How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
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Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Stitched Effect using CSS
we can achieve numerous effects by simply using CSS, we just need to use our innovativeness and creativity. This time, as the title recommends, we are making stitched effect by simply using CSS.
For creating stitched effect, first, we hav...
Table Border-collapse:separate in CSS
Hello Readers
Border-collapse property allows you to quickly create formatted tables using plain HTML markup. the border-collapse property sets the table borders are collapsed into a single border or detached as in standard HTML.
Table Border-collapse:collapse in CSS
Hello Readers
As already explained in my previous article that, Border-collapse property allows you to quickly create formatted tables using plain HTML markup. The border-collapse property sets the table borders are collapsed into a single bor...
Create Moving Marker Functionality on Google Map with jQuery and HTML
How to move markers on a google map api without clicking on any object ?
The above can be achieved with simple logic . ie update the marker position after a particular time ( Let say 1 second in our example )
The following HTML and jquery c...
Fading slideshow using Javascript
Hello Readers!
In this blog post, I am going to tell you about slideshows but with a special effect.
Slideshow is an information which is displayed in slides. The information may be images, text, chart etc. The slides change after a certain...
How to Create a Corner Ribbon With The Help Of Css
In this blog, I am going to demonstrate to you proper methodologies to make a corner ribbon with the help of css by utilizing various css properties for example with the help of transform, box-shadow and position we can make corner rib...
reset() method in javascript
Reset() method:
It is used to clear all the values entered in a form. This method does not require any parameter and also does not return any value.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Embedded powerpoint presentation in your website
Hi there!
This blog post will tell you how to add Powerpoint slide presentation in your websites. We add images, colors, figures, charts etc and many other things in our website to make it look more interactive and appealing. Powerpoint presen...
How to draw different shapes with canvas?
Hello readers, today we will discuss canvas element for drawing different shapes like triangle and square. Canvas element of HTML is used to draw graphics on the web page. In my example, I am using this element to draw a triangle and square...
How to hide a give using AngularJS?
Hello Reader's, If you are looking to make some animation effect to hide a div from website then in this blog you can learn how to do this. Hiding any div can done by many ways but by using Angular JS you can put some animation effect in it. ...
How to make count down timmer using Javascript?
Hello Reader's, If you want to make a time count-down timer then in this blog we will learn how to make this. A count-down timer is front end clock which shows time in decrement order. This is done by using javascript, So let's get starte...
Chapter 6: Bootstrap Images
Bootstrap offers you three class for images tag. These classes have some styles for images which make your work easy. The three classes are below -
1. .img-rounded-
This class adds rounded border as 6-pixel border radius of the image.
How to show location image and details inside google marker on map?
Hi reader's, If you are developing website using google map and want to show location image and detail inside the marker then in this we will see how to do this.
Step 1: Create a blank space as an HTML div where the google map will l...
Live() method in jQuery
live() method:
Live method is used to attach events to selected elements and also used to specify a function when the event occurs. It is similar to bind method but live method also attach event handler to elements generated using script while...
Chapter 3: Bootstrap Typography
Bootstrap typography is used for to manage the content text of the webpage. Bootstrap uses 14 pixel font size with line-height 1.4 with default font family Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, and sans-serif.
Typography is used to create headings...
Chapter 2: Bootstrap Grid System
Basically, grid is a format which is divided into div columns. This is a very useful method to manage HTML layout and users can make easily.
In bootstrap it is based on 12 columns, you can group the columns together to create wider columns.
How to check if mobile is already register during register via ajax
Hello Reader's if you are developing a user based registration portal and you want to make unique mobile number facility then you can do this via ajax and php. In this tutorial we will see how to develop the portal which will check and verify...
HTML Symbols
Here is the brief introduction about the HTML symbols.
There are various mathematical or other symbols, which are not available on keyboard. In HTML we cannot add the angle sign with text, because it will take it as a tag. So we use HTML symbo...
id vs class attribute
There are many different kind of CSS selector which we can use to apply CSS style to an element in html. ID and Class are one of them. Here, in this this blog, I am going to explain you the basic difference between these two :-
1. I...
Checkbox validation using javascript
Hello Readers
We all must have filled some or the other type of a form online. A form for subscription, for a job, an application etc. A form may ask general information of you as your address, name dob, mother tongue etc, or your educational ...
How to make website in responsive for mobile and tablet
Hello Reader's,
If you have develop a non responsive website and you want to convert it into a responsive design compatible for mobile and tablets then in this blog you can learn how to do this.
To make website layout responsive you...
Most Popular Application Development Frameworks 2016
"Developing mobile applications used to mean that you had to write native code, for each individual device or operating system that your client required. However, these past few years the term Hybrid App Deve...
Chapter 3: HTML5 Attributes
Hello Readers,
In the previous chapter we learn about html5 element, and now we learn about attributes
So, basically we have two type of attributes in html5 first can be used with any element so we define them globally and others are define...
Chapter 2: HTML5 syntax
Hi All,
HTML5 is much smarter, so its need simple syntax to specify it, Few of them are below:
Quotes are optional for attributes.
Uppercase tag names.
Closing empty elements are optional.
Attribute values are optional.
Cellpadding and Cellspacing in CSS
Hey Readers!
Cell padding and cellspacing are two important attributes of <table> tag.
Let us take an insight into both the concepts.
The cellpadding attribute is more of like ...
Form validation using CSS
Hello Readers
This blog will introduce you to how we can use input type and attribute in forms for form validation (checking the correctness of a value). Thus, a form validation refers to checking the correctness of the entered value. A form i...
Transparent background using CSS
Hey there!
There are never enough things to do with CSS. We may think of the weirdest stuff, and CSS makes it possible. One such thought that popped into my mind was of transparent background. We have used colors and images as background...
How to horizontally center a div inside a div?
Hi Readers!
We are usually using multiple divs inside a div. For the purpose of increasing interactiveness in the web page, we may want to align the inner divs properly, maybe horizontally or vertically.
Like in the following case :
Callback Function in jQuery
Callback Functions:
It is used to prevent executing further code until earlier effects has not executed completely. As we know in jQuery effects takes time to complete and sometime next line code get executed while the earlier effects are stil...
Chapter 1: An Introduction to HTML5
Hello readers,
This is the my first post for html5 tutorial. Here are some basics for HTML's which will help you for the forthcoming post.
HTML5 is the most latest version of HTML. HTML5 is a markup language HTML documents described by ...
How to make animation using css to rotate text
Hello Reader's, If you want to make some animation to enhance the text then in this blog you can learn this.
Animation is the property by virtue of which you can put the motion in any entity.
In this blog we will translate a text inside t...
CSS3 Flexbox
Hi there!
The flexbox layout mode has completely redefined layouts in CSS. It is not just a property but a whole new module.
The CSS3 Flexible Box, or flexbox, arranges the elements on a page such that the...
How to find browser details ?
Jquery have a nice feature to know about browser details. it is deprecated, If the functionality is removed, it will likely be easily accessible using a plugin.
It is safe to use it to determine whether or not to call $(document...
How to get height and width of a html element?
Hello Reader's If you are dealing with JQuery in your website and want to get the height and width of any html element then this blog will very helpful to you.
So lets get started working of getting the height and width of a div .
How to create alert messages using css
Hi there.
In a web page, we get a particular message for a particular action. For example, after completing a form, you receive a success message; on entering a wrong password, you receive a warning/error message etc. Thus, we know alread...
sr-only class in Bootstrap3
Hi there.
We are all familiar with the bootstrap sr-only class.
The name expands to screen readers only.
According to the documentation of Bootstrap, the information which is meant only for the screen readers can be hidden from the layou...
How to make find and replace in page using jQuery?
Hello Readers. If you want to make replacement of words on any webpage then jquery offers you to do this. The benefit of using the Jquery is to run code on real time front end.
So let's get started working on it.
Step 1: Create a si...
Type attribute of script and style ?
Hello Readers,
Probably sometimes you see it when you use internal CSS, internal JS or in link text, and you are not if you are not using this (eg.- type="text/css"), also your script and CSS works.
So why we need this?
In the ...
Unbind() method in jQuery
Unbind() method:
Unbind() method is used to remove events attached to html element while bind() method is used to attach events to selected html elements .
It is mainly used to prevent the events to be executed when needed and when no...
Create accordion menu using JQuery
Hello Readers
Accordion menu is familiar to all of us.
In this kind of menu, each menu item produces a dropdown menu on click. But when we click on another menu item, the dropdown for other menu items would close by themselves. Such a menu...
HTML Embed Multimedia
Many times you have to include music or video into your website. The most effortless approach to add video or sound to your website is to use the HTML tag called <embed>. This label makes the web browser to itself incorporate controls for t...
How to create horizontal wizard using CSS?
Hello Readers!
Online shopping is a very common thing to do nowadays. We all must have tried our hands on it some time. It does save our money, and of course, a lot of time.
Whenever we shop a product, we are made to go through various step...
CSS Counters
CSS Counters:
CSS counters are similar to variable in a programming language. Counter values are incremented by rules define in CSS. Variables are required to manipulate counter value are as follows:
counter-reset - This variable is used...
How to insert an icon in an input type?
Hello Readers!
Many a times, we must have seen a magnifying glass (search icon) in a search type input box. There are many input types in various web pages that have an icon relating to that input type. It makes them look appealing but doing t...
What is favicon?
Favicon was first used in march 1999, when Microsoftft released Internet Explorer 5 that time it was used to make tabs a favorites (bookmarks).
Favicon is a small square 16×16 pixels image, Basically It is used on tab at the web browsers...
Progress bar with Gradient effect using jQuery
Progress Bar :- Progress bars demonstrate the fulfillment rate of an operation or procedure. It can be utilized to demonstrate a client that how far along he/she is in a procedure.
Below is the HTML, CSS and Jquery task, which show...
Use of dir attribute in Html
dir attribute:
It is used to specify the direction of text in Html element content. In Html5 it can be used with any html element. Prior to Html5 it cannot be used with <base>, <br>, <frame>, <frameset>, <hr>, <...
How to create paper curls on hover using css?
Hello Readers!
In this blog post, we are trying something really interactive. Ever seen your notebook pages fold from the corners? Or did you just anytime fold it purposely to return to that page without much searching? Here’s the same t...
Custom Multi Select Box
Customizing a multiple select is a very challenging task. The default layout of the multiple select box looks like this:
To make it a drop-down multiple select box we need to create a custom made multi select box.
Here is the html code:...
How to make a div's height 100% of the browser window?
Hello Readers!
Ever wanted to make a div stretch vertically according to the browser window's height?
One solution that instantly appears into our mind is height:100%. But this doesn't work as desired. The reason being % a relative ...