How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to Create Rich content/text editor using jQuery?
Hello Readers ,
In this blog, I am going to guide you that how you can create Rich Text Editor in your Application.I am using Jquery plugin to create Rich Text Editor it contains so many features.
First, you need to include .js file in your...
How to bind XML Data using XmlDataProvider in WPF?
In WPF, we can easily bind WPF controls with xml data using XmlDataProvider. Using XmlDataProvider, we can bind xml data in XAML file itself without writing any code in code behind.
Here, below is the example of XmlDataProvider.
How to test listview click event using TDD in android ?
We know that test driven development is basically for functional testing , in this blog we will test listview using instrumentation method runOnMainSync() that executes a call on application main ui thread.
here is the layout file :
AngularJs Expressions
This blog is in continuation with my previous blog on directives in angularJs, in this blog, I will discuss expressions in angularJs.
In angularJs "Expression" are used to bind data to HTML.
Difference between Anchors, Button and Input
Anchors represent hyperlinks. A hyperlink is used to navigate or if we want to move a user from one page to another or download a file or external resources.
Anchors are also used to link to particular section of the same page by g...
Web Security Vulnerabilities
Cross site scripting (XSS)
XSS is sending unfiltered data such as <script> or any other HTML data to the server, when the user needs any resource, the server sends unfiltered data to the client. The attacker may get private data.
Test Case Fundamentals
Test Cases:
A test case is a kind of document, which includes the test data, preconditions, expected & actual results, etc. It is based on the test scenarios to check the results and compares it with the requirement. Test case has been cre...
Pascal's Triangle using recursion in php
Hello readers, today we will discuss printing pascal's triangle using recursion. Pascal's triangle is a triangle where each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it. We have one of the most interesting Number Patterns in Pas...
Discussion on schemas in mongoose with nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss schemas in mongoose with nodejs. There are other blogs available on FindNerd which are describing different features of nodejs so you can read out these blogs as well. Question is raised that wha...
Implementing Hooks in Codeigniter
There are n number of situation where we want to call a function before or after an action. In Codeigniter, we can implement this by using Hooks. In-other-word, we can say Hooks are the event which can be called before or after the execution of a...
AngularJs Directives
This blog is in continuation with my previous introductory blog on angularJs, in this blog I will discuss about directives in angularJs.
In angularJs "Directives" are used to extend the functionality...
A simple home structure using CSS
Hello Readers!
This blog post will show you a really simple "home" structure. We all must've drawn such homes at some time in our childhood days, but it gets even easier with CSS. The position - absolute and relative, have the ma...
Cordova plugin for multiple image selection.
Hello Readers,
We can choose image through Cordova camera plugin but with this plugin we can only select one image at a time.
Now, Cordova image picker plugin helps to select more than one image at a time i.e user can select multiple image at...
How to download videos from YouTube in iOS
Hi Readers,
We can download video file from Youtube if we know youtube URL of the video. First you need to add attached files (HCYoutubeParser) into your project. Now you need to call following function into your code:
let video = HCYout...
Why Auto Responders are Crucial For Small Business Marketing?
Is it accurate to say that you are doing little business web showcasing in Australia yet? The following inquiry is do your guests disregard your business? The facts could prove that your nearby business gets request from the your ne...
Basic Skills That Every Tester Should Have
Basic Skills That Every Tester Should Have
1. Documentation:
Documentation is necessary to testing. Also, ensure that you see the value of the documentation process. The benefits of documentation are, it will help you to track req...
How to report a Bug
Discrepancies between the expected result and actual result called a defect or A software bug is an error or fault that leads to an system or software program behave incorrectly or unexpectedly.
How to report a Bug:
How to integrate google analytics in Android Application
Are you interested in tracking your Android app activities? If yes, Google Analytics provides a service for which real time tracking of Activities, fragments, events, exceptions and crash reports can be done easily.
Steps to integrate Google A...
Wildcard with LIKE operator in SQL
In SQL, LIKE clause is basically used to search the homogeneous data using wildcard from a database. The LIKE operator is used to find out the particular string from a table's field into database.
Some wildcard examples are give...
How to download data Using NSOperations and NSOperationQueue
Hi Readers,
It is sometimes required to download files or images from server into local. We can perform these tasks by NSOperation and NSOperationQueue efficiently. The basic idea is to create each download operation separately and add these o...
How to Set default timezone in cakephp
Hellow Reader's ,
Some time we need to set default time zone in our applications.In this blog i am going to explain how you can do this.
This is a simple step for change the defualt timezone in cakephp.
Go to your project directory
Difference between ng-model and ng-bind
AngularJS has some built-in directives, and these directives allows us to extend HTML element.
Here we are going to discuss about the two directive that are used for data binding. One is ng-model and second one is ng-bind
Data binding is one of...
TTS(Text to Speech) android
TTS define Text To speech.
Android provides TextToSpeech functionality from API level 4.
TextToSpeech is in package android.speech.tts.
Here is how to work with text to speech functionality in android.
1. Create...
Discussion on beforeSave() methods in cakephp.
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss beforeSave() method in CakePHP.
Basically beforeSave() methods is an important feature of CakePHP and this is a pre-save logic. It is also called callback methods in Cak...
How to use Blowfish password hasher in cakephp
Hellow Reader's ,
In this Blog you can learn how to secure your password in DB with Blowfish password hasher. it is very difficult to hack. you can use blowfish hasher by following these steps.
First use below line in your User (Model)
One image changes to another, on hover
Hello, readers.
This blog post will tell you how to get one image in place of the other on hover. The height and width of the images are 100% and the position is given absolute. Due to this, one image appears behind the other. The second thing...
Show image thumbnails before Upload
Hellow Reader's ,
In this blog we are going to explain how to show image thumbnail before image upload.In many web application we need to show image thumbnail before uploading.
It will work on every browser which support HTML5 Fil...
Pattern Attribute in Html5
Pattern Attribute:
Pattern attribute is used for input field validation and used to provide a regular expression which is used to match the input fields value whether the value is according to the pattern specified or n...
How to create server instance in Node.js
Here we will learn how to create a server instance in node.js. First of all we will have to check if the node.js is properly setup in our local machine. Let us create a file with name demo.js and write the below code in the file:
Using Webstorm For NodeJS
Webstorm is an IDE developed by JetBrains in order to help quick development with Javascript.
To start using Webstorm on linux machine we...
What is the location of js, css or image files in Symfony
Hello Friends,
If you are new in Symfony and looking to get location to save your js, css or image files, please review this blog. We have many ways to save the public files in symfony here we are describing two different ways to save these pu...
Implementing Token Based Authentication in Rails
In modern world, most of the web applications are api based. So using api's we also need to validate the authenticity of the user. When it is a proper web application the authentication of the user is maintained using cookies and sessions. Bu...
Background Transitions
Hello readers
If you want to use Background Transition on your anchor tag, buttons, div, etc. then code below will be helpful for you.
According to the code the transition will occurs on hover or and will focus on when time is define...
Key Challenges of Software Testing
Following are some key challenges of Software Testing:
1) Testing the complete application:
It is quite impossible to test the complete application. There are many test combinations so it’s impossible to test every combination. It wil...
Check whether Application is installed or not on an Android device
There are two ways to know that the particular application is installed in your android device or not.
1st way:-
In first way we get the list of installed application and check whether the targeted package name (package of the application t...
Pagination in RecyclerView
Hello, Here is a simple pagination tutorial in recyclerview.
Step 1 : - Create a recycler view and its adapter, In my case i have created a custom adapter in order to show user's profile image.
Discussion on GET request in nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss GET request in nodejs. There are different request methods available to process the data. Here we are going to take a small example on GET request in nodejs. First of all we want to mention that ...
TPS Camera with Wall Collisions in Unity
Hi Nerds,
Here is the tutorial for creating a third person camera with dynamic wall collisions in Unity.
Demo: https://youtu.be/DPTWLs-zndI
Doc: https://1drv.ms/p/s!AvAlkrGEujhegijtt9rN5vqZys_u
Project: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0...
Cross-Browser Testing
Cross-Browser Testing:
Testing the website or application in different browsers is known as Cross-Browser testing. Also, it ensures that your website or application's performance should be consistent without any dependencies and compromise...
How to Use Deep Linking in Android?
In the below example code I have enabled deep linking. Let's consider, you have shared your app in social network like, Gmail, Facebook, Whatsapp etc. When users click on the link you shared then your app will open, if it's installed in h...
node-sass css preprocessor for scss to css conversion
Sass stands for "Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets". It is compatible with all CSS versions available.
If your CSS is getting complex, harder to maintain, here you can take the help of preprocessor. Sass allows you to create v...
What is Linux Loader?
LILO: Linux Loader is the traditional boot loader and it is perhaps still used in servers that run Linux as their Operating system. Grub or the GRand Unified Boot Loader replaced it as the 'cool' and secure alternative.
LILO ...
How to use Assetic in Symfony
Hello Friends,
Assetic is used to define CSS, JS and Images location in symfony. Assetic provides you flexiblity to store CSS, JS and Images at your desirable location and you can call these files on your twig or controller file easily. ...
Inspect, to_s, p and puts in ruby
In rails, sometimes we don't notice it but there is difference when you use puts to print an object and when you use just p to print an object. One thing let me clear for you, p is not a short form of puts, they both are different.&...
Use of constraints in SQL
Constraints in SQL are used to define rules for the table and columns in a database and also make sure that data are accurate and trusted in the database. Constraints are responsible for the termination of action if any violation is found.
How to empty an array in JavaScript
We can empty an arrary in Javascript in many ways.Lets go through each of the them.
For Example we have an array like this:
var myArray = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'];
First method :
myArray = []
Above code will empty the variabl...
List and Detail of all installed application Android
There is multiple ways to get installed application information like PackageInfo and ApplicationInfo.
In this tutorial I will show both way to get All installed applications.
Step 1:- get Package Manager In...
Severity and Priority
It defines as the gravity of the bug on the system or application being tested.It refers the side effects of the bug on the system.
Majorly Severity can be categorized as:
Javascript Loop Optimization
JavaScript is a client side programming language, and if JavaScript will take a lot of time for computation. It will not only affect the performance of our application but also can hang the browser.
So here in this particuler blog we will learn ...
How to expand and collapse header/toolbar in android
1. Coordinator Layout: Coordinator layout is the super set of frame layout. Expanding and contracting of header/toolbar to gain more view for the main content. As per the property of frame layout it can have multiple child views but the additiona...