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Discussion on select and unselect all check box on click.

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discussion on select and unselect all check boxes on a click. If we want to select all check boxes in your web application, so we have to follow below process: Firstly we have to m...

Loading simple data with the help of ajax

  If we want some part of our website to load but we dont want other part to be loaded for this purpose ajax is used . Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML it helps us to load particular part of the page but not the whole ...

How to decode HTML string coming from server to iOS readable string

Hi Readers, Many time we will get HTML content in our API response which we need to load into our component like UILabel.  We can convert this HTML content into normal string or more specifically NSAttributed string which we can set into ...

Autofocus Attribute in Html

Autofocus Attribute: It is a boolean attribute used with input fields, button that set focus on that element on which autofocus attribute has been used when a page is loaded. But we can focus only one element at a time using this attribute. ...

Compliance Testing

Compliance Testing: It is a type of an audit which has to be done on the system to verify if all the standards are met or not. To make sure that the compliances should meet. In some organization, compliance expert people will be establish. Thi...

Add twitter feed to website

If you want to embed multiple Tweets on our website in a compact, single-column view and want to display the latest Tweets from a single Twitter account for this a Twitter collection may be rendered in either a list or a responsive grid template....

Events and emitters

Node.js comes with lots of core modules one of them is events module. We use EventEmitter in node js to create custom events and to react those custom events. It is something similiar as jQuery events:- element.on('click', function(msg) { ...

What are Test scenarios, Test cases and Test scripts

Test Scenario:- Its a high level definition and classification of the test requirement. In testing of any module's functionality it is grouped depending on same functionality. It consist of following parameters: Use case ID scen...

Patent and E-commerce How Patent Helps A Business To Grow Online

For eCommerce stores offering handmade things, a patent ought to be one of your first considerations. While numerous online dealers and patent search tools don't have to stress over patents, it's possibly the most vital part of the busine...

NodeJS and MongoDB

Node.js which make use of chrome v8 engine can be used for building fast, scalable network applications. It is based on event-driven and non-blocking I/O model thus making it lightweight and efficient and most suitable for real time application. ...

Chapter 1: An Introduction to jQuery

What is jQuery ? jQuery is a fast JavaScript library with less code which was created by John Resig in 2006. jQuery is very fast and this feature make it one of the most popular language. It is the most popular browser friendly javascript lib...

Discussion on custom modules in nodejs

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss custom modules in Nodejs. As we have discussed the in-build modules as well as other modules which are provided by npm. We can also create our own modules. Kindly use the following steps. &nbs...

TEST PLAN Fundamentals

TEST PLAN: A document which includes the scope, approach, resources & schedule of planned test activities. It recognized between others test items, features to be tested, testing tasks, who will do the task, degree of tester independence, ...

Best Practice for Logging using Log4Net

As we all know that Logging is used to log the program's execution and this log information is used for debugging and testing purpose. One can easily find the problem using this log information without seeing the source code. To better write ...

Installing And Using NGROK (Rails)

Installing And Using NGROK for Rails Application NGROK allows our web application running on localhost web server to be exposed to the internet. Its like making our web application live. It creates a secure tunnel from a public ...

Local and Global Variables

Local Variables: Variables that are defined within a function or a block are called local variables. They can only be used within a function or a block. These can't be accessed outside their scope or we can say outside their function. ...

What is callback hell?

Callback hell is the nesting of callbacks that is one callback inside another. Callback hell is very bad thing in nodejs, you should always avoid it.   To avoid callback hell you can: 1) Break callback into individual function 2)...

Use of Callback Functions in jQuery

We well know that  JavaScript code is run line by line but in some cases, the next line of code can be executed before completion of the previous line of code and this cause that its give unexpected result or errors. To fix this type of prob...

Introductory blog: Angularjs

Hello Readers, HTML is the best way of creating static documents, but  when we want to  create dynamic views in web-applications then we use javascript which is a client side scripting language, AngularJS  is a  framework o...

Friendly-URLs in rails

By default rails applications build URLs based on the primary key(id column) from the database. Suppose we have a User model and associated controller and we have a user record for John Martin that has id number 50. So the URL for his show page w...

How to customize Flash message in Cakephp 2.x?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to customize flash message in Cakephp 2.x? If we want to customize flash message with alert flash box in our CakePHP web application.So for that we have to follow below pr...

Filters in Rails

Generally whenever a request comes to the controller, controller invokes the requested action and send the response back to the view, but sometimes we need some actions(authentication) to be executed  before or after the action is called, in...

How to update xmlDataProvider when xml document changes at runtime in WPF?

Some time we need a situation where we bind WPF controls with XmlDataProvider and XML is changes dynamically at run time. Then we need to change the data in WPF controls automatically. for eg: we bind list of items with XmlDataProvider and user ...


PEDOMETER   Hello All ,  As health concerns are growing up here comes a basic idea how to create a pedometer app, This blog will guide to create a pedometer and manipulate its setting to get the accuracy of foot steps, you...

CSS3 Perspective property

CSS3 perspective property is the most popular 3D transform property. As we know Perspective refers to the art of representing a 3D object on a 2D surface with right impact of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other. ...

Plugin to Check if GPS enabled on Cordova iOS and Android apps

Hello Readers, Cordova Geolocation API works when GPS enabled on device or we can say that it will not provide you the exact position. We can provide manual lat long with out enable GPS. Cordova Geolocation API doesn't provide a way to che...

Parallaxing in unity 3d

For Parallaxing the background, we need to follow few steps: 1. The type of image using for parallax must be of type texture  2. Set it's wrap mode to be repeated. 3. Assign the image to a quad  4. set shader as Uint/Texture...

What is JQuery noConflict method?

As jQuery do most of the JavaScript libraries use $ as a function or variable name. In jQuery's case, all functionality is available without using $ because it is just an alias for jQuery. In jQuery we can return control of $ back to the othe...

How to resolve Http 400 Bad Request while authenticating with ONVIF camera

The main point while authenticating with Onvif camera using Onvif wsdl is to create our custom behavior class and pass the camera credentials using that class. Here, below is the code for custom behavior class.   Adding namespace:...

TDD to test android activity

Test driven development is basically a procedure to achieve actual functionality or goal. This is also called in short TDD. This process contains following steps that are :       Write test cases     Run ...

Discussion on jade/pug framework in nodejs

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss jade/pug framework in nodejs. Jade is framework for HTML templating in nodejs. Its maintainers have changed its name to pug due to trademark issue. Jade already registered name for other project....

split ,find_index , map and capitalize methods in Ruby

Strings in Ruby have an instance method namely split that splits the given String and returns an array of substrings based on the separator given as an argument to it. have a look at these examples: gauravjhadiyal@gauravjhadiyal:~$ irb 2...

CSS Box Model

The CSS Box Model In CSS, the expression "box model" is utilized when discussing about design and layout. All HTML components can be considered as boxes. It consists of: margins, borders, padding, and content. In a file each and e...


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery with: :exception before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller? protected def configure_permitted_parameters devise_parameter_sani...

using return keyword within a Ruby block

As we all know,Ruby Blocks and Ruby Methods work in tandem and the output/value of the last line/expression being executed by the block is returned to the associated method . Have a look at this example: 2.1.5 :006 > def demo 2.1.5 :0...

faker gem integration in rails application

A faker gem is used to create the fake data for testing or demo purpose in rails application. It is Perl's Data::Faker library that generate different type (i.e. Address, color, code, commerce, company, date etc.) of fake data. We are general...

Implicit and Explicit Blocks in Ruby

Blocks are basically a group of code that can be stored in a parameter and can be executed. There are majorly two ways of doing this:   1) Implicit: In implicit, it is a nameless block and it is not passed as a parameter, it is exec...

Node Package Manager in Node.js

Node Package Manager (npm) stands for node package manager and it is a command line interface for installing Node.js packages,do version management and dependency management of Node.js packages. npm can be used to install packages in local or gl...

Perform different operations using package name in android

1) If your requirement is to get app icon from package name then below few lines of code will be helpful for you. try { Drawable app_icon = getPackageManager().getApplicationIcon("PACKAGE_NAME"); my_imageView.setBackgrou...

Schedule and perform Data Quality Checks in PIM

Hello Readers   Overview: Quality checks can be carried out when required. Quality checks can be initiated in different ways:   - by a defined event or on a fixed date   - by a direct request   Schedu...

How to perform task in background thread using GCD

Hi Readers, GCD stands for Grand Central Dispatch. It can be used to handle background task. In app requirement many time we need to perform some tasks like calculation etc without any effect on main thread. So all we need is to perform that p...

Function Expressions vs Function Declarations

Every function in JavaScript is an object of Function and in JavaScript, there are many different ways of defining Javascript function. Each of them will do approximately the same thing, but has its own pros and cons. Here we are going to explain...

Traverse in jQuery using filtering methods

Traversing in jQuery is basically used to search or select HTML elements or attributes of a web page. During the traversal, we are using filtering methods to manipulate the DOM. Some filtering methods describe as below...   first(): Th...

How to route / customize route in CodeIgniter

In CodeIgniter URI routing system we find a one-to-one relationship between the path Controller_class/Controller_class_method and the URL .All the segments in a URI displays the below pattern : Domain_name/Controller_class_name/Controller_cl...

Convert bytes to human readable form Android Java

Convert bytes data to human readable form. 1.  I initialized the byte with random number; long bytes = 123456; 2.  Initialize String[] of data types. String[] types = {"kb", "Mb", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"}; 3. initial...

How to upload multiple file upload in CakePHP 2.x?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to upload multiple file upload in CakePHP 2.x? If we want to upload multiple images in our CakePHP web application with the help of input browse box. So for that we have t...

Discussion on MongoDB with Nodejs

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss mongoDB with nodejs. We use mongoDB with nodejs. MongoDB is nosql database. It is open source as well as cross-platform and well documented database. MongoDB uses collection which is set of mongo...

Use of Super Keyword and Mixins In Ruby

Use of Super Keyword and Mixins In Ruby Super Keyword Ruby gives us with a built-in function called super that allows us to call methods which are present in its super class.  The use of inheritance is to make the overridden methods...

jQuery not() Method

In jQuery not() method,  we set a  criteria. Elements that match the criteria are expelled from the selection, and those do not  match will be returned. Below is the syntax of jquery filter method:- selector....

How to get total quantity left of different color in configurable product ?

Hello Readers, This tutorial is going explain "How to get total quantity left of simple products with different color in configurable product". Lets see how can we do it: paste the below code in product view file (i.e catalog/pro...
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