Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
How to Add Skype Indicator in UBUNTU System?
Hello everyone,
From past day I am trying to get Skype indicator on top right tray of my screen.
I tried the below command to install indicator:
sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386
And restarted system, but it didn't worked.
Some ...
Preview Window is not showing my cordova app.
I am making an app (iOS + phone gap) and using a camera plugin. When i open the camera preview window is not showing but click noise is coming of Button.?cordova.plugins.camerapreview?
Please help Guys.
How to get Facebook sdks framework using phone gap cordova iOS app.. Please help.?
Camera button is there but preview(screen) is not coming in my app.
Cordova iOS
Please Help
Compare two numbers
Can you tell me why this isn't working with comparing numbers?? All assistance is truly & greatly appreciated.
function init(){
var a = document.getElementById("a").value;
var b = document.getElementById("b").value;
var com...
Page Navigation on click of push notification
After getting push notification, if i click on that, " notification.html " page should open,
now " index.html " is getting open how to achieve this ?
How to fix or remove crawl errors from bing webmaster tool?
Hi guys,
Today, I was analyzing Bing Webamster tool to inspect crawls errors for one of my website and found 342 issues under 500 internal server error column. But I didn't find any option to fix or remove all these crawl errors just like we...
help! mobile events recognition
Hey guys!
I tried using hammer.js alongside with ngHammer to recognize mobile events but it's not working so hot. distinguishing between tap/double tap is arbitrary and a little fuzzy and some other events weren't working as I expected.
Permission Access
How to block or access specific permission of specific application through android code? (Without accessing manifest file of specific app?
Integreriting solarium in cakephp2.4
I have problem with start Solarium Client, I downloaded it by Composer. I install it in Vendor When i want getting document from solr i have to creet a Client instance
$client = new Solarium\Client($config);
I Get this ERROR Error:
Class '...
Better way for this
I am creating an app in phonegap for daily news, I am storing my news details to amozon s3 server.
So in my app home page i am displaying all news list. User can read news in both offline and online mode.
I stored amozon s3 file link in my data...
How to delete data in Liferay
I am looking best way of deleting the selective data from liferay database.
Thanks in advance
Warning in my Project
How to remove this Warning ? please help
'cdv_base64EncodedString' is deprecated: Deprecated in Cordova 3.9.2. Use NSData base64EncodedStringWithOptions instead. This will be removed in 4.0.0
Wordpress Theme and Plugin Problem
Wordpress Problem
i am facing this error at time of new theme or new plug in installation
An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WordPress.org or this servers configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the su...
How to make an camera app using cordova plugins...Please help.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera??
Cordova plugins with iOS platform. Giving an error using command line tool .
cordova -v
throw err;
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/admin/.config/configstore/update-notifier-cordova.json'
You don...
map is contentiously refresh
here is my java script code
function onSuccess(position) {
var element = document.getElementById('map');
var lat=position.coords.latitude;
var lang=position.coords.longitude;
var myLatlng =...
Override Property Field In odoo V8
Hello guys I am stucked in overriding a property field actually my issue is i want to calculate cost pirce (standard_price) when costing method is set to average from a custom field rather then calculating from line.price.unit (price) in purchase...
How do i pass 2 or more variables in a URL
private void doAssign() {
String nameStr = fname.getText().toString();
String phoneStr = phone.getText().toString();
String bikeStr = bike.getText().toString();
String details = nameStr + "," + phoneStr + "," + b...
I want to convert the query php code into the Prepare statement php code
Here is my query code, How can write same code in the prepare statement php.
header('Content-type : bitmap; charset=utf-8');
$encoded_string = $&#...
BLE Packet delay
Hello Everyone, I have been testing BLE on android. I have observed a significant delay between received packets which appears randomly. I am receiving 24 bytes and the delay between certain packets is random and high. The delay is between 20 to ...
Adding Boolean field in taxes and add those taxes in which the field is true in purchase order.
I want to add a boolean field in account.tax and then in purchase.order.line i want to create a new field in which those taxes which are marked as true are calculated . Thanks for help in advance.
how to stick posts to their respective posts in php&mysql
Guys im trying to join a comments table to posts table using the following query in a method.
public function feedView($session,$friend,$updateid) {
$sql2=" select u.update_body,u.author,u.time,u.title,u.account_na...
Blue Line in Excel
Hi Guys,
Can anyone tell what is this blue line I am seeing in my excel?
This excel has lot of data and formula.
Unity UI for different Devices
How to create a UI in Unity 4.6 which adjusts to different resolutions and aspect ratio and is compatible for all IOS and Android devices .
How to create a RPG game?
Hello I love RPG games and want to create a simple RPG game too.
But don't know the best approach for this. Can anyone help in this. ?
Thanks in advance.
Which is the best approach to select the Server?
I want to create a multi-player game but I am very confused to select the back end server. I want to do this game with unity effects.
Thanks in advance.
setOnTouchListener call multiple times
When I implement this. I catch this event multiple time.
Would you please provide solution.
private EditText mDateOfBirth;
mDateOfBirth = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.sign_up_date_of_birth);
mDateOfBirth.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnT...
Capturing and Uploading Video to PHP Server in Cordova
Hi Friends,
I want to capture a video and i want to upload to PHP server.
How to achieve this in Cordova ?
How to Select specific category by writing PHP code to show lat & lng location in google map using volley library
I want to display location (lat & lng) markers in Android google map using volley library by selecting the category.
I am not able to get individual selected item locations but I am able to get all locations markers in map. Please help in ...
Picture orientation issue in samsung galaxy
I am encountering some problem with Cordova Camera plugin and Android, When taking picture in Android (e.g. in portrait mode) the image is rotated by -90, i am facing this problem only in Samsung Galaxy.
Question about using Java for data compression:
I have a question regarding the best approach to using Java to compress an MP4 music file. My approach is to use Java NIO to input the MP4 file into RAM as a stream and parse the bits to find a specific bit pattern. When I find the bi...
Fatal error in git terminal
Hello I'm using git and I just updated code on my get portal but everytime I'm trying to push the update from terminal this error message is showing:-
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
IllegalStateException not on main thread
class LoadImage extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... urls) {
Bitmap theBitmap = null;
Uploading captured image into the specific folder server using volley library
This is one of the famous question which is unanswered clearly. I have posted it on stackoverflow link as follow:
I wa...
Google Map showing only one marker
I am using Google Map in my app. I have added treeid, and its lat and lng location. I want to retreive these location and show in google marker using volley library.
But I am able to get only one marker location.Please help me where I a...
Please help to design the layout with attached image in Android
Please help in design the layout with attached image. please find the attached screen shot for reference
Suggest whether we go with grid layout or Relative layout . Please provide the respective xml layout.
If you suggest grid layout could ...
Quick definition question.
I am having trouble finding the technical term for this (see attachment), i have no idea what it called in english, it is basically a type of browser that popup on directly on the page, so when i click on an ad, instead of it opening new t...
Wordpress plugin interfere with the template in wordpress
I have a problem my plugin which I build it changes the style of my template.
I would like to know how to avoid a problem like this. My plugin should take the main style of the template and not modify it.
Please take a look on my att...
ngCordova oauth facebook
I want to create a facebook login for my ngCordova hybrid app.In backend i use node js.But in client i've saw a plugin which use clientID(app id) from facebook developers.I don't know how to create this client or how to work with this plugin.Doe...
Images and Barcode
Hi Friends,
This is my first post in this website.
I am using magento platform for my store. In that i had create a custom invoice model and print automatically after a second. This works fine but my issue is Images and barcode are not able...
Shipping rate getting changed after few seconds in oye checkout magento 1.9.1
Hello All,
I have used magento1.9.1 and oye checkout extension, Now I am facing this following issue from staring, I am not able to understand anything here.
If my billing address and shipping address is same
If my billing and shipping address...
Java Need
I want to learn Java programs from easy to expert Level
can you suggest me some sites for It?
query roll back
hey ci experts can you help me plz
where im making mistake....
my query is not roll backed although im setting the first parameter in the $this->db->trans_start(TRUE); as TRUE
the queries are only rollback when i remove the $this->db-...
I'm using the PHP curl and how can i make request by HTTP authentication?
Using PHP and using the curl as service I'm working on a REST website
So, How can i make request by HTTP authentication?
I need to know can i use the library functions ? I they exists for this way
Please comment your answers.
how to access restful webservice using volley library
I have created a restful web service using this tutorial http://www.tutecentral.com/restful-api-for-android-part-1/
after running this i got an auto generated java file which contains the following code
public class RestAPI {
private fin...
Blur Image View
How to blur an Imageview and am already tried it using RenderScript, am new to android can anyone tell me for what this library(renderscript v-8) use ?
How to write PHP code to select specific column and display rows respectfully??
I have wrote code for sqlite to select specific columns and display rows ..
id condition lat long
1 Good 0.0 0.0
2 Poor 0.0 0.0
3 Good 0.0 0.0
When I select Good, It should display my lat & l...
android google map is showing only one marker using volley library
I am using Google Map inside the "Fragment" using sqlite database connection through volley library.
I have 4 location, but my map is showing only one marker. I don't know where exactly getting wrong.
Where do I need to change in my code to...
How can I get a decimal number in text field?
Currently I am using this code:
InputAmount = System.Int32.Parse(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Amount")[0].GetComponent().text);
Declare with float but how can I get a decimal number from the text field? Because I am doing a calculator...