How to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Requests) in ASP.NET Web API
There are certain steps that need to be followed f
by gaurav.gautam -
Why does my CHM have a blank content pane?
Hello Readers, Many times I have heard that, many
by Chetan.Sharda -
How to connect to icloud calendar?
Hello coder's world, To connect to icloud calen
by govind.chauhan -
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App This Blo
by shubham.mamgain -
REST attributes of WCF Service
Objective: In this article we will explain what a
by govind.chauhan
Using commands in WPF
In the following article, we are going to see the use of commands in WPF MVVM application. Before we move on to see the actual implementation, it's necessary to understand why we use commands in WPF.
Commands are used to separate the UI co...
An MVC application with Entity framework with Code First Approach
An MVC application with Entity framework with Code First Approach
Following steps are to be followed :
Step 1 : In visual studio 2015 create a new C# ASP.NET Web project named Student_Management_System. Select the MVC te...
Difference between Var and Dynamic type in C#
Difference between Var and Dynamic type in C#
Var Type
C# 3.0 introduced var type.
With respect to storage it can store any type of value with the condition that var type variables need to be in...
Paging in ASP.NET MVC Application
Paging in ASP.NET MVC Application
To implement paging on an ASP.NET MVC Application following steps are to followed :-
Step 1 : Create a new C# ASP.NET Web project named Student_Management_System. Select the MVC template option ...
Simple MVVM Application In WPF
In this article we are going to see simple implementation of MVVM pattern in WPF application. For the sake of simplicity, we'll be showing the list of users and will get detailed explanation of the process followed behind the scene.
Overriding Vs Shadowing in C#
Overriding Vs Shadowing in C#
Method overriding
A base class method re-written in derived class with different definition is method overriding.
At run time overriding is resolved therefore it is also...
C# .Net : XML Serialization of DataSet
C# .Net : XML Serialization of DataSet
XML Serialization require XmlSerializer class which is derived from System.Xml.Serialization.
Example to demonstrate XML Serialization of DataSet :-
using System.IO;
C# .Net : XML Serialization of simple class object containing properties
C# .Net : XML Serialization of simple class object containing multiple properties
The process of converting an object into stream is Serialization. This generated stream then can be used either for saving it in a file or for transpor...
Asynchronous Nature of Delegates
Asynchronous Nature of Delegates
Delegates are defined as function pointer i.e act as a pointer to methods in the application.
Example of Delegate :-
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
Attached and Detached Child Tasks in C#
Attached and Detached Child Tasks in C#
Task can be defined as an object representing some work which needs to be done. System.Threading.Tasks is library provided by .net framework for tasks. Task class have it's own set of pro...
async & await keyword in C#
async & await keyword in C#
Asynchronous programming can be performed in C# using async & await keyword. These keywords were introduced in C# 5. These keywords are to be used together i.e await keyword can only be used within...
Usage of Lock statement in C#
Usage of Lock statement in C#
Lock keyword in C# find it's usage in Threading. Whenever multiple threads try to access some code at same time inconsistency occurs then lock keyword is used which makes execution of only one thread
How to implement zip compression in .Net ?
Implementing zip compression in .Net
ZipFile class is provided by .Net framework for zip compression. This class provides static methods for creation, extraction, and opening of zip archives. The namespace required for zip&...
Types of triggers in SQL
In this blog we illustrate the types of a triggers in SQL.
Triggers are those which executes automatically when some event arise with their related tables in database.
Triggers are divided into two types:
1. After Triggers (For...
Controlling Session Behavior in Asp.Net MVC
Controlling Session Behavior in Asp.Net MVC
Sessions in Asp.Net MVC are used across requests for storing data. Asp.Net MVC manages sessions for all controllers in the application irrespective of the fact data values are stored in the session...
ASP.NET MVC provide filters to execute code logic before and after controller action execution. Pre-action and post-action behaviour are added to controller action method by filters. Custom filters creation depend...
Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC
Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC
The process of validating specific data field by posting it to server without posting the entire form is remote validation.
For e.g : There is a unique field in the database table,it's uniquene...
Difference between LINQ and Stored procedure
LINQ and Stored procedure
LINQ provides a query syntax used for querying different data sources like SQL server, Oracle, Collections etc. Type checking is done at compile time in LINQ. DOT NET framework languages like C# a...
Deferred vs Immediate Query Execution in LINQ
Deferred vs Immediate Query Execution in LINQ
There are two execution behaviours in LINQ namely Deferred and Immediate.
Deferred Execution : In this type query execution does not take place at time of declaration ra...
Understanding Single, SingleOrDefault, First and FirstOrDefault
There are element operators provided by LINQ which are capable of returning single or specific element from a collection. These element operators can be defined as follows :-
Single : This element operator is capable of returning ...
Token Based Authentication using Postman as Client and Web API 2 as Server
When we are going to develop a web application which contains restricted resources then we have major issue related to authentication and authorization for accessing those restricted resources. We all know the concept of cookie based authen...
Deadlock in C# Threading
A deadlock is state in which an application locks up because of the multiple processes are waiting for each other to finish. Basically, this situation takes place in multithreading software in which a shared resource is used by first thread and s...
$mdToast in angular material
In angular material,If you want to display any unobtrusive alert on your GUI part to the users,then it provides Toast for designers. Toast is a term which is used to show alert in angular material and we use $mdToast service to display these toas...
Tuple in c#
Tuple is new feature added in C# 4.0 with dynamic programming. Tuple allow us to group a heterogeneous elements together. Tuple is new for the C# developers as it is already present in other languages like Python and F#.
Generally, I...
What is the difference between ViewResult and ActionResult in ASP.NET MVC?
ViewResult and ActionResult in ASP.NET MVC
ActionResult is an abstract or base class. On the other hand ViewResult is a subclass of ActionResult.
Whenever Controller action return type is ActionResult then the action is ...
HashSet<> in C#
In c#, HashSet is a disjoint group of an unique elements. We can a apply a multiple operation on HashSet such as Add, Remove, Contains etc. HashSet is also allow to apply a standard set of operations such as union, intersection, and symmetr...
Difference between ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if
ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if are directives of angularjs which are used to check if an expression is true or false and after checking the expression, it shows /hides or removes/recreates the DOM element.
Though the visual effect of both directive...
Solution for Race Conditions in Threading C#
In c# we have a multiple ways to avoid a race condition determined by the type of an application we are used. Generally we use a following two common methods that works in any condition:
1. Wait Handles
2. Signaling
Let's tak...
Race Conditions in Threading C#
Race condition is arise when multiple threads are accessing the shared data and they try to modify this shared data at the same time. The reason for arising a race condition is that we are unable to know the order of accessing a shared data among...
Expressions in AngularJS
AngularJS expressions are used to bind application data with HTML element. This expressions works in same way as we write in write in ng-bind directives. Expressions are written inside two curly braces as {{expression}}. This expressions are incl...
Semaphore - Thread Synchronization
Thread synchronization is used to verify that no two or more synchronous processes or threads simultaneously executes some particular program block. When one thread executes in the critical section then it does not allow the another thread ...
Cursor in SQL Server
A cursor is a database object that can be created at runtime. It is used to get data from a result set line by line(or row by row) rather than executing all the rows in the result set at a single time like an SQL-transaction. Generall...
Difference between AngularJS Expression and JavaScript Expression
These are the following differences between Angular JS expression and JavaScript expression :
Used in HTML : Angular expressions can be used inside HTML while JavaScript expressions do not.
Filters : Angular expressi...
Pagination stored procedure in SQL Server
In this blog we illustrate how to get the pagination data from SQL server stored procedure.
To create a such type of a stored procedure, we need to send a minimum three parameters(startRowIndex, pageSize, totalCount).
1. ...
Scopes in Angular JS
Scope is a JavaScript object that connects Controller and View. Scope contains information of model, its properties and methods.
Characteristics of scope:
Scope acts as a connection between Controller and View and availab...
Triggers in the SQL server
A trigger is a unique store procedure that is executes to give a response to particular action on the table of a database using the following SQL statements:
1. Data Manipulation Language (DML) SQL Statements (like INSERT, UPDATE or DE...
AngularJS directives
Directives in AngularJS are, that get run when DOM is complied by the compiler. Directives are used to extend HTML and DOM element's behaviour and create reusable and testable code.These are attributes that starts with ng- prefix.
ASP.NET MVC Areas with example
ASP.NET MVC Areas with example
The organization of models, views and controllers into separate functional areas of the application is referred to as MVC areas. The concept of MVC areas was introduced in MVC2. Whenever MVC area i...
Dependency Property
A Dependency property is a property which allow the analytical code to modify the properties of an object to minimize a data necessities by giving a powerful reporting system about to change of a data in a particular way.
In dot net generall...
View Engine in ASP.NET MVC and Difference between Web form / ASPX and Razor View Engine in ASP.NET MVC?
View Engine
Rendering of the view into HTML form to the browser is done by view engine in ASP.NET MVC.
ASP.NET MVC supports various types of view engines but commonly used view engines are :-
Web form / ASPX view engin...
Filters in ASP.NET MVC
Filters are used where we want to execute code before Action Call and after Action call. Filters are custom classes that provide pre-action and post-action behaviour to controller actions.
Types of Filters:
Html submission by AllowHtml attribute in MVC4
Html submission by AllowHtml attribute in MVC4
ASP.NET MVC does not allow HTML submission by default due to Cross Site Scripting attack in application. AllowHtml Attribute can be used for submitting the form with HTML...
Html submission by ValidateInput attribute in MVC4
Html submission by ValidateInput attribute in MVC4
There are scenarios where the requirement is to send HTML values from view to controller. By default HTML submission is not allowed in ASP.NET MVC due to Cross Site Scripting attack&...
Transaction in SQL
A transaction is used to check whether all SQL statements get executed successfully or not. A Single transaction starts with a particular statement and ends after the completion of all the SQL statements executed successfully. If all SQL statemen...
Attribute Routing in ASP.NET MVC 5
Attribute Routing in ASP.NET MVC 5
Matching URI to an action in ASP.NET MVC is routing. ASP.NET MVC supports convention routing which is allowing the developer to specify formats which are then used to parse incoming URLs and th...
Angular JS Filters
Filters is used to format the value of given expression for display to user. Some filter are built in filters and we can also define our filters. Filters are added to expression by using | symbol followed by a filter.
AngularJS provide...
Anonymous Method in C#
Anonymous method is a method without any name and return type but have a body content and the optional arguments. This type of method is created by using the delegate keyword. Return type of the anonymous method is dependence on the return ...
Difference between Sliding and Absolute Expiration?
Sliding and Absolute Expiration
The performance of an application can be increased by reducing the round trips made by server to database. This performance enhancement can be achieved by using asp.net cache. For using asp.net cache, cache...
Themes in Angular Material
Theming allows you to change color of complete application from one place. In Angular Material , themes can be configured using $mdThemingProvider in application configuration.
Important terms used in Theming
Difference between Authentication and Session Timeout ?
Authentication and session are two different things. Authentication is a prove of genuineness on other hand whenever new user access a website a new session starts. The way they differ in their definition the same way they differ in their ti...