How to add mouseleave, mouseenter and click event using jQuery
about 9 years ago
about 9 years ago
Hi Swati,
You have to set a global boolean variable Flag before changing your image source. Like this:
$(document).ready(function(){ var flag = true; $('.imgContainer').mouseenter(function(){ if (flag) { $('.imgContainer').attr('src','img1.gif'); } }), $('.imgContainer').mouseleave(function(){ if (flag) { $('.imgContainer').attr('src','img2.gif'); } }), $('.imgContainer').click(function(){ flag = false; }); });
about 9 years ago
We can use the following lines to make the mouseenter and mouseleave inactive on click :
$('.imgContainer').click(function(){ $(this).off('mouseenter').off('mouseleave'); });
This will help you get over your problem. Hope this will help you. Thanks
about 9 years ago
On the click function call unbind the mouseleave event from the imgcontainer as in :
$('.imgContainer').click(function(){ $('.imgContainer').css('opacity','1'); $('.imgContainer').unbind( 'mouseleave' ); });
3 Answer(s)