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Implicit and Explicit Blocks in Ruby

Blocks are basically a group of code that can be stored in a parameter and can be executed. There are majorly two ways of doing this:   1) Implicit: In implicit, it is a nameless block and it is not passed as a parameter, it is exec...

Node Package Manager in Node.js

Node Package Manager (npm) stands for node package manager and it is a command line interface for installing Node.js packages,do version management and dependency management of Node.js packages. npm can be used to install packages in local or gl...

Perform different operations using package name in android

1) If your requirement is to get app icon from package name then below few lines of code will be helpful for you. try { Drawable app_icon = getPackageManager().getApplicationIcon("PACKAGE_NAME"); my_imageView.setBackgrou...

Schedule and perform Data Quality Checks in PIM

Hello Readers   Overview: Quality checks can be carried out when required. Quality checks can be initiated in different ways:   - by a defined event or on a fixed date   - by a direct request   Schedu...

How to perform task in background thread using GCD

Hi Readers, GCD stands for Grand Central Dispatch. It can be used to handle background task. In app requirement many time we need to perform some tasks like calculation etc without any effect on main thread. So all we need is to perform that p...

Function Expressions vs Function Declarations

Every function in JavaScript is an object of Function and in JavaScript, there are many different ways of defining Javascript function. Each of them will do approximately the same thing, but has its own pros and cons. Here we are going to explain...

Traverse in jQuery using filtering methods

Traversing in jQuery is basically used to search or select HTML elements or attributes of a web page. During the traversal, we are using filtering methods to manipulate the DOM. Some filtering methods describe as below...   first(): Th...

How to route / customize route in CodeIgniter

In CodeIgniter URI routing system we find a one-to-one relationship between the path Controller_class/Controller_class_method and the URL .All the segments in a URI displays the below pattern : Domain_name/Controller_class_name/Controller_cl...

Convert bytes to human readable form Android Java

Convert bytes data to human readable form. 1.  I initialized the byte with random number; long bytes = 123456; 2.  Initialize String[] of data types. String[] types = {"kb", "Mb", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"}; 3. initial...

How to upload multiple file upload in CakePHP 2.x?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to upload multiple file upload in CakePHP 2.x? If we want to upload multiple images in our CakePHP web application with the help of input browse box. So for that we have t...

Discussion on MongoDB with Nodejs

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss mongoDB with nodejs. We use mongoDB with nodejs. MongoDB is nosql database. It is open source as well as cross-platform and well documented database. MongoDB uses collection which is set of mongo...

Use of Super Keyword and Mixins In Ruby

Use of Super Keyword and Mixins In Ruby Super Keyword Ruby gives us with a built-in function called super that allows us to call methods which are present in its super class.  The use of inheritance is to make the overridden methods...

jQuery not() Method

In jQuery not() method,  we set a  criteria. Elements that match the criteria are expelled from the selection, and those do not  match will be returned. Below is the syntax of jquery filter method:- selector....

How to get total quantity left of different color in configurable product ?

Hello Readers, This tutorial is going explain "How to get total quantity left of simple products with different color in configurable product". Lets see how can we do it: paste the below code in product view file (i.e catalog/pro...

Triangle Shape Images Using CSS3

Hello , reader's In my blog I have tried to make triangle images using CSS3 transform, translate and transition property.   I have used transform skew and rotate property for creating the images to look as triangle.   Ba...

Difference between SVG and Canvas

SVG An XML-based image format is the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) that is used to define 2D vector based graphics for the Web. We can scale up or down a vector image to any extent without losing the image quality. SVG is Object Model-b...

Water Reflection to Image Android

This blog is about how to create water reflection image. 1. Create android Project. 2. Activity layout file is look like :- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="

Extracting album art/album cover image from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP?

In the previous blog Extracting metadata info from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP? i explained how to extract information regarding a mp3 file using getID3. In this blog i will explain how to extract the image (if its there) inside a mp3 fil...

contenteditable Attribute in Html5

contenteditable Attribute: ContentEditable attribute provides the user to edit the content of html element. If the attribute is present and its value is true user can easily edit content of an html element and if value is false user cannot edi...


FlexSlider is a most popular jQuery responsive slider plugin for image slider. It provides both designers and developers a fast runnable image slider.   Some important features:   It is supported in all major browsers. ...

JavaScript Closures

In Javascript, we have two type of variables Local variable Global variable A local variable can only be used within the function where its is defined whereas a global variable can be used by all the script within the page. What if w...

How to Upload Large Files in PHP?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss How to Upload Large Files in PHP? Sometimes in a PHP web application. we need to upload a large file. So to manage large file upload in PHP web application we need to configur...

CSS3 Transforms

Transform means to change the complete appearance of an element, mainly to improve it's visual. CSS3 came up with the new properties to change shape, size and position of an element. These all new changes are made possible by single transf...

Difference between array_merge(), array_merge_recursive() and array_combine() functions in php

array_merge(): This function is used to join the one or more array into single array. Syntax: array_merge($array1, $array2, $array3...);   Its required to pass at least one array to  array_merge(). <?php $array1 = arra...

Filtering methods in jquery

In jQuery there are three most essential filtering techniques used these are first(), last() and eq(), which permit you to choose a particular element in respect of its position when there are more than one element or have group of elements....

FlexBox layout in android

 In the below example I have describes "how to use FlexBox layout". FlexboxLayout extends the ViewGroup like relative layout and linear layout. You can add different attributes to the flexlayout like flexDirection, flexWrap, justif...

What are phrase tags?

Phrase tags are utilized to construct the content much richer than they appear in like manner. There are numerous phrase tags for arranging the content we require. There are some circumstance where you might want to highlight some word, include q...

How to create / retrieve / modify / delete a cookie

We use cookie to identify the identity of a user and make sure that the user is an authentic user when user traverses through different pages of an application or a website. Basically a cookie is a file in text format that is embedded by the serv...

Crash on camera open in iOS 10

Hi, If you app getting crash on opening camera in iOS 10, then you have to do some changes in your info.plist. To avoid the crash we need to add the suggested key to ‘Info.plist’ (Xcode 8 already contains the full list of possib...

Overriding Equality of objects

Overriding Equality of objects In ruby the equality of the objects depend upon several things, which are a) == b) hash c) eql? In normal cases whenever you run == method for string numbers etc it works perfectly fine, but if there ar...

Set Cookies in PHP

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss to set Cookies in PHP. A cookie is a client side server which identifies the users on the user's computer. A cookie is a small file that the server embeds on the user'...

Method Overloading and Overriding In Ruby

Method Overloading Method overloading can be achieved by declaring two methods with the same name and different signatures. These different signatures can be either   1.Arguments with different data types, eg: method(int a, int b) vs m...

Sum without highest and lowest number in an array

Description: Sum all the numbers of the array except the highest and the lowest element. Example: { 6, 2, 1, 8, 10 } => 16 If array is empty or null, or if only 1 Element exists, return 0.   Test Cases: Test.describe("...

Difference between Visibility, Opacity and Display

Here are some CSS properties, which looks similar. It's hard to find the difference between them. Like:- Visibility:hidden;          Opacity:0;          ...

How to get the debug or Signed SHA1 fingerprint for Android Application in Ubuntu

SHA-1 fingerprint is used for creating a digital certificate, either debug certificate and released certificate. Debug certificate is when application is in testing phase and released when ready to be in a live mode. Fingerprint is a hexadecimal ...

Restart Node.js server

While working on any node js application we have to restart node server every time we make any changes to the code. For a developer, it affects the productivity and is also irritating for some of us. To solve this problem we have a module in nod...

Create wordpress Plugin to Get all Category in Dropdown: Part 2

Hello readers, In my previous blog, we talked about "How to Get All Category in Dropdown". Means that it will help you to get all category in dropdown and if you select any category from dropdown you get all related post   ...

Ruby Blocks

As we all know,Ruby Blocks and Ruby Methods work in tandem as clearly elucidated by the below example: def demo_method yield "hello" end demo_method { |block_argument| "#{block_argument}!! our first ruby blog"}   here, the ...

Difference between HTML and XHTML

HTML and XHTML are both languages in which web pages are designed. HTML- HTML stands for Hypertext markup language. It is the main markup language which is used to design web pages. HTML elements are not case sensitive. e.g of HTML- ...

fs module in nodejs

Welcome to FindNerd, Today we are going to discuss an example of nodejs modules. We have already discussed the nodejs in-built modules in our previous blog. click here  to check the blog. We are going to take an example of fs module in no...

How to Print Floyd's Triangle in php ?

Hello readers, today I have taken example of Floyds triangle. Floyd's  triangle is a right-angled triangle of  array having natural numbers. The  natural numbers are printed in such a manner , that it will look like right angle...

How to Hire a Killer Team - Do's and Don'ts When Posting Jobs as a Hiring Manager

  Hiring managers is entrusted with the responsibility of filling a new position or a vacant position in the organization. They have a huge responsibility towards the organization as they are responsible for bringing in efficient and ...

Difference between bootstrap and foundation

In web designing world, we define  framework as a package made up of a  files structures and folders of systematic code that include HTML, CSS, JS etc. which is used for the development of websites, as a base to start building a site. W...

Highlighting important information with the help of jquery

Many time we want to show some information in our page to be highlighted, we want some important information to be display with different background color. we can acquire this by simply using jquery filter() method. In jquery filter method &nb...

Extracting metadata info from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP?

getID3 is an open source PHP library which can extract information from multimedia file like audio, video and images in various formats. For detailed information about the types of files please view this link: . ...

How to generate keyhash for Android App(Facebook integration)

If you need to integrate Facebook SDK in your android app you have to generate keyhash, to configure Facebook API console. Add this method to your utility class and call this method from onCreate() of any Activity. For digital data integrity and ...

Custom code to resize any image in magento

In magento if we are required to resize the image we can do it using the resize() function of magento, but sometimes it wont work then we need to apply some custom codes.   Lets see how can we do it :   In case if we are wor...

Populate greater price in second dropdown list for To Price than selected in From Price dropdownlist

The below code snippet depicts can populate “To Price” in second dropdownlist all greater than “From Price” that we selected in the From Price dropdownlist. Let us create an HTML file, say selectamount.html Here we w...

Droppable in jQuery

The Droppable function can be used in JqueryUI to enable dropable functionality on a DOM element. In the example below using drop-able function we can drag an element and drop it to another container. Example code: <!doctype html> ...

How to create configurable product ?

Steps to describe how to create configurable product ?   1. In admin panel click on Catalog->Manage Products.   2. Click on Add Product button.   3. Select Attribute Set -> default and Product Type -> con...
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