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Spring AOP Advice

Spring AOP :- In Spring we can use AOP module. The AOP is Aspect Oriented Programming that works on cross-cutting concerns. This breaks the program logic into distinct part and these cross-cutting concerns are separated from the business logic ...

The Spot Healing Tool

SPOT HEALING BRUSH TOOL The Healing Brush tool comes in the category of the retouching tools(Repairs images or restore a portion of an image) in Photoshop that repairs the imperfections, blemishes in an image. It includes, 1) Healing Brush ...

How to Develop Game Using Pure CSS3 ?

Hello all, Below is an example of pure CSS3 game using CSS3 animation. This example show efficiency of CSS3. Below is the sample of flying plane game. CSS:- * {margin: 0;padding: 0;} .board {width: 300px;height: 600px;margin:20px aut...

Now use Tasks over standard multithreading

How To Manage Asynchronous Tasks Using the Task Object You want the responsiveness that asynchronous programming in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 provides, but also need your asynchronous methods to work with other code in your application. ...

Unit Testing is a boon

Unit Testing Makes Me Happy Integrating unit testing into your coding practices can have some positive psychological effects on your programming career. Unit tests make sure that your new changes into the module will not break existing func...

Inserting and Deleting Entity Data with the ListView Control

These are the simple steps for inserting,updating and deleting records in ListView control. Create new project Configure entity data model with the project : i) Add new item ->Data->ADO.NET Entity Data Model-> add ii) Sele...

Custom Post in Wordpress

In wordpress you can create custom posts , Suppose in your WP site you want to create a Movie list then you can use this custom post type , To create custom posts type you have to first invoke register_post_type() through init action, Lets...

Difference between "==" and "isEqual:" in objective c

These two operators or function can be used to check equity of objects or operands. "==" is used to check if pointer values of objects are same. However "isEqual:" is used to test if both objects are having same values. So "==" works on reference...

The Clone Stamp tool

Retouching Tools Retouching tools are used to repair images,replicate pixels or restore a portion of an image. There are a number of retouching tools. Clone Stamp Pattern Stamp Spot Healing Patch Tool Red Eye Dodge Burn Smudge Bl...

Understand image resolution and size

Digital photographs are actually mosaics of millions of tiny squares called picture elements or just pixels. Like the impressionists who painted wonderful scenes with small dabs of paint, your computer and printer can use these tiny pixels to dis...

Standard events of ApplicationContext in Spring

Hello Guys ApplicationContext is manages complete life cycle of the beans in spring application. The ApplicationContext publishes many types of events when loading the beans. For example: ContextRefreshedEvent : It is published when the Applic...

SERP- Search Engine Results Page

In today's online world it is necessary and essential to understand the term SERP. SERP stands for Search Engine Result Page, which refers to the listing of the search result; returned or displayed by the search engine when user enter any query ...

How to get latitude & longitude via address using google geocode api?

Hello geeks, today i am going to explain about how to get lat & long of a given address using Google geocode api. To convert an address into latitude and longitude is known as geocoding Here you go: // set geocoding url $geocoding_u...

Opensearch Integeration

sometimes you found the search engine of website in browser drop-down list. to add you own website search in that drop-down search engine list. you need to use opensearch format. OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of ...

Push Notification - Android using GCM

This post will help you to send push notification to Android devices using server side scripting language called php. click below Link to get Google cloud messaging api- Here is a code to send...

How to remove WordPress Generator Tag or Version Number from header?

In WordPress, it is very easy to identify the wp version of website via checking source of web page and this information might be a security leak on your site, if you are not running the most updated version of WordPress. therefor you are providi...

How to hide or disable directory listing via htaccess - Linux

It's hard to believe in coincidence but the truth is that lot of developers including senior ones, don't know or bother about this security issue. A lot of times we found that we can see list of all Images, CSS, JavaScript files hosted on serv...

Calling Stored Procedure from Java Code

Let say you have requirement to call stored procedure from your Java code. You can use following sample code for your reference. Change the connection source as per your requirement and call the method. package; import java.sql...

Simple Encryption Decryption using AES in Java

Following is Simple Encryption and Decryption using AES in Java. Data Encryption Standard (DES) is prone to brute-force attacks. It is a old way of encrypting data. It is replaced by Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). If you have Java 8 you ...

Protocol Inheritance

Like classes and controllers, protocols itself can also be extended and can be used to produce new protocols. Here we are creating a base Protocol with superset methods. We can also call it original protocol. it is inherited from NSObject, li...

What is Brute Force Attack

Brute Force Attack A Brute-force attack is a technique(Procedure or Method) for obtaining or finding-out information by trying every key combination in an effort to find an unknown value and to try a large number of possible values by using an...

How to set Session Timeout in ASP.Net

In ASP.Net, we are having three modes to manage the session:- 1. InProc 2. OutProc or StateServer 3. SQLServer Where the session to be stored? You can decide on the basis of given definition:- InProc - In this mode, Session is maintain...

Session Hijacking

Session Hijacking: Session hijacking is semi- permanent interactive information interchange, also known as a meeting between two or more communicating devices. When you hijack someones session you take their sessionID and pretend its your own, he...

How to resolve error "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client"

Error :- "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" To resolve this, we are having following solutions:- 1. Set validateRequest="false" in page directives, e.g. <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="Ma...

Solve copy paste not working issue in Remote Desktop

If you find, suddenly that copy paste stopped working on remote computer when you were accessing using Remote Desktop connection, following would help. Copy paste working on the remote machine is handled by "RDPCLIP.EXE". If this exe doesn't work...

Some thoughts about a rails CMS

Well all need to work with some kind of CMS which help us to achieve some predefined functionality quickly already provided by the respective CMS. Rails too have moved ahead with it and have created a CMS for it's developer and one of it is : Ref...

SiteMap in

In this blog I will explain you how to use siteMap in web application.I would like to start with few basic question:- 1) What is siteMap? The SiteMap displays a list of links representing the user's current page and the hierarchic...

Some key Point of Effective Icon Design

Hi Friends, This small article can help you to create nice icon. I have some small idea in my mind to create effective icon designs, Before going to design icon, there are some guidelines and principles which you might found that are worth stud...

Not everyone can do Maintenance

In Praise of the Maintenance Programmer The developers building new applications are very nice people, of course. But the real heroes of the programming world are the developers maintaining and extending existing applications. Maintaining l...

Wordpress Querying Posts

The querying posts means to modify/filter the query of a page or add new query in the page. There are lot of ways to modify query of a page or post by replacing it with new instance of the query. You can achieve this to query a wordpress post ...

Wordpress The Loop have_posts and the_post

The following example can be used to refer if any posts exist. It have two functions like 'have_posts()' and 'the_post()'. The function 'have_posts()' checks to see if the current wordpress query has any results(post) to loop over, and the fu...

Custom Taxonomy in Wordpress

Hello reader's today we will discuss about "Custom Admin Dashboard Menu or Custom Taxonomies". WordPress provides a new method of grouping content by allowing you to create your own custom taxonomies. The core developers have created the regis...

Set the JAVA_HOME Environment Variable in Windows OS

Following steps help you to set the JAVA_HOME Environment Variable in Windows OS First check where the Java Development Kit is installed. Usually path would be similar to one below: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10 Copy this path and...

Wordpres theme template hierarchy

In wp, pages are join together from different theme template files. Each & every template file of wp represents section of the web page, and all together they render all of the content of individual web pages, pulled from the wp admin. Howeve...

Some small tips to make your Design Unique

1. Think Opposite Todays lot of thing in web design, turn it upside down. Invert colors, change direction, misplace it in a new setting, or think of an interesting perspective. Here are three designs that do just that. 2. Think Bold and over ...

How to add an attribute for product in magento

Whats an attribute in Magento? An attribute in Magento is defined as any property of a product. This includes product id, product title, sku, images, description everything! and you can add as many attributes as you need. How to create an a...

Minimum security features which a developer must take of while coding in rails

My last post was on How one should take care of app complexity before refactoring it Below is the list of minimum security features one should take care while making an application using ROR : 14 Bare Minimum Security Checks Before Releasi...

How one should take care of app complexity before refactoring it

All developers who are working on big projects usually think on refactoring the code-base. But before moving ahead with it a developer must take care of the following app complexity How To Score Your Rails App's Complexity Before Refactoring ...

Display featured product in magento

To show a featured product first we need to set products as featured . To do so we need to create the product attribute named as "featured". Create an attribute- 1) Create a new attribute by going to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attr...

Web applications with AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext

Web applications with AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext: In Spring we can use the WebApplicationInitializer in place of web.xml to initialize DispatcherServlet and use @EnableWebMvc annotation to support Spring MVC.The below example code can ...

ResourceLoaderAware in Spring framework

ResourceLoaderAware : When we load resources using bean, ResourceLoaderAware will help us to load resources using getter/setter methods. For more details see my last blog Click Below example will help you to understand better: Create Cust...

ResourceLoader Interface in Spring framework

Resource loader : Spring ResourceLoader interface is used to load external data(i.e text file, media file, image file) in Spring application using the method getResource(). We can use three ways for loading resources : URL Path : Resource r...

nil, NULL, Nil, NSNull in objective c

4 kind of zeros are used in objective c - nil, Nil, NULL and NSNull. All of these are different with their properties. Usually in programming nil and NSNull are used in objective c and NULL is used with c/c++ statements. Type of nil is defined as...

Spring Validation Using Validator Interface

Validation using Spring's Validator:- In Spring we can Validate the form value or do server side validation using the validator Interface. In the Following Example Code I am using the validator interface to validate the login form. LoginCon...

Accessor Methods in iPhone

accessor methods is used to access or set an objects properties: Syntax- NSString *firstName = [somePerson firstName]; [somePerson setFirstName:@"Johnny"]; These accessor methods are by default and automatically synthesized by the ...

Find a particular text in all stored procedures

Below mentioned command is used to find a particular text in all stored procedures SELECT OBJECT_NAME(id) FROM syscomments WHERE [text] LIKE '%EmailOnTRX%' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsProcedure') = 1 GROUP BY OBJECT_NAME(...

Triggering @Controller Input Validation in Spring

Triggering @Controller Input Validation:- In Spring we can enable the JSR 303 Bean Validation to put the validation on bean and validate the form value in spring MVC . package com.manish.controller; import javax.v...

Internationalization(I18N) in Spring

Internationalization using MessageSource:- In Spring MVC we can show the LocaleResolver to achieve the Internationlization(I18N) to support the multiple language. package com.manish.controller; import javax.servlet...

Authorize annotion MVC

Authorize annotion: Authorize annotion given in mvc to restrict the access to controller for authorized and unauthorized user. Further the access can be restricted by their roles . It provides us to access the view for authorize users only, a...

UI psychology

There is a deep psychology behind the designs. The perception behind the designs varies from person to person. A designer approaches UI from: AN ATTENTIVE POINT OF VIEW They play through the senses to grab attention. Bright colors and g...
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