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Apply this popup feature for infinite users
I made a popup feature, which shows the phone number of a user. I was able to apply this feature to one instance. A single user.
Normally, each user has a unique phone number.
But then, I thought, what if I have lots of users as they come, ...
moving between section page using next and previous button in javascript
In the same page i have multiple section.
One section will be show and this will happen using a class active.
In the same page i have li buttons 1, 2 and 3 when i click on one of them the section related appear and the old one disappea...
Help me to this error in java I am new to coding
this is the code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Bill {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// smiley 30 strips 40 milk 20
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Choose one o...
How to make Async Requests to Paginated API
I want to make requests to an api that returns a response like so:
totalRecords: 30,000,
data: [{...}],
links: {
selfLink: 'http://example-api.com/data?api_key&page=0&size=10',
nextLink: 'http://example-api.com/...
Data Structures: How to Remove Items?
Is there an order of operations of sort when de-constructing or constructing arrays?
Example: I have a n array with eight numbers. I want to .shift( ) the the first number in index "0" then .splice( ) the ...
How do I adjust the top position of a div with a dynamically fixed position?
I have a page with a fixed top bar and a section menu that fixes to the bottom of the viewport on small devices and at the top, below the top bar, on devices with viewports wider than 1080px.
There's also an element at a certain point down...
Unable to display the screen as a video in the video tag using Javascript code
I am making a kind of proctoring website and for it I needed access to the user's screen and display it as a video to the proctor, so that he can monitor it. here is my code:
<div id="userscreen"></div>
How to Use a Variable's Result in Another Formula in Javascript?
Hi All,
My first post and I'm not a programmer.
I've already spent a lot of time on this without any success.
I'm trying a retrieve the value of a variable, calculated earlier in the js, so I can...
How to Split String From a Javascript File into Two Array String
I want split string from file into two array string......
file contain this-
Bangladesh= 109.408
India= 92.7478
Pakistan= 200.550
USA= 1.29221
Europe= 1.16989
UK= 1
SA= 4.85180
Australia= 1.90035
How to Get Coordinates of Shapes Like Triangle, Polygon On Canvas in JS?
See Below Code:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { fabric } from "fabric/dist/fabric.js"; @Component({ selector: 'app-p-five', templateUrl: './p-five.component.html', styleUr...
How to Convert Jquery Code in Javascript?
See Below:
var min = 99;
var max = 999999;
var polygonMode = true;
var pointArray = new Array();
var lineArray = new Array();
var activeLine;
var activeShape = false;
var canvas
Meteor SocketIO Client-server Connection Not Established
I’m trying to connect a client app locally deployed to a server app I deployed to heroku, using socket.io. The app works great locally but I can’t establish the web sockets when deployed to heroku.
My server code:
How to Start Developing a Web Application?
Hi there,
I am trying to create a Web Application but not sure where to start! Any ideas or any link for article or tutorial/video/post?
I know HTML, CSS, JS, Python, C and C++
Also, PHP, MySQL and MongoDB
How to Write Typescript Function to Validate Inputs of JSON File
I am in need of a method written in typescript to validate the inputs of a JSON file.
Need help in writing method(function) to analyze the contents of the JSON and make sure that it is internally consistent
For ex: Content...
Bitmex Hotkey Order Placement Software Design/Architecture Mac OSX (Websocket/REST)
I trade on the Bitmex cryptocurrency exchange. I want to write a program that can basically hook into the Bitmex web socket and then also send API requests to create/modify orders on the exchange on the press of a hotkey on my Mac OSX.
POST/GET Method not Working in Heroku with MongoDB / Node.js
I am deploying an small app that was working with my localhost but now on Heroku i am getting some problems with the GET and POST methods. I have tried investigating for several hours but haven't found the correct answer yet.
Dynamically Set State is Not Displayed in Generated Places in Javascript
I am receiving some data as props and on click I am trying to display next items from array. In render I'm calling `{this.dropdown()}` which triggers folowing and display data succedsfully:
dropdown = () => {
Why my Javascript Ajax Function Return False Always? How to Fix it?
I need to create ajax php registration page but i have some errors i could not solve.
The function (CheckExamineeNameAvailability AND CheckExamineeEmailAvailability) return false value even if the username or email were available ...
How to make Autoplay Hidden Div using JQEURY
Hello, I managed to make the div autoplay and show their respective hidden text. But now, how can I made the current play div to be in brown background just like when I manually hover to that div.
Here is the codepen for you guys to see it.
JavaScript Validator for String Expression that Allow Arithmetic Expressions
I need a help in writing a validator in javascript or JQuery for a string expression that will allow arithmetic expressions like (),+,-,*,/,min(),max(),avg().
In the string, min(),max(),avg() should allow only two arguments.
Sample string...
How to Run One JavaScript Function After Other Using Delays
First things first, I added the JS to the HTML so I don't have to attach multiple files. Hopefully this helps.
I've been having some trouble running one function that slowly displays a message, waits, then fades out. However,...
How to Fix Javascript Code for Getting Href Content of a Link
I am trying to get the href content of a link that i click on with the class of sessionBtn.
Here is my code:
$('.sessionBtn').on('click', function (e) {
var url_string &nb...
How to Get Acknowledgement of pubsub Publish Message from Strophe.js
I am using Strophe.js to connect with XMPP server in angular4. I send message using connectionXmpp.connection.pubsub.publish() method. How do I get acknowledgement whether message is received by subscriber or not. Right now I haven't get any ...
Clone a division and creates a unique id for each created division
I want to clone a division and want that each sub division created should have a different id
Why isAuthenticated() Function In JavaScript App Always Returns False in express-passport?
The req.isAuthenticated() function of api.js always returns false regardless whether the user is logged in or not. This particular function doesn't seem to work.
I don't know what to do. I am stuck on this for a long time.
How To Check For Banned Word On Page With Javascript ?
I'm trying to add a content filter (banned words filter) onto a web proxy. When the Javascript detects any of the banned words on the page, it should:
* echo/print on screen/display a warning to the user:
"Banned word "...
How to Resolve Uncaught ReferenceError: TrialScript is not defined
<Title>Demo Script</Title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function TrialScript()
How to access child components value in parent component in React JS
Currently I am using react create app to build my application in my application had three component those are com1, com2, com3 I want to update userId state value in com1 based on com3 will receive props here com2 is child component of com1....
How to solve the Google tag manager error ?
Google tag manager show bellow error in my online shopping site: "https://www.buymobile.com.bd/"
"name": "undefined",
"ratingValue": "undefined",
"ratingCount": &quo...
Where in this code should I add custom sizes for the application?
I have created a script within Google Scripts Editor so that when a user clicks on a menu on the toolbar in Google Sheets it brings up an application box where users click to print.
However, i'm not sure how I could add custom sizes f...
How to call a service function of child controller inside a function in main controller
I have a a function in client controller and service that is "getClient()" which return a client information. Now I want to resue the function.
What I am trying to achieve is that when client click on profile button he can getcl...
Firebase With Facebook
Im building a web-app using react with Firebase as DB.
my plan is to skip the Server writing and working with Firebase on the lowest level of security.
I know its very unsecured that way but my priority is the client using React.
im ...
How to use webui-popover with dynamically generated table (JQuery)
I have a table outputting some results to the screen in tabular form. For each table row, I have a column with an icon (more). What I want to achieve is that for each icon, on click, it shows a pop-over, similar to what Tidal does. But so far, it...
Which is faster on DOM manipulator? AngularJS or jQuery?
Hi. I am a fresher and a front-end developer.
I have just started to use AngularJS a while ago. And I find it a very powerful framework. It's all great! I am also used to jQuery like any other developer. I just want to know which works fas...
Which is the best, most comprehensive and easiest library for Graphs (all in one or separately) based on your experie...
Hey, I am new to JS and trying to integrate graphs in website. Currently I am using only jQuery library for my code logics, so what library should I use for graphs?
Any help would be appreciated.
How to eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Hello Nerds,
While creating a project, i found that the pages are rendering very slow. After testing and searching i found that my pages have some blocking CSS resources which are causing delay in rendering my pages. Please help me how to elim...
Which JavaScript frameworks to learn in 2016 according to you?
Hello Nerds,
I am learning JavaScript framework but confused !. :(
There were new versions and releases of Frameworks. I don't know which one is best.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)
google maps javascript api - ssl - https - Webview
i have few questions about google map: i make web application based on php, mysql, javascript, jquery, jquery-mobile,Google Maps Directions API, Google Maps Geocoding API, Google Maps JavaScript API, Google Places API Web Service. custo...
How to avoid memory leak with jQuery?
Hello Nerds,
I am using jQuery event listeners. As i know jQuery doesn't store any information itself. It stored the information in $.cache object. When ever i call event listner it will create a new entry in $.cache object. How can i get ...
Javascript practices
Hi folks,
I am stuck in a javascript program while trying to call a inherit method I created.
Any help appreciated.Thanks in advance.
var Provider = function(){
log('creating Provider instance...');
How do I force view refresh in angular?
Hello Nerds, I am using AngularJS in my front end and I have faced an issue that I modified my model, but it did not refresh the view.
How can I force refresh my view?
Can anyone please help to come out from this problem.
Thanks in ...
Angular1 Binding with Redux
Is it good to use Redux with Angular 1
I want to do Angular 1 Binding with Redux. Is it good to use Redux with Angular 1?
ajax in drupal
how to add ajax in drupal , when i enter student name student detail should display without loading the page,
Exploring closures in functions in depth
var ClosureDem = function (arg1) {
return function (arg2) {
return arg1 + arg2;
ClosureDem("Hello")(" world!");//-> "Hello world!"
Recently, I started learning about closures in functions and found a lot of new things f...
Which Calendar scripts do you use and recommend?
Currently, I am creating a html web page and using jQuery library for js.
I need to integrate calendar in my page, which can be used to schedule my events.
Please suggest any useful calendar with minimum size.
Any help would be...
Use of Redux with Angular1?
Help or Sample Code to Use redux with Angular 1
I have a situation where I have to use Redux with Angular1. Anyone, please help me and explain Redux with Angular1 by providing any sample code.
What is the difference between AngularJS, NodeJS and ReactJS?
Hello Everyone,
Can anyone help to know the difference between AngularJS, NodeJS and ReactJS?
Any help would be appreciated.
How to Communicate Between Two Controllers in Angular?
I have two controllers in Angular, one controller makes an Http call gets data once the data is received I want all the controllers to invokes a call to update their model or refresh view.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Please guide to a javascript code packet
Please guide to a javascript code packet which I can use to upload file without refreshing the page and the browser does not support File/FileReader object
Embedded one page slider is not working properly
Now I'm working on the project similar to this one here. I cant make the one page slider work properly. I tried on many different way but still it's not working. I wish to make the slideshow start to work when it is pi...