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Instagram Automation Tools VS Organic Growth on Instagram
Instagram is the newest way to show the world what you do and whats unique about you. However, due to the saturation of accounts, it is hard to be noticed and receive the attention you deserve. Fortunately there are also tools that can ease ...
How Enterprise IoT Can Make Your Smart Home Smarter
Generally speaking, the goal and purpose of technology is to solve problems and make life easier. This rule applies to business enterprises and commerce, as well as, for the average person. The world has become more connected than ever before, as...
Exploratory Automation Testing: To Use or Not to Use - An In-depth Analysis
Agile development has evolved quickly over the last 20 years, providing a fundamental shift in how products can be delivered to users. It is based on the concepts of collaboration, flexibility, and transparency for the entire develo...
Accessing a Table from Xpath Locators or Making a Xpath Locators from a HTML code
For reading a table first we need to access elements within HTML tables. However, a web designer provides sometimes an Id or name attribute to a cell in the table. So we can't use the methods such as by.id,by.name or by.cssSelector(). So in t...
Access all links simultaneously and checks whether links are working or not present within the Web page
Dear user,
In the last blog, I wrote about how to access links using exact match and partial match in a web page through selenium web driver.
Now in this blog, I will guide you about how to access all links present with-in the page are work...
How to access Links and tables using partial match in selenium web driver
Dear user,
In the last blog, I had explained, how we can access link using exact match, and now in this blog, I will guide you about how to access link using partial match in selenium web driver.
Partial Match:
We access links ...
How to access Links and tables in selenium web driver
Dear User,
In the last blogs I had explained about Regular expressions, now In this blog, I will explain you about how we can access links and tables using selenium web driver.
We can access links an exact match or partial according to test...
Selenium Webdriver: Refresh the browser
Sometimes you need to refresh the current page of the web application. In Selenium Webdriver you can perform this operation by multiple ways.
There are following ways to refresh or reload the browser or the application.
1. Using...
Selenium Webdriver - to handle file downloading
Sometimes you have to download file by clicking on link and button on your application.In webdriver you can not handle window dialogue box for this you have to do some browser setting.
Webdriver provides FirefoxProfile inbuilt cla...
Scrolling webpage with Selenium Webdriver
Sometimes we face the problem of scrolling an element as per user view.
JavaScript Executor is used in java code to scroll the page.
There are some scenarios for which we have to perform scroll action:
Sometimes we require to scroll t...
How to Right Click and Choose an Option Using Selenium WebDriver
Here, we discuss that how to right click on a link or button and choose any option from the list using Selenium WebDriver. In this, Actions Class helps to right click on any element.
Also, we need to import:
'import ...
Selenium Webdriver methods
To perform operation on web browser and with web element (Ex: URL, Title, buttons, links,check box, edit boxes, radio buttons etc) Webdriver provides many methods(Ex: URL, Title, buttons, links,check box, edit boxes, radio buttons etc).
Selenium WebDriver - Double Click On Button Using Actions Class
Here, we discuss that how to double click on a button in Selenium WebDriver. In this, Actions Class helps to double click on any element or button.
Also, we need to import:
'import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Ac...
Selenium Webdriver - Set browser width and height
Here, we discuss that how to resize the browser's width and height in Selenium WebDriver. It allows to resize and also maximize the window from its API. In this, Dimension Class helps to resize and declare the object by initializing the width...
Handling IFrame in Selenium Webdriver
Its a Html document which is embedded in another HTML document or web page inside other webpage on a website.
>> It is used to insert the content into the webpage from different source such as advertisement.
>> IFrame ...
Handling Cookies in Selenium WebDriver
User can handle the cookies in Selenium WebDriver. Here, we discuss this in detail:
1. Add Cookie: User can add a specific cookie. Also, if the cookie's domain name left blank then it will be assumed that cookie is mean...
Capture Screenshot in Selenium Webdriver
Here, we discuss that how to capture a screenshot in Selenium WebDriver.
Scenario to be automated:
Launch the web browser
Open your application
Take a screenshot
Save the screenshot in a location
Mouse hover action selenium webdriver
To perform mouse hover function over a main menu which has sub elements, for this we have to chain all the actions that we want to achieve in one go.
In order to perform it, first move on to the main menu element which has sub e...
Selenium WebDriver : Verify Visibility of Web Elements
WebDriver provides some methods through which user can verify the visibility of the web elements. These web elements can be buttons, drop boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, labels etc.
Handling Multiple windows in Selenium
Handling the multiple windows or window based alert pop ups is beyond web driver capabilities. To handle this we need some third party utilities(alerts API).
Web driver interface provides two methods to handle this:
To acc...
Handling Popups or Alerts In Selenium Webdriver
Alerts are notification message box, which appeared on screen display. Alerts give some information or ask for permission to perform certain action or job.
To automate the alert popups has always been a challenging or tricky task for automatio...
Selenium WebDriver Waits
Different types of Selenium WebDriver Waits:
Waits helps the user to solve the issues which comes while redirecting to different web pages, by refreshing the web page and reloading the new web elements. At times there can be Ajax cal...
Difference between Selenium IDE, Selenium RC and WebDriver
Here, we discuss the difference between Selenium IDE, Selenium RC and WebDriver:
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Browser Compatibility
It works as a Firefox plugin, s...
Selenium WebDriver Handling Drag and Drop functionality
In this blog, we discuss about handling the drag and drop functionality in Selenium WebDriver.
Scenario to be automated:
Launch the web browser
Open your application (eg. "http://only-testing-blog.blogspot.in/201...
Selenium WebDriver Count Total number of Web Link and All Element on Webpage
Count Total number of Web Links and All Elements on Webpage:
In this blog, we discuss about how to get the total number of web links and all elements on webpage.
Steps to be automated:
Launch the web brow...
Handling Dropdown Elements in Selenium Webdriver
In this blog, we discuss about handling the drop down elements in Selenium WebDriver.
Scenario to be automated:
Launch the web browser
Open your application (eg. "http://www.findnerd.com")
Click on 'Nerd Diges...
Capybara method equivalent to findElements()
In a web-application, we may interact with every element having some unique xpath or css. The elements were easily located with its attributes but the problem arises when each element in a list have same attributes.
Lets suppose we h...
Cucumber - Reuse the value of any variable
We have a scenario in which first we have to fill the form and then assert the values filled in the form. This can be achieved by two ways:
Call assertion step form submission step but both the steps should be under the same step def...
Compare content of two arrays
Many times we face a situation where we have to assert the content of two tables in a web-page. The best solution of this problem is that we first put the content of both the tables in an array and then compare the content of these two arrays.
Capybara get css attributes value
While testing an application many times we get some testcases where we have to check the value of CSS attributes. Suppose we have the following cucumber step:
Then(/^The month section should have a grey background$/) do
Key Differences Between MailChimp and Agile CRM
It’s tough to draw a comparison between a wheel and a spoke. The latter may be a key factor that keeps the wheel running but if you lost out one, the wheel still moves. A seemingly confusing analogy can be drawn to today&rsquo...
Capybara get element attribute value
Many times we have to test the value of any attribute. With the help of find method, we can only locate the element but cannot get the value of all attributes of that element. So, to get the value of any attribute we have to give the name of that...
Capybara Test if string is a number
Many times we have a situation when we have to test the value of a web-element is a number or not. If the web-element stores the value in integer format then we can easily check that whether the desired element is number or not but suppose i...
Capybara Scoping
There are many times when we want to restrict our search to a particular section and not on the whole page. This will basically decrease the search time and will also help in uniquely identifying the desired element. Capybara provides within meth...
Capybara Matchers
There are many times when more than one result matches with the actual result. So, we get the ambiguous match. Capybara provides some options to handle this situation.
Suppose we have to perform some assertion on date field then in t...
jQuery selectors
JQuery selector is a function which is used to locate elements in a web page. JQuery selector uses expressions to locate the web elements. Expression to find a particular element is written inside "$()". Mainly jQuery selector uses an...
Capybara Finders
Finders should be very powerful to locate elements on the webpage. Capybara provides a wide range of finders to locate the elements:
Let's suppose we have the ...
CSS Selector
Css Selector: To automate the application we first need to locate the web elements. CSS selector is used to locate the web elements. Web elements can be located on the basis of class, id, attributes, name.
1. Locating elements using class: To ...
Handling dropdown in Capybara
Handling dropdown is very easy in Capybara. Here we do not have to create the object of Select class and the select option through Select class object. We directly have to pass the option value which is to be selected to the desired location.
Clicking on links or buttons using Capybara
Capybara provides some methods to navigate the application through links or buttons:
Capybara do not uses the fixed strategy to locate elements. It uses its own “best ...
Backreferences and Boundary Matchers Of Regular Expression
A backslash (\) followed by a digit indicates that the defined groups to be recalled is known as backreferences. For example the defined capturing group (\D\D) matching two consecutive non-digits which can be recalled with added ‘\1’ ...
Operations of character classes and use with quantifier
Dear readers in previous blog I have explained about the character classes(basic definition). Now in this tutorial I am going to explain all of you about operations of character classes with Unions, Intersections, Subtractions and how we can use ...
Xpath Functions
Xpath functions: Sometimes we need to create generic xpath to locate a web element. We can create generic xpath using the xpath functions. Some of the commonly used xpath functions are as follows:
1. contains()
2. starts-with()
3. last()
Metacharacters Of Regular Expression
Regular expression also supports a number of special characters that may be affect the way for matching a pattern.
For example: Enter the regex: sri.....
Parse big data in Cucumber using Doc Strings
There are many times when we have to handle a some large data(multiline text) in our Feature file. If we pass the data in data table then every line inside the data table will be considered as new argument. So, data table will not fulfill our req...
Capybara Optional capture Group and Optional noncapture Group
There are many times in our Feature file when there is a situation where we have to test the positive as well as the negative scenario. The steps are almost same with a little change. Let’s suppose the following scenarios:
Difference between Capybara find() and fill_in() methods
Selenium is an open-source browser automation tool. So, while automating any functionality first we have to locate the element. Capybara provides two methods to locate elements:
Let suppose we have an...
Quantifiers Of Regular Expression
The quantifiers describes the number of event of a character to match against. For ease of use we divide three types of quantifier:
1. Greedy quantifier:
With the help of g...
Xpath Nodes
Xpath Nodes:
We will use following XML to cover Xpath nodes:
<title> Harry Potter </title>
<Director> Mr. X </Director>
<Producer> $500 </Producer>
Mobile Application Testing Tool
Tester can test mobile application with manual methods or with automated scripts.
Please find the following automate testing tool below:
1.Appium :- It's an open-source testing tool for mobile and web application as well. Appi...