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Inner border over images with CSS

Hello Readers! We have all applied borders of all types on the outside of an image, a div, a text etc. Let us look how to do the exact opposite of this i.e. applying a border on the inside (here, an image). The result should look something ...

How to create different shape images in css3?

In this blog, we will learn to create images of different shapes using css3. In my example, I have created images of different shapes like rhombus, hexagon, diamond, octagon.  I have taken four classes rhomb, dia, hexagon and octagon having ...

5 Secrets to Make Content Writing Easy That Boost Lead Conversion

                Guest Post   Marketers know how, when, and where to distribute the promotional material, but can they write well enough? Well, they have to!   O...

No Selection in interface builder

With Xcode4.0 and onward(including XCode7.x) we occasionally come across an issue in interface builder which happens while working. The Attribute inspector in Interface builder says “No Selection” although you’ve object/ele...

Callback methods in Cakephp

Hello readers today we will discuss on callback methods in cakephp. These methods are very simple and easy to use. In MVC architecture  C stands for controller. Controller is used to manage the logic around a single model. Controllers can...

Update location in background after specific interval of time in objecticeC

This blog includes updation of location while your app is in background mode. Sometimes we need to fetch the user location while the app is in a background. To achieve this first we need to use the location manager.   Here is the code ...

How to create alert messages using css

Hi there. In a web page, we get a particular message for a particular action. For example, after completing a form, you receive a success message; on entering a wrong password, you receive a warning/error message etc. Thus, we know alread...

sr-only class in Bootstrap3

Hi there. We are all familiar with the bootstrap sr-only class. The name expands to screen readers only. According to the documentation of Bootstrap, the information which is meant only for the screen readers can be hidden from the layou...

How to finds even table rows using jQuery

If you want to find even number of table rows then it's not a difficult task now, we can do this easily with the help of jQuery :even selector. The :even selector will choose all those components which have even index i.e 0,2,4,6 etc. M...

How to read notification title, text and package name in android?

If you want to read your incoming notifications title, text and package name in your android application then below few lines of code will be helpful for you. To read incoming notification we have to add a BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE in ou...

How to make find and replace in page using jQuery?

Hello Readers. If you want to make replacement of words on any webpage then jquery offers you to do this. The benefit of using the Jquery is to run code on real time front end. So let's get started working on it. Step 1:  Create a si...

Creating SubDirectory using XCAssets

Sometimes we need to be more generic about naming convention of images. We may need same name of assets(images) for various views. Xcode doesn’t allow us to keep the files with same name and can throw error or change the asset name by it...

Dynamic and static data generated using angularjs

Hii,  This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs, In this blog i am sharing a simple example in which i have used few angularjs directives like ng-app, ng-init, ng-bind, ng-model. 1)ng-app directive is used to initial...

How to change voice using AVSpeechSynthesis in swift

This blog includes the use of - AVSpeechSynthesisVoice  If we want to change the default voice i.e system voice then we need to use speechVoices{} array which contains the name of persons and locations. iOS has a nice method for sett...

Check if new version of app is present in appstore programmatically.

Many apps these days show an alert on app's launch saying a new update is present at the store. To implement this feature first we need to find version of the app available on app store and version of the current running app and then compa...

Discussion on set default timezone in cakephp 2.x

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss set default timezone in CakePHP 2.x When developing an application in CakePHP, sometimes we need to set default time zone in our applications, according to the timezone area....

Discussion on Ruby : An object oriented language

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss Ruby. Ruby is a programming language which supports object oriented programming structure. Ruby is developed or created in japan by Yukihiro "Matz" mastumoto in 1995. It uses similar sy...

Custom search in Wordpress with multiple categories

Hello readers, today I guide you "How to create search functionality in Wordpress with multiple categories". If you want create this functionality, you have to write some code in functions.php file and some code into your file where ...

How to add Attributes in haml

Hello Readers! In the previous Blog I have explained about HAML, now I am going to explain you that how we can add attributes in It. This syntax is much more similar to the HTML tags For Example:-          ...

Javascript Closures

Closures are functions that are used to free variables which means variables are used locally, but defined in an enclosing scope. With the help of closures, JavaScript programmers are able to write better code. A closure is an i...

How to use if condition with for loop in twig, symfony

Hello Friends, If you are looking to use if condition in for loop with twig template. Please review the below example. <table> {% for category in categories if %} <td>{{ category.title }}</td&g...

Complete code to make Creative Animated Menus using css3

Hello readers, today we will discuss on how to make creative menus in css3.  First let us make menus like Home, About Us, Services , Our Team and Contact Us in <ul> <li>. I have taken a class main-wrapper, which enclosed all the ...

Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas

Save drawing as an image using HTML5 Canvas   Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to save your drawing as an image using HTML5 canvas. Before starting, let us understand what is canvas. Canvas is used to draw graphics using...

Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas

Draw an image using HTML5 Canvas   Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to draw an image using HTML5 Canvas. Before moving ahead, first of all let us understand the basic of canvas. The HTML5 canvas is used to draw graphics ...

Linux: File Ownership and Permissions

File Ownership and Permissions It is important in multi-user system to ensure that files of one user cannot be accessed by another user, until and unless user is permitted to access the files. The user who creates the file, is by default the o...

Pagination with search in cakephp 2.x

Pagination with search in Cakephp 2 Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to use searching with pagination in Cakephp 2. If you want to search multiple things like first name, last name, email etc then it can be done easily. Lets beg...

Integrate Wegus infotech SMS Gateway API in PHP/Cakephp 2.x

Wegus infotech SMS Gateway If you want to send bulk sms to your users through API, then you can send it using dedicated SMS gateway via HTTP Protocol. The HTTP API can be used to send various type of SMS messages including Long text messages o...

Exceptions in Ruby

Exception is a unexpected output during execution of code in programing language. Due to exception execution of program stops.In Ruby, Exceptions are basically used to handle different type of errors, which may raise during execution of program a...

Type attribute of script and style ?

Hello Readers, Probably sometimes you see it when you use internal CSS, internal JS or in link text, and you are not if you are not using this (eg.- type="text/css"), also your script and CSS works. So why we need this? In the ...

What is HAML?

HAML(HTML abstraction  markup language) provides an elegant syntax which is easy to understand, maintain and use. It is introduced by Hampton Catlin with its initial release in 2006, it is used for making HTML simpler, easier and clean...

Adding Properties to Attribute Inspector in Swift

Accessing properties via interface builder is quite easy and more developer friendly. Here I’m guiding you how to to add new/custom properties to interface builder.   1- Subclass any UIObject, we are considering here UIButton ...

Discussion on speedUp CakePHP Website

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss speed up our CakePHP Website. When implementing any web application in CakePHP sometimes we observe the application speed very slow and data is not coming in view page and it ...

How to make tooltip using pure css?

Hi all, Below is an example to make a tooltip using pure CSS. In this method, we are using custom HTML attribute which we are defined here as tooltip and we are using pseudo element. The best thing with this method or technique it works in ...

How to display error messages in Symfony

Hello Friends, If you are looking to flash error message in Symfony. Please review the code as below: Please open your controller function where you need to display error message. Please review the below example and update your code accordi...

Explained basic cat command and it's options with examples in Linux

This blog depicts basic commands that will help a user to learn different cat command options.Here we will learn about different options of the “cat” command in Linux, “cat” is an acronym for concatenate. We use this comma...

How to Insert, Select and Delete all table row data in SQLite database?

In the below example code I have clearly described how to insert,Select and delete all table row from the database. Here, first I have extended SQLiteOpenHelper class After this I have used onCreate method to create a database table. In next step...

How to get the image size after aspect fit in objectiveC

When we set the aspect fit property of image view then the size of image get reduced because it sets the image according to the aspect ratio.  So if we want to get the size after aspect fit the use the following code- In the following cod...

What is the difference between jQuery.get() and jQuery.ajax()?

jQuery.get() jQuery.get('testing.txt',function(data){ console.log(data) },'text'); In this blog first we are using the jQuery.get() method. You pass function in arguments instead of passing in an object when you are using jQuery.g...

Google sign in with google play service 9.0

With Google play services v9 we can easily sign in with google in our apps, now we have GoogleSignInOptions builder that is used to configure Google sign in api. GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions....

How to create a custom helper in ember js, handlebar and ghost node.js

Sometimes, you may have repeated HTML on your handlebars template. In those cases, you can create and register a new helper, that can be invoked from hbs templeate. Gost: Ghost it a blogging platform developer on the top of express framework o...

How to get the current coordinates of the element

If we want to find the current coordinates of the element then we can easily do that with the help of jQuery. jQuery have offset() method which makes us to find the coordinates of the element which you want to find in respect to the document.&nbs...

How to set arrow on custom seekbar ?

we can set arrow based seekbar using following trick like this : First of all you have to set a image of scale then below that image set a seekbar with progressDrawable transparent and then set arrow image as a thumb. <?xml version=&q...

Set Custom View to TabLayout android

This blog is about adding custom Layout to TabLayout.   Here we start. 1. Create Project.   2. Open Gradle file of the project.   3. Add design dependencies to the gradle. compile '

Unbind() method in jQuery

Unbind() method: Unbind() method is used to remove events attached to html element while bind() method is used to attach events to selected html elements . It is mainly used to prevent the events  to be executed when needed and when no...

Set help or show case view on screen

Showcase view or Help view is basically used to show some useful content on any screen when user comes first time there. This is the github library you can use to set showcase in easy way like this : add library in gradle file : compil...

Learn how to create an accordion using AngularJs

Hii, In this blog i am going to discuss about accordions i.e is a web control used while creating menus, content-rich pages. Main idea behind using this user interface accordian is to collapse content and make it expanded when hovered or c...

Iterators and its usage in ruby

In Ruby, iterators are methods basically used by the collections. Collections are a set of objects. Hashes & Arrays are the example of collections. Iteration is a process by which we can get or set the elements in collections. We will discuss...

Vertical Wizard in CSS

Hello Readers! In this blog post, we will be preparing a vertical wizard.  A wizard is commonly seen on shopping websites (while placing an order) or when we fill a form. A wizard shows us the various steps we have to complete before fulf...

jQuery Mobile Touch Events

An event is something which triggers when something happens.In jquery we have gone through many of them. In this particular blog we explain about the Touch event. The touch event is triggered when the user taps on an element. In the following ...

How to crop an image in android

Step1: First we have to add jcenter() repository to Project build.gradle allprojects { repositories { jcenter() } } Step2: Now add cropping library in our app build.gradle and synchronize the application. compi...
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