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Types of Regression Testing
Regression Testing
Re-executing the old test cases across multiple releases or built to make sure that changes or bug fixes has not affected the existing functionalities is known as regression testing.
Whenever some code changes or bug fixe...
Why the Name Selenium?
Primarily, Selenium was created by Jason Huggins in 2004. An engineer at ThoughtWorks, he was working on a web application that required frequent testing.It came from a joke which Jason cracked one time to his team at that point of time another a...
Synchronization in QTP
When you run a script in QTP , then it may be possible that application may not respond with the same speed of script. Synchronization is the process of adjusting the time gap between script speed and application speed .
Method that can be imple...
The Term CAST Computer aided software testing refers to Techniques and tools are user used for testing software applications. CAST use the combination of Software and hardware based tools and techniques to perform the process of testing.
How to Automate a Slider in Selenium?
Selenium is a very powerful, flexible open source automation testing tool for web applications. With the help of selenium we can automate Sliders. Sliders helps the user to select a value by dragging and dropping a handle.
The f...
How to automate a Flash Player in Selenium
The following should be used to automate a flash player:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
FlashWebDriver flashObj = new FlashWebDriver(driver,"movie_player");
How to automate Drag and Drop functionality in Selenium webdriver
The following code should be used:
WebElement draggable = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//Give the xpath"));
WebElement droppable = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//Give the xpath"));
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
Benefits of Automated Testing
Automation tool runs tests significantly faster than human resources.
Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are run, thereby eliminating human error.
We can program sophisticated test...
How to capture screenshot in selenium .
User can use the following code to capture screen shot using selenium Webdriver .
File Scrfile = Driver.GetScreenShot As(OutputType.File);
FileUtils.CopyFile(Scrfile,new File(c:\\capturescreenshot.jpg));
How to delete IE cookies in QTP.
Web application use cookies to store user related information . While testing web application
It is a best practice to delete cookies before starting a new test.
IE cookies can be deleted using WebUtil object which come along with QTP. We need...
How to count the total number of buttons in a page using QTP .
A HTML button is identified as a WebButton object by QTP. Below is the script which you
Can run in QTP to find the total number of Buttons in the HTML page .
First Create a Button object
Set objButton = Description.create
ReadyState property in QTP
The readyState property in QTP returns the loading status of the current browser . This property
Will be of immense help if the AUT under test has a lot of sync issues while running the script .
This property returns one of four values :
How to get the text of a checkbox using QTP .
In the below code you can automate the web page using QTP and can find the text with the checkbox adjacent to it .
Create a description property with micclass for web checkbox.
Set oDesc = Description.create()
Set oDesc = Description.creat...
How to handle alert popup in Selenium
Alerts are handled in selenium through the method of alert class.
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
How to handle multiple windows in selenium
Most of the time when on any action, a new window is opened then the control remains on the first window but the element is on the second window, so we receives an error message that "element not found". In this case we have to move the control e...
How to maximize window in selenium
Selenium whenever launches a browser, it is not in maximize form. To maximize the window use the following code:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
How to select values from dropdown in Selenium
Value can be selected from the drop down, using the "Select" class:
Select sel = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("xpath_of_dropdown")));
Select sel = new Select(driver.findElemen...
Factors To Consider For Automation Project
We should consider the following factors before starting the Automation Project:
1.Stability of the application under test
If the application is not stable , it may lead to failure of many scripts during execution even though if the scripts...
JMeter Parameterization by using CSV Data set Config
Parametrization can be implemented in different ways using the following elements:
a)Using CSV Data Set Configuration:
Steps: Thread Group > ADD > Config Elements > CSV data set Config
b.)Using User Parameters:
Steps: Thread Group &...
Keyword test in Test Complete
TestComplete - Keyword Test
TestComplete is an automation testing and quality assurance tool. It supports keyword-driven testing which allows the user to create, modify and record the tests.
How to create a new Keyword test:
Every projec...
How to install JMeter
Steps to install the latest version of JMeter:
1 Enter the URL http://jakarta.apache.org/site/downloads/downloads_jmeter.cgi
2 Click on the zip file of Binary version
3 Save the file to the required location
4 Unzip the file
5 ...