How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to Recover Deleted Photos from HUAWEI Phone?
I got an outsourcing project from a client, who asked me to build a data recovery app for HUAWEI based Android phone. I have never in this areas before. Anyone would shed some light on this or recommend some open source project i can learn f...
How to remove ListView Item dynamically using animation function in android?
In the below example I have created a ListView , when user touch ListView row item then that particular row item will be remove dynamically. Here, first I have added Listview in activity_main.xml layout. In next step I have created row.xml layout...
How to add swipe gestures in ListView item
In the below example , I have added swipe gestures on ListView. When you swipe particular ListItem in ListView then swipe gestures will perform. Here first I have added ListView in actvity_main.xml layout. In second step I have created...
How can use Bitmap in android
In the below exampl e I have added a image with the help of Bitmap. Bitmap is eventually created and displayed on the screen. By using simply bitmap a pixels of rectangle, each pixel can be set to a given color but exactly what co...
How to create muliple fragment image display in common Frame
In the below example I have created a multiple fragment images use in common Frame .
In first step, First I have created a fragment_common.xml layout , here I have added four ImageView. After then I have created four new xml layout -...
How to make ListView fragment in android
In the below example code I have created a ListView fragment app. In first step, first I have created list_fragment.xml layout here I have added a ListView and TextView. In Step second, I have added a fragment in actvity_main.xml layout and then ...
How to create Frame animation in android
In the below example code. I have created Frame animation in android. Here I have created a Textview in activity_main.xml layout. After then I have created a new framanim.xml layout in drawable folder, In framanim.xml layout I have added fo...
How to make CustomDialog Fragment in android
In the below example code I have created a CustomDialog Fragment. Here, first I have created custom_dialog.xml layout , On this xml layout I have added EditText and Button. In next step, in activity_main.xml layout I have added a Button and...
How to create fragment In android
In the below example I have created a simple fragment app code. Here, first I have created two new fragment xml layouts and neamed them fragmentone and fragmenttwo then in this I have added TextView and backgraund image. Now In activity_main.xml ...
How to create set wallpaper app in android
In the below example I have created set wallpaper app. Here I have added two button and ImageView in activity_main.xml layout. In MainActivity I have used setOnClickListener method , displayWallpaper() and Toast function, and I have also used Bit...
Android support Library 23.2 features
Here are some features of Android Support library 23.2
1. Support vector drawable (support-vector-drawable).
Help to replace multiple bitmap images to single vector graphic xml file. While vector drawable only support in lol...
Listview items sets to default after scrolling
I have list view which uses base adapter class for each item view, when I make changes in one item of list view and scroll the list view the changed item sets to default value, I need to retain my values even after scrolling.
How to make ServiceLifeCycle in android
In the below example code I have created android Service program. In activity_main.xml layout, first I have created a LinearLayout then in LinearLayout added two Button. Now See in coding part Here I have created a new MyService class and then My...
How to make Snackbar in android
In the below example function I have created Snackbar in android. When you click on button a message show at the bottom of the device(mobile) screen. Snackbars appear above all other elements on screen and only one can be displayed at a time and ...
How to make simulate animation in android
In the below example I have created simulate animation in android. Here I have added first TextView and ImageView in activity_main.xml layout ,In MainActivity I have used Runnable Thread. On this animation image will be rotate like watch. You can...
How to make Runnable Thread in android
In the below code I have created Runnable Thread program in android. Here first I have added TextView in activity_main.xml layout. In MainActivity I have used handler class then I have created a new Runnable interface , And I have also ...
How to make ListView animation in android
In the below example I have created ListView animation in android. Here, first I have created ListView and Button in activity_main.xml layout and also added animation layout with in ListView. Then in Second step I have created list_anim layout wi...
How to create Custom Notification in android
In the below example code I have created Custom Notification in android. Here first I have added ImageView and TextView in activity_main.xml layout. Then I have used NotificationManager class and NotificationService in MainActivity. You...
How to make Custom Switch in android
In the below example I have created Customizing Switch button. Here I have added a Switch in activity_main.xml layout. In second step I have created backgraund.xml layout in drawable folder, here I have design switch backgraund shape. In third st...
Implicit intent in android with example
Subclass : android.content.Intent class
Intent is basically a way of communication between the various components such as activities, broadcast receivers , etc.
We use it with startActivity() method to start a...
How to use Custom Exception in android
Custom Exception is user-defined exception. It is used to customize the exception according to the user requirement. Here In step one we have defined own exception . In step second Using the custome defined exception extends "Exception"...
How to use AsyncTask in android?
In the below example I have clearly described how to use AsyncTask.
First of all you should know what is AsyncTask ?
AsyncTask is an abstract class provided by android which helps us to use the UI thread properly. AsyncTask class...
CDD verification process?
I know that one has to pass CDD and CTS to get GMS license.
As for CTS, I have learned that the developer needs to get the log file after running CTS and submit the log file to google.
But what about CDD? As far as I know, CDD is just a lis...
Repeated Notification
How I can make automatically repeated notification on everyday on specific time. kindly help me
Object Security parse.com android
For an object, we can specify the access control of the object means which users are allowed to read the object and which users are allowed to write.
To do this, each object has an access control list. Parse provide ParseACL class to handle al...
How to fetch data in Spinner from api code
In the blelow code example I have clearly describe "how to fetch data from api server side"? for this first I have created activity_signup.xml layout here I have added TextView, ImageView, ScrollView, EditText, Spinner and Button. Now S...
How to create Custom Popup in android
In the below example code I have created a custom popup menu function. Here first I have added a Button in actvity_main.xml layout, Then in next step I have created a new popup.xml layout in menu folder, here I have added popup id and title, Now ...
PayPal - Error server - Double Payment
Good morning , someone managed to solve the problem of double payment in PayPal ? Thank you
How to make Expanding/Collapsing Toolbar
In the below example I have created Expanding toolbar in android. Here first I have created CoordinatorLayout in activity_main.xml layout then I have added RecyclerView, CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar with in CoordinatorLayout, In MainActivi...
How to make selected item spinner function in android.
In the below example I have created a Selected Item from spinner in android. Here I have added first aTextView and Spinner in activity_main.xml layout, after then you can see in MainActivity I have used String class and created a ArrayAdapter. I ...
How to make Custom ViewPager in android
In the below example I have created custom ViewPager in android. Here first I have added TextView and ViewPager in activity_main.xml and In MainActivity I have used MyPagerAdapter class and extends with the PagerAdapter class , In resource i have...
Flash in custom camera android
I am writing the code that we use to implement the flash in custom camera.
First, we need Camera.Parameters object that we get from Camersa's getParameters() method.
Then by using Camera.Parameters's setFlashMode() method we can spe...
How to make custom Spinner in android
In the below example I have created Custom View spinner. Here first I have created a row.xml layout , In row.xml I have added a TextView and Button. Then I have created drop.xml layout in this I have added two TextView with in LinearLayout, Then ...
Forgot Password through parse.com
To reset the password, Parse provide us RequestPasswordResetCallback to requesting a password to reset for an existing user.
I implement it using anonymous inner class. So then override the done() method where we can do whatever we want after ...
How to remove left margin of Android Toolbar?
The problem that I find when I used toolbar was the default left margin of the toolbar.
Basically its left inset, and it is caused by Toolbar's contentInsetStart.
left inset of the Toolbar is by default 16dp so we see such margin on the...
PayPal's library - onActivityResult -ANDROID
Hello, I am an Italian developer, I was trying to implement my PayPal's library within my e-commerce App.
I created two test accounts, and it seems to work, but there is a problem.
If during the phase of sending money, I deactivate the In...
How can use Encapsulation in android
Encapsulation is a process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit. Encapsulationis used to bind method and variables(data). Below is my sample code to demonstrate Encapsulation in java, in this first I have created food class and f...
How to make Tabs ViewPager with the using Fragments in android
In the below example I have created a Tabs ViewPager by using three fragments. Before creating layout firstly I have added design libraries in the dependencies section of build.gradle file. Then I have created three fragments layout, in this I ha...
How to communication between an Activity and Fragments in android
In the below example I have created a commuication between an activity and fragments classes. In the below example user enters name in SendFragment part and click submit button then in second fragment on displayFragment show user name input resul...
Change the color of Switch
In android, switch is the toggle widget that has two states to select two options.
User can simply click to toggle or drag back and forth to select the option.
Here, I am changing the ON color of the SwitchCompat. SwitchCompat is the versio...
How to limit DEX memory usage
Sometimes we are getting errors of shortage of memory at the compile time.
We get such type of error:
Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-2" Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-3"
Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-4" java.lang.OutOfMemo...
How to create Fragment Communication in android
In the below example I am describing "how to communicate fragments"?, fragment is a part of Activity in android. In one Activity we can use multiple fragment easily and each fragment have it's own functinality. Without activity we c...
How to create draggable image in android
In the below example I have created draggable panel function. This will works like a notification bar up and down. Here first I have added slidinguppanel support library in build.gradle file. Then in next step i have added SlidingUpPanelLayout, B...
How to remove CardView item in the RecyclerView list
In the below example I have created a RecyclerView, In RecyclerView I have added CardView item. When you click on FloatingActionButton a dialog box will open on screen where user will fill name, address and gender and then finally click on ok but...
How to design chat app in android
In the below example I have created a simple chat app . Here first I have added ListView , TextView , EditText and Button in activity_main.xml layout. After then I have created two new layout left.xml and right.xml , In both layout I have a...
How to Create stylish (animation) login page
In the below Example, I have created a stylish login page. Here I have design first login activity_main.xml layout here I have added FrameLayout, LinearLayout, TextView, EditText and Button. Now In MainActivity I have used ViewCompat.animat...
How to Add Popup function in CardView
In the below example I have Created a Popup function, so when we will click on CardView it shows Popup on our screen and when we will click outside popup then automatically popup window will close.
For this First I have added I have added...
Overwrite Existing SQLite DB with new
Hi friends
Please help me, how can we overwrite or replace existing SQLite DB in android automatically, I tried with change dbversion but still not getting new DB. how can overcome this. please help me.
How to create notification in android.
1) To create notification UI content and action we make use of NotificationCompat.Builder object and Builder object must include the following:-
Small icon that would be shown when your notification will arrive at your device and it i...
How to Add Dialog box in RecyclerView
In The below example I have created a recyclerview app, in this app I have used CardView. First I have added I have added first RecyclerView , CardView and design support library in build.gradle file .Now I have created RecyclerView a...