend Assembly in C#
Access modifiers such as internal and private when used with types or type members defined in files in an assembly are accessed only in the files defined within same assembly.
An assembly can only access pu...
Locking techniques in Concurrency control in SQL
Concurrency Control
when multiple users accessing a same database at the same time, If any change made by any one of the user do not adversely affect work of the other users.
Locking technique in concurrency control means use a lock variable wi...
Angular Material Introduction
Angular Material is a UI component framework and reference implementation of Google's Material Design for Angular JS developers. It helps in creating responsive, attractive, functional websites in faster manner.
Features of A...
Constructor and its types in C#
Constructors in c#
Constructor is a special method of a class that gets called when an object of a class is created. They are mainly used for initialization and memory allocation for member variables of class. There will always be a default co...
AngularJS Pagination
We can easily apply paging on our page using AngularJs and bootstrap. Here, below is the example of this:
In View:
<div ng-app="angularPagingSample">
<div ng-controller="PagingController">
.Net : Code first vs Database first approach
.Net : Code first vs Database first approach
Code first
In Code first approach Entity classes are declared and defined with properties. As soon as the .net code is compiled and run database is created automatically i.e data...
Late Binding Using Reflections
In this blog we illustrate how to get the late binding using reflections for this firstly we need to understand "what is reflection" and "what is late binding".
What is reflection?
Reflection is basically read the asse...
C# .Net : How to convert string to Guid ?
C# .Net : How to convert string to Guid ?
Guid represents a globally unique identifier. Guid in .Net framework is identified by System.GUID class.
Program to generate a guid in .Net Framework using C#.
using System;
using System.Colle...
C# does not support multiple inheritance
C# does not support multiple inheritance because of diamond problem. To understand it better, just take an example.
Let's consider there is a class 'X' and it has two subclasses or derived classes 'Y' and 'Z&...
Pool object in Dot net
Object pool is a box of objects that contains a list of other objects that are ready to be used.
When the new object request comes then pool object will receive that request and allocate an object from the pool.
How pool object work...
What is System.Console.WriteLine in C#?
Hello Reader's ,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today on My blog, I am going to explain about the System.Console.WriteLine in C#
Console is a class that belongs to the System namespace, A namespace is a collection of Classes. The Syste...
CRUD operations in AngularJS and MVC5
This example demonstrate how to use AngularJS with MVC5 and WebAPI for CRUD operations(Read,Insert,Update,Delete).
1. First step is to create table for CRUD operations.
2. Create a new project in ASP.NET MVC 5. Selec...
Inheritance In c#
Inheritance is the one of the important feature of OOPS(object oriented programming language). This feature allows to create a class which is derived from the another class. Inheritance saves user's time and effort. It provides the reusabilit...
How to bind checkbox with enum values in MVC?
To bind checkbox with enum, we have to write some custom code. Here, below is the example of binding checkbox with enum.
Suppose we have a enum EmployeeGroup
public enum EmployeeGroup
[Display(Name = "Group 1")]
Parallel Programming with .NET
There might be some scenario in your code, where some of the tasks should be performed in the background without affecting the current task. Some time we have scenario, where we needed to fire the function, which consists of some function call, w...
Difference Between Out and ref Keywords in C#
1. Ref keyword is required to initialize a passing parameter first then passed it to ref.
1. Out keyword doesn't required to initialize a passing parameter before it is passed it to o...
Code First Approach in .Net - Part 2
Hi Friends,
I have implemented the code first approach in my last blog if you miss it below is the link.
Code First Approach in .Net
There are some points i need to discuss while implementing code first approach.
If you run the code f...
HttpClient Class
HttpClient class is used to send the http request and receive http response by URL.
It is defined inside the System.Net.Http namespace.
HttpClient is instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application.
Adding Site Map in asp.net application and showing it in Tree View
Sitemap is used for navigation to different pages in Website. It contains a hierarchal structure of pages.
In this article, I shall show you how to create a sitemap and then show the sitemap in Treeview control in ASP.Net
To add a sitemap, ...
How to show CPU Usage in .Net using Threading
Hi Friends,
Today I will tell you about how you can see CPU usage using c#.
For this, we will use System.Diagnostics;
The CPU Usage will include CPU usage(in %) and RAM usage(in MB)
I have written code in a thread and I am executing t...
Custom Helper in MVC Razor
Hi Friends,
Today I will tell you about using the custom helper in mvc. We can create our own helper extension.We have multiple extensions as shown below in figure:-
As these above extensions are predefined. But we can define our own exte...
How to Use MSMQ
Hi Friends,
Today i will discuss you about MSMQ(Microsoft Message Queuing).
MSMQ is a message queing service where you send a message from one application and receive by another application.
The application are don't need to be in exec...
Code First Approach in .Net
Hi Friends,
Today I will tell you about using Code First approach using entity framework. There are some situations where you need to create the table(when it does not exist in the database). So to do this we will
use entity framework 6...
Large Size File Upload in ASP.NET
Hi Friends,
Today i will talk about the exception we usually get while uploading a large size file in file uploader in asp.net. The exception we get is shown in below image
To get rid of this exception you need to configure the web.conf...
Get the All directories/Files Info in c#
HI Friends,
Today i will specify you how we can access directories from a specific path in c# . Below code justify the functionality :-
DirectoryInfo directoryinfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"D:\Test");
GridView to Excel
Hi Friends,
Today i will tell you how to export data to excel from gridview in asp.net. For this firstly create a project in asp.net.Add a gridview control in aspx page from toolbox as shown below:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3....
Code to Convert List to Array
Hi Friends,
Today i will tell you about how we can convert a list to array. We can use 2 methods to convert list to array
Method 1:
//Create a list object
List<string> objList = new List<string>();
WPF : How to use RelativeSource with WPF binding?
The RelativeSource is a markup extension that is used in for binding purpose in following scenarios :
1) To bind a property of a given object to another property of the object itself
2) To bind a property of a object to another one ...
In this article, we will see how to create Web API, hosting of Web API and how to use Web API in an application.
ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services which can be easily accessible to man...
Compare attribute in Asp.net mvc
Compare is an attribute in MVC which is used to compare any of the two properties with one another. In the application, it can be used to compare emailId and password. If both the fields are not having the same value then this attribute will disp...
What is named paramters in c#
Named parameters:-
The concept of named parameters was introduced in C#4.0 and main purpose was to pass the parameter by name not the position. This features provide us the liberty to pass the par...
What is optional paramter in c#
The concept of optional parameter was introduced in C#4.0. Optional parameters enables you to pass the only required parameters. Each optional parameter has its default value, if no value is passed for this default parameter then its default valu...
Angularjs Post Data
Today we will discuss how to post data to the MVC Controller through AngularJS.
To do so, you will need to inject '$http' as a dependency while defining your angularJS controller:
app.controller('Controller', ['$scope', '$h...
AngularJS md-datepicker format
Today we will discuss how to define our custom date format for md-datepicker in angularJS.
1. You will need to install moment.js from nuget packages
2. Add reference of moment.min.js
<script src="~/Scripts/momen...
ASP.Net : How to use AutoMapper
AutoMapper can be defined as an object to object mapping i.e mapping similar properties in one object of one type to another object of different type. It is a library which is being used to get rid of extra code that is used to map one objec...
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime
Many a times we encounter this issue where passing the correct date also ends up on this error, which makes it a bit complex and mind boggling.The main reason behind the error is the string passed as a date is not in the format the system ...
How to upload multiple files in asp.net mvc?
Instead of uploading files one by one, it is better to use multiple files upload in your application so that it can save user time and effort. In mvc, there is noneed to write javascript or jquery to ulpoad multiple files. There is a HttpPpostedF...
WPF TreeView : Basic Understanding
A TreeView is used to represent data in a hierarchical fashion .It is often used to show parent child relationship where a parent node can be expanded or collapsed.
The TreeView tag is used to create a WPF TreeView control in XAML....
Extension methods in c#
Extension methods are the static methods which are defined under the static classes. Since these methods are defined in static class then they are called without creating an instance of a class. Extension methods supports a reusability as they en...
Tabs in angular material
In angular material there are two directives one is md-tabs and another is md-tab. md-tabs is the container to group md-tab. md-tabs contains the collection of tabs while md-tab is for single tab.So these directives are used to display tabs in yo...
Chat Application using SignalR in MVC
Hi All,
In my earlier blog I discussed about the essentials needed to create a simple chat application using signalR, if you guys missed you can have a look at http://findnerd.com/list/view/Essentials-for-Chat-Application-using-SignalR-in-MVC/...
Select only one element of checkbox at a time using jquery
Many times we need to select only one element at a time in checkbox because mostly in checkbox is used for multiple data selection. This blog illustrate how we can select only one element of checkbox at a time using jquery.
See the below...
Layout View in MVC
In a web application, we often use common section in most of the pages i.e. Menu, Side Navigations, Footer etc. So in order to not write the same code in all the pages, we have the provisions of Layout view in MVC.
Layout view works in the sam...
Showing Google Map in Web Page
Google maps are used for showing maps of locations, adding markers, showing custom location data related to region, places etc.
Here are the simple steps for showing Google map on a web page
Create HTML Page
Add a map
Get API key fro...
JObject Class
Namespace: Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
In web api sometimes we often need to send multiple parameters to controller's action(method). In that case we can create model of multiple parameters and wrap multiple parameters to JSON and send it to...
Throw Exception from Expression in C# 7.0
Throw Exception from Expression
When we use throw exception inside expression we got compile time error
In C# 7.0 you can directly throw exception from your expression directly. see below code
public string getE...
How to use IN keyword in LINQ
In SQL Server, we are very familiar with IN keyword and we use this keyword in many times which is very helpful for us. It save our extra efforts and code line like below query.
To achieve this in LINQ , we heve below t...