How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
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Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Getting Error When Trying to Pass JSON PHP to JS with Ajax!
Hey, I'm in desperate need. I have made a JSON object with PHP named userAuth and I am trying to pass it to a JS file with Ajax, here is my PHP code (auth.php):
$userAuth->access = 1;
Why my Javascript Ajax Function Return False Always? How to Fix it?
I need to create ajax php registration page but i have some errors i could not solve.
The function (CheckExamineeNameAvailability AND CheckExamineeEmailAvailability) return false value even if the username or email were available ...
How to Send More Than One Data in PHP Ajax Form
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" />
<div style="background:url() no-repeat">
<span id="uploaded_image" ><img src=" '.$row["carimg"].' " height="150" width="225" class="img-thumbnail" /></span></div...
While creating PHP login script using Javascript Ajax, Why I ain't getting response?
create php login script using javascript ajax ?
i have this script for php login and i need to use ajax to login the users
but i can not make it work i can't get response form processing page
and i use alert function to alert response text...
How to implement load more dynamic results functionality using jQuery, Ajax Php and Database?
To display or load more results, whether it is commenting on a blog website, like or images on social media or products on eCommerce website the best UX pattern for this is either pagination, a Load more button or infinite scrolling. In this tuto...
using ajax to load content from php file without jquery ( TABS)
i want to make a tabs that generating content from database based on what users click.
i want to have a script which uses PHP, ajax and JSON if needed. but i don't want to use jquery.
Could you please Help me?
here is what i hav...
How to post a comment on blog using Ajax?
Hello Reader's , If you have developed the blogging website and you want to make commenting via ajax then this article will be very helpful for you. You can develop commenting function with many ways but if you use ajax then you can speed up ...
How to check if mobile is already register during register via ajax
Hello Reader's if you are developing a user based registration portal and you want to make unique mobile number facility then you can do this via ajax and php. In this tutorial we will see how to develop the portal which will check and verify...
How to make ajax searching in codeigniter?
Hello Reader's, If you are making searching and want to look it as ajax which show records then this blog is helpful to you. In this blog, we will make it for CodeIgniter framework. Ajax searching will show the matching results from the typed...
How to make visitor counter using ajax and php
Hello Reader's, If you want to get the records of visitors that visits your webpage then in this blog you can learn and build your own. Here we will develop it by using PHP and Ajax.
Page counters are easy to get and install but if you w...
How to load heavy images via ajax in webpage
Hello Reader's if you find your website is too heavy to load the contents, then you can use the ajax to load images.
By using Ajax data be loaded and browser will load the heavy images with fade in effect.
So lets get started...
Loading simple data with the help of ajax
If we want some part of our website to load but we dont want other part to be loaded for this purpose ajax is used . Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML it helps us to load particular part of the page but not the whole ...
Active Inactive button in cakephp using ajax
Suppose we have a table name player and in player table we have field like id , image,player_name, status, etc. Suppose data inside fields are id=1, name=ram, image=abcd.jpg and status=0, Now we want to change status to 1, and again we have...
send data into php using javascript and ajax
i need to send data into my database using ajax but i don't need to send duplicate data so how can i return false if the username or email already exist in my database or prevent submit also i need to prevent submit if the password fields are...
Active and inactive users concept using Ajax in Cakephp
Concept of active,inactive script is mostly used in Online shopping website, Where adminstrator has right to access the database table and can be able to do changes on the table according to his need. For example a site owner wants to hide some o...
Submit and validate data with ajax (without refreshing)
A form can be submit and validate without refreshing with the help of ajax and jquery. You just need to include one ajax file and there is no need of any js validation file to check the validations.Validation can be done on the basis of ajax resp...
How to display the server time with the use of ajax
In this tutorial , you will learn that how to get the server time automatically with the use of jQuery-ajax code. We can make the simple input form in html for time.When the name is input by the user , the time input feild will automatically call...
jQuery $.ajax()
$,ajax() allows to make an ajax call.
This method provide more control than any other method.
In the ex below all the parameters and comment related to each parameter describe the purpose of each one.
var ajaxUrl = "Json.htm";
AJAX request
To send the request on server open() and send() can be used in ajax.
These are the method of XMLHttpRequest object.
xhttp.open("GET", "ajax_info.txt", true);
open- specifies the type of request
open(method, url, async...
XMLHttpRequest object is used to exchange the data with the server without loading the whole page.
XMLHttpRequest is supported by all new browser.
Those who do not support, support ActiveXObject.
For declaring in the code
Cakephp 2.7: How to paginate using ajax in cakephp?
Cakephp Ajax Pagination:
This blog will help you to paginate page using ajax. First of all create Users table and add some data in it, now create its model, view and controller by following command:
$ cd /var/www/html/cakephp/app
$ /var/...
Performing live serach using AJAX and PHP
Here in this blog i have used AJAX to search and provide result on the whenever user enter any character in the textbox. The result is coming from a PHP page. Ajax search is used for making the code easy to understand and for saving the users tim...
How to make AJAX call in jQuery?
Sometimes we need to make AJAX call in our Web page. The purpose of AJAX call is that you want to get/submit data without refreshing your page or you want to submit your form by calling an API. We can do this very easily by using ajax() method of...
How to do AJAX cross domain calls ?
I was facing issue to post data by a form to foreign domain. I am aware of "AJAX cross-domain policy". So we just can't call "http://yahoo.com" over ajax http request and display the results on my page. So after researchin...
Jquery Ajax exapmle in php
Here in this blog i have shown a simple example how to use AJAX to send and retrieve data from a PHP page and then populate the result from a PHP page in a HTML element.
The example here shows when I select a country a request is send to...
AngularJS http (ajax)
AngularJS has provided a $http service that works as an ajax call in jquery. It performs a function of reading data from the server. $http makes a call to the database and retrieves the desired data or records.
How to use?
1. you need to in...
AJAX is a topic which comes under PHP AJAX Stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is used to update segment of web pages, without refreshing the whole page. By using AJAX we can create dynamic web pages easily and very fa...
Ajax calls start failing if my app is inactive; otherwise they work just fine on WiFi
In my Phonegap based hybrid app: Ajax calls start failing if my app is inactive for say a couple of minutes. My connection is WiFi & what happens is ajax calls fail with status 0; but navigator.connection.type still shows ...
Jquery ajax json response
There is a need to set dataType in the ajax if you expect to get json response .
url: "/accept",
type: "POST",
data: myformData,
context: this,
error: function () {},
dataType: 'json',
success : fun...
how to get questions with jquery,ajax,php
have a quiz script. My script contains quiz.js, getquestions.php, insertresults.php. In quiz.js:
var i = 1;
var sec = 20;
var timetaken = 0;
var answer;
var points;
var result = .5;
var score = 0;
var f = new Date();
var duration;
Bootstrap Popover with Laravel 5.0 Both with and without Ajax
Sometimes we need to provide the link of the webpage specially if the content is coming from Ajax or we have multiple contents everyone opening on different webpage in a popover. At that time we can use this functionality of Bootstrap to get the ...
How to pass an arrray in PHP via Ajax
Hello Readers if you want to send the array into another PHP page then you can use the code below:-
I have array made by function .push. In array is very large data. How is the best way send this to PHP script?
dataString = array(a->b);...
Jquery ajax post example with PHP
Hello Readers ,
If you want to post the form but do not want to refresh the browser then the best approach to follow by using AJAX call .
Following is the HTML and Jquery code.
<form id="foo">
<label for="bar">A...
Ajax request in YUI
Here is the simple example of YUI ajax with Post and Get method:
POST request:
var callback = {
success: function(o){
Check username availability on keypress using jquery
Username or email availability or any other types of availability check we can do in this way. When user type on a text box an ajax request has made and check what if its available or not. we only required jquery.js
<input type='te...
How to use AJAX in WP
If you are looking to use AJAX in WP. Please follow the below example.
var stateName = $('#state').val();
type: "POST",
url: "<!--?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ); ?-->",
data: { 'action':'custom_d...
How to implement autocomplete feature with AJAX in jsp?
Sometimes wee need to call an API or action to get matching list with the provide keyword in Search box, for this we usually implemente autocomplete feature to input field for searching purpose by doing AJAX call.
Example: In the below example...
Create custom user login using AJAX in WordPress
Hello Reader,
If you want to create WordPress custom login using AJAX below example will help you.
You just need to follow the steps one by one.
1.) copy the below line and paste it to header,php file under </head> section.
Create custom user signup using AJAX in WordPress
Hello Reader,
The below example will help you to create user custom sign-up using AJAX.
Please follow below steps to create WordPress custom sign-up.
1.) copy the below line and paste it to header,php file under section.
<script t...
Abort the current XMLHttpRequest in AJAX?
For this operation we have a function abort().
Here is the process code.
var xhr;
xhr = $.ajax({
url: 'ajax/userDetails/user_id/3',
success: function(data) {
//Abort the Ajax...
How to set form action via ajax
Hello Reader's
If you want to make your form reusable and set the action dynamic via ajax, Then you can make the ajax call like in the example below:-
<form id = 'idForm'>
and the script will go like this...
How to make lazy load of html page contents using Javascript
Hello Reader's!
If you are looking to make your website pages more dynamic and light that loads the html sections as user scrolls down, Then you can use the code below:-
First thing is to make some corrections on the html page like. you need...
How to reload the webpage if user make no activity
Hello Reader's! If you are looking for functionality for reloading a web page only when user makes no activity for a while, Then you can use the ajax technology for making the html tag refresh.
Lets see the example below:-
Send data through ajax call and receive Json response from controller in Springs
Here is the sample code implementing ajax call to send the data of a form to the controller and receiving json response from controller.
Create a java bean class and generate setter and getter.
public class Student
How to show loading icon while page is loading
Hello Reader's, If your webpage is taking too long to take data from database and you want to fix a loading icon for the time then you can use the following Javascript based code for that:-
First Step:-
Write the following code just after yo...
How to use Generic bind() Function
Here's an example of a generic bind() function, applied directly to an anonymous event handler. The object in XML Request gets bound to its onreadystatechange() event. The search string variable is being pre-applied as well. when the parseMes...
Submit form data in Ajax
We will learn here, how we can submit form data with the help of Ajax.
First step:-
Create index.html file and create a form with the three labels/fields:- Name,Email and Superhero Alias. Inside head tag we have included one css file and ...
Fetching JSON using angular JS
The controller defines a dependency to the $scope and the $http module. An HTTP GET request to the countries.json end point is carried out with the get method. It returns a $promise object with a success and an error method. Once successful, the ...
Send JSON Objects with an ajax request
To send an ajax request, we have number of functions in jQuery. But to send JSON object along with the request, I chose jQuer.ajax(). It takes various parameters url, type, data, dataType, beforeSend etc.
See below steps
Ajax call using Javascript and JQuery
Ajax :
It is s process of getting or reteriving the content without refreshing the whole page.
We can do this using javascript and JQuery.
There are different method for ajax call in javascript and jquery.
Javascript :