How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to use LIKE operator in MySQL
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use LIKE operator in MySQL?
Basically, LIKE operator is used for searching for a specified pattern in a column. So in other words we can say that the LIKE operat...
Wordpress Email Subscribe Plugin
Hello friends,
If you want to integrate Email subscription Popup on your site then this Plugin is very useful.
Download the Plugin from the following site :
This link is having all the ...
Changing accessibility of trait method
Hello Readers!
Today, We will discuss about the PHP 5.4 new feature trait and it's method accessibility/visibility. A trait is similar to a class. It is used to reduce the duplication of the code. But a trait cannot instantiate on its own....
What is method to read data from CSV file?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss, "what is method to read data from CSV file?
If you want to read your data from "CSV" file in php then you should use fgetcsv() function, which is use...
How to fetch data from one table in cakephp
Suppose we have a table name employees in which a number of employees are there.
How to implement SMS Gateway in cake php
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to implement SMS Gateway in cake php.
In web applications sending SMS Gateway is a very important feature for sending SMS in a application.
So clickatell ...
Remember Me using Cookie in CakePHP
Remember Me using Cookie
We can remember username and password by using Cookie. As we know cookie resides in a browser and used to store user data and other informations.
We will remember username and password by using cookie when user chec...
Send email in CakePHP from localhost using CakeEmail Component
Email is the important functionality in web applications. CakeEmail is a class used to send Email from your application.
By using CakeEmail class you can send email any where in your application. When we use CakeEmail in our application, it re...
Limit the number of records to be displayed in cakephp
Showing a limited number of records per page has been a basic part of each application and it is very difficult task to bring out. CakePHP provides a easy way for limiting record to be display or for paginate data.
The PaginatorHelper gives us...
How to integrate pdf/dompdf Export option with CakePHP
Integration of dompdf library is available online,just download it and save this library to vendor folder, this file is able to convert a html document in pdf format, by using this library the content of the page should look more appropriate and ...
Import excel sheet into database using PHP
Hello friends, This tutorial will help you to insert excel sheet data into the MySQL database using PHP I have also included the snapshots which will help you to understand more clearly.
Import Students: You can import students by cl...
Converting all underscore connected letters to uppercase in php
In PHP if we want to replace all underscore connected letters to upper case then we can use the php function called "preg_replace_callback" .
For example if we have string "kp_o_zmq_k" then the output becomes "kpOZmqK&...
Implementing captcha in cakephp
Captcha is a test which can't be pass by computer but it is very easy for the humans to pass it.
For implementing captcha in cakephp we have to follow simple steps.
Step1:- First we have download captcha package from https://github...
Active and inactive users concept using Ajax in Cakephp
Concept of active,inactive script is mostly used in Online shopping website, Where adminstrator has right to access the database table and can be able to do changes on the table according to his need. For example a site owner wants to hide some o...
Html to pdf conversion in cakephp
Step1- For converting html to pdf first we have to download dompdf, then we have to extract it and put it into /app/Vendor.
Step2- Then we have to import this dompdf folder and its file dompdf_config.inc.php by using below co...
CakePHP tree behaviour
In a tree structure data or records are stored in hierarchical manner, In tree structure the starting data record is called root node or parent node and other are child or subchild of parent node.
For implementing tree behaviour in cakep...
Creating association between tables using bindModel method in cakephp
Sometime we need to create association between models .we need this because ,we want that all associated data came on the first level of recursion.
In cakephp creation of association is done by using cakephp bindModel() method.
In below cod...
Converting .DOCX file to .PDF file using LIBREOFFICE in cakephp
In order to convert DOCX file to PDF file directly, LIBRE OFFICE should be installed in your system.
LibreOffice is an OpenOffice's successor that allows command line conversion using the LibreOffice conversion engine. The advantage of Lib...
PHP Session Vs Cookies
PHP Session is defined as a storage type which hold the values that are set to the $SESSION[], until we attempt to destroy the session.
Whereas Cookies are the temporary and also have the small storage.
For each data, the name, value, expiratio...
CakePHP find conditions
Find is the data-retrieval functions in cakephp.
Below is the list of CakePHP find conditions :-
it can be 'all...
Autocomplete form feild using PHP and jQuery
As we see in many of the forms in different websited that we just type a letter then the form automatic start guessing the the test or word we want to write in the feild. In this tutorial we will learn how to do autocomplete functionality using a...
Scope Resolution Operator PHP
In Programming language we use the scope resolution operation in different ways. Here we are taking about the its uses in PHP. PHP is easy to use and manage. Scope resolutionary operator is also known as double colon. This is basically a operator...
Using unBindModel() in CakePHP
If we have to many tables in our project and we have many association between them. So whenever we use one of the model in our controller the other model which are associated with it , automatically get attached with user data .
Sometime we do...
5 Useful jQuery Tricks for every Programmer
jQuery is a feature-rich JavaScript library. jQuery makes the things like animation,events handling, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
Here we are sharing some useful jQuery tricks that ca...
Functional Programming in Cakephp
CakePhp supports functional programming. Functional Programming in CakePhp is a criterion as are crucial, logical and Object Oreinted programming. In CakePhp everything resides inside a function, in the mathematical sense. The
CSV helper for exporting data in cakephp
We can use CSV helper for exporting data in excelsheet in cakephp.
For using CSV helper we have to follow simple steps.
Step 1:- Firstly we have to create a file naming CsvHelper.php and have to save it in our app/view/Helper directory.
How to implement SLIM APIs with Database connectivity?
To connect slim apis with database follow the below steps:
1) Setup the slim enviornment in you system using the below URL.
2) Create a database name "slim".
3) Creat...
How to delete user by using cakephp
For deleting user information in cake php by clicking on delete button we have to first pass user id in URL by using below code in our view.
<?php echo $this->Html->link('Delete',array('action'=>'del'.$user['User']['id']));
How to create custom post type in WordPress
Custom posts type is used when we are making a new theme from html or want to add some extra feild in the made theme.Suppose we want to have a separate section for Trending News. By using Custom Post Types we can create a new custom news type of ...
How to upload multiple images in cakephp
For uploading multiple files first we have to download multipartfile master plugin file from http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/multifile/ then we have to include its file into our code as shown below.
<script src="path/to/your/jquery....
Methods in REST approach
REST (Representational State Transfer) is based on resources and actions. A resource can be an URL referencing a object or any entity on which we want to perform action for example: /listUser or /searchUser. Action can be one of the following:
What is Swagger?
Swagger an open-source specification and a framework for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. Swagger was developed for Wordnik for their developer use in development.
Swagger framework simultaneo...
PHP - A brief Overview - Part -1
This posts will provide you a brief overview of PHP which is the most popular web development language. It is targeted to the audience having basic knowledge of programming. The readers searching for more in-depth knowledge will be disappointed.
How to reset your Magento admin password from Database?
If you forget the username or password to of the Magento admin panel,you can recover or change it from Magento database from phpyadmin. Most of the times forget password or username do not work, so we can use this method to recover magento admin ...
How to watermark image usimg Qimage component in cakephp
For watermarking image using Qimage component in cakephp first we have to download Qimage plugin after downloading Qimage plugin we have to put it into App/Controller/Component .
Then we have to do all this in our controller....
How to remember username and password in cakephp using cookies
As we seen in login page if we click or check the checkbox of “Remember Me” then our login id will be remembered by the browser . This is done by using cookies .
our login form contain email field and password alo...
How to Create excel files in php
Applications that are written in php most of the times need to export data for some purposes. In this tutorial, we will learn "How to export that data in Excel CSV fomat?" CSV is known as the EXCEL spreadsheet that have the data in a gr...
How to get path of function being used in PHP
Hello Reader's! if you want to get the name of function and method being called, Then by using PHP you can do this as explain below:-
Lets's see the example as below here we are using the info provided by a php exception, it's a...
How to get IP address of remote machine in PHP?
Hello Reader's if you want to make the tracking system of your website, then the best way is to get the records of the IP address from user. Getting the IP of remote of PC can done on various ways. PHP let you do this by using  ...
How to Make Forgot Password in Codeigniter
Many times the user forget their password which they opt at the time of registration, and the developer who is new in Codeigniter framework struggles to create this module. So, in this tutorial, I will guide you to make the forgot password module...
Upload file to server using PHP
We can use php and html to upload the file to the server.
Initially the file are added to the temporary folder and then are transfer to the server by using the script.
phpinfo.php define the temporary file that is used for the upload....
Identifying Browser & Platform
PHP has given some useful environment variable that are there in the phpinfo.php page that was used to setup the PHP environment.The best environment variables set by PHP is HTTP_USER_AGENT which identifies the user's browser and operating sy...
To make the data accessible across the website we need to use session.
Session create a temporary file on the server where the registered data is stored and the data is made available to all pages.
The location of the temporary file is dete...
How to display the server time with the use of ajax
In this tutorial , you will learn that how to get the server time automatically with the use of jQuery-ajax code. We can make the simple input form in html for time.When the name is input by the user , the time input feild will automatically call...
How to create custom user role in wordpress
There are 6 types of user role defined in Wordpress by default. These user type/roles make insure that the user can only use only few WordPress website features only. It minimize the chances of any accidents happening that could potentially...
How to limit data in MYSQL
The LIMIT clause in MySQL helps to get multi pages results or pagination through SQL Databases. This LIMIT clause is very useful on large tables its because returning the large numbers of records through MYSQL will be difficult to read and analyz...
How to show password strength meter using PHP
Hello Reader's when you are developing the user interactive websites then you have to show user much more activities which a website is doing. Showing the password strength will make user to use the site much easier. So if you are looking how...
Validation in CakePHP
Validation in cakePHP is on the client side and on the server side.
Client side validation is on the js file that is in the webroot folder.
Server side validation is on the model which we are using.
Client side validation is important as...
Speed up the loading time of cakePHP website
Loading time of the website plays very important role in internet world.Slow loading time of website will cause uninterrupted services and the good loading speed website serves as an indicator of how well things are doing, it will help you to gai...
Scalar Type in PHP7
In PHP files we have weak type-checked content (Weak type-checked means no way to check the variable is of what type). Now, in PHP7 we can check what type variable we are using in our code by using SCALAR TYPE.
Declare scalar type in the start...