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Access PostgreSQL using IP address

To add a new server connection using an IP address, you need to follow these steps: Go to the folder PostgreSQL/data, and edit the file postgresql.conf, add the following line at the end of the file and save: listen_addresses = '*' ...

How to record an audio and save the audio file

In this tutorial, I'll be making a UI with a start/stop recording button. I am using MediaRecording class to record the audio. After making the layout, Call the method below on click of the mike button in the respective class: MediaRecorder...

How to use transform property of css3

Hello Readers ! In this blog we will discuss about css3 new attribute transform and transition. Okay let's start :- Transform : Mainly transform property uses for give small animation or movement of any object. To use this you have to...

Important modules for any company in OpenERP

For any enterprise that needs to implement an ERP system, the basic modules that are essential would include all the major functions of the enterprise that describe it completely. OpenERP is one such system that does it all and has all the mo...

What are Animations in CSS3?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> @keyframes anim { from {background:#fff;} to {background:#00ff;} } @-webkit-keyframes anim /*Safari and Chrome*/ { from {background:#000;} to {background:#090909;} } div ...


<html><br> <head><br> <title>My Home Page</title><br> </head><br> <body><br> <h1>This is a heading</h1><br> <p>Document description goes here.....<...

'is_in_stock' or inventory filter in product collection in magento

Below code will return you the products of a category that have status 'Enable' , Visibility 'catalog,search' and Stock Availability ' In stock'. $productDetails = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($cat_id) ...

Update quantity of product programattically in magento

Update quantity of product programmatically in magento //----------update Quantity--------- $prod= Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($productid); $prod= $prod->getId(); $prod->setData('manage_stock', 1); ...

Benchmarking/load testing Jabber/XMPP Servers with Jabsimul

Benchmarking/load testing Jabber/XMPP Servers with Jabsimul Please follow below link for benchmark ./userreg -h localhost -u 3000 -n 1 Above command will create 3000 users with test_ username and pa...

The magnificence of Drupal

Drupal is a free and open-source content management system. It is being used by around 2.1 % websites, ranging from personal blogs to corporate, political and government websites, all round the world. Drupal contains all basic features common...

The advantages of Joomla

Joomla is one of the most popular open source CMS. It is free and easily customizable. This makes it suitable for both greenhorn users and developing professionals to create websites and potent web applications. Its easily deployable, has a n...

What is .axd file in ASP.Net

An .axd file is a HTTP Handler file. There are two types of .axd files. ScriptResource.axd WebResource.axd These are files which are generated at runtime whenever you use ScriptManager in your Web app. This is being generated only once w...

How to inherit the properties and methods of base class to the child class in php

<?php class data<br> {<br> public $firstno;<br> public $secondno;<br> public function getData($fno,$sno)<br> {<br> $this->firstno=$fno;<br> $t...

Why use NoSQL over Relational Database - Chapter 1

What is NoSQL? NoSQL is not a relational database it has been developed keeping in mind few of the drawbacks of relational database. It was developed for the purpose of data stored about users, objects and the frequency in which the data is ac...

Post in FaceBook using your Android device via feed dialog

In many applications we have to share content, links etc on Facebook. We can achieve this by using Facebook feed dialog. The following lines of code explains how to use feed/publish dialog. First you need to get the app id and create a meta da...

Load Multiple Image From server using imageloader class store in cache memory in android

Displaying images in a mobile application is one of the most common tasks for app developers. It can be quite challenging to efficiently load multiple images and display it on list-view or grid-view in Android. You can use following single...

How to bind a Datalist inside a Datalist

Nesting Datalist Use the .aspx code below to bind datalist inside a datalist. <asp:DataList ID="lstPanels" runat="server" RepeatColumns="1" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" DataKeyField="PanelID" OnItemDataBound="lstPanelsItemDataBoun...

Steps to import and use appcompat v7 support library in your project

If you want to use the ActionBar APIs in the support library. So before you can add the action bar, you must have to set up your project with the appcompat v7 support library. Steps given below to import and setup appcompat v7 support library...

How to remove default text on textbox focus

Remove text from a textbox on focus and getting the text again after loosing focus Use below .aspx code to make a textbox remove the default text on focus and again get the default text if the user leaves the textbox blank. <asp:TextBox ...

Copy specific rows from one Datatable to another

Copy only columns from a datatable Use 'clone' method to create a datatable with same structure dtCopyColumns= dt.Clone(); This will copy only columns from dt to dtCopyColumns Copy columns and rows from a datatable dtCopy = ...

Check file-size using jQuery without uploading file

A simple code snippet for checking the file-size of a file before uploading it. It will not only help to save time but also network resource as we can implement the file check at the initial point only. The current code allows the user to sel...

Custom Dialog like spinner in android

If you want to create a dialog which will look like as spinner dialog of single choice in android which will open in button click event than you can create a custom dialog. Sample code given below :- You just have to call this method on cli...

Know about design

Its quite a feeling of contentment when I see my own work of graphics and web designing. Its been years since I started working thorough & I have learned a lot from people I interacted with and the projects I worked upon. I'd love to share so...

JavaScript Pagination

JavaScript Pagination Here i am going to describe how we would add JavaScript pagination to the table. We'll focus on displaying a particular page of data. $(document).ready(function() { $('table.paginated').each(function() { var curre...

Solution for java.lang.IllegalStateException

Hello friends, sometimes you come across with this very unexpected exception. For eg: In the given code, after execution this exception occurs.. @RequestMapping(value = "addUser") public String addUser(@ModelAttribute("userForm") UserF...

Hide format text from body in drupal

If anyone wants to hide the format text from the body field in drupal then try it:- // override hook_form_alter function CUSTOM_MODULENAME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if($form_id == 'restaurants_node_f...

Configuring JQuery Not to Conflict with Other Libraries

Configuring JQuery Not to Conflict with Other Libraries If jQuery is loaded on the same page as another JavaScript library, both libraries may have implemented the $ variable, which results in only one of those methods working correctly. ...

What is web.xml ?

web.xml is Deployment Descriptor which consist all the basic configuration servers( like Tomcat) need to know at the time of deployment like context path, url mapping, listener, filters, error and security. you can mentioned following in web.x...

How to Insert Data From One Table to Another Table in SQL

How to Insert Data From One Table to Another Table in SQL step1: Create two tables ContentTable1 Table and ContentTable2 Table CREATE TABLE ContentTable1 ( ContentId1 int identity(1, 1) not null, ContentHeading1 nvarchar(100) NULL, ...

Install ejabberd with patch file

To install ejabberd with patch file(Serve cross domain policy file for Flash). Install erlang on your system. Download ejabberd wget tar zxf ejabberd-2.1.11.tar.gz...

How to implement google map

How to implement google map Code this on your .aspx page <body onload="initialize()"> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="gmap" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div> </form></body> ...

How to convert your report to rml in OpenERP

Converting any .sxw report file that we create using Open Office is very easy and useful for future usages, as it helps creating reports for our module. Follow the simple steps: Create your report and send to server, created

Steps to create a Task Scheduler.

Please go through the below details to create a Task Scheduler. It can be done by two ways either creating console application, windows application or creating a window service. What I have done is created a windows application and schedule th...

TabHosting using TabActivity in android

TabHosting can be used to explore and switch between different views or functional aspects of your app. In this tutorial we will make an activity and host three activities to its tab by using tab hosting . Tab layout is used for this purp...

Using if else in OpenOffice Report

Printing any field on an OpenERP report on a conditional basis, you can add a simple line in your report [[(object.field == 'Some Value') and 'value1' or 'value2']] is equivalent to if object.field: print value1 else: print value2...

SQL query to add column's values, containing null values

Write a sql query to add column's value , containing null values also in records. But the sum of the added columns must be numeric only. Output cannot be null. It can be achieve by two ways. SELECT (COALESCE(Column1, 0) + COALESCE(Column2, ...

CSS3 Pseudo-elements

Hello readers ! In this blog i'll explain what is Pseudo-elements and how can we use it. What is pseudo-classes ? - Pseudo-classes are some special classes which are used to for special effect. You can also use it with css ...

How to create app icon on home screen on app installation in Android

Here is how we can create app shortcut icon on device's home screen after app installation: There's only a few lines of code. if(!MyUtility.getIsFirstTime(splash).equals("true")) { MyUtility.setIsFirstTime(splash, "tru...

How to redirect console logs to a file

To redirect the log statements to a file instead of console call the following function at the start of function applicationDidFinishLaunching. - (void)redirectConsoleLogToDocumentFolder { NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDom...

Use of NSSharingServicePicker

The NSSharingServicePicker class presents a list of sharing services, so that the user can choose a service to share an item. When a service is chosen, the picker automatically executes it, which presents the sharing window. + (NSMenu *)menuFo...

Improve User Experience On Mobile Plateform

We all web Ninja knows the value of USER EXPERIENCE. In mobile platform it requires a different approach to make a better user experience. I am listing few points one must remember while making mobile Interface. 1 .Responsive Web design 2 .The...

Passing an array to the URL

Sometime you may need to pass the array in the url. You can do this as following: <?php $array["a"] = "A"; $array["b"] = "B"; $array["c"] = "C"; $array["d"] = "D"; $str = serialize($array); $strenc = urlencode($str); print $str ....

How to use transform-rotate property in CSS3?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title>css3</title> <style> div { width:200px; height:200px; margin:80px; background-color:#000000; /* Rotate div */ transform:rotate(60deg); -ms-transform:rotate(60deg)...

Getting lat/long from ZipCode in Java

By using Java API Geocoder, it is easy to get geographical information of any location. The response will be in JSON or XML format. Write the following example to get Latitude/Longitude from Zip code: String postCode = "07001"; // you can u...

Split a string in C#

How to split a string Suppose I have a string "I love Programming" and I want to get all the words seprately. Here is a simple example:- string a = "I love Programming"; string[] words = a.Split(' '); // We pass the value inside '' on the ...

Way to Make Good Designs

There is some small things keep in mind & make a good design. Structure:- Your design should organize the user interface purposefully, in meaningful and useful ways based on clear, consistent models that are apparent and recognizable t...

Programatically Creating Custom csv files in Magento

It's simple to create custom csv in magento . follow the steps to create custom csv. Create a controller to access data that you want to export in csv file like as below: public function createcsvAction(){ $param = $thi...

refreshing ads images (or other stuff) after certain interval

Let me create an HTML sample for explanation <input id="totalAds" value="4" type="hidden"> <input id="currentAd" value="2" type="hidden"> <a class="ads ad-1" href="" style="display: none;" target=...

Spring MVC Exception handling using @ControllerAdvice Annotation

Spring MVC provides a great way to handle exceptions and errors. @ExceptionHandler annotation is core to this feature. For each Spring controller we can simply define a method that automatically gets called if a given exception occurs. For e...

How to remove a child element by ID of a parent div

How to remove a child element by ID of a parent div var element = document.getElementByid("parentDiv").children("#childDiv1"); element.remove(); here parentDiv have a child with id childDiv1
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