How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Automatically Mount Drive After Instance Restart in AWS
What Does Mounting Drive Means
Mounting Drive means making the drive accessible to the computer, by which the user will be able to read and write the data to the disk on which he/she mounted that particular drive.
What is&nbs...
6 Easy Steps to Install Node.js on Linux Ubuntu
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on chrome’s V8 engine. It is efficient and lightweight as it uses a non-blocking, event-driven Input/Output model. npm or the Node.js’ package system is amongst the biggest open source libraries.
Linux: File Ownership and Permissions
File Ownership and Permissions
It is important in multi-user system to ensure that files of one user cannot be accessed by another user, until and unless user is permitted to access the files. The user who creates the file, is by default the o...
Enter Single User Mode in Linux
How to Enter Single User Mode in Linux
In single user mode only the system administrator can log in the account. Some of the administrative operations can only be done in single user mode. For example:
i) Unmounting a user partition.
df, du and tree in Linux
df, du and tree in Linux
The 'df' command is the simplest tool to view disk usage. Using it without any switches will display the result in block of usage which is not understandable especially for home users. Use the '-h...
What is Linux Loader?
LILO: Linux Loader is the traditional boot loader and it is perhaps still used in servers that run Linux as their Operating system. Grub or the GRand Unified Boot Loader replaced it as the 'cool' and secure alternative.
LILO ...
How to change the default svn username and password to commit the changes?
Sometimes your SVN is configured with your own svn-account, but some changes in your code are to be commited from some other person's svn account.
This commit could either be a one time operation or permanently the svn account might need t...
How to convert .AIR file to .EXE?
Hi Developers,
How to convert .AIR to .EXE?, How to silently install the .AIR file on windows desktop when the system does not have pre-install Adobe AIR?, it's a basic problem faced by every flash developers when working on windows deskto...
Understanding Hard Links vs Soft Links
In Linux or Unix based OS create file into two parts ::
1. Data part : it contains the information regarding the iNode number of the file along with the variuos permission on that file.
2. Filename part : contains the name of file and inode...
Advantages of Linux over other Operating systems:
Linux OS developed by Linus Torvalds in '91 is based on Unix OS . It's core functionalities have been greatly inspired and adopted from Unix but unlike Unix , Linux can also run on small devices with low hardware capacities, Linux i...
Ubuntu: Changing Permissions At Command Prompt
Changing Permissions At Command Prompt
This is accomplished by using the "chmod" command. The chmod is followed by a 3 digit number used to indicate the permissions required. The first 3 digit indicated the owner's perm...
How to create file using cat in Ubuntu?
Hello friends, I am writing this blog which will let you know how to create a file using cat command.
Using cat to create a file
cat is useful for creating a file. Enter the command cat, followed by the > (the right chevron) character an...
How to download the database dump from your live/test server
Sometimes our requirement is to export/download the latest database from live/test server.
We can easily create the dump on our server and then copy paste it from server to your local machine using Win-Scp.
But the issue comes when the...
CURL: How to install curl on ubuntu 14.04
I was facing issue to run the following lines of code on php:
$url = "http://example.com/";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, 3128);
Basic Linux Commands
Hello Readers..here are some basic commands that we use in Linux
1. File Handling :
mkdir- make directories
Usage: mkdir[OPTION]DIRECTORY...
Example: mkdir rahul
Installing JAVA (open-jdk) in LINUX using TERMINAL simple steps.
The simplest and the easyest way to install anything on Linux is throught Terminal
1. Open terminal using ALT+CTRL+T
2. Type command shown below:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
Note: in : openjdk-7-jdk, 7 is for demonstration, you can c...
How to install windows applications on Linux using Wine.
Linux by default cannot run windows application directly, both operating systems are too different. There are tons of Linux applications which are available and ready to install and use.
If you want to use windows programs on Linux than you ne...
Create and Add EBS volume on AWS
Amazon EBS(Elastic Block Store) volume offers high availability and durability with capability to automatically replicate in its availability zone. To create an EBS volume follow the following steps :
1) AWS Account >> EC2 Dashboard >...
Various options of ls command in Linux
Output of most of the commands in Linux can be modified by using options/switches. ls command is also not an exception.
ls command is used to list the contents of a directory. It has lots and lots of switches to customize its output.
How can one install ruby on ubuntu
Choose the version of ruby you want to install for example : 2.2.3
After choosing the right version of ruby first step is to install some dependencies :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libs...
How to run cron on alternate week on particular week day?
All of us have been writing some kind of cron but recently we came a situation where cron has to be fired by weekly on Wednesday. Keeping in mind the client requirement we came to a particular solution.
Minute Hour date-Of-Month Month Day-Of-W...
Installing PHP module on Apache2
One can install PHP with apache2 in two ways, either by compiling from source code or from repositories by using a package manager. Both ways are discussed below.
Installing from repositories : This is very simple and straight forward method ...
Installing SSL certificate on apache2
SSL or Secure Socket Layer ascertains that all data passed between the web server and the web browser remain private and secure. It is the standard security technology for engendering an encrypted connection between a web server and a web browser...
10 time saving tips every Linux user should know
If you are using bash, here are some time saving tips that can come handy in day to day tasks of every Linux user. This list is not exhaustive in any manner and is compiled from various Q&A sites and forums.
Use CTRL+R to search through...
Change default editor for linux terminal
The default editor generally with linux terminal is vi editor and if you edit crontab etc. it by default opens up using vi editor.
To change this default behavior and set the editor to nano you can use command
export EDITOR=nano
after ...
Install Oracle JDK with apt-get
The official JDK is provided by Oracle but is not provided as default installation by ubuntu
You can install Oracle JDK using apt-get by adding the repositories and then using apt-get command.
To add the repository issue the following comm...
Forcing File System Check on next boot in case of disk errors
When on Linux you may see that file system may behave strangely sometimes which is generally due to corrupt inodes or in all the complete file system.
To overcome this you may want to run a file system check using fsck command.
But ...
How to install own cloud on Ubuntu 12.04
Pre requisites-->you need to have the lamp server running on your ubuntu.
Downloading pakages
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/community/xUbuntu_12.04/ /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d...
7 points every software developer should know about Linux administration
Linux is a particular field in itself, however, in the event as a developer you know how to handle some regular assignments. You can get great turn around and also can upgrade your application for execution. Simple and effective organization proc...
Linux basics
Here is some basic information about Linux.
Linux is basically a UNIX operating system, it is a open source OS which is easily available in market, Linux is made with only one thought in mind :- Everything is a file.
Means almost everything y...
Install Image Magick on linux CentOS
We can easily install image magick on linux centos by following the below given steps :
$ yum install make
$ yum install gcc
$ yum install php php-fpm php-devel php-pear
$ yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel
$ pecl install imagick
Open multiple skype account in Ubuntu 13.19
Hi All,
I was searching for multiple skype window in linux (Ubuntu 13.10) and found lot of options but they are quite complicated for beginners. I found a post and found a simple and working option:
1: Open run window (Alt+ F2 or direct cli...
How to copy entire folder in linux
While working on linux we usually need command to copy folder from one location to another , this can be archived by simple console commands in a simple way :
cp -r sourcedir targetdir : Where -r means recursively i.e all the files in a folder...
Cumulus RTMFP
Cumulus RTMFP: CumulusServer is a open source and cross-platform RTMFP server. It is speed, light weight, cross-platform, scalable and elegant code.
You can install Cumulus and used for live streaming.
There is some pre dependency to inst...
Find java and java control panel in ubuntu
Command to find java on ubuntu
find ./ -name java
Location of control panel in ubuntu
Go to java installation directory
> cd /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/bin
> ControlPanel
Using Putty and SSH Tunnel to connect to MySQL on remote server from SQLYog
To connect to a remote MYSQL server using SQLYog you can create SSH tunnel using putty following the steps.
Connect to the remote server using putty.
Right Click on putty window and select the change settings option.
Resolving File System issue on Linux
In Linux if your filesystem gets corrupted there is a command that can be used to fix the issue.
To fix the file system related issues type command
on system's recovery console. This would fix the errors on your file system to get...
Commands to install packages on Linux
Linux has different flavours available in the market but can be classified into 2 major categories ie.
Distros based on Debian: eg. Ubuntu etc.
Distros based on RedHat: eg. Centos etc.
This have different package managers to install pre-com...
Using Tar command in linux to compress and uncompress the files
One of the frequent task that we do with the increasing data on our linux boxes is to compress the files and folders and to do so there is a command tar that we can use to achieve the same.
Below are the examples of how to compress files in a...