How to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Requests) in ASP.NET Web API
There are certain steps that need to be followed f
by gaurav.gautam -
Why does my CHM have a blank content pane?
Hello Readers, Many times I have heard that, many
by Chetan.Sharda -
How to connect to icloud calendar?
Hello coder's world, To connect to icloud calen
by govind.chauhan -
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App This Blo
by shubham.mamgain -
REST attributes of WCF Service
Objective: In this article we will explain what a
by govind.chauhan
Sorting list with IComparable interface
IComparable interface is used for sorting of list of objects. It can be similar to Array.Sort() method but the difference is that it provides customization on sorting of objects.
We can sort a list of string or integer by simply calling List.S...
Conversion Operators in Linq
Conversion Operators are helpful in transforming the type of the item in a collection.
In linq, We have a three types of conversion operators:-
1. As operators(AsEnumerable and AsQueryable)
2. To operators(ToArray, ToDictionary, ToList a...
Linq Aggregation Operator: Max
Max aggregate operator is used to find the largest item from a collection.
In the below example we created a complex type collection for an Employee. This Employee collection contains EmpId, EmpName and Age. We need to find a maxi...
Generation Operators in LINQ
In this blog we illustrate the generation operators in linq.
We have a three Generation Operators :
1. Empty
2. Range
3. Repeat
1. Empty:-
Empty operator is used to return an empty sequence of the type that is specified . It is a ...
Quantifier Operators in Linq
The quantifier operators analyse a collection of items on some condition and return a boolean value if any or all the items in collection satisfy a condition.
In linq, We have three types of Quantifier Operators:-
1. All...
Grouping Operators in Linq
Grouping operators generates a categories or groups of an item on the basis of given key. These type of operators implements IEnumerable collection of type IGrouping<Key, SourceItem> where Key is a key value, on the basis of which grouping ...
Difference between Var and Dynamic type in C#
Difference between Var and Dynamic type in C#
Var Type
C# 3.0 introduced var type.
With respect to storage it can store any type of value with the condition that var type variables need to be in...
async & await keyword in C#
async & await keyword in C#
Asynchronous programming can be performed in C# using async & await keyword. These keywords were introduced in C# 5. These keywords are to be used together i.e await keyword can only be used within...
Types of triggers in SQL
In this blog we illustrate the types of a triggers in SQL.
Triggers are those which executes automatically when some event arise with their related tables in database.
Triggers are divided into two types:
1. After Triggers (For...
Token Based Authentication using Postman as Client and Web API 2 as Server
When we are going to develop a web application which contains restricted resources then we have major issue related to authentication and authorization for accessing those restricted resources. We all know the concept of cookie based authen...
Deadlock in C# Threading
A deadlock is state in which an application locks up because of the multiple processes are waiting for each other to finish. Basically, this situation takes place in multithreading software in which a shared resource is used by first thread and s...
Tuple in c#
Tuple is new feature added in C# 4.0 with dynamic programming. Tuple allow us to group a heterogeneous elements together. Tuple is new for the C# developers as it is already present in other languages like Python and F#.
Generally, I...
HashSet<> in C#
In c#, HashSet is a disjoint group of an unique elements. We can a apply a multiple operation on HashSet such as Add, Remove, Contains etc. HashSet is also allow to apply a standard set of operations such as union, intersection, and symmetr...
Solution for Race Conditions in Threading C#
In c# we have a multiple ways to avoid a race condition determined by the type of an application we are used. Generally we use a following two common methods that works in any condition:
1. Wait Handles
2. Signaling
Let's tak...
Race Conditions in Threading C#
Race condition is arise when multiple threads are accessing the shared data and they try to modify this shared data at the same time. The reason for arising a race condition is that we are unable to know the order of accessing a shared data among...
Semaphore - Thread Synchronization
Thread synchronization is used to verify that no two or more synchronous processes or threads simultaneously executes some particular program block. When one thread executes in the critical section then it does not allow the another thread ...
Dependency Property
A Dependency property is a property which allow the analytical code to modify the properties of an object to minimize a data necessities by giving a powerful reporting system about to change of a data in a particular way.
In dot net generall...
Anonymous Method in C#
Anonymous method is a method without any name and return type but have a body content and the optional arguments. This type of method is created by using the delegate keyword. Return type of the anonymous method is dependence on the return ...
Jagged array in c#
Jagged array is an array of array it means jagged array is a collection of homogeneous arrays. An arrays inside the jagged array are of different length. As the jagged array contains the arrays therefore its collection of homogeneous reference ty...
Late Binding Using Reflections
In this blog we illustrate how to get the late binding using reflections for this firstly we need to understand "what is reflection" and "what is late binding".
What is reflection?
Reflection is basically read the asse...
Pool object in Dot net
Object pool is a box of objects that contains a list of other objects that are ready to be used.
When the new object request comes then pool object will receive that request and allocate an object from the pool.
How pool object work...
Difference Between Out and ref Keywords in C#
1. Ref keyword is required to initialize a passing parameter first then passed it to ref.
1. Out keyword doesn't required to initialize a passing parameter before it is passed it to o...
HttpClient Class
HttpClient class is used to send the http request and receive http response by URL.
It is defined inside the System.Net.Http namespace.
HttpClient is instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application.
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime
Many a times we encounter this issue where passing the correct date also ends up on this error, which makes it a bit complex and mind boggling.The main reason behind the error is the string passed as a date is not in the format the system ...
Extension methods in c#
Extension methods are the static methods which are defined under the static classes. Since these methods are defined in static class then they are called without creating an instance of a class. Extension methods supports a reusability as they en...
Throw Exception from Expression in C# 7.0
Throw Exception from Expression
When we use throw exception inside expression we got compile time error
In C# 7.0 you can directly throw exception from your expression directly. see below code
public string getE...
Strong Named assembly
Strong names are used by the assemblies for their unique names. It is used when we want to deploy the assembly in Global Assembly Cache then strong name helps Global Assembly Cache to differentiate two versions. Strong name is basically a unique ...
How to bind a dynamic dropdown list
In this blog we illustrate how to bind a dynamic dropdown list when dropdown list is coming from a databse in MVC
See the below Example code:
We bind a dropdownList for a States where the list of states is coming from a database.
Date Range Selection in datepicker
Many times we need to select from date which should not be the greater than current date and to date must not be less than from particular date. In this blog illustrate how we can select the date range in datapicker.
We can achieve this with the...
Delegates-What are they and What do they do?
In .Net we often listen to the word “Delegate” and whenever asked about the same in interviews or somewhere else, there is a short and sweet answer-“The delegate is a pointer to a method.”
The answer is simple, concise ...
Create a dynamic table when data is coming from database in MVC
In this blog, we illustrate how to create a dynamic table when data is coming from a database in MVC and display it.
In the below example we use a dummy data and jquery to populate the HTML table.
In controller, we have an action method calle...
CONVERT() function in SQL Server
CONVERT() function is basically used to converts an expression of one data type to another data type. This function display date/time data in different formats.
How to set the zooming slider in windows 8.1 phone app
In this blog we illustrate how to set the zoom-in and zoom-out the focus of camera in windows 8.1 phone app.
Foe zooming a camera we use a buit-in ZoomControl class inside the MediaCapture which controls the zooming of the camera.
How to open a camera in windows 8.1 phone app
In this blog we illustrate the how to open a camera in windows 8.1 phone app.
Code for Xaml file:
<CaptureElement Height="650" Name="captureElement" />
This CaptureElement control is used to render the capture device like camera or...
How to transfer the GridView data to DataTable?
In this blog we are going to illustrate how to transfer the GridView data to DataTable.
To transfer GridView to DataTable:
We add button in .aspx page where the GridView display the data. By clicking this button user transfer the GridView d...
Bind Combobox with XML Data
Combobox control is like a dropdown control which contains the list of items. By default it takes no value. There is a property itemsSource with which we bind the items.
To bind combobox with the XML file,we will right click on the project and...
Difference between C# and VB.Net
1. It contains a “using” keyword to release unmanaged code.
1. It doesn't contains a “using” keyword.
ItemsControl in WPF
WPF has so many controls to bind the data. They all have different shapes and perform different according to their functionality.
There is a simplest control ItemsControl in WPF which is used to bind the list of items. There is no shape and st...
Simple AngularJs Application Using Asp.Net MVC
In this blog,we will learn to create a simple angularjs application using Dotnet Framework.So Let's start to implement it step by step.
1.Open Visual Studio and Create a New MVC project.
2.Now create a MVC5 Empty...
How to bind ArrayList to DropdownList in Asp.Net?
To bind arraylist to dropdownlist,you have to add a namespace System. Collections which allow the collection of items in the application.
So in Code behind page 'aspx.cs' we have to add namespace,see the below reference:
using Sys...
Get dropdownlist selected value/text using javascript in asp.net mvc
A dropdownlist is a list of items from which user can select one or multiple values at the same time.
Every dropdownlist contain two items one is a value and another is text. Here in the given example,there is a list of student names in which ...
How to set favicon in Asp.net mvc
Whenever you open any website, you see an small icon or image on left side of the window tab, That small icon is called Favicon. If you have not noticed earlier,then just open any website and check.
For an example: open www.w3schools.com and s...
Client side validation using jquery in Asp.Net MVC
Jquery is client side scripting language which runs the scripts on client's browser to check user's inputs are valid or not. Before submitting the form to the server,jquery authenticate that user has entered all the valid text in input fi...
Request LifeCycle in Asp.net MVC
This blog will explain how the MVC lifecycle works to provide a response to the user's browser. We run our MVC application in the browser and see the rendered view, So we will understand how actually that user request is able to get the respo...
Partial View and Layout in asp.net mvc
Partial view in asp.net mvc provides the reusability feature in the application. We can use our partial view in layout page which works as a master page for all the views of our application.
To understand it better, First we take the Example o...
How to create a partial view in Asp.net MVC
This blog illustrate how to create a partial view in Asp.net MVC by using below steps:
Create a model class for partial view
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Syste...
Paging in Asp.net MVC
To enable paging in your mvc project,First you need to install PagedList.mvc
Go To Tools=>Select Nuget Package Manager=>then Select Package Manager Console.
See the Screenshot for reference.
You will get a nuget windo...
Bind arraylist to gridview in Asp.net
Gridview is a rich control of asp.net c#,it fetches the data from database and display data in the form of columns and rows(tabular form). There are features for CRUD operations in gridview, User can perform edit,update,delete operations with the...
How to upload a file using Asp.Net MVC and AJAX?
In this blog we illustrate how we can upload a file using ASP.Net MVC and AJAX.
Follow the below steps to upload a file:
Firstly we need to create model which contains the properties such as name, length and type o...
How to do client side validation in Asp.Net MVC?
In this blog, we illustrate how to enable a client side validation in Asp.Net MVC.
Firstly we need to understand what is client side validation in Asp.net MVC.
Client side validation:
All Client side validation is han...