Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
What all the code in this link mean to make Social App?
Hey I wanna make my own social network so I just wonder if someone please can tell me what all the code in this link mean: view-source:https://www.facebook.com/ except line 1 and 2
How to Understand Semantics Bootstrap Package so as to Edit JS?
Having a hard time understanding this bootstrap package. I used NPM to install it. I've done everything in the doc file (which is pretty limited). I'm trying to use the search dropdown. I want to edit the JS because putting it in the HTML...
How to Do Deployment of Repository on Public Server in Node.Js App
Can any one tell me how to Deployment Repository / Scourse Code To a Server ...
Like For Localhost:3000
We need to locate our Scourse Code Folder then Run File on Powershell then Put Commend :
nmp install
Then after that w...
While creating PHP login script using Javascript Ajax, Why I ain't getting response?
create php login script using javascript ajax ?
i have this script for php login and i need to use ajax to login the users
but i can not make it work i can't get response form processing page
and i use alert function to alert response text...
Why my Andriod app crashes on some devices when clicked on button?
I just compiled an andriod app and its working fine via emulator and also tried using my device 7.0 but after trying to use the app on andriod 4.4 it crashed after clicking on a particular button..I have testes on firebase lab to get errors..test...
Where to Place Audio Files to Get Rid of Not Found Exception Error in JAVA Program?
I am working on a game in java and I have a class that reads an audio file as InputStream and then plays that file through AudioPlayer. I keep getting a file not found exception. I have tried placing the audi...
How to do styling of a page header layout to fit in tablet & smart phones?
I have this page header and i need to make responsive so it can fit in tablet and smart phones and i need to direct form right to left and how can i use pure javascript to achive that (no Jquery needed)
<!DOCTYPE html>
How to Earn More From Uploading Video Other Than Youtube
Those who had good experience in uploading video on other video platform and earn from monetization
Please share your experience step by steps with proper method
How to ask for multiple permission at once in android?
How to ask for multiple permission in android at once. I m using below code but it is asking one permission at once, and when I close the app and relaunch it then it asks for next permission. How to get rid of this prob,,,,,,, any help
Why the order-by in hbm.xml is not resulting the sort in UI(jsf)?
The order-by in hbm.xml is not resulting the sort in UI(jsf), where as the hibernate query is printing in console is working correct
I am not able to get the sorted table from the data base,where as the hbm.xml changes are reflecting...
How to update an android application with a totally new application
I used mozilla fennec open source for my project in android application now i want to update that application with a totally new application. Even on signing with same certificate and providing higher version number i am unable to update . It sho...
Where & on Which Line Banned Word Filter Code On Mini Proxy to be Put in PHP?
Where on Mini Proxy, on which line, would I add the banned words filter code (the code which you see below) so that, when banned words are found on the proxied pages, then the banned words are substituted ?
Mini Proxy is here:
Persistent Cookie Help Required!
This is a login.php.
The user is given a choice to either input his/her Username & Password or Email & Password. In short, either log-in inputting your Username or your Email.
It is written in mysqli procedural. ...
Why httpS Fails To Load on HTTP Request via Multiparameter in cURL in PHP Code?
Php Gurus!
This is a php web proxy called Mini Proxy not written by me.
Why do https pages show blank white when I visit any https pages with the proxy ?
I reckon the https pages are failing to load. Why do you think that is ?
You c...
openbugs model error
Hi I hava a problem in running my openbugs model my model is:
for(i in 1:N)
y[i] ~ dpois(mu[i])
log(mu[i]) <- alpha + beta1*x1[i] + beta2*x2[i] +beta3*x3[i] + u[i] + v[i]
u[i] ~ dnorm(0, precu)
v[1:N] ~ car.normal(a...
How to Disable (delete) Permissions From App
Hi i want to disable (delete) these permissions from my app
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Implement on-click Autocomplete Value While Data Binding in Subgrid - How To?
source: function (request, response) {
url: '../WardManagement/WardResultEntry/autocomplete2',
// url: '../WardMa...
Stationary: CMMotionActivity object
I would like to detect the stationary state of the person.He/she is wearing an apple watch. I tried to verify this object, therefore I recorded the data coming from the apple watch while I was sitting motionless however stationary boolean looks u...
How to Solve Array Problem in Java?
Monk was surprised to see a new game called, "Conversion Game". In this game, two arrays of N integers A1,A2...AN and B1,B2...BN are playing against each other and Array A wants to convert itself in Ar...
How To Check For Banned Word On Page With Javascript ?
I'm trying to add a content filter (banned words filter) onto a web proxy. When the Javascript detects any of the banned words on the page, it should:
* echo/print on screen/display a warning to the user:
"Banned word "...
Finding Banned Words On A Page And Not Within Other Words!
Php Lovers!
I am NOT searching for banned words within other words on a page but searching for banned words within a loaded page.
I am not actually looking for banned words within other words but within the page (meta tags, content).
How to Style Page Using Bootstrap?
i need to style this page using bootstrap but i can't get that
i need to style the tags with black border
and i need to add some margin to the top and the bottom of the container
require_once ("../templates/header.php");
How to write a function that looks up values from a table within a range?
In the database I have a table for Users, and one table that is used as lookup. it holds scores and values.
10 5
15 6
20 7
After form submission, on the Users table a value like 12 is persisted.
What I need is, a function to g...
Login With Username or Email And Password - Cleaning Up The Reg Page
Php Folks!
You know others in other forums suggest I use regex but yet again they never provide sample or I reckon many don't know the regex.
I will mention your sample on other forum and link back to this thread. Hopefully, a lot of newb...
How to Code cURL PHP Script to Auto Type In Search Box & Click Search Button?
I want to build a cURL script that auto searches a keyword on any site's search feature.
In this example, imagine I want it to search ebay.com.
How should I code it ?
What is the code that:
1. Types a keyword in the search box;
How do I implement my ideas for an interactive CD ROM-inspired business website? Help!
Hello 'nerds'!
I have been recently inspired to create a website for my music project (a place where you can look at news, concerts, buy things etc.), but it is not a simple layout and there are many elements of it that I don...
JSON parsing in android
I have problem with parsing JSON data in android. I want to populate the following json data to spinners.
I have populated the categories to 1st spinner but i need to populate the 2nd spinner for subcategories which is dependent on 1st spinner. ...
Why password_verify Function Not Passing the Verification in PHP Application?
Php Programmers,
Why does the password_verify keep failing ? I checked the myql tbl column name (passwords) and there is no typo.
The $query is able to get the $result querying the db ($result = true).
The password_verify is in...
Why string_replace Fails On Arrays ?
Php Folks!
I am trying to do the following with cURL:
* Keyword Search on Google.
So, basically, when you do a keyword search on Google, then cURL is supposed to fetch the Google Search Result Page (SERP) showing you the search results o...
CURL Fails To Load Page
Php Guys,
Why does this cURL show complete blank page ?
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');
How to Implement Registration Functionality in PHP?
I wrote a registration.php (member reg) and it was working fine but the coding was not perfect (old version).
Neated-up the new version but I see a complete blank page once I click "Register" button. I do not get this m...
Enable sending mails on localhost
I am trying to send mails from localhost. I followed a tutorial and found online but still cant send the mail. please help!!!
What WordPress Plugins are Needed for Classifieds Website Development?
I am Searching for wordPress plugins for my new Classifieds Websites, suggest me the best things
How to get back my Webmaster tool verification code?
When I changed theme of blog then I lose the verification code. I saved the code and pasted in new theme but the verification is not working?
How to Read Multiple Rows in Excel Sheet by Using XLRD in Python
I am currently using xlrd in python to read excel sheet.
In column 1 contains test titles and column 37 contains test step. In column 1, there are some cell values like heading/Test case etc. I want to read all the rows in column 37 which are ...
How to do Proper Ancestral Navigation for Android App with Several Activities?
How to implement proper ancestral navigation for application with several activities one of which can swap content fragments?
I have one main activity with drawer layout and with content re...
Redistribute string entries in a huge pandas data frame in Pyhon
I have a data frame (derived from a CSV file) with about 100M entries that looks like this:
var1 var2
0 1 2
1 2 1
2 1 {3,4,5}
3 5 6
4 {4,5,6,7} 8
I need to convert this into a ...
Speech Recognition in Unity3d to Detect Audio from Mic in Web Player
Hello Sir,
I want to detect the audio from mic in web player build from unity3d. I mostly found the paid libraries and when i deep search about it.
Then i found the Microphone tag in unity but it also not supported...
How to change gridView child background at given position in android from another activity?
I actually want to change particular background of grid view from another activity at user given position. But when i go to activity which contains grid view , add call gridView.getChildAt(position) i got an error .getGetChildAt() call on null ob...
what is the use of "@aNewDecorator" and "@wraps(aFunc)" in this decorators and how can i get my output?
from functools import wraps
def aNewDecorator(aFunc):
def wrapTheFunction():
print("Iam doing some boring work before executing aFunc().")
How to Resolve Uncaught ReferenceError: TrialScript is not defined
<Title>Demo Script</Title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function TrialScript()
Loop variable post-execution
Hey guys,
Just wondering if anyone can help. Given this statement: "Once you have completed executing a loop, the loop variable must be outside of the valid range of the condition", what does the latter part mean regarding the ...
How to Implement Proxy Client on Android using VPN Services
Hello I am trying to implement proxy client on Android. For this purpose I using VPNService. When I connect to server and send first package from device over created socket I receive from server Bad request 400 error.
Maybe someone w...
Python TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()
I was unable to find what is wrong in the following code, The error msg is "object of type 'NoneType' has no len()"
My Code ------>
def merge(list1,list2):
Fixing a semi-redundant text file, best practice opinions wanted
First a little background: Link to attachments
I have a lot of text generated by some voice-to-text application (I honestly do not know the name of the application since I do not have physical access, however I have access to th...
How to Resolve AppActivity Crash Issue On This Code and Barchart Not See?
Need a help in appactivity crash issue My code is:
package wallet.ask.com.abcd;
import android.app.ProgressDialog;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import andro...
What is the advantage of using Article Builder tool?
Hello All,
I have heard about Article Builder Tool. Please tell me some of the advantages of using it in Search Engine Optimization. Is it safe to use?
Is there any, ONE App Development Language for ANDROID, WINDOWS and iPHONE?
I want to develop a mobile application for Android, windows and iPhone. I heard that Google developed a language in which you can develop application for Android, windows and iPhone by using just one language or may b just one platform. Bu...
I need to monitor task status and if Task failed notify email
My requirement is monitor task status in windows task scheduler through batch file or programming language like Java. secondly if task is failed then it is notify to user by email. i.e this task is failed.