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Wordpress vs Drupal We Development Framework Comparison: Which One Would You Choose?

When you think about developing websites, writing a blog, starting up an online shopping portal or displaying information, you may have heard of the major two options which are used by almost 80% population of the world and those are WordPress an...

Stand Out Among Competitors With Latest Drupal Migration Services

For quick and quality Drupal migration, you need the right specialists who can upgrade your current version to the latest one. By hiring the right professionals, you increase your chances of managing a business platform as per exclusive needs. Dr...

Creating list page of content with the help of view and also search option in drupal 8

HI Druplers, Today I m going to share a very useful code for drupal 8.I am going to create a list of the pages which also have search functionality with any code with the help of drupal most famous module which is view.   Step 1: ...

create a custome block in drupal 8

Hi All. Today i m going to share a custome block through which we can use content title as a option value to redirect at a particular url. For this we create a custome block and  do some database coding in our controller. Step 1 ...

Top 5 SEO Friendly CMS a Web Developer Should Choose

What is CMS   CMS  means Content Management System. It is a web application that provide capabilities for multiple users on different levels to manage content, information & data of a website, internet application. Content Man...

Problem in Drupal 6 after updating PHP version from 5.3 to 5.5

Drupal 6, Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class view in /var/www/html/mysite/profiles/drupal_commons/modules/contrib/views/includes/ on line 19 I had a working website in Drupal 6 and with PHP 5.3.5. But after updating my PHP version to ...

How to use Drush in Drupal

Drush stands for Drupal shell, which provide shell interface for managing Drupal sites. It is a useful command line tool to perform various admin tasks using just one or two commands in the terminal. It seems very complex for newbie but when you ...

How to change site wide validation required maker, Drupal 7

The below code will help you to to change the site wide validation required marker as well the hover text. Though there are various approach you can do but this is one of the massively used approach. Go to Drupal Root Folder->includes-&...

What is available by default if you forget to declare in .info file, Durpal 7 Theme

Regions If you did not mentioned any custom region in .info file the following regoins will be available by default. Header Highlighted Help Content Sidebar first Sidebar second Footer features The .info file is also u...

Using Git Flow on a Drupal Project

Git is very useful in these days to manage your code repository. It is very useful when there are multiple repositories and multiple developers working concurrently. I found below content very useful. It is also assume that you are familiar with ...

How to Enable anf disable regions in theme .info file

by placing and removing semicolon(;) in front of line we enable and disable regions in theme .info file REGIONS - ENABLED regions[page_top] = Page Top regions[header] = Header regions[highlighted] = Highlighted REGIONS - DISABLED ...

Drupal Views Related Top 10 Modules

Drupal Views Related Top 10 Modules Views Bulk Operations (VBO) Allow bulk operations to be run on the displayed rows Views Table Highlighter Aloow to highlight certain views table rows based on PHP code Better...

Display node form in a different page of in a block

Sometimes we need to display our node form in some other pages or simply in a block of front page. Here is the code snippet which can render our node form in any block or any other page: for a page: module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'n...

Implement hook_theme in drupal 7

As per Drupal's definition "A hook is a PHP function that is named foo_bar(), where "foo" is the name of the module (whose filename is thus foo.module) and "bar" is the name of the hook. Each hook has a defined set of parameters and a specified r...

What are Contextual filters in Drupal Views

Contextual filters are much similar as regular filters in views. The only and main difference between them is in the way values are fetched. A contextual filter allows user to filter content based on dynamic information rather then setting a valu...

Define hooks in Drupal?

hooks:- hooks are api code in drupal which allows interaction between module and Drupal core. Basically A hook is a PHP function look like - general_test() general is the name of the module (file name for whom is general.module). ...

Implement newsletter using simplenews module in Drupal

Simplenews module is used to implement Newsletter in drupal. There are lots of other options available with Simplenews module. Find below details to implement and use Simplenews module: Simplenews: Send newsletters to subscribed e-mail address...

Sending bulk email in Drupal using Mass Contact module

Mass contact module is very useful when we want to send lots of emails to a group or users or all users. We also can add taxonomy check for this. Following is the detail for mass contact module: Mass Contact Introduction: The Mass Contac...

Mailchimp, third party newsletter in Drupal

MailChimp is basically a web-based email marketing service. It helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. Mailchimp module in Drupal, provides APIs to intera...

How to send bulk emails in Drupal

Drupal has hook_mail function to send emails. This function is capable of sending email to a single user. If we need to send an email to multiple user then we can write a function and call this function within foreach loop. This should be a simp...

Custom redirection in drupal 7

Hello All, From the given blog below you will get to know about redirection of any form after submission or custom $form_state['redirect] in drupal 7:- First you need to override form_alter by usind drupal hook function hook_form_alter. To...

How to use "Group By" in views 3

Hello All, These are the following steps to use "Group By" in views 3 First create a new view. Select your content type under Filter section. Select style under "FORMAT" section in your page. Go to the selected style settings there...

Understand Drupal patches and apply them using git

Hi All, I was confused about how to implement patches into our Drupal modules or in other files. There is a way to apply these patches automatically. We have to install git bash and then we can apply available patches and as well as create new...

Translation module in drupal

If you have to add a multilingual feature in your drupal site then you can use 'Lingotek Translation' module. It provides machine translation as well as human translation for content type, fields labels, built-in terms, messages and for all keyw...

Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale

Hii friends, Many of you when you will start making a website in drupal will need to provide multiple language support.And providing so if you follow these easy steps you can easily make it. For making a multiple language site you need to conf...

Make a Multi-Language Article in drupal 7

Hii friends, many of you when you will start making a website in drupal will need to provide multiple language support.And providing so if you follow these easy steps you can easily make it. For making a multiple language site step1:-You s...

Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7

HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs. Feeds is the way to go fetch rss feeds. Some parsers for Feeds that can suit as per your need are given here . Modules required to fetch youtube feeds Feeds it import's or aggregate's ...

Sending email using drupal_mail()

Sending email using function drupal_mail(). All you need to do is install and configure SMTP module and then add the given code in your custom module. function sendemail(){ $to = ' '; $from = '

Hide certain fields from the form in Drupal

In order to hide certain fileds from form in drupal function hook_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if ($form['form_id']['#id'] == 'fomr-id') { $form['field&#9...

Configure and customize leaflet map in Drupal 7

Hi, Leaflet module provides a javascript library for mapping leaflet map into Drupal and can be downloaded from We can initialize map from our custom module as follow: $map_info = leaflet_map)get_info('...

The magnificence of Drupal

Drupal is a free and open-source content management system. It is being used by around 2.1 % websites, ranging from personal blogs to corporate, political and government websites, all round the world. Drupal contains all basic features common...

Hide format text from body in drupal

If anyone wants to hide the format text from the body field in drupal then try it:- // override hook_form_alter function CUSTOM_MODULENAME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if($form_id == 'restaurants_node_f...

Create new html tag in Drupal

Sometimes we need to use some unique tags which are not available in HTML. For this we can just use these tags in our html coding, but in some specific cases our browser will not display them because these are not identified and comes within "<...

Bakery module error

If you install bakery module in drupal for single signon functionality and you get fatal error on bakery_encrypt() function of bakery module, then please check php-mycrypt into your server. If it is not installed in your server, install that exte...

VariableSet() and variableget() in drupal

Creating a form which contains two text fields and a submit button.Main aim is to save data and get the sabed values when needed. variableset() and variableget() functions to store and retrieve data. /* * Create a form */ function mymenu_...

Single sign on on sub-domain in drupal

We can use Bakery SSO module for single sign on in drupal 7. It works with portal or master site and sub-sites or slaves sites, it provides the following features:- 1) If login into the portal site and navigate to sub-site, user will be auto-l...

Get group id and check membership from node id in Drupal 6

We can get group information and also can check membership in that group from current logged in user, using following code: $gidarray = array_keys($node->og_groups); $gid = $gidarray[0]; global $user; if(og_is_group_member($gid, true, $u...

how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal

At times we need to change the message that is displayed after a node is saved.Follwing code helps to customize using form_alter. function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if($form['form_id']['#value'] =='fo...

Add placeholder in Drupal form api fields

Hi all, Sometimes we need to add placeholder in our form fields but it get little bit complex when it comes to form api under Drupal CMS. There is no hard coded form fields in drupal (In case of content and comment forms), everything is com...

Salesforce web-to-lead integration in Drupal 6

Salesforce is becoming popular which is used for tracking sales leads, managing mailing lists etc. Drupal webform is a bridge module that helps to feed submitted data into salesforce. Salesforce Integration require following modules to be ins...
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