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Magento layout files and structure

What Are Layout Files? As the denomination suggests, layout files are subsidiary in rendering front pages of Magento. Layout files are XML files that reside in app > design > frontend > your interface > your theme > layout. Her...

Use of Icons in Website

As a web designer i bought ink to this article to remind us all that why we're using icons on the websites we create. Many of us has a perception that it has become an obvious case to include them in our projects as a matter ofcourse. We ...

How to use Creative Cloud Libraries in Photoshop

Few months ago a new Libraries panel introduced to Photoshop CC 2014. Libraries (Window > Library) helps to store your favorite types of content text style, layer effects, smart objects, color, icons and logo to use them again and again no...

ApplicationContext in Spring web applications?

In this tutorial we will discuss about ApplicationContext instantiation for web applications and how to access it. There are numerous different ways to get a task done in Spring framework and that is one advantage of it. In web application, Appl...

Cross-site scripting

Cross-site scripting Cross-site scripting or XSS is a web attack at application layer. XSS rather than targeting the script embedded in a page executed on the server side, it tagets the script executed on the client side. In XSS attack, the ha...

@Scope annotation in Spring

@Scope:- In Spring 3.0 we can define bean or we can do configuration using Java File. @Scope annotation can be used to define the bean scope. Example: package com.babita; import org.springframework.context.annotation....

How to generate image assets for iphone app

This article will help designers to extract images. Now, Including iphone 6 Plus we need three assets 1x, 2x and 3x also called scale factors. First thing icons should be vector-based. In this article we will focus on how to generate m...

How To Use ClassPathXmlApplicationContext

ClassPathXmlApplicationContext :- This can load the beans configuration file and To create and initialize all the beans inside the configuration need not to provide the full path of the XML file but you have to set CLASSPATH properly be...

ApplicationContext VS BeanFactory

BeanFactory VS ApplicationContext:- The Both BeanFactory and ApplicationContext can initialize the Spring IOC Container. They Both are Java Interfaces and ApplicationContext can extends the BeanFactory. BeanFactory Inteface can only provide basic...

@Import annotation in Spring

@Import :- In Spring 3.0 we can also use the Java based Configuration instead of large XML files. We can define the bean with the help of Java files and we can also load these multiple JavaConfig file using @Import annotation in single JavaConfi...

Using context:component-scan to pick up @Configuration Classes

In Spring 3.0 using the tag context:component-scan in xml file, the entry of the class(or bean) defined under the scan tag is automatically created. The example to show use of context:component-scan tag is as below: Example:- JavaConfig.jav...

Instantiating the Spring container using AnnotationConfigApplicationContext

In Spring 3 we can also create a bean using java file instead of XML.It is alternate way to create the bean, you can also use xml based configuration. package com.babita; public class HelloWorld { public void p...


SPI Converter The Spring 3.0 provide the mechanism of type conversion and general Type Conversion. We have SPI to implement type conversion logic and the API that execute Type Conversion at runtime. This API can be used anywhere in Applicatio...

How to use IN condition in find query in yii

Below code will help you to use IN condition in find query in yii- $conditionsArray=array(1,2,3); $criteria->addInCondition("userid", $conditionsArray); $postdetails = Post::model()->findAll($criteria);

Creating Wordpress Admin Page

In wordpress you can create a admin page in admin section, to start this we have to first use hook function add_action() to create a menu in admin. Before doing this we have to first create a directory under the plugins folder for now we create ...

Data pager control with list view

Introduction-         The ListView control does not have paging capabilities. DataPager control provides Paging capabilities by using PagedControlID property. In ListView, we can use the DataPager control and customize ...

WordPress archive.php template pages

Hello dear reader's ! Today we will discuss about archive.php template page. Archive page is the great way to bring together your all old content in one page. It allow you to list your monthly archives, category archives, tag archives, author a...

Benefits of Unity3D

Advantage of Unity As the name UNITY means bringing everything together, the same is done by the Unity Game Development IDE. Unity brings all the aspects of game development under one roof and that roof is called Unity IDE. I am completely...

Dynamically changing themes

This blog gives you step by step instructions on how to make dynamic themes in C#. 1) First develop all of the themes you want and put them all under the App_Themes folder in your ASP.Net project. I have created two themes with Red and Green N...

Public Non-Action Methods

In Asp.Net applications with no MVC framework, user interacts with pages along with events of the page and the controls. In contrast with ASP.NET MVC applications, user interacts with controllers and action methods. In Asp.Net MVC f...

What is the life cycle of a ASP.Net page and control?

Hello coder's world, This article is regarding ASP.Net page and control's life cycle. I would like to start this with few basic questions, which should come in everyone's mind who wants to know about this. Why we need to know about ASP.Ne...

Asp.Net Page Life Cycle

Asp.Net Page Life Cycle In this blog I am going to explain life cycle of page. The first thing comes in mind is "what is page life cycle?". Page Life Cycle It is the process of how a page is served by a web server to the browser....

Working with Queries and Anonymous Types

Anonymous types is used to create new type without defining a type first It is used in LINQ, Returns a few of read only properties while querying collection of object using LINQ Use new keyword to define anonymous type It is reference type, ...

What is Sidebar get_sidebar() and sidebar.php?

Hello readers ! Today We will discuss about sidebar.php This is one of the best features in WordPress that gave lot of flexibility in theme. Sidebar.php is a template page in your theme directory. It includes some extra links which you canno...

Advantages Of Unity

Advantages Of Unity3D Unity Has number of advantages, Some of them are here:- Supports Multi Platform Unity supports development of games in Multi Platform (iOS, Android, Windows, Web, PS3, and Xbox) without separate code. Unity allows c...

Advantages of Unity3D

Why Unity3D:- In the world of gaming, We have different game engines to build a game. Every engine has its advantages and dis-advantages. Some of them are good because they are open source, some of them are good because they have powerfu...

Named Skin in ASP.NET

What is Skin->                         Skin was introduced in ASP.NET 2.0 to solve the problem of design/layout of server control. Its used for changing the appearance of asp.n...

Dynamically shorting url in while sending SMS

Adding a website url within a text message is a smarter way to let your customers interact directly with your product. A website url helps customers to directly navigate to your website and use the services. But the main issue is that most websit...

Basic git commands

Hi All, Here are some basic and required git commands for starting purpose: 1: Set your name: git config --global "Your name" 2: Set your emails: git config --global your_email 3: Clone repository: git cl...

Wordpress 404 Error Template

Wordpress 404 Error Template :- Every wordpress theme has a 404.php file. This error occur when a user click on link to a missing web page, the web server will send the user an error message template such as 404 Not Found !!!. Admin can custo...

Magento Adapter Class for Shipping

The adapter model handles the functionality for our shipping module. This is where all the calculations happen and where everything will be coded. The coding written in model is to handle the shipping methods and the rates returned to the user fo...

How to achieve Document Version Contorl in Liferay?

Liferay provides very rich environment to create versions for the Uploaded documents. You can achieve Document Version Control very easily in Liferay by using the below code. Create the object of ServiceContext as below: ServiceContext serv...

Spring bean Lazy-initialization

Spring container initialize all the beans registered in the bean configuration file at the time of context start up. When application starts first time all beans are initiated. This helps container to search dependencies are exist or not at the t...

The Loop in WordPress -Part 2

In My previous blog I have explained have_posts and the_post Loop but there are some more WordPress loops which I am explaining in this blog below. The Loop :- As I already explained in my previous blog, The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress...

Push Notification - iPhone

This post will help you to send push notification to iPhone devices using server side scripting language called php. Here are code to send push notification /** * Apple Push Notification Services (APNS) * * @param array ...

Common function used in WP theme

Some useful WP function for developing themes have_posts(); This function check whether the current WordPress query has any results. This is a Boolean function, and returns either TRUE or FALSE. syntax is : if ( have_posts() ) : ...

What is functions.php in wordpress & how to use it

function.php - brain of WordPress theme functions.php or the theme functions file is a file used by WordPress themes. It acts like a plugin and gets automatically loaded in both admin and front-end UI pages of a WordPress site. This file is us...

The Loop in Wordpress

The Loop The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts. Using The Loop in WordPress we can display each post in the current page. In wordpress have_posts() simply calls into $wp_query->have_posts() checks, if there are any post...

WordPress Theme Directory Structure & Their Uses

In WordPress terminology: A WordPress Theme is a collection of php, css & js files that work together to produce a webpage with an underlying unifying design for a weblog. These files are called template files. A Theme modifies the way the...

What is Atomic property in iPhone sdk?

Atomic properties are thread safe. To understand atomic property it is important first to take a little focus on multi-thread programming. In multi-thread programming different threads can use same property so it is must to apply thread handl...

Apache Tomcat Installation on Linux

In this article we will learn how to install tomcat on Linux (CentOS,Fedora and RedHat). For example we will install the tomcat 7 on CentOS operating system. Before starting tomcat installation, be sure that java should be installed on your syste...

Print Last Executed Mysql Query in Codelgniter

Hi, If you are stuck with printing last executed msql query in codelgniter so with the help of below code, you can print or You can view your last executed mysql query in Codelgniter. echo $this->db->last_query();

@Bean Annotation in Spring Framework

@Bean Annotation in Spring: @Bean is used to register a bean in spring container. There are two kind of configuration we can do in Spring Framework, one is using the xml bean configuration file and second is using the java configuration file. Her...

User defined data types c#

Data types can be used as return data type or datatype. The syntax can include any C# data type as well as user defined data types. It can be an array or object. Or even it doesn't need to return a value. We can define and use STRUCTURE as data ...

Using Singleton Pattern in C#.Net

Singleton pattern is used where we want to enforce that only one instance of the class is created in our program. Here is the small example of Singleton class. public class GlobalServiceManager { private GlobalServiceManage...

Allow only numbers to be typed in a textbox

If you have requirement to allow only number in the textbox you can use either of following method. This will allow only numbers i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 0 all other chars entered will not be accepted. There are two approach to do it. First...

@Configuration class-centric use of XML with @ImportResource

Configure beans using @Configuration annotation in Spring Framework : Spring framework is a configuration base framework. In Spring Framework all configuration is done using xml files. But you know anybody can change the xml file, if change is...

Add, Search and Remove Items from Concurrent Dictionary

Concurrent dictionary is the advance version of dictionary that provides a big advantage over dictionary, that is Thread Safety. Concurrent dictionary allows multiple instances to access the object of concurrent dictionary. ConcurrentDictionary t...

ASP.NET Login Controls

Using Login control, we can have a ready to use interface. We integrate login controls with ASP.Net membership and form authenticate to automate user authentication for a website. When a user click on Login button of Login control, Control val...


LINQ is used for Data querying in a type safe way. Data to be queried can be XML, SQL, and Object etc. Lets have a look at simple LINQ query: var items = from employee in db.Employee where Employee.Salary < 20000 ...
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