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How to access profile plugin data in Joomla?

Hello friends, Today we learn how we can access the profile plugin data in Joomla. To access the profile data User - Profile plugin should be enabled. Otherwise it will only display current user id. To access the data you need to write the ...

Behaviour of launchMode "singleTop" in Activity (manifest)

How launchmode parameter in activity behaves   <activity android:name=.FirstActivity android:launchMode=singleTop></activity>   Let us assume different activity as A ,B ,C ,D ,E   1   and...

How to draw different shapes with canvas?

Hello readers, today we will discuss canvas element for drawing different shapes like triangle and square.  Canvas element of HTML is used to draw graphics on the web page. In my example, I am using this element to draw a triangle and square...

Display data from MySQL using PHP and angular JS

Hello friends, Today we will learn how to fetch data from MySQL and display it using angular JS. First we will make a PHP  file for retrieving data. dbresult.php <?php // set up the connection variables $dbn...

Discussion on find functions in Ruby

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss find functions in Ruby. There are different functions available. Please have a look.   A) find/detect : It will return either object or nil.   (0..10).find { |i| i == 5 } ...

How to hide a give using AngularJS?

Hello Reader's, If you are looking to make some animation effect to hide a div from website then in this blog you can learn how to do this. Hiding any div can done by many ways but by using Angular JS you can put some animation effect in it. ...

Scroll Bar in Unity

Scroll Bar Scrolls are very common in every language. Generally, the scroll is divided up into pages, which are infrequently distinct sheets of papyrus or parchment glued with each other at the edges, or may be marked divisions of a continuous...

Advantages of Unity

Advantages of Unity Unity 3D is one of the most powerful and versatile game development tools available. It can be used to develop 2D and 3D games and also allows the games to be ported and played in different environments. Unity provides supp...

How to display primary key of a table and database?

Hello friends, Today we learn how we can display the primary key of a table or database. 1. To display the primary key in a table we can execute any of the following command: SHOW COLUMNS FROM <database_name>.<table_name> WHE...

UTM Parameters & Best Practices to Create Tracking Link

  UTM Parameters ( Urchin Traffic Monitor parameters ) are WEB LINK parameters employed by marketers in order to track audience details. These parameters are used by marketers to analyze the potency of marketing promotions across traf...

Creating Own Custom Hooks in WordPress

Hello readers, today I guide you "How to create own custom hooks in WordPress".   A crucial but often avoided practice is adding custom hooks to your plugin so that other developers can extend and modify it, without having to...

Why avoid @CSS import?

Hello readers, today I guide you "Why avoid @CSS import?".   What is @CSS import:- The method of importing one CSS file insdie another CSS files is know as @CSS importing. It looks like this.   @import url("style...

WordPress HTTP API

Hello readers, today I will guide you about "WordPress HTTP API". Do you wish to make a request to the remote server to go or to post something? WordPress HTTP API is the perfect solution for this. It provides a simple interface t...

HTML helpers in MVC

 Here you will learn about HTML Helpers. HTML helper is just a method which generates elements. This element represents the content which we want to add in HTML.   Below is the format of using HTML helpers in ASP.NET MVC framework...

Express.js Middleware

Functions which can retrieve the request object, response object and the next middleware function in the application’s request-response cycle are Middleware. The concept behind middleware is same as Filters in other languages.   ...

"reason:errno:111 Connection refused OR exception:connect failed" on mongoDB restart in ubuntu 16.04

Fixed error "reason: error:111 Connection refused OR exception: connect failed" issue during mongoDB restart service in ubuntu 16.04 I got the problem like below during start the Mongo DB service after it's installation. Probl...

How to add admin prefix in CakePHP 3.0 version?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to add admin prefix in CakePHP 3.0 version ? If we want to add admin prefix in our CakePHP web application then firstly we have to use CakePHP 3.0 version because we can ...

Add Custom Column to Multisite Listing Screen

Hello readers, today I guide you to "Add custom column to multisite sites listing screen".   In case you are running multiple sites, then you get sites listing site showing all the sites on that network. Often there might need ...

How to hit ajax in joomla module ?

Hello Readers, Step 1 : First we write the ajax code in default.php file inside module (Ex: mod_mymodule) tmpl/default.php folder.    Code Example : $("#id").change(function() { var id=$(this).val(); $.ajax ({ ...

How to make count down timmer using Javascript?

Hello Reader's, If you want to make a time count-down timer then in this blog we will learn how to make this. A count-down timer is front end clock which shows time in decrement order. This is done by using javascript, So let's get starte...

Chapter 6: Bootstrap Images

Bootstrap offers you three class for images tag. These classes have some styles for images which make your work easy. The three classes are below - 1. .img-rounded- This class adds rounded border as 6-pixel border radius of the image. ...

How to make a realistic egg on illustrator

In this tutorial we'll learn to make realistic egg on illustrator.   Step 1: Take a ellipse tool and draw a oval on the canvas. Goto the direct selection tool and select the left and right anchor points and drag downward to make pr...

Remove Apache Version and OS Identity from Error Pages

Hello readers, today I guide you to "Remove Apache Version and OS Identity from Error Pages".   At the time you install Apache on your server, it displays the version of your web server installed on your server along with the...

How to show location image and details inside google marker on map?

Hi reader's, If you are developing website using google map and want to show location image and detail inside the marker then in this we will see how to do this.  Step 1: Create a blank space as an HTML div where the google map will l...

How to reset auto increment in mysql?

Hello friends, Today we will learn how to reset auto-increment in MySQL. Before starting this topic you should know that there can be only one auto column(auto-increment) in a table and it must be defined as a key(primary). There are various way...

Chapter 5: Bootstrap Buttons

Bootstrap button tag represents a clickable button. For a default button, you need to use a .btn class, it has gray color with rounded corners and 1-pixel border. Bootstrap provide some more style button you can use that classes with .btn class. ...

How to create the custom plugin in Joomla?

Hello Readers, This blog shows the basic custom plugin creation in Joomla. The below are the basic files which is used to create plugin in joomla. 1. myplugin.php 2. myplugin.xml 3. index.html Step 1 : myplugin.php - myplugin.php is...

Load and save data from xml

Hello guys, I have faced some problem while loading data from xml, while loading I was doing some simple mistakes, So I thought the share the correct process with you so that if in any case, anyone faces issues they can get help from here...

How to use Butterknife in Android?

ButterKnife is library to initialize the views with Annotations. With the help of Butterknife you have no need to initialize view with findViewBtId(). here we start. 1. Create Project. 2. Open module level build.gradle file. 3. Add b...

Creating the custom module in Joomla

Hello Readers, This blog shows the basic custom module creation in Joomla. In Joomla basically, we use the four basic files that used to develop the basic custom module in Joomla: Step 1 : mod_mymodule.php - mod_mymodule is the first or ...

How to change default messages of data tables?

Hello Reader, If you are using data tables in your web website and want to change default message of it then in this blog you can see how to change them.  Now-a-days, Data tables are getting very popular because of its real-time instant s...

Live() method in jQuery

live() method: Live method is used to attach events to selected elements and also used to specify a function when the event occurs. It is similar to bind method but live method also attach event handler to elements generated using script while...

Chapter 4: Bootstrap Tables

In Bootstrap table has a little padding and horizontal dividers. These tables are very clean and padding value is 8px with 1.4 line-height and vertical-align is top. To make a table within bootstrap you have to add .table class and this is cal...

Creating database, collections and document in mongodb

In this blog we will learn about some terms and crud operations in mongodb. As we are very much aware about the terms related with RDBMS such as creating database, creating tables and insert records in the table. Here we will learn about the basi...

Chapter 3: Bootstrap Typography

Bootstrap typography is used for to manage the content text of the webpage. Bootstrap uses 14 pixel font size with line-height 1.4 with default font family Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, and sans-serif. Typography is used to create headings...

How to declare dimension of activity and how to start launch bounds activity ?

Hi, Android 7 i.e nougat supports multi window mode to open more than one screens at a time With help of this flag one activity can be open adjacent to another activity. Require jdk : 1.8 or higher Require sdk : 24 nougat Require depe...

Android 7 to create resizable and minimum size activity

Hi, Android 7 i.e nougat supports multi window mode that means at the same time two or more screens can be open like to open email on right side and gallery on left side. So to create multi-window screen we have to use a flag in manifest named...

jQuery siblings() method

The jQuery siblings() method gives back all siblings components of the  component which we have selected. By using sibling() method we can select all the siblings of the component which we have selected and then we can use them. Syntax...

Discussion on iterators in Ruby

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss iterators in Ruby. Iterators are similar to loops but in iterators we know the beginning and end of the process. Please have a look.   v=0 while v<=10 v+=1 puts v end  ...

How to make a penguin in illustrator

In this tutorial we'll learn how to make a penguin in illustrator.   Step 1: Take a ellipse tool and draw a oval on the canvas. Now goto direct selection tool and select the bottom anchor point of the oval, drag the point slightly&...

How web application is developed in AngularJs using MVC Architecture

Hii, This blog is in continuation with my previous blog on AngularJs, In this blog i am going to discuss about the most popular concept (MVC) on the basis of which an AngularJs application is developed. MVC stands for Model View Controller...

How to increase post meta limit in WordPress?

Hello readers, today I will guide you to "increase post meta limit in WordPress?". Post Meta:- Basically post meta is an attribute of any post, page or custom post type. You can add multiple post meta in a single post. Recently I ...

Fetching Single objects in Rails Applications

Fetching Single objects in Rails Applications through Active records   While creating a web application in rails we often feel the need to fetch single objects from the database.  Active records provide us with a very good quer...

Discussion on loops in Ruby

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss loops in Ruby. If we talk about the loops then you have used this in other programming languages but in ruby we use loops in some different ways. Loop is nothing but a piece of code which execute...

Chapter 2: Bootstrap Grid System

Basically, grid is a format which is divided into div columns. This is a very useful method to manage HTML layout and users can make easily. In bootstrap it is based on 12 columns, you can group the columns together to create wider columns. ...

Methods to display Query Results in Joomla

There are various methods used in Joomla to display query results according to the requirement. They are as follows: Single Value Result : loadResult(): loadResult() method is used when a database query returns a single value. It is ba...

How to Create Glossy glass Button in 4 simple steps

STEP 1 Choose File > New. Once the new document window appears name the document then add width and height.   STEP 2 Create a circle by choosing ellipse tool or by pressing "L". Constrain the proportions by holding t...

Features of Android Nougat api 7

Now Android API version 7 is ready to launch in the market with name Nougat.   Nougat has some features that are listed below : Performance - For Fast updates now just in time compiler comes with new updates, VR mode etc. Battery...

Discussion on control structures in Ruby

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss control structures in Ruby. If we talk about the control structures then you have already use or study in other programming language like C, C++, Java etc. We do not want to repeat the same thing...

Why we use Google/jQuery CDN to load JS/CSS library files

Hello readers, today I will guide you "Why we use Google/jQuery CDN to load JS/CSS library files". Here are the following reasons on behalf of Why we should use Google/jQuery  CDN to load JS/CSS library files.   1) Th...
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