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Selenium WebDriver Browser (Get) Commands:-
Selenium Webdriver is a automation testing tool which is used for testing the web applications. Opening and closing a browser is the very first test step in Selenium which a tester would like to do. The 'Commands' refers to what Selenium has to d...
How to handle or remove warning of security in chrome through Selenium WebDriver?
Below is the error while run in chrome.
Use this code, it will always work
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", YourChromePath);
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.chrome();
ChromeOptions op...
Actions Class[Mouse Actions]
Actions Class[Mouse Actions]
In order to perform exact mouse related operations such as moving a mouse on the menu so that sub menus are displayed or dragging and dropping an element etc, we use Actions Class.
Moving A Mouse Pointer
In o...
Handling Pop-ups in Web Driver
Handling Pop-ups in Web Driver
In the web application there will be different types of pop-ups such as:
Alerts pop-up.
Confirmation pop-up.
Hidden division pop-up.
Page on-load pop-up.
File download pop-up.
Child browser pop-up.
WebDriver Synchronization
WebDriver Synchronization
The process of matching speed of automation with the speed of application is called as Synchronization.
In Web Driver we can Synchronize in different ways, one way of synchronizing the Web Driver is by using sleep...
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Web Driver
Web Driver is just a JAR file which contains collection of interface and class.
Web Driver is a web based automation testing tool which uses core Java API to drive the test on the browser. Technically Web Driver is an in...
Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE
It is a web based automation testing tool which uses selenese command to generate test scripts, it is a UI based Record/Playback tool which works only in open browser.
Selenium IDE is implemented as a Firefox plugin i.e, we ca...
Tools For Performance Testing
Hello Readers! In this Blog we will gain knowledge about the Good performance testing Tolls available in the Market, Performance testing tolls can be divided into two category :
1> Functional Performance tolls
2> load tools
Where functio...
ANT Build File Example
Hello Readers..
In this blog I am giving an example that how can we create an build.xml file for performing clean,compile and run by using ANT.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="AntProject" basedir="." default...
Performance Testing
Performance Testing
Testing the behavior of an application by applying load is known as performance testing. In Performance testing we check for certain factors like:
1.Response Time - The time taken by the server to process the client'...
Method definition not displayed on mouse hover in eclipse.
Sometimes the method definition is not displayed hovering over the method name.
On hovering the desired method, following message is displayed:
"Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be...
How do you enforce or maintain the quality of the bug reports in your bug tracker?
If defect report is productive then there are higher chances that it will get fixed as soon as possible. So it depends on how energetically you report the bug. Reporting a bug is nothing but an art or skill. In this topic will discuss "How to mai...
Selenium Webdriver Syntax for Selecting a Value using selectByVisibleText method
Method Name: selectByVisibleText
Syntax: select.selectByVisibleText(Text);
Purpose: To Select the options based on text, matching with the argument given by user., it will try to match the VisibleText which will display in dropdown.
The bel...
Locators in Selenium WebDriver
Locators in Selenium Webdriver:
In Selenium WebDriver, everything is related to web elements. All the objects in a web page is called web elements like input box, buttons, etc. To do any action with these web elements, we need to first locate ...
Selenium Web-driver Syntax for Selecting a Value using selectByValue method
Method Name: selectByValue
Syntax: select.selectByValue(Value);
Purpose: To Select the options based on value, matching with the argument given by user.
The below is the sample html code Example:
HTML Code:
<title>Select Example b...
How to Connect the Android Mobile Device to JMETER?
Pre Conditions:
1. Install the Jmeter in system
2. Mobile & installed Jmeter system should be in same network
Follow the Steps to Connect the Android Mobile to Jmeter:
Step 1: Open the JMETER in system
Step 2: ...
Start Appium server from the code
When we are automating the mobile application and set cron jobs at different time intervals then we do not start and stop the appium server manually. We should have some code that will run before our testcases ie they should be executed in the be...
What is Appium?
Now a days, the trend of browsing has changed a lot. Earlier, we use to sit on the system and perform various activities but now in this modern era the trend has been changed and we use to do all the internet related activities on our mobile devi...
Could not find resource-id field in UI Automator viewer
There are many options to locate the element but the easiest way to locate an element is by its id. In webpages we can easily locate the element by its id but on mobile its very tricky to locate the element by id.
I am automating an Android app...
Broken Links in Websites
Broken Links:
Links for which pages are not found or there is a change in main URL that's why it is showing broken.
Dead hyperlinks on websites are not just infuriating , but there presence may do some serious vandalization to your online bus...
An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters
I tried to run the below code
public class TestSelendroidApp {
public static AndroidDriver driver;
public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {
File app = new File("E:\software\sel...
Auto completion not working in eclipse
Eclipse has a behavior to suggest the list of methods that can be used with the class name or the instance variable of any class. This behavior works fine for few of the Java classes but for some other classes like DesiredCapabilities,etc., eclip...
Original error: Could not find a connected Android device.
I tried to run the below piece code and getting the error Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created.
public class TestCaller {
public static AppiumDriver driver;
org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. (Original error: Screen did not u...
I tried to run the below piece code and getting the error Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created.
public class TestCaller {
public static AppiumDriver driver;
Cannot instantiate the type AppiumDriver issue
I was trying to open the contacts list of my mobile through the code given below but the piece of code is showing me error when trying to instantiate the Appium driver.
public class TestContactsNativeApp {
public static AppiumDriver driver;...
Unable to select file from Appium android setting modal
In Appium Android setting modal, on clicking the choose button, the modal gets closed and user is not able to select the desired file from his machine.
The reason for the above issue that Appium is not able to find some registry files require...
TestNG Annotations
TestNG is a testing framework and there are many annotations supported by testNG
@BeforeSuite: The annotated method will be executed before all tests in the suite.
@AfterSuite: The annotated method will be executed after all tests in this s...
Difference between assert and verify?
In Assertion if the verification fails in any of the testcase then the further execution of same testcase will not take place and the error will be logged but then the next testcase will be executed.
For eg: If we are on the login...
How to set the priority of testcases in testng.xml file?
We use @Test method to make a class as a part of our testcase.
We can set priority by using "priority=" with @Test annotation in testng.xml file.
Priority 0 testcase will be executed first and the...
How to configure testNG in Eclipse?
Follow the following steps to configure testNG in eclipse:
Open Eclipse
Goto Help >> Install new Software
Enter URL http://beust.com/eclipse/ in "Work with" textbox and press enter.
Select testNG and press next button.
Now restart ...
How to configure maven in Eclipse?
Maven can be configured in two ways in eclipse.
Ist method:
Open Eclipse
Goto Help >> Install New Software.
Enter the URL "http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases "in Work" with field and press enter button.
Select m...
How to automate file download functionality through selenium webdriver?
File download functionality can be automated by setting the browser's preferences. We set the directory in which the file will be downloaded.
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
profile.setPreference("browser.download.dir", "E:\\A...
How to handle drag and drop functionality through selenium webdriver ?
We use "Actions" class to handle drag and drop functionality.
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS...
How to get the font size of any text on webpage?
We use .getCssValue(attribute) method to get the properties of any webelement.
We can pass the following attributes:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Automation Testing Using TestNG
TestNG is a testing framework. It is powerful and easier to use to test the appliication we can automatically test the Application and generate the necessary documentation. The TestNG can have more functionality as comparing to JUnit and NUnit. T...
Selenium Webdriver Syntax for Selecting a Value using selectByIndex method
Method Name: selectByIndex
Syntax: select.selectByIndex(Index);
**Purpose: To Select the option based on the index given by the user.
There is an index for each attribute called "values"
The below is the sample html code using index
How to Print Drop down value on Console
This Video tutorial will help to print Drop down value on Console.
If you are stuck and looking solution for this, watch the full video.
Drag and Drop through Web Driver
here is the method for doing drag and drop operation on mozilla
Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
Go to the URL
Create an Action object for Driver
Fetch and create WebElement object for the SOURCE element.
Fetch and create WebElem...
Common Commands used in Selenium IDE
Here are some common commands used in selenium IDE
open - it is used to open a page using url.
waitForElementPresent - pause until the specified element present.
verifyTitle/assertTitle- compare the actual title of the page with expected ...
Advantage of Automation testing over Manual testing
Automation testing over Manual testing
1. We do automation testing when the nature of testing is repetitive or when project is large.Testing a part of application again and again lead to frustration. Doing manual testing in this kind of repeti...
Selenium components suitable for your projects need
this tutorial will guide you to understand which component is best suitable for our projects need.
Selenium IDE - when you don't have any programming knowledge and you want simple test cases and test suits to be imported in Selenium RC or gri...
Components of Selenium
Here is the story of all four components of Selenium
Story of Selenium RC It is the most powerful framework of whole Selenium project, like every software in early phase there were some issues like origin policy with java script program, i...
Introduction to Selenium
The biggest advantage of Selenium is that its an open source automation tool same as HP's quick test pro, it is created by Jason Huggins in 2004, who was an engineer at thought works, he was working on an app that required frequent testing, then...
How to Run Selenium Webdriver Test In Google Chrome
Selenium Webdriver support Google Chrome browser. For this first of all, download ChromeDriver server for webdriver. You can download zip file directly from the link below
Then extract z...
Gmail Sign-in through Selenium Webdriver
Hello all, this is script for Gmail Sign-in through Selenium Webdriver by using xpath as a locator. I have use xpath in locating HTML elements. Xpath can be easily generate from Firebug.
public class loginuser {
public static void main(St...
QTP (Quick Test Professional) and its uses
Introduction to QTP(Quick Test Professional)
QTP stands for Quick Test Professional and is a product of Hewlett Packard (HP). QTP was owned by Mercury Interactive and later it was acquired by HP. Its original name was Astra Quick Test and lat...
Hurdles and Drawbacks in Automation Testing
Automation Testing is good for Regression Testing because after every sprint, testers have to test the whole application.
Automation testing although reduces the tester effort a much but still it has few hurdles and drawbacks.
Few of them are ...
Languages You need To know to learn Selenium
Selenium is a free open source automation testing tool Which is used for the automation testing also it is used for web based application. We can use Selenium in different types of browsers and platforms for testing.
Selenium is very strong, ...
Automated Open Source testing tools Comparison
Selenium- Selenium is a testing framework for web applications. Selenium is a suit of tools for web browser automation and it is composed of:-
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium Webdriver
Selenium Grid
It provides a test domain-speci...
Best QA Training Institutes in India
There are number of institutes which provides QA training in India.Some of The best QA training institute in India are listed below :
QSpiders :
Software industry keeps on doing changes day by day and improving, so do technology updates, Qspi...