Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
Android Runtime Exception Error
i have faced problem in it.
This is my logcat:
04-13 18:04:54.694 2407-2407/? I/art: Not late-enabling -Xcheck:jni (already on)
04-13 18:04:54.694 2407-2407/? W/art: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
How is the role of Community Manager different from a Social Media Manager?
I thought both the roles were the same. They often use the same social media platforms to provide a human element to the organization’s online presence. I was terribly mistaken. Can you guide me through the functions and responsibilities of...
Json textview to Json viewlist
public class ExistingCSheet extends AppCompatActivity {
private TextView listing;
String[] items;
ListView lv;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Android Application Stop Responding After Splash Screen
Recently I am trying to create an android app which is having a splash screen going into a blank screen. But the application is not functioning well and stop responding just after the splash screen when I am trying to load the next ...
All about Affiliate Marketing Business!
I’m planning to start affiliate marketing business! How does affiliate marketing works? How to start it?
How To Record Urls Loading on iFrame Into MySql Db ?
Programmer Experts,
I'm embarking on an interesting project to gain work experience in php. Just stuck on one thing and wondering if you can help.
You probably used Team Viewer. This is where I create a Team Viewer session and...
Php Sql Injection Secure Tags
New Friends! :)
The following is my member registration code as of latest.
I get this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '_' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ')' in C:\xampp\htdocs\e_id\reg...
What Is Wrong With Number Of Rows Count Function ?
Guys & Ladies,
This LOGIN.php was working lastnight and so I don't know why not now.
The ELSE at 53 gets triggered even though I have typed the right password!
What do you think of line 16 ? ...
if($numrows >1)
I tr...
How To Force MySql With Php To Show Final Row Only?
How to code so php forces mysql to show only the final row of the column ?
The followings are how I coded (2 copied youtube tuts) to show all rows to allow user to delete multiple rows:SAMPLE 1
How To Add More Than One Entry On A Single Cell/Array Where Each Entry Is Separated By Commas?
Programming buddies,
I'm back online after nearly 2wks of offline. Gonna be harassing you guys again and more this time. Eeek!
Anyway, right now, I'm trying to build a script that adds multi-entries into the same single cell MySQLsq...
How can I display columns from a text file on new rows in C++
I've been trying to display 2 rows with 6 columns, on different rows. I've tried different methods, none of which seems to be working.
In my .txt I have:
Corfu [Tab] 5* Gelina Village Waterpark [Tab] 21 May 2017 [Tab] Luton [Tab] 10 n...
How can we get Google Adsense approval for a blog site?
Paul, one of my close associate applied for the Google Adsense account for his eCommerce blog site but got the reply “Site doesn’t comply with the Google Policies, We believe that currently your site does not fulfill this criteria&rdq...
JSON Issue - In Which Class Do I Need to Add Array Title?
Hi, i am very new to this, so please forgive me for stupid mistakes.
I am to create an android application that consume web services currently from IIS. Program that i am currently using: SQLserver , Visual studio for web, android st...
How Can I Listen to Events About the USB Port
Can anyone suggest me a library to listen to events on the usb port eg i want to know when a memory is connected?
How to Allow 2 Users One at a Time to Place Their Ships on a Board
Please check the code below and provide a solution for this:
package Gui;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Board {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-genera...
Ways to attract more clicks to my articles and blog site
Dear friends, I am a Blogger working with an eCommerce company and also run a personal affiliate blog site. Please share various tips & tricks to attract more clicks on my blog and write-ups.
Extreme variance between Fb ad campaign and bitly click links stats!
Hello Guys,
I’m a novice Podcaster who uses bitly links in running my Podcast campaigns. The links redirect either to the iTunes or Stitcher page.I am using Facebook ads to drive traffic to the podcasts.
Since the day ads went liv...
Add children objects to a parent only if they don't yet exist
I am busy developing an action for parent that should add a number of children given by the user input.
The children have 3 properties, and combining them, each child should always be unique.
I make use of Symfony and Doctrine and my basic ...
How to call a service function of child controller inside a function in main controller
I have a a function in client controller and service that is "getClient()" which return a client information. Now I want to resue the function.
What I am trying to achieve is that when client click on profile button he can getcl...
Easy way to Learn Content Writing
I am a trainee content writer, doing my internship with one of the reputed companies in India. Content Writing really fascinates me. I want to learn more. Can someone guide me through the entire Content Writing process? Also, how can I build a co...
Facebook Blueprint!
Anybody using Facebook Blueprint? Is it worth? How is it different from eLearning and other digital advertising certifications?
Applications on SD card moving back to Phone
I am using Yuphoria 5010 and Lenovo Vibe K5 smart phones running stock Android 5.1.1. Both the phones are installed with 16 GB Class 10 memory cards.
I moved many applications to the SD card. Now, whenever these apps are updat...
Which Parts Of Php Not To Learn ?
After getting putoff from php.net to learn php 7 (because it is not beginner friendly) and raoming around youtube for 1.5mnth to learn php and failing to get proper tutorials there, I returned to php.net. Was reading the CONSTANT chapter...
Weasyprint only gives me empty pdfs when I'm trying to print newsarticles
from weasyprint import HTML
url = "http://ekstrabladet.dk/112/nye-oplysninger-i-30-aar-gammel-mordgaade/6579176"
The problem is that the final pdf has only part of the webpage.
How To Display Data in iFrame A Url From Mysql?
This is my latest shortened version of the homepage in my reg-login site PHP.
When you login to your account, your homepage welcomes you with your first & surname.
Then it is supposed to show you your bio ($row "bio" in tbl) and s...
Need Informatica PIM
I would like to learn informatica PIM.
Can some one provide it and i will pay you
on odoo: how shall I build a page which can show an continuous updated picture?
I wan to build a page which is opened when some page label was clicked and the page show a picture which is continuous updated by continuous latest data as shown by below picture:
it receives many points of data within 1 minute and I want ...
What On Earth Is This Outlandish Error - PHP Parse error?
Programming Buddies,
Here's my latest script. It is a member reg-login script.
It registers you and gets you to activate your account confirming your email and then auto logs you into your account. It uses cookies to remember your user de...
Which tutorial should I pick out of these (member reg, login site) ?
Programming Buddies,
Looking at the following links, can you be kind enough to tell me which one I should learn from and which one teaches what method (mysqli, pdo, etc.) and whether they are on php 7 or 5 because only looking for php 7:
Design a registration.jsp page with input for user registration details
Design a registration.jsp page with input for user registration details like firstname, lastname, choose username, choose password, confirm password. After submitting this details, display the details onto the display.jsp page using struts
String-Print a string character then extract user entered letter match with that word and append it as different word
Its not entering the If loop in the code snippet, couldn't get what's wrong in this logic.
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, ch...
How to get the individual texts from edittexts in a loop
Please i have a for loop which creates edittext according to what the user types in. It displays the edittexts in a linearlayout. What i want to do is to get each of the texts from the edittexts and store it in an arraylist
This is t...
Php 7 Acting Weird - Failing To Send Email, Failing To Send Link With Random Numbers
I'm a beginner in php. Starting my learning at php 7 and not 5 or earlier.
I don't understand why php 7 is showing me an error like this:
[09-Mar-2017 20:54:49 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined metho...
chained dropdown from database
i have this registration page,but i wanna display a chained dropdowned like is they select the area i wanna display user names of the people
how can i do that?
How to support persistent connections
I am fairly new to using python and servers most of what I know I have learnt from youtube.
1.I am trying to make a persistent connection but am not sure where I am going wrong 2. I also want to be able to send large files using chunked transf...
Social Media Audit
I have heard that after implementing your Social Media strategy, you are required to follow up and analyze, what you’ve implemented. Is Social Media Audit useful? If Yes, then how to perform a successful Social Media Audit?
How to create an apply function with the dataset and function below in R?
I have this function:
xa <- 9
xb <- 6
za <- 20
a1 <- xa / za
b1 <- xb / za
Validation <- function (a1, b1)
if (a1 / b1 >= .85 && a1 / b1 <= 1.15) {...
Android app doesn't read string as supposed to
I create educational app and make it available in Play Store. All text content (strings) are based only in Cyrillic. Application doesn't have any type of settings (so, there is no option to change language), options or SQLite bases. Also, app...
Determining the Freelance Rates for Social Media Management?
Hey! Guys,
I’ve around 2.5 years of experience in the field of Social Media. I have done social media promotions for some small businesses. My work includes managing social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Mailing li...
Game Audit Report
Hi... Guys Good Morning To all .... Can anyone know about how to create SEO audit Report For Games not websites?..
Thanking you in Advance...
Why Reg Page Php 7 MySqli Code Fails While Login Page Code Works ?
I am using php 7 and I do not know why the following 2 different codes for user the user registration page is not working. The login page php is working, though. I would appreciate the communities feed-backs.
Thank You!
How reliable is the Google Keyword Planner tool for organic keyword research?
Well, I’m using it but not got the desired results. I have also heard that it is intended for the paid ads. What do you think? It is reliable? What are the best alternatives? TIA
What are the advantages of going for Online Advertising Campaign instead of marketing through TV, Radio and Print Media?
Actually I have an online book store and I want to promote it and want to reach out to the maximum audience. My budget for advertising is also very limited, someone suggested me to go for Online Advertising instead of marketing thr...
php class vars auto instantiation using (PDO) ?
I'm creating an admin class and i need to know how to auto instantiating the class vars
class Admin{
public $admin_id ;
public $admin_name ;
public $admin_email ;
public $admin_type ;...
MRI based android app related query
I'm working on MRI based android app.I don't know how to fetch MRI images and use them in my app. I'm searching for it.
Kindly help me out.
Use of 3rd Party Applications or the native posts
Is the Social Media reach impacted by 3rd party apps? Do Social Media sites penalize the posts from 3rd party apps. Everybody has got different stories to tell, I understand that algorithm favours the native posts rather than something from Hoots...
Node of list
Hi, all programmers. I can't solve this question. Can help me to solve this question. Because next Tuesday need submit my assignment. Thanks.
Program for most effective copying of files to usb
I usually have to copy a group of files to one or more USB drive. It quite difficult to send the files to the USB drives in the most effective and efficient way so that from a group of files, the ones that fit with the least amount of free space ...
How to find covariance Matrix?
I am very new to python, in fact this is my first code in python.
I am attempting to find the covariance matrix for 4 rows of data with each element having a decreasing weight datewise
I have performed the calculations on excel al...