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Integrate Facebook SDK in ios

Hi, Download Facebook SDK from following link- Add SDK to your project. This code will help you login and get user data as well fetch friend list from specific account. FBManager - Create a...

Network check for wifi 3g 4g

Hi Guys, You can use this function before hitting any server api. This will check whether your device is connected to network or not. + (BOOL)isNetworkAvailble{ const char *host_name = ""; BOOL _isDataSourceAvai...

Customised Day Dreaming

A new feature called DayDream is introduced in Android. The Daydream is basically an interactive screensaver. When an Android device is left idle while charging or when is in a dock mode then screen-saver automatically get activated only if y...

How to build complicated block views without using views module

I came under a situation where I have to do lot of sorting and filtration, which was quite hectic doing with views then I found this tutorial which gave me a start where I can do things even without using views. Please find the reference link ...

Wiring MongoDB Repository class with Springs controller

Wiring MongoDB Repository Class with SpringMVC:- Spring Data point out the specialties of repository support for MongoDB. To use the repository concept you have to define your repository and attach the required XML element inside Spring Context X...

Repository class using spring-mvc

Repository class using spring-mvc: As we know that Spring Framework is famous for it's loose coupling architecture. Spring provides a annotation called @Repository, it marks the class, and tells container that this class will be used as a Repo...

Spring MVC and MongoDB

Repository Class Using MongoDB : Spring has the capability to create loose coupling application's layers. To dealing with database we create a DAO layer. In Spring DAO layer contains the Repository class this class is responsible for all data...

How to clip an audio file in iPhone?

Here is the method in ios that can clip an audio file(i.e MPMediaItem) with the time interval. In below mentioned method, For time interval we are sending two parameter first is startinterval which is the interval form where we wanted to start...

3D Text in Photoshop Using 3D Extrusion

Hello all, In this video i am gonna create a 3D text with help of 3D extrusion in Photoshop CS6. Photoshop had introduced 3D workflow with the release of CS5 version. It was earlier known as Repousse. 3D Extrusion is not only limited with t...

WebKit and How it is Helpful for HTML5

What is WebKit? Apple Inc. launched open source web browser named **Webkit** In today's time it powers browser such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, the default iOS browser, and the default Android browser. In CSS, the -webkit- prefix is use...

How to Compress Video File Through coding in ios

Hello all, Refer the code below to compress the video file and save the compressed file in document directory. - (void)compressMyVideo:(NSURL *)videoPath completionBlock:(void(^)(id data, BOOL result))block{ NSLog(@"compressing ====%@"...

WebKit: Why it dominates the market and how is it helpful for HTML5

Webkit is an open source web browser engine that was originated by Apple Inc. and currently powers browsers such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, the default iOS browser, and the default Android browser. In CSS, the -webkit- prefix is used ...

Wiring Repositry class with Springs controller

@Repository annotation:- Annotate all your DAO classes with @Repository. All of the database access logic in the DAO classes. this annotation indicate that this class can done the database related operations like insert,delete,update etc. this i...

Scraping using nokogiri in rails

We usually want to scrap some data from one site or other . For this rails have provided us with a well known gem Nokogiri . It is a library which has been written for scrapping data and any rails developer can scrap data with the use of followi...

Things to take care while creating API- Some Important Tips

Some Important Tips While Creating an API While creating a web project we do need to create API which can be used by any third party like iPhone,Android etc. Below is a link of an article which can help you in keeping thins in mind while creat...

Display Post in WordPress Home Page

When you works in Wordpress the loop is the main part of your template to show the post to the user, using the loop you defines how you want to show the content to your user, Lets take a look how you can show the posts in index.php in WP site , ...

Memory profiling in hooks - Drupal 7

When your site is getting memory exhaustion errors it get hard to figure out which pages are getting the memory errors and how much memory they are using. After lot of search I found below link which help me lot to understand more about memory e...

HTML5 Responsive Design - Media Queries (Part 1)

Overview Media Queries, a mainstay of Responsive Web Design, is a CSS3 module allowing page elements to adjust to features of the rendering device. These features can be width, height, visual density, orientation and/or resolution. I...

Customised Home Screen

In Android when the phone starts then the screen that appears first is the "Launcher Home Screen". We can write an application to create this home screen and can replace the default home screen with our own created one. You can create many att...

Custom Auto TextView in Android

If you want to create custom auto textview components you have to extends widget class like TextView,Button etc.Its very simple create your own class and write constructor corresponding to the constructor of the base class. CustomFont class ...

How to create a Live Wallpaper

Follow the below steps to create Live Wallpaper create a xml file which will describe your wallpaper screen. edit manifest file and add service code create a service class which extends WallpaperService class create xml folder ins...

Editing Camera Raw image in Photoshop

This Tutorial show how to edit Camera Raw in Photoshop.

CSS support guide

Hello all, below is a list of a complete CSS support for every mobile, web and desktop email. *{margin:0;padding:0;} .mybox table{font-size: 13px;font-family:'arial';border-collapse: collapse;} tr.header{height:auto;} ...

Adding settings to template

Hello reader's today we will discuss about "Adding settings to template" . Add this code to your theme's functions.php file: <!--?php function setup_theme_admin_menus() { add_menu_page('Theme settings', 'Example theme', 'manage_op...

Packet Sniffing Using Wireshark and Network Miner Tool

**Packet sniffing using Wireshark and Network Miner tool**:- Using packets we can sniff the credentials of the victim connected to our network. For this we need to download two tools: Wireshark Network Miner You can download 'wires...

Magento shipping module configuration

To create new magento shipping module one need to know all the useful functions to be used inside the shipping method class to put in various configuration options. When looking for available shipping methods, Magneto first gathers all availab...

WordPress Footer

The wordpress theme contain a file called "footer.php" and that file contain function "wp_footer()" The footer.php file is a base file of theme which generally contain a footer menu, social media widget, copyright text, javascript files etc ...

Structural and content blocks in Magento

Magento is the top eCommerce framework. It offers great flexibility with file structure. Magento uses elements like observer, block, blocks, template, layout, skins, theme and interface. A Magento page is a combination of Structural Block and ...

bloginfo() in WordPress

Hello reader's, today we disscuss about bloginfo and its parameter. It displays information about your site, It can be used anywhere within a template file. Parameters <!--?php bloginfo('name'); //Displays the "Site Title ?--> &...

Wordpress Theme and Menus

Custom Menus will show in the header area at the top of your site. With some themes, you may have the option to create and display multiple custom menus in different places on your site, such as the footer or special sidebar areas. Creating a ...

search form in worpress theme

searchform.php is an important template file that is why it is included many a time in the sidebar of many themes and generates the search box form. If this template is not in your theme, you can copy the below code and include it in your theme. ...

wp_head() and header.php

Hello reader's, today we discuss about "wp_head() and header.php". Two Important and key things to add to a WordPress theme are the wp_head and wp_footer functions. These two functions are known as action hooks. Action hooks are placeholders whe...

What is WordPress Widget & How To Create Your Own Widgets In WordPress

A wordpress widget is a small component of an interface, that enables a user to perform various action. You can add, arrange, and remove widget from the sidebar of your blog. Widgets make it easy to customize the content of your sidebar of your b...

Session Hijacking Using Wireshark

Please find the following link for your reference:- Wireshark download link:- Greasemonkey:-Addons in your firefox Cookie injector link:-

Meta tag and its uses

What is meta tag? The <meta> tag gives metadata about the HTML document. It is a machine parsable and the metadata will not be displayed on the page. These elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the ...

HTML5 tags : article, aside, nav, section, footer, header, address

Important Tags Used in HTML5 In this tutorial I have mentioned some important html5 tags are with there example. article : The article tag is used for self-contained content. We can use it in blog posts, news article, forum posts or user co...

Managing Users with the WSAT

The ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool (WSAT) is used to manage user and role information for the website. The WSAT is only accessible locally and cannot be visited from the production website. However, by changing the connection string in the ...

Semantic Markup

Semantic is the study of any language and it's interpretation. For computer language word semantic is used in communicating and in HTML these are the tags that are used in a mark up document. for example h1, h2, h3, h4, h4 and h6 tag are used for...

How to display SQL row data as a column wise with user specific column name

Hello all, The below tutorial will help you in displaying SQL row data as a column wise with user specific column name. here, I've a table with #Temp1 name that contains the following columns Id, ReferenceId and Total. SQL Code:-- CREA...

How to Adjusting the color in Camera raw

Camera Raw is a power full features in Photoshop. To help make color changes on the photo. Removing the color cast and adjusting the color and tone in the image. 1.Select the White Balance tool at the top of the Camera Raw dialog box....

Page methods from client side code using ICallBackEventHandler interface

We can run server side code from the client without performing a Postback using ICallBackEventHandler interface.The ICallbackEventHandler interface can be implemented on a page or a Web control. The interface contains two key methods: RaiseCallba...

Cookies Poisoning

What are Cookies ? Cookies are the small amount of data sent from website (which a user is browsing) and is stored as a small text files on computer. When a user access a website with a cookie function for the first time, a cookie is sent from s...

JSON.parse:unexpected end of data at line 1 or 2

JSON.parse:unexpected end of data at line 1 or 2 this type error occur when you take printout from openerp setup. So to resolve such error follow these below step 1- install all report module like- account_financial_report_webkit,webkit re...

Get all Terms of Taxonmy

Hello all, Get all terms of taxonomy. Using the particular code below, we can print all term with permalink in taxonomy and single page. $taxonomies = 'TAXONOMY-NAME; $get_terms = get_terms( $taxonomies, '' ); term_id != 1 ) { ...

Wordpress Custom Archive

Today we will discuss about archive.php template page. Archive page is the great way to bring together your all old content in one page. It allow you to list your monthly archives, category archives, tag archives, author archives, and anythi...

Paint over a color with the Color Replacement tool

It is obvious that most of the time we find unwanted object color in our image, not matching with other color or you have to change it for some reason, now the question is how we are going to change the color with a desired color to match. Thi...

Custom Post Type Templates in Wordpress

In WordPress theme you can set custom templates for custom post types ,A custom template used to display of single posts belonging to a custom post type . suppose you have created a custom posts name books, add_action( 'init', 'create_post...

Objects and method parameters and return types in Objective C

Objects: In general objects are the real world entity. Earlier the two functions communicate with each other using the function call(say programming in c) but the programmer need more better approach for communication between the two functions o...

Tonal Range in Photshop

In this blog, I am going to Guide you about tonal range. Lets first start by understand what is tonal range and how to use it? It is the range of tones between the lightest and darkest areas of an image. The tonal range of an image represents the...
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