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Install MPEG-4 AAC decoder in Ubuntu

Hello friends, I was facing issues while running mp4 videos or songs. It was asking me to install mpeg-4 aac decoder. When I run any mp4 player then I got the following error:     So, to resolve it. Today I am going to tell...

Wordpress Email Subscribe Plugin

Hello friends, If you want to integrate Email subscription Popup on your site then this Plugin is very useful. Download the Plugin from the following site : This link is having all the ...

How to Create folder

To Create a new folder we use a Directory.CreateDirectory() method. This method allows us to create new directories in the specified path only if the specified path is not already exists. It is one of a static method in Directory class because of...

Responsive Chart with bootstrap 4 using Joomla and chartjs

“You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data” so when you have data then you might want to represent it by so many popular way. Someone prefer Table to represent data, someone use most creative ...

Collection View

Collection view is used to display multiple data simultaneously on view controller.Data can be of any type for example collection of text or images which can be display on controller with the help of collection view.   With the help of...

What is process to use Limit clause in MySQL Query ?

Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss what is process to use Limit clause in MySQL Query.? Basically the LIMIT clause  is used to specify the number of records to return. In the MySQL LIMIT clause is used to limit the numb...

Automatically Forward Your Gmail Email to Another Email Address

Many times it happens that a Gmail user needs to create a new Gmail address, but still wants to receive the emails into the old Gmail account automatically. Although it is not necessary that old email address has to be a Gmail address.  It c...

after_sign_in_path_for method and after_sign_out_path_for method in rails

If we are using Devise gem with our Rails project, One of the common tasks that a developer wants to do is to show a custom page when a user signed in . So here our intention is to modify the default Devise's behaviour when a user signed i...

What are Mysql Indexes

A database index is a structure that improves the speed of retrieval of data from our table. Index is similar to the index of a book. If you want to find a chapter you look in the index first without scanning the whole page. Users cannot see th...

AngularJs Filter

When we want to format data in angularJS then we use filter.There are n number of filter available in angularJS which is used to transform data. AngularJS filter are: 1) Currency: Which will format a number to a currency format. 2) date:Whi...

Responsive Form using CSS3 and HTML5

Hello, all readers I have created a responsive form by simply using the HTML5 and CSS3 elements.In my example using media queries I have made the form responsive by setting the values of the particular elements. In this I have created a outerb...

CRUD operations in PHP with MySQLi Object Oriented Interface

My previous article CRUD operations with MySQLi procedural functions is demonstrating about performing CRUD operations on MySQL database. As we know that one of the best feature of MySQLi is that it also provides an object oriented interface, whi...

How to implement Urban Airship api in android to send gcm notifications ?

Urban Airship api provides you better way to implement push notifications and also provide you facility to send messages on production without sending it to live users so you can even test in production phase. This api supports gcm and amazon ...

Show date picker along with done button when selecting UITextField

If we want that when we tap on a UITextField then date picker should show, so we can use following code- [yourTextFieldOutlet setInputView:_datePicker];// _datePicker is the DatePicker type property Here we want to add done button on a D...

How to add mass Delete & mass Status action in magento ?

Hello Readers, In this tutorial, i will explain how to add massDelete & massStatus action in magento. This tutorial assumes you already know how to create Magento admin grid. Advantage of Mass Action: Mass Action option plays very importa...

How to Drag and Drop a View from one Position to Another

To add a Drag and Drop functionality in your Application You just have to append the below Code in your app.   //This function is called when the user touches any object -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)eve...

Changing accessibility of trait method

Hello Readers! Today, We will discuss about the PHP 5.4 new feature trait and it's method accessibility/visibility. A trait is similar to a class. It is used to reduce the duplication of the code. But a trait cannot instantiate on its own....

Left padding to the TextField

Whenever we use TextField then bydefault we don't get front space. Sometimes we want that our text should start after some gap so in that case we can use padding. In padding we can give space according to our need. There are two types of padd...

How to get Bundel items from the bundel product in magento?

In Magento, if we are required to check the items of Bundle product for some purpose, then we can do it by following way: For the same purpose lets check the below code: < ?php $product = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Product(); $pr...

Create And Use Shortcode in Wordpress

Shortcode is a special feature of wordpress .  In other words we can call it a simple set of functions  Developer can  create the functionality specific shortcode and can use it either at admin end in page or post  or in any c...

Unity Generic Animation Format (GAF)

GAF Converter enable user to use swf files into unity by converting it into .gaf format. GAF animations are seamlessly integrated into Unity. GAFcomes with full Unity editor integration and sources.  Below are the steps to get ...

Ionic Framework - ion-slide-box

Hi All, This blog is about ionic framework functionality ion-slide-box. Ionic framework has some beautiful features one of them is ion-slide-box. It is a directive that allows you to create simple and smooth slider in mobile application.ion-sl...

How to find .Net assembly version

Whenever we create a project in visual studio, a file named AssemblyInfo is created by itself which contains the attributes used to define the version of assembly during compilation. Versioning an assembly helps to identify deployed assemblies...

How to set portrait and landscape media queries in css

If you want to set your view for a specific device, you need to use media query css to get that. To set css for landscape and portrait view, you need to add the following lines into your css file. @media only screen and (orientation: land...

display data in two columns in collection view

We can display data in two columns in a collection view. In below code we are dividing the width of the cell into two parts of the collection view.   - (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layo...


NSUserDefaults is used to save the data until the app is installed. When data to NSUserDefaults is written by you then it will automatically gets loaded when your app runs so that you can read it back again. In NSUserDefaults we use key to sav...

None and readonly methods in active records rails

Hi friends, There are some special kinds of methods in active records rails, that can be used for different purposes. Here I am explaining two of them 1. none method: none method as its name suggests returns no records. So it is used in ...

Mobile apps- Adding convenience or confusion

  I remember the days where a long list of grocery items and it took hours to finish buying them. Recharging, movie-ticketing, transport bookings, restaurant reservations, everything was time consuming. But now all these things are at...

yield in ruby

Hello friends, Today while programming in ruby and I came to know about the yield word in ruby, how important this word is in ruby, I will discuss some example where to use yield in ruby. As while programming in ruby you must have used blocks ...

Implementing file upload functionality with PapaerClip Gem

Uploading a file in rails through Paperclip As we know these days almost all the applications have the requirement to upload files to the application then be it an image , a video or any other file. I am writing this blog to share with you all...

Using Braintree As Payment Gateway (Part 1)

There are several player in the market which can be used as payment gateway and it is not always easy to choose one . Thus today I would like to give you an overview of well known payment gateway i.e Braintree which is a subsidiary of Paypal. The...

Difference between render And redirect_to

render and redirect_to works in the similar way in your web browser , as they both takes you to a new page but the only difference between them is : When you call render it creates a complete response which is sent to your browser.  ...

CRUD operations with MySQLi procedural functions

In previous posts we have learned about creating a connection to a MySQL database with procedural and object oriented way, we also learn how to run a query with mysqli. This article demonstrates how to perform different CRUD operations with MySQL...

How to Send Email from Different Address to Google mail?

  Nowadays, almost all of us have more than one email account since some use it for personal  work, entertainment or professional work. Sometimes, it is very hectic to switch from one email account to the other. This indeed a tedious...

Difference between Capybara find() and fill_in() methods

Selenium is an open-source browser automation tool. So, while automating any functionality first we have to locate the element. Capybara provides two methods to locate elements:   find() fill_in()   Let suppose we have an...

How to fetch meta data of an image in iOS

Metadata can be described as data about data here the metadata of an image we will fetch by using code in IOS9 . Metadata of an image includes resolution,gps location,creation date,modification date etc. here we will discuss a very simple way to ...


Hello Readers The agenda for this post is to introduce REST API in PIM. PIM 7.0 and higher versions come with a set of pre-defined reports and services. These REST  services expose the data from PIM and allow to access it so that it can b...

What is method to read data from CSV file?

Hi Reader's,   Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss, "what is method to read data from CSV file? If you want to read your data from "CSV" file in php then you should use fgetcsv() function, which is use...

Date Time : Best Practices

In this blog we will go trough best practices for handling DateTime in .NET applications: 1) We should always use a consistent date format across the application. 2) When accepting user input we need to  ensure that user enters date ti...


Below is the list of basic MONGO DB commands which a user can start with : 1) To list all the databases show dbs Example: > show dbs admin (empty) lo...

Collections in Ruby

Whenever we code in any language, the first question arises that, what are the important Data collection in the corresponding Language contains. As we have Ruby language with us. We have some nice Data Collections here. Array Hash Se...

Quantifiers Of Regular Expression

The quantifiers describes the number of event of a character to match against. For ease of use we divide three types of quantifier: Greedy Reluctant Possessive   1. Greedy quantifier: With the help of g...

Searching and Pagination in AngularJs.

Hi All, This blog is about pagination and searching in angularjs. In web applications, we have large amount of data to display and generally we use tables and lists.Searching and pagination makes it easy and user friendly. First lets sta...

Scroll in jQuery

Suppose when any page has lot of information and you are at the bottom of the page and we want to back at top of the page, either you can refresh the page or click on a link there. Example: Html code: <!DOCTYPE html> <ht...

How to connect to database

We can connect our C# application to data in a SQL Server database by using following ways: 1. First Method Firstly, we need a connection string to connect to database.This connection string contain the information about the server to which...

How to avoid duplicate data insertion using php and MySql

This blog will help user learn how to avoid the duplicate entries in the database. Storing duplicate values in the table must be avoided while inserting data in the database table. As these duplicate entries can create many problem in the applica...

Hadoop single node cluster setup in Ubuntu

  Hi, this blog is to help you to set up a single node Hadoop environment on your Linux machine. To know about Hadoop follow these links

Creative Animated Menu Using CSS3

Hello, readers in my example I have created creative animated menu by using CSS3 animation and transition properties. I had simply made a composition of elements, an icon, main title and the sub title, that will get animated at hover using CSS3 t...

Shopping cart quantity counter incrementer?

Hello all, I am creating my first shopping cart in cakephp but got stuck while updating the product quantity. I want to update the product quantity using a session variable. Problem here is that when ever I am adding the same product to the cart ...

How to Convert string to an int?

We can convert the string to an int by using following methods: 1. Convert class 2. Parse method 3. TryParse method 4. A custom method   1.Convert class This method is used to convert one datatype to another datatype. Convert...
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