How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
not( ) selector jquery
not( ) selector is used to modify the attributes of those who does not match the given selector. It prevents us from complex coding as we can manipulate properties of those which does not match the provided set of elements.
As shown belo...
Blocked loading mixed active content
Blocked loading mixed active content
Hello friends, I was getting warnings in my console and script is not working fine. Please have a look at the screen shot below. I am getting following errors in console:
What I w...
Routing in AngularJs with demo
AngularJs is basically used for the single page application with multiple views.
For this we will be using ng-view directive and certain code of AngularJS to make it possible for you to make multiple view.
Here is a code:
has event( ) jquery
it helps in reducing set matched of elements to those that have descendant to the matched set of values
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>has demo</title&...
Get Timezone Offset in String format Javascript
Get Timezone Offset in String Format Javascript
Hi Friends,
If we want to retrieve timezone in string format like Asia/Calcutta or America/New_York in javascript. Javascript's method getTimezoneOffset() just return the...
jQuery Callback Functions
JavaScript codes are executed line by line. However, the next line of the code can run even though the effect of the first line of code is not finished. This can create errors.
To prevent this errors, we can create a callback function. callbac...
add( ) event jquery
add( ) event is used to add elements css to the matched set of elements.Through dis we can change the css and add add text to the matched set of elements.It helps in making site more user friendly and interacting.
<!doctype html...
Disable browser back button using JavaScript
Hello Readers! Here is a small blog on how to disable the browser back button. Although it is not advisable to use such tricks in websites as restricting or disabling the browser back button can be annoying for users who might wish to go back to ...
removeClass( ) event
removeClass( ) event is used to remove a particular class from an element on a particular event as mouseenter or mouseleave.It helps in making site more user friendly.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
add class event
add class( ) event is used to add class in a element during run time.It helps in animating designs.Through this we can change the property during run time.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta cha...
eq event
eq ( ) method in jquerry is used for indexing purpose.Given a jQuery object that represents a set of DOM elements, the .eq() method constructs a new jQuery object from one element within that set. The supplied index identifies the position of thi...
Difference between location.href and location.replace
There are several methods in javascript for redirecting a user to different page in the current browser window.
Two of them are as follow
location.href:- If we use following script then the user will...
Bind method
Bind method is used for attaching an event handler to a document.As shown below click,double click,mouse enter, mouse leave are event handlers directly attached to the document.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
Possible days in a date range using Javascript
Possible days in Date Range using Javascript
Hi friends,
In some cases we try to build a logic where for a case where we need to find all the possible days that are possible inside a date range for any use case like scheduling a meetin...
Node JS Installation and Create Your First Application Using Node JS
Here we are explaining about Nods Js features and how to create your first application using Node JS.
Node.js is a popular open source platform . It work in run-time enviornment for developing server-side web applications. Ryan...
delegate and undelegate method in jquerry
delegate() method attach a handler to one or more events for all elements that match the selector, now or in the future, based on a specific set of root elements. The undelegate() method is a way of removing event handlers that have been bound us...
How to make a simple timer in angularjs
Hi all,
We are going to implement count-up timer. In Count up timer, timer starts from 00:00:00 to time you defined. It is used to show duration for example video duration , call duration , etc
In Html file , Just add binding variable in yo...
Display Child Content by clicking parent Element in multiple listing
Hello Friends,
Today I have created a simple example of child element show and hide function in jQuery. Many times I found that we are facing an issue of showing child element of each list by clicking list parent element.
Here in jQuery code,...
Lets create jQuery plugin: part 1
jQuery have been widely used for interactive websites. There are plenty of plugins available built on jquery. We can also create our plugins. In this tutorial we will create a plugin and add few options.
We will create a jquery.myplugin....
How to change the label of a button on click event
Sometimes we need to change the label of a button on click event. Suppose you have button label as "Start" and you want to change that to "Stop" upon clicking start button.
Example: In the below example I've created a f...
Pass Element ID that Triggers `onclick` Event to the Event Handling Function
When we apply onclick event to an element, sometimes we need to pass ID of that element to the event handling function. We can do this by passing id to function as this.id or we can pass the element itself.
Example: In the below example I&...
JQuery Simple Scroll To Top
In this tutorial, you will learn that how to add scroll to top in any of the page. As we see in many websites the scroll top function. Its very helpful for users to go to the top of the page automatically without scrolling. It appears when the pe...
Simple and Responsive Sticky footer through CSS and JavaScript
Here I created a simple and responsive Sticky footer for any screen size or device. In this sticky footer, I used JavaScript code to get the height of document and footer.
I build this sticky footer to avoid the huge code packet and plugin fil...
Add HTML Content To div Using AngularJS
Hi All,
Making a webpage dynamic , you need to add/remove control from you HTML file. Building web application containing multi data entry fields is only possible if your web application is working dynamically with controls. In this case, you ...
Sharing Data Between Controllers in AngularJS
Hi All,
To share data between two controller you should have your factory return an object and let your controllers work with a reference to the same object:
A simple example in which two controllers are sharing name of a user.
Introduction to JCanvas
JCanvas: As we know that canvas is used to draw graphics with the help of javascript. In this there are certain properties to draw a line, circle, box, etc but canvas does not support event handlers.
JCanvas is a javascript library which is...
Create dynamic editable table with HTML using javascript
If you want to create dynamic editable rows in a table using html and javascript, below example will helps you.
In the below code first I have created a button and then created table in which I have added 2 columns, as the output is ...
Number and Number properties in javascript
The Number is a javascript object that represents numerical date, either integers or floating-point numbers.
The syntax for creating a number object is as follows:
var num = new Number(number);
If it receives a non-number argument, the...
How to show password strength meter using PHP
Hello Reader's when you are developing the user interactive websites then you have to show user much more activities which a website is doing. Showing the password strength will make user to use the site much easier. So if you are looking how...
How to set the height of two div equal dynamically using Javascript?
Hello reader's if you are developing the website in which data is generated in div and height of them is not equal then you can sort out your problem from this blog.
In the scenario above, sometimes text matter in the div is not ...
How does page redirection works in javascript?
Sometimes you want to notify your visitors of the change of the new domain name when your webpage is moved. At that time it is good way to place a “redirect page” at the old location which, after a timed delay, will forward visitors t...
Full page background slide show
Hello Readers,
To make full page background slide show I have used the below mention code. The code is very simple. If you want full background slide show in your website you can easily use this code.
Here is the demo for background images ...
How Javascript Cookies works?
Sometimes we need to store session information for different web pages. It is mostly needed for commercial websites where we need to fill up a form through several stages. So to maintain the session information across web pages and to keep track ...
How to disable back button of the browser using javascrpt
There are many cases where we have to disable the back button of the browser.
Here, the following code will help you to make your back button disable.
<body onload="disableBackOnLoad(); ">
Now the back button is disabled
Selecting Multiple Images in Phonegap Application
If you want to select more than one images at a time in phone gap application, you can use the plugin cordova-image Picker. It allows you to select multiple images and also provides the properties for setting maximum images and changing the size ...
How to convert image into base64 string using javascript
Here is the example that shows converting an image file to base 64 string code. It can be done by the canvas method.
HTML5 provides the canvas tag that is used to draw a canvas.
For converting an image file to base 64 string you need to creat...
how to create modal in javascript
js-model is a library that allows user to work with models by using javascript code. This will help to user for creating a pop-up window for the further details. It contain the interactive data as well as a large part of the logic surrounding for...
How to integrate progress bar with Angular UI Bootstrap
How to integrate progress bar with Angular UI:
To use progress bar in angular, you need to include the following code in your controller:
<uib-progressbar value="" max=></uib-progressbar>
It has attributes like m...
How to convert Javascript Arrays to Comma seperated values
The toString() method can be used to convert an array into a string. It returs a result containing string and it will seperate the different elements in the array with commas.
var group = ['one','two','three','four'];
var conv = group.toS...
How to develop application using Phonegap.
Phonegap is an open source framework that provides us to build mobile applications. It uses some web APIs for the different platforms like android, ios, windows, blackberry. We can add the specific platform in which we want to run the mobile appl...
How to add, remove and check the class using angularJS
We can add, remove or check classes through our angular code:
The following is the syntax for adding a class and the corresponding CSS related to that class:
<div ng-app="addRemove" ng-controller="myCtrl"&g...
Simple Javascript form validation
Here i have written JS code to validate form, for example:
checking empty fields, checking email, password user-name etc.
function valid()
var name = document.getElementById('name').value;
var passwd = document.getElementById('...
jquery methods: addClass toggleClass and Remove class
jQuery has Basically three methods for CSS manipulation Following methods is explained using below example:
1.addClass() - Adds one or more classes to the selected elements
2.removeClass() - Removes one o...
"Underscore.js" a tiny and powerful library with a minified size of 5.7kb. You can download this library from
This library support over hundred of functions which can be very useful in our...
The difference between == and === in jQuery/Javascript?
double (==) : This operator is used for checking equality, no strict comparison is done i.e this operator first converts the values to specific type then comparison is done and this conversion is done by the javascri...
Fetching Data from database using php
To fetch a data from database by using simple PHP code, firstly create a connection to the database by using simple query and create a login form using HTML code for entering values through user. on clickinng submit button, This form will b...
How Page Re-direction Works
The implementations of Page-Redirection are as follows:
Example 1:
In Java script we can simply do page redirect at client side. if any visitors visit the website then you can redirect your website visitors to new page , For that you just n...
How to check if function exists or not in Javascript and jQuery
There might be some cases when we need to call a function without checking if function's definition is loaded or not. If loaded then that will be fine but if not loaded then it will throw an error as undefined function. We can handle this in ...
Profanity filter for multiple languages
To check the profanity in the text for multilanguage, here we use WebPurify web service. This web service provide various callable methods including check, checkcount, replace, return etc. But here we are using the replace method (webpurify.live....
To show the current date month and year using javascript
Below code example will help you to "show the current date month and year using javascript".