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Create animated css3 buttons

Hi Reader, If you want to create an animated button using css3, below is the code example. Here I am posting some css 3 animated buttons just copy paste and enjoy the code ;) . button { font: inherit; color: inherit...

Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL - Part 3

Parameters in Stored Routines While executing any stored routine sometimes we need to pass on certain values in stored procedures these values are handled as Parameters. Their declaration consists of three parts : Type of parameter Par...

How to get the MAC Address of the access points

Please note that every device that needs to be connected has a MAC address associated with it, be it a phone or the router. The MAC address for the device can be seen in the WiFi settings in case of the phone. For getting the MAC address of the r...

Bootstrap versus Foundation

*{margin:0;padding: 0;} .mdUP table{border-collapse: collapse;width: 100%;margin:10px 0;} .mdUP table thead{background: #ccc;} .mdUP table th, .mdUP table td{padding: 5px;text-align:center;border:1px solid #ccc;} ...

Guide to Flexbox

pre{padding:4px;margin:5px 0;border-radius:0;color:#fff;background:#333;border:none;} Introduction : The flexible box called as flexbox is an powerful idea to give the container ability to alter their items You can adjust child eleme...

To get outer html with Jquery

There is no direct function to get outer html with jQuery as per my information, hence create a temporary html object and append the target object to the temporary object. Then get the inner HTML of the temporary object.. $('<div>').appe...

How to check what Ant version Eclipse is using

In order to check the Ant version in Eclipse, do following: In Eclipse click on upper Help Menu > About Eclipse -> Installation Details button -> Plug-in Details you will see Apache Ant plugin with version information. This has bee...

Responsive Web Design and Responsive Frameworks

In this session, we will learn about Responsive Design and will check out some of the popular frameworks related to it. So, without much further ado, let's begin: What is Responsive Design? "Responsive web design (...

How to resolve permissions issue in Portlet ajax request

In Liferay when we try to do portlet ajax call from view.jsp, we get the issues like permission required or not able to pass the values when trying to pass parameters in ajax call. To resolve this issue we need to provide permissions. So for ...

Change the Page indicator dot in iPhone PageCotrol

To change page indicator dot in iPhone pagecontrol follow the below steps and set of codes. Open The Xcode and Create a new project Name it as MyPageControl select the project and right click and add new files and select a cocoatouch File...

Functional Interface - Java 8

The interface with only a single methods is known as functional interface. If an interface marked as @FunctionalInterface it can only contains one abstract method. If we try to declare more than one abstract method inside FunctionalInterface comp...

How to give permissions to user roles from control panel in liferay 6.2?

Liferay provide inbuilt permissions feature to manage users and roles of the user, so I will guide you, how to use permissions feature in liferay control panel. Follow below steps to manage role permissions and users : - Step 1: First of a...

Install the OpenOffice in Linux and start it's services

To install the OpenOffice follow the below steps: 1- To uninstall Libreoffice(if installed) type the below command from terminal sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice* #if installed 2- To install OpenOffice run the below command fro...

How to iterate Object List in JavaScript

Sometimes we need to send data from Controller to JSp. Here I'm going to explain how we can send and iterate Object List in JSP file. You can do this easily by following the below steps: 1- Define the below dependency in you pom.xml file for...

Managing Rails Versions and Gems- Automatically load required version using RVM

If you are using rvm and want to load project specific ruby version and gems automatically when you access the project directory, for this you can use a very simple command rvm --create --ruby-version use ruby-version-number@gemsetname ex...

Group By With Where Or Having clause in Rails

Group By : As we all know that group by in any RDBMS provides us with a way to get aggregate of rows based on any particular column. Taking it in point of rails the enumerable class in Rails contains a method named 'group_by'. This method is a pu...

Default Methods for Interfaces in Java 8

Interfaces always contained only method declaration and there was no way of defining method definition in the interfaces because java did not allow multiple inheritance of classes. Java only allowed multiple inheritance of interfaces. Since Jav...

How to Get/Crop the visible portion of ImageView

In many application we set the scaleType of large image to "CENTER" or the scaleType is set to "MATRIX" and the bitmap is translated and scaled. Therefore parts of the image are not visible. Now in order to get the visible part you just need to e...

Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL - Part 2

How to manage stored routines? In the second part of the series we will see basic commands used to manage the Stored Routines As these are also Database objects so the basic DDL commands hold true here also Create Alter Drop CRE...

How to Speed Up Your Magento site

In magento you can improve website speed by doing some small tricks, Below are the 5 Different techniques to boost magento site, Just do the following steps to achieve it: 1) Enable Flat Categories and Products Options: Go to the Magento Admin...

Lambda expressions - Java 8

Lambdas? A lambda is nothing but a anonymous function which accepts zero or more arguments and produces output. Lambda is basically composed with three components- argument section, an arrow and a body. (argument ...) -> { body } // ...

Most useful plugins for magento

Here are 5 most useful extension for magento 1. OneStepCheckout one step checkout make checkout process easy. In magento defualt checkout user waste more time to fill information in many steps but one step checkcut extension make it easy htt...

Css3 transition effect

Hello Readers This blog will describe about, what is transition property in CSS3. transition property The transition property specifies the name of the CSS property, the transition effect starts when the specified CSS property changes). CSS3 ...

Setting up varnish with Apache

Before we begin with the setup of the varnish with Apache, let us know a bit about Varnish and then move ahead with configuration of varnish with apache with some examples that gives you an idea of basic settings for the server. Varnish is an ...

How to change value of multiple checkbox and radio buttons?

Hello Guys This Tutorial will guide you for Changing the value of dynamic or multiple checkbox and radio buttons when select or unselected to them. For better understand I am writing example. Please follow below steps : Step 1 : Create ind...

Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL- Part 1

Why do we need stored routines? In this multi-part series I will explain the need of stored routines commonly know as stored procedures and functions , how to manage them, how to declare variables, programming blocks (loops, how to perform con...

How to integrate twitter with liferay?

Liferay provide us inbuild OpenSocial portal. Follow below steps and integrate twitter with liferay. Step 1 Open the OpenSocial configuration page in the Control Panel.  First add the gadget URL i.e

Active record rails

Earlier when programmer used to build a web application, they required the skills to code in both business logic language and database language. However now, back-end frameworks are using Object-Relational Mapping (ORM). It helps programmer st...

Adding Authors Images to Your Blog in WordPress

Hello reader's! Toady we discuss about "Adding Authors images to your blog". WordPress is integrated with Gravatar, allows you to show every post author's avatar in their posts. It makes your business look more personal than being as a f...

How to resize a custom view by drag side of view in android

This tutorial will help to resize a custom view by dragging of view's side and provide drag functionality also. Here is the step by step code. Step 1- Create a xml file res/activity_main <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://sch...

Creating Basic Registration Form using JavaScript

This tutorial will help user to create basic "Registration Form" using JavaScript. Here we will learn creating HTML elements such as form, label, input etc. using JavaScript, setting attributes for HTML elements, and inserting the elements int...

Cross site scripting XSS attacks

XSS is cross-site scripting, with this an attacker can insert malicious script/html into the victim's browser. The end users browser has no way to know whether he script is trusted. It assumes the script came from the trusted source. The malic...

How to create multiple view with drag and drop functionality in Android

This tutorial will help to the develop the Drag and Drop functionality, individual can create multiple view in their android application. Each view will have different onTouchListener and onLongClickListener. Step 1- Create a XML file res/acti...

Custom portlet for email verification in liferay 6.2.

Hello Guys Here, I am writing blog for email verification with token. When user add additional email address it's send autocratically verification link to given email address. Follow below steps to develop custom portlet for additional emai...

Install the ODBC in Linux and connect that to your database

To install the ODBC driver and then connect that to your Database follow the below steps: 1- To install ODBC run the below command from terminal sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev unixodbc-bin unixodbc 2- To install ODBC driver run the ...

PHP.ini configuration for handling large file upload in PHP

PHP provides a friendly environment in case of file uploads but if one wants to upload files greater then 2 Mega Bytes then the default installation of PHP fails. But, we can increase the limit when ever necessary. This Blog will help you conf...

stylish check box using pure css

Hi all, Below is an example of custom check box, using pure css here is no any script. You can use this example many type, like to select some image or theme. I hope it will helps you somewhere. HTML:- <div class="wrap"> ...

Joomla- adding sortable columns to a table in a component

Adding sortable columns to Users Table in Admin section <th class="left"--> <!--?php echo JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'Candidate Number', 'candidate_number', $listDirn, $listOrder); ?--> </th> Adding sortable columns to...

Magento restrict user registration to specific email domains

In Magento we can restrict user registration to specific email domains, therefore for restricting specific email domains on registration page we have to add a validation for example we can add like this- function validateEmailDomain($email...

How to add categories to top navigation bar in Magento?

To add category in navigation bar go in app/design/frontend/rwd/default/template/page/html and open file topmenu.phtml now find - <?php if($_menu): ?> <nav id="nav"> <ol class="nav-primary"> <?...

HTML5 Responsive Design - ViewPort Meta Tag (Part 3)

Hi again, In this article, were going to focus on another important concept of responsive design, i.e. the 'Viewport Meta Tag'. View-Port Overview The viewport meta tag was introduced by Apple to help web developers improve...

How to Create SEF Urls in joomla Component

In Joomla, for creating SEF URLs in joomla component you need to make your router file which has very important role in each and every component to allow SEF URLs. Let's assume that your component url is like this:-

Tomcat and Eclipse Integration Error : Unknown version of Tomcat was specified

If you are adding Server in Eclipse for Tomcat, and you facing below error Unknown version of Tomcat was specified. on Ubuntu then do following: Steps: $ cd ~/Downloads $ wget

How to search in a ListView via ArrayAdapter?

ListView with searching feature is very common in applications. You just need an EditText at the top of the ListView or as per your designs. Below are the steps- First you need to initialize the ListView and EditText countryCodelistVie...

Creating Photo album gallery in wordpress

Hello reader's! Today we discuss about "Creating Photo album gallery to your WordPress." Recently, we had a person who wanted us to create a photo gallery combine with albums. He wanted that if any user click on the album then he able to...

ACL architecture in Joomla 3.x

Hello Readers, Today we are going to discuss the details about Access Control Lists (ACL) of Joomla 3.x Access Control List (ACL) specifies which users or system processes are granted access to objects, as well as what operations are allow...

Getting database information in mongodb

Hello readers! Many time we get stuck with the query How to get the database information in Mongodb? Here below is the simple answer for this query- We can easily get the database information using below predefined methods: a) show dbs ...

how to migrate liferay theme from one installation to another

Sometime we need to migrate theme from one installation another. We can do this easily by following the below steps: 1). Create a new theme in Liferay 6.2 using this command. ./ themename ThemeDisplayName themename = The Name...

How to add Calendar control to Alloy UI form in Liferay

Here we can show how you can add the calendar control in your Alloy UI form. The below example explains how you can put your calendar control on textarea in your Alloy UI form. Example: <script> YUI().use( 'aui...

Photoshop Interface

This Blog is the initial part of Photoshop interface, the working area, tools, floating windows and menu bar.
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