Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
Need Horizontal List view like Flipkar app home page
Hi, Please guide me or provide any help full links to develop the app with Horizonal list view instead of Vertical Listview. Where the app of Flipkart implemented Horizontal scroll view or Horizontal lit view in home page
Thanks is advance
Error:Execution failed for task ':iTSM:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'
Please help me to resolve below error Getting Below error in Android studio after update the Compile and Build Tool version
Please find the attached bild.gardle file
early compileSdkVersion 21 buildToolsVersion "22.0.1"
and asl...
Camera Zoom in and out problem
Hello everyone,
Please help me .
I am working on iOS + Cordova platform
I am implementing Zooming functionality in Native iOS in Camera plugin.
But in Which file I have to do that..
And i Want to Zoom camera within View.
Please help guys ...
uploading file
when i execute this file.php only it will upload, when i run in Mainlayout.php its not uploading. Below file is File.php, its to upload csv file.. Canone help me plzzzzzzzz
<form name="import" method="post" enctype="multipart/fo...
C Structure
Im a Network Admin and start Learning Programming,I start with C and reading a book.
anyone can help answer and explain to me how to come up with it.
1.Write a structure that is to be used with a binary tree. The structure is to hold title na...
How to highlight duplicate values in Google sheet
Hi Guy,
I am doing some analysis on my Google sheet (Google Excel). One of the column i.e 'E' of this contain the URLs. Need to highlight all Duplicate URL in same column certain color like RED. I know this is possible. But don't know step for...
Jquery fineuploader update metadata of the file
Hello Guys
I used jquery fineuploader to upload multiple files in my web application but fineuploader update the metadata of the file during upload file and original metadata of the file has been lost.
I want to extract original metadat...
Configure office365 email in liferay
Hello Guys
I configured office365 email in liferay to send email via smtp by using below properties :
How to add default navigation drawer activity to all the activities in android studio
Firstscreen is where naviagtiondarwer is created and in that screen there is a button as "rate card" after clicking on that button new screen opens that is new-Bid as in image Actionlbar is not having navigation drawer this is what i m not able ...
How to fetch cells data from one Google Sheet to another?
I have two Google Sheets named Sheet_1 and Sheet_2. I want to link both these Google Sheets and fetch the cells numerical data from Sheet_2 to a specific cell location in Sheet_1.
How to split an Image in android
I am facing problem to split an Image.
Please help me to find out the solution.
Please share any library if you know.
How to take frame from video
Please provide me the solution to take frame from video in android
If you have code. Please share it.
how to get questions with jquery,ajax,php
have a quiz script. My script contains quiz.js, getquestions.php, insertresults.php. In quiz.js:
var i = 1;
var sec = 20;
var timetaken = 0;
var answer;
var points;
var result = .5;
var score = 0;
var f = new Date();
var duration;
DDMS in android
What is DDMS in android? Could you please provide the capabilities and functionalities of DDMS?
Error: To reconcile the entries company should be the same for all entries in openerp-6.1
Hello Friends,
I am getting the following error message when using customer payment in openerp-6.1 to validate the customer payment.
The error massage is shown below:
To reconcile the entries company should be the same for all entries in o...
I'm getting import CSV error while uploading files in php
Hi i'm developing the panel where admin can import the csv file directly to mysql database. But I'm getting the error.
My code is
$mysqlDatabaseName ='bilmos';
$mysqlUserName ='root';
How to solve "can't adapt type 'dict' error" ?
Hi Friends,
Please help me with the error, When I am installing rental module in Odoo-9. It is giving me below mentioned error -
2015-12-23 06:34:25,935 7070 INFO Mary_DB9 openerp.sql_db: Programming error: can't adapt type 'dict', ...
How to Save my Clipboard (Copy History) in Ubuntu 14.04
Hello Guys,
I am facing an issue in my day to day work i.e when I Copy a content to paste it to website or document and in the meanwhile If I accidentally copy another content the previous content that I copied is not accessible to me.
CameraPreview problem.
Hello Everyone,
I am working on iOS + Cordova platform.
When i clicked on camera button ,the preview is not coming..
Any thing i Have to add in JS file or CameraPreview.m file to interact to each other...
Please help.
I am new in Cordova a...
Short cut keys for Google Docs
I am facing troubles with using short-cut keys in Google docs that I never faced in MS Word. For example, one can use Shift+F3 to make initials of words in a sentence either capital or small. Could somebody help me with all short-cut keys availab...
Error while building Unity3D Android Game := Plugins colliding with each other
when I build the game in Unity3D , it makes error :"plugins colliding with each other"
I am using Facebook SDK and Playfab.com SDK
Found plugins with same names and
Error when migrating from OpenERP-7 to Odoo-9
Hi Friends, Please help me with the Problem, I want to migrate from OpenERP-7 to Odoo-9 and while doing so I got an error.
Error is below .
File "/home/shiva/WORKSPACE9/OPENERP-9/openerp/addons/rent/rent.py", in get_totals
prices = ta...
How to remove Blank Rows in Google Spreadsheet?
While working on Google spreadsheet, I need to delete the blank rows from my sheet, as shown in screenshot below.
In the above screenshot in column B, I have Names and after each Name there is an empty row, I want no empty r...
Different behavior of heading tag with section
If I'm write Heading tag (h1 and h2) in section or aside it shows same font size and if I put this outside of section or aside tag it works normal. Why?
<h1>heading 1</h1>
<h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3...
How to Import Data from Website in LibreOffice Calc
Hi Guys,
I need to import data from a website, Like a Website ( http://ss64.com/nt/ ), which provide list of commands and their description.
I want these command and description can directly import to my local LibreOffice Calc Sheet ...
What is HTML Local Storage?
What is HTML Local Storage Objects ?
Local Storage is that method we can store data on user browser. Its work same as cookies.
Cookies was use in old time means before html5 and Local Storage is much better then it because we can store more ...
how can I use php to display question
how can I use php to display question stored in mysql database and choose the right answer for it and give grade if the answer is right and store it back in mysql database (sorry I don't speak English very well )
How to Track an Event Call on a Website?
Hi Geeks,
I am webmaster of some web projects and regularly monitor website stats and performance through Google Webmaster and Analytic account. As we know in Google analytic we can track the visitors stats through URL only, however I want...
The notifications which i dismissed are not getting displayed in this page.
Hi Gud Evng,
I am working on cordova android.
I am displaying all push notifications in one page.
The notifications which i touched are only getting displayed in this page.
The notifications which i dismissed are not getting displaye...
Push notification is not showing even when the app is on the foreground.
Hi Friends,
Push notification is not showing even when the app is on the foreground. Plzz let me know anybody solved this kind of issue.
Thanks & regards,
Why does auto attribute not work vertically?
If I'm using margin: 0 auto it will work as horizontally margin auto and vertically 0px.
Now question is if I'm using margin:auto why It is not working vertically.
Note:- No need alternate option, just want a solid reason behind it :)
My number value is overwritten by #NUM!
The column which now shows #NUM! had values like 20000, 4000.
It earlier had values like mentioned above.
I copied a row, pasted it in another row and darn! It got messed up...
FYI- This sheet uses Tables.
Could not inspect the application package when using device
Could not inspect the application package when using device
Ser error message fadeoff on hover of field after submit form.
Hi All Developers,
http://www.katjaboehm.de/kontakt/ On this page, after submitting the form. I've setup error message gets fade off (hide) on hover of text field. This form is created using contact form 7.
I need same functionality on this...
Disable the scrolling of list and allow the whole page to scroll
Hi i am currently working on an android application in it has list view inside the main activity. What i want is disable the scrolling of list and allow the whole page to scroll only,is there any way for that please do help.....
I tried with...
Show Content in "List View" Only when "Switch" is "On"
Description : I have created a App with single tab and created a switch, List View. I have to show content of "ListView" say RSS Feed only when the switch is turned ON, and Hide the content of "ListView" when Switch is turned OFF.
Can you help...
Getting error for using the session variables used in PHP
// Some query processing on database
How to create Custom Rom for Android
I wan to create a custom rom
Can Someone guide mo on how to do this Please
Local Push Notification
Hi All,
I need to do the below requirement in my app.
When app is in background, call a webservice. This service will have an XML response containing new features of the app.
If there is some response, show it as a notification to the ...
How to crop the profile picture before uploading?
Hello everyone,
I am facing a problem in uploading a image to server.
I am able to successfully capture a image from the camera or select a image from the gallery,
but i have to provide a crop option before uploading the image just like in Wha...
Show product in many2one field added in many2many field
Hi fellows here I created many2many field in view it widget is many2many_tags here I select products as tags
now what I really want is that I want to show only that products in project.task field product_id which I have selected in the many2man...
question for output for xml
my question is if we work with html in notepad and save as .html extension . On opening that html file in browser the output is displayed but in XML file when we open the file in browser the same coding done in notepad appears.. why?
How to add a Facebook plugin.. com.phonegap.plugins.Facebookconnect?
Hi i am making an iOS app using cordova Phonegap .
I want to add Facebook plugin so user can register to Facebook.
So i Did so many things but still not getting proper way?
Please help guys
How to search and read records in OpenERP/Odoo ?
Odoo provides a search_read() shortcut which as its name notes is equivalent to a search() followed by a read(), but avoids having to perform two requests and keep ids around.for example code is like below.
models.execute_kw(db, uid, password,...
Impossible to start SpiceManager as no service of class
I am using robospice api for ASYNC rest webservcie call.I am getting below exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: Impossible to start SpiceManager as no service of class : meshyog.jalam.DistributorSignupService is registered in AndroidManifest.x...
Facebook SDK in iOS + Cordova.
Hello everyone,
I need Facebook sdk in my app. I want to upload pic's ...
So how to get Facebook SDK and Code In JS..
Using Cordova + iOS..
Please help..
Thanks & Regards