How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
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Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
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Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
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How to draw different shapes with canvas?
Hello readers, today we will discuss canvas element for drawing different shapes like triangle and square. Canvas element of HTML is used to draw graphics on the web page. In my example, I am using this element to draw a triangle and square...
Chapter 4: HTML5 Canvas
Hello Readers,
To learn canvas you have basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript.
The HTML5 <canvas> tag gives you way to draw graphics via scripting (JavaScript). You can use it for photo compositions, graph and animation. Al...
Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas
Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to save your drawing as an image using HTML5 canvas. Before starting, let us understand what is canvas. Canvas is used to draw graphics using...
Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas
Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to draw an image using HTML5 Canvas. Before moving ahead, first of all let us understand the basic of canvas. The HTML5 canvas is used to draw graphics ...
A Concentric Circle Clock Using JavaScript and Canvas
Hello readers, today in my blog I will discuss about canvas . Using canvas I have created a Concentric circle clock.
The HTML <canvas> element is used to draw graphics on a web page using JavaScript.
It basically u...
Taking Screenshots
Hello everyone!!
Today, we will learn how to take screenshots in HTML 5. HTML 5 provide a method called ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0), by the help of this method we can take screenshots of the video and save it. In ...
Difference between SVG and Canvas
An XML-based image format is the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) that is used to define 2D vector based graphics for the Web. We can scale up or down a vector image to any extent without losing the image quality.
SVG is Object Model-b...
Difference between Graphics tags Canvas and svg tags
HTML5 has tags for graphics like:
1. Canvas
2. SVG
There are certain differences between the two:
1. SVG is resolution independent while canvas is resolution dependent.
2. SVG supports event handlers while canvas doesnot support event hand...
How to get images on Canvas from device
Step 1:- Create a custom CanvasView class that must extend View class and includes below function.
1) Declare the required variables in CanvasView class
private Drawable mImage;
// width and height of original image
Rendering Modes of Canvas
Canvas is a game object where all the UI elements are children of it. It has a canvas component attached to it. All UI elements can only be visible inside a canvas. If you directly create an Image then Canvas will be created automatically w...
Introduction to JCanvas
JCanvas: As we know that canvas is used to draw graphics with the help of javascript. In this there are certain properties to draw a line, circle, box, etc but canvas does not support event handlers.
JCanvas is a javascript library which is...
Differentiate between SVG and Canvas
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics it is an XML based image format which is basically used to define 2D vector graphics for the web. A vector image can be resized to any extent without destroying the image quality.
SVG images are repres...
How to make Draw on a Canvas in Android.
How to make Draw on a Canvas in Android.
If you want to create Draw on a Canvas function check below example. In the below example I have created a Suraface class. Canvas works like as an interface. I have also used onDraw() method for drawing e...
HTML5 Canvas Game
Canvas can be used to draw graphs, shapes, images, and to make animations.
Here is the example below for making the game in canvas
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
Canvas Shapes HTML5
1- Custom shape in Canvas
If you need to create a custom shape with HTML5 Canvas, first you have to create a path and then close it using the closePath() method. Use the lineTo(), arcTo(), quadraticCurveTo(), or bezierCurveTo() methods to con...
Draw shapes using canvas in Android
We can create custom view by extending View class. The most important part of custom view is its appearance. We can give any shape to a custom view by overriding onDraw(Canvas canvas) method. Canvas class provide us many method which help us to d...