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Accordion Using Jquery Type -I

Hello Readers! In this blog we will discuss about one of the simplest type of accordion using jquery.   In this type of accordion the content will be displayed on the click event of the the particular section. This task will be perform...

Difference b/w Function Declaration & Function Expression

Hello readers, Today in my blog I would like to discuss about the difference b/w Function Expression and Function Declaration.   The first question that arises in the readers mind would what basically these both terms mean,  so he...

How to Move Your Data Warehouse to the Cloud in Three Clicks

  Moving Your Data Warehouse to the Cloud   Is your data warehouse in the Cloud? Are you thinking of moving it there? Once there, what if you want to change to a faster, cheaper database?   Moving to the Clou...

CMMI Overview

CMMI integrates multiple disciplines into one process improvement framework: System Engineering Software Engineering Integrated Product and Process Development Supplier Sourcing It supports two different representations: Co...

Difference between find() and filter() methods

Both the methods are similar to each other. It is hard to understand the difference between jQuery find() and filter() methods. The difference between the two is that find() method searches for all the elements in the selector while the filter...

Selecting Test Cases For Acceptance Testing

 In  Acceptance Testing  we follow basic scenarios:   1. End to End functionality Verification :  Test cases that include the end to end functionality of the product are taken up for acceptance testing. This ensures...

Different way of writing multiple click functions

jQuery make it possible to interact with user by adding events to the web page, It includes many Events Methods like hide(), bind(), blur(), change(), click() and dbclick(). Here in this blog I just want to create one "click" function t...

Migration in Rails - Part2

Hi friends, In my last blog  Migrations in Rails: PART 1 - Introduction and Creating Tables I told you what is migration and how we can create tables in migration today I will tell you some other generic queries that are used: 1. Dropp...

Migrations in Rails: PART 1 - Introduction and Creating Tables

Migrations in rails are basically used for executing DDL (Data Definition Language) statements. The main tasks of migrations are: 1. Creating tables 2. Updating Schemas 3. Altering tables 4. Dropping tables Each migration works as a new ...

Different Types of Renders in Rails

render is used to provide response of a request in rails. There are multiple kinds of responses that you can send with request. Lets see one by one: 1) actions: By default if nothing is specified as render, actions are rendered withing in...

Protect From Forgery in rails

The first concern for every application is its security, so rails by default provides a method protect_from_forgery, which is always present by default in your application, whenever you create a new application. i.e. class ApplicationControl...

Transaction in Rails

As we all know in SQL transaction are used to maintain the integrity of the data, so that if there are multiple queries written, which has a condition that either all of them are executed or none. So for achieving those rails has written the wrap...

Introduction to JWT

With API becoming so popular these days thanks to SPA base applications, it was also required to keep these APIs secure. So the most popular of securing api's is token based authentication, whose flow is little bit like this: 1. In the b...

How to play Youtube video in your android app

In previous posts we discussed about how to generate  youtube video thumb and video_id. Now we are going to implement how to play videos in your android app by going through below easy steps. Step1: First adding YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi li...

Changes Related to Active Records While Updating From Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.0

From Rails 3.2 to 4.0, there were so many things that got changed. So here I am telling you the major changes that affected the active records, and that you should take care of during updation from 3.2 to 4.0: 1) There were some inconsistenc...

How to generate video id from youtube video url in android

If you are using YouTubePlayer in your android app and wants to play youtube video on that, so first we need a youtube video url. From that url we can get a video id(11 alphanumeric character set). In below example we are going to generate a vide...

Material UI in WPF-Part 2

Hi Friends, In the previous part we’ve seen some Material controls and they look pretty impressive. You don’t have to put extra effort for styling standard controls and need a little effort for out of the box controls like sliders ...

Hide/Show content with plus minus sign using JQuery

Hello there.   In this blog, I am going to tell you how to hide or show your content. If you are trying to hide and/or show your content, this can happen with a change in the plus minus sign. How? This blog has the answer to it. ...

Difference b/w onClick() and onSubmit() Event in Javascript

Hello readers , today in my blog I would like to discuss about the difference b/w the onClick and onSubmit Events . Below is the difference b/w them :-   Below is a example showing the use of onSubmit() :- <html> ...

JavaScript- Hide broken image icon or set a default image icon when source image is not found

Hello Readers,   When source image is not found then it will show a broken image icon. In today's post we will learn how hide broken image icon when image URL is invalid or not found.   onerror attribute of <img>&n...

Pure CSS Animated 3D Pyramid

In this blog we will be creating a 3D pyramid which will be rotating around vertical axis, ie, Y-axis and also on its own axis using pure css. The most important properties used in the making of pyramid were : transform-origin, transfrom-style, a...

Smart Fox Server With Unity3D

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss the Smart Fox Server in Unity 3D. We all need to put any server in the game if we are trying to create a Multiplayer game so that we can connect two real players together. Sma...

How to find the next element in jQuery

Here we will learn how to find the next element of the current. In jquery the .next() method is used find the immediate sibling of the given element in the DOM(Document Object Model). In .next() method only the sibling elements will be sele...

Material UI in WPF-Part 1

Hi Friends, I think most of you have heard of Angular Material UI and those who have seen it, they do like the clean and minimalistic idea and very simple layout which actually looks stunning. But that is for web. Now what if we want it for ou...

How to read a text file using Scanner in Java?

Hello!! As we know that their are multiple way to read the text file in java. BufferedReader class is generally uses to read the text file. FileReader, BufferedReader, FileInputStream is used to reade the text file in java ...

Difference b/w Dreamweaver & Adobe Muse

Hello readers, Today in my blog I would like to discuss the difference b/w Dreamweaver and Adobe Muse.   Who should use which software b/w among the both ? -: Dreamweaver this software is used by the web designers that loves to...

5 Essential Tips for Developing Your First iOS App

Every company needs an app. If you’re the one responsible for making those apps, your work is already cut out for you. Making your first iOS app may seem intimidating, but going in with the right knowledge will provide you with some com...

Integrating SOAP in your Rails Application

Hi Friends, Most of the large applications use SOAP for data transfer between two parties. So in rails we can also integrate SOAP support. For this there are multiple gems available. One of the mostly used gem is "savon". So here we ...

Integrating SAML with Rails Application: Part 2 ( Setting UP Local IdP server)

In my previous blog Integrating SAML with Rails Application, I told you how we can integrate SAML in your application and also told you few things regarding the Service Provider and Identity Provider. So once you have a ready Identity Provider, e...

Integrating SAML with Rails Application: Part 1

SAML is Security Assertion Mark Up Language, which was built to provide authorization between multiple identities, so that multiple services can use the same authentication. The SAML authentication can basically happen in two ways: A) SP In...

Google URL shortener API with Javascript

Hello Readers,  service at Google URL shortener API takes long URLs and squeezes them into less characters to make a small link so that can be easily share on social media and email to friends. This API is free with a daily limit o...

The "Pie", "Donut" or "Semi-circular" charts

hello readers! We designers have to deal with HTML pages and CSS every time. We have so many properties that will make a page to new look and making it more stylish by adding animation, keyframe and different effects to it. There are many enough...

Things to Notice Before Upgrading Rails Application

Hi Friends, Whenever you create an application it is never for lifetime, there is always something and better comes in the market, and once we talk about rails application, it comes pretty quickly. After every few months rails comes with a new...

Regular Expression in Java

Hello!! Regular Expression is part of the Automata, and also called rational expression. We use it for finding the match of the string like validating the Email address, Password etc. It uses some special sequence of the character for mat...

Changes regarding HTTP PATCH in Rails 4

Hi Friends, There were so many changes came with introduction of Rails. So one the major change was regarding the HTTP Patch Requests. From rails 4, whenever a resource is declared in the routes, by default it uses PATCH as primary verb...

Stashing in Git

Hi Friends, Git is the great tool for project versioning and code management, but mostly we are unaware so many things. So here I am going to tell you what is stashing in Git. Sometimes we are working on some code and we don't want it t...

Upgrading Rails Application From 3.1 to 3.2

In my previous blog Upgrading Rails from 3.0 to 3.1, I explained you how we can upgrade a rails application from 3.0 to 3.1. In this I am going to show you, what changes are required to update an application from 3.1 to the latest of 3.2 rails ve...

How to add CirclePageIndicator with ViewPager in android

CircularPagerIndicator is usually a kind of indicator that used to know how many images or tabs are left in our view. It is like a dot at the bottom of a view, more you can get by implementing below few lines in your project. Step1: permission...

Upgrading Rails Application From 3.0 to 3.1

Upgrading a rails application directly from a lower version to a much higher version is never a good idea, so the best idea is to do it step by step. like one upgradation at a time. In my previous blog Things to Notice Before Upgrading Rails Ap...

Convert file to Byte Array and Get back file from Byte Array

In this article, we will learn how to convert a file into byte array and get back the original file from the byte array via FileUpload control.   Step 1: Create a page having control FileUpload and Button   <div> ...

Shortened URL with Bitly API and jQuery

Hello Readers,   Bitly API is a way to shrink  long URLs so that we can share it on social media. For example on twitter we can't share long URL so it is a very easy way to shorten long URLs. The most important thing is no ser...

How to Updating one field in database using CakePhp?

Hello Readers, Below is used to update the single field in CakePHP. In CakePHP, if we can update the one field into the database to do this w have two methods to update the field. 1> First using savefield() method: Example: $t...

Ribbon Banner using pure CSS.

Hello Readers! Here in this blog I am gonna to explain you about the Ribbon banner using pure CSS. As Images are used in web pages to make them look more interactive and appealing but it takes little time of user while image is loading in the ba...

An Overview on Adobe Muse

Hello readers, today in my blog I will discuss about a software i.e Adobe muse that is used to built website in which the user does not need to write any code.   So, here is a good news for all web designers that literally hate coding ...

Delegates-How do we use them in C#?

In the Part-1 we learned about an abstract view of delegates and how we use them. In this article we will see the implementation of delegates which is obviously the basic one but will help you understand that how you will implement that for a UI ...

Tips To Increase The Website Speed

Hello readers, Today in my blog I will discuss some tips that would help the web designer to improve their website speed.   As many of us have visited various Online Shopping website and many of them take much time to load which losses...

How to create youtube video thumbnail in android

In order to create youtube video thumbnail in android we have to first initialize its view i.e. YouTubeThumbnailView in our xml file. On initializing YoutubeThumbnailView we have to add developer key and its InitializationSuccess listener with tw...

Defect Management Process

Defect management process involves following steps:: Defect Prevention Deliverable Base lining Defect Naming Defect Resolution Process improvement Management Reporting Defect Discovery:- Identify the defects as early as possi...

Travelling Salesman Problem

Hello!!! Travelling Salesman Problem is for finding the shortest possible root that visit every node in the graph and return to the origin point. It is used to find the shortest path. For example:- In this graph, Their is many way to rea...

How to remove the space between inline-block elements?

Hey Readers! We must have all used the display property. One of the values for the property is inline-block. There is a certain problem with these. Inline Blocks have this weird space in-between them. The actual space is in the HTML. I am p...
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