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Face detection with OpenCV in iOS

Hello Readers! If you want set face detection in iOS (iPhone) follow the steps given below. First of all we need to add opencv framework to our project. There are severel ways to do that. But the most simple is as follows: Make framework v...

Rails Initialization Process and Init.rb

Today I am writing a blog about rails initialization process for beginners. Rails initialization process a vast topic. Here I am going through the use of config/environment.rb, config/environments/production.rb, config/environments/staging.rb, co...

How nth-child Works ?

Hi folks, The :nth-child(n) selector is a pseudo element. which show the position on there parents element. You can use (even) and (odd) for all even or odd child element. :nth-child(odd) For example:- tr:nth-child(2n+1) Rep...

How to get sub strings from a string using Regular Expression

Hi, The below code is to get substrings from a string. You are going to love this below code which is very simple but very effective. I have used regular expression to get the sub strings. NSString *strTest = @"Hii how are you doing @Ravi , h...


JSON VS XML (RUBY) JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language. Both Json and Xml are used for exchanging data. JSON is a light-weight text-based open standard design for human-readable data. It is...

Collect and Map In Ruby On Rails

Map: Map use to take the object of enumerable and returns a new array with the results of running block once for every element in enum, the block is something like [1,2,3].map { |a| a+2 } and the outcome of [1,2,3].map { |a| a+2 } will be [3...

Wordpress Object Caching

Hello readers! In my Last blog I have explained about how you can Speed Up Your WordPress Website by Caching Custom Queries using Transients API. Now today we discuss about " WordPress Object Caching". this ones is also a method to Boost WordP...

Configuring WordPress for Browser Caching

Hello readers! Today we discuss about "How to Leverage Browser Caching in WordPress" (Configuring WordPress For browser caching). Browser caching:- Browser caching helps to reduces the request per page in numbers which results to reduce serv...

How to Modify Specific Element Attributes

Hello Everyone, This video demonstates how to modify specific element attributes using Firebug add-on.

Speed Up Your WordPress Website by Caching Custom Queries using Transients API

Hello readers! If you want to make your WordPress website faster you can make it possible by Caching Custom Queries using Transients API. So read out this tutorial carefully and apply the steps in your website. If you are using custom WordP...

GUI in Unity

GUI in Unity 3D is an interface for issuing commands to a computer utilizing device. The GUI class is the interface for Unity's GUI. There are many static functions used in the GUI. BeginGroup : It must be closed with the EndGroup. Bo...

Using Bundler With Rails

Bundler is a default gem manager attached with Rails 3 in order to maintain list of gems being used in the project. Although we are talking about bundler here with respect to rails we can use it independently with Ruby too without any dependency ...

Positioning of MainCamera Scene View

Positioning a camera to desired position in Unity3D is a very time consuming and hectic task in itself. But there is a way you can achieve that and save a lot of time. So, firstly you can get your shot where you want to be in Scene View, by movi...

Difference Between OnCollisionEnter () and OnTriggerEnter()

OnCollisionEnter () and OnTriggerEnter() both are the methods of the Collider Class. Both are used to detect collisions when colliders enter the collision but both perform differently and cause different events. OnCollisionenter() is used to c...

Top 10 Git commands that every body should know

Some of Basic commands: git init : To create/initalize a git repository git clone : To get a copy of existing Git Repository git branch : To check the current branch on which you are git checkout -b "new branch name" : Create a new bran...

Using Local Storage In HTML5 - Capable Browsers

What is Local Storage in HTML5 ? The Local Storage is a client side web storage database which is used to store the data in the form of key/value pairs. Using Local Storage, we can store the data of at least 5MB. It provides javascript bas...

Simple custom dropdown by using css

Hello Readers Here is the example of custom drop down by using Css and HTML. Here is the HTML <div class="container"> <div class="customSelect"> <span class="arrow"></span> <select i...

How to make Bluetooth Connection in Android?

Bluetooth connectivity in Android is achieved through the APIs provided by Android itself. You need a broadcast receiver to keep checking for the Bluetooth devices. With the help of broadcast you will get to know whether your device get connect...

Section and Article tags in HTML5

Article: It represents a self-contained composition in a document, application, or site. It could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a user-submitted comment, or any other independent item of content. An article el...

HTML5 Responsive Design - Media Queries (Part 2)

In the previous session, we learnt the basics of media queries and covered some points about how they are used to achieve responsiveness in web design. In this part, well continue with other important aspects of the same. As we are wel...

Vendor Specific CSS Tutorial

In this blog, I am going to explain about the vendor specific css and the implementation of it. What is Vendor Specific CSS ? Vendor Specific CSS is an extension which added to the CSS property for different browsers. By using extension, we can...

Use of prefix in css3

Hello Readers, As we all knows that The CSS3 property allows you to add depth to your website's design without the need for images or extra container elements but when we use these property. For Css3 it is vital that it works on all browser...

Push notification plugin for IOS PhoneGap

Hello friends, today we will learn how to implement push notification functionality in PhoneGap project. So please follow each step one by one to add push notification: 1. Plugin Instlation For push notification in IOS you have to install p...

Adaptive UI concept

With the launch of bigger screens of iPhones , Apple also introduced Adaptive UI concept. There are some main things you should know to work with Adaptive UI. 1) Size classes 2) Align Create alignment constraints, such as aligning the left ...

How to Use Camera with PhoneGap?

Hello Readers, This blog will demonstrate Camera functionality in cordova application. So lets start First of all, you need to install following plug-in through CLI (Command Line Interface) $ cordova plugin add

In app notification using pusher app

Now days web application do need to have real time notifications. Most of us does have taken note of it while using application like facebook, twitter etc. There are various ways of achieving it but pusher app has taken all the pain of developer ...

App Submissions On Google Play Now Reviewed By Staff

App Submissions On Google Play Now Reviewed By Staff, Will Include Age-Based Ratings  Google Play, Googles marketplace for Android applications which now reaches a billion people in over 190 countries, has historically differentiated...

Android XMPP Library Integration

This blog covers how to integrate aSmack (Smack with some patches to support in Android). Also SMACK 4.1 provides native support for Android which is currently in beta development stage. Following jar files are requires for the XMPP integratio...

Sell digital content in Android through Google Play In-app Billing Service Version 3

Products which you can sell in your application falls into these categories : 1.Standard in-app products(one time billing) eg: Premium Upgrade, Ads free version of the app. 2.Subscription(recurring,automated billing) eg: Game currency, music ...

Andorid FireBase Integration

Firebase is a real-time database. It is a NoSQL database which stores data as simple JSON. Benefit of using firebase is, it sync data by itself. Suppose if we update some data in the database then we will get listeners in our code to listen for t...

Leveraging Interfaces and Extension Methods To Extend Your Classes

Leveraging Interfaces and Extension Methods To Extend Your Classes Why always look to create new classes or functions in a class when we can extend existing classes. I found these two (Interfaces & Extension methods) very strong practices ...

Mediator Pattern in .NET Framework

All Talk: Using the Mediator Pattern in .NET Framework We always look for the pattern when targeting any new problem which comes to us but what about existing ones. It happens many times that our project increases with time and we lost what ob...

Google Now card full api for Developers

Hi Developer, Google is coming with the new set of api with Google Now card,Api was released some time before in January this year. Check below url for more information on this. Google Plans To Release Open API For Google Now Cards At So...

RESTful API/Web Services with Drupal 7

I came across a project where I have to develop "Web Services Using Drupal 7". Though Drupal 7 core standard contains no RESTful API, but this is easy to set up using modules such as: Services, RestWS or Restful. While working on Web API's I foun...

Material design in lollipop

Designing the perfect Lollipop. I found this blog interesting, Please have more information on this link given below.

How to Use Tamper Data for Hacking

Hello Everyone, This video demonstrates how to use Tamper Data to view, record & even modify outgoing HTTP request and how to use it to change a field to an alternate value and send the tamper data to the server to see how it reacts.

Flipping a div by css3

Hello Readers Here is the example of Flipping a div with css3 transitions and 3d transforms. <div id="container"> <div id="card"> <div class="frontFace"> <h2>Hover Me to view effect</h2>...

Web Security Testing- Observing Live Post Data with WebScarab

Hi All, In this video i'll demonstrate you how to check live post data with help of WebScarab tool. I hope you Like this video. Thanks !

Create 2D Character using CSS3 and HTML5

Hello readers, This tutorial I am creating a 2d character using CSS3 and HTML5. In case you need to create any such character this code will be helpful for you. So lets follow the code below. CSS * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; ...

Getting Assembly Path

There are two methods to get assembly path: Method 1: Assembly asm = Assembly.GetAssembly(this.GetType()); string path = asm.Location; string folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); Method 2: Assembly asm = Assembly.GetAssembl...

Adding and Removing range of items from a list in C#

Many times, we being the developers come across a scenario where we need to Add or Remove a range of Items in a list. In c# we have a function called AddRange to add a range of same data type elements in to a list that also has the same data t...

How to write a test case using Robotium in android

Today we are going to learn something about J-Unit testing in android. We will be implementing an automation library known as Robotium, for genreating the test cases for testing the various functionalities in our app. First of all you need to add...

How to implement Expansion Library in Android

Android has some of its policies due to which it don't allow you to upload apk more than the size of 50 MB. Many Apps contains too many media files that may increase the size leading to the exceeding the limit of 50 MB. So if your App's apk i...

How to Resolve Canonical Issue? (301 redirect)

Hello reader! In this Blog I will cover the topic, Canonical Issue, There Consequences and how to Resolve and get rid from such issues. So lets first start with, What is Canonical Issue When the same content is displayed by the one webs...

Selection tools in Photoshop

Hey guys, In this video I am gonna give an intro about the various selection tools in Photoshop and how you can use them. Below you can you also find the shortcuts keys for different tools I used in the video. Shortcuts: L- Lasso Tool...

How to open a url inside inapp browser efficiently ?

Below is a simple android activity which shows you clearly how to open a particular url inside our native application. In here we have taken a single xml i.e. "show_web_view" which is used as a layout of this activity in which only a WebView is d...

How to take Backup of MYSQL Database file and upload it on Dropbox Account?

Hello, I am sharing here how we can take backup of our Project mysql database file and upload it in our Dropbox Account. Advantage using this feature is we can store our database backup in our Dropbox account daily. We can set our script as a...

What is HTML5shiv.js?

Hello all, In this blog we will discuss about HTML5shiv.js, as all known html 5 in on demand. But some new Semantic Elements which are not accepted by browser like Internet Explorer-9 there was little to no support for HTML5 elements and o...

How to resolve error - Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

Hi all, While working with large data bind on a page and whenever an event "page.postback" is done, an exception "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object." occurs due to the very large number of form fields. The stack trace...

Exception Handling in JSP

Exception Handling in JSP : Every application has some error handling code. In web application we normally see that error or exceptions occurred and these exceptions are shown by the tomcat using its default error page. In tomcat default error ...
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