How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
10 Amazing Applications of IoT in Manufacturing
IoT, or the Internet of Things, has played a vital role in global industrial transformation by orchestrating the emergence of Industry 4.0 (the fourth industrial revolution) and Industrial Internet.
The manufacturing industry is amon...
6 Tips for Managing and Protecting Your Network
Network security is more important today than it has ever been. Businesses are more digital than ever before, and they need appropriate cybersecurity measures to protect them against the many digital threats that exist in the modern world. Howeve...
What to Consider for Website security and SEO in 2020
Online businesses thrive on organic searches — a reason why these businesses constantly invest in SEO. Irrespective of how much businesses spend on paid traffic, appearing in organic searches is far more profitable because the visitor is vo...
Safety First: Why Security is Important for Every Ecommerce Website?
Ecommerce sites have become a target of hackers and other malicious individuals because of the enormous gains that they can get from these sites.
With all the transactions that involve money and the personal and financial infor...
What are the Top 5 Tech Security For Your Business
It is very important to secure your business from intruder attacks both physically and digitally. The hackers are getting more and more sophisticated with their attacks with time. To combat the advanced methods that they are using, you need to pr...
What is Regulatory Compliance - An Overview
While being launched in 2018, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) took most businesses that have a market in the EU by surprise. It challenged the privacy and data protection responsibility that businesses transacting in the EU had to t...
What is Cyber Security Threat Intelligence?
Behind any cyber danger, there are people utilizing computers, code and webs. During or after the cyber attack technical knowledge about the system and computers between the attacker and the person will be gathered. However, identifying the ...
9 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Influence Business in the Present and Near Future
Cellphones today have facial recognition, speech recognition and automated translation, features that were only commercially available to large corporations only a decade ago. Nowadays, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, they have become a standa...
An Overview of Managed IT Support and Its Benefits
Have you ever faced an IT problem your in-house team couldnt fix? You must have unpleasant memories of the event. To keep all your IT-related matters in top shape, its vital to have the assistance of the best specialists. One of the ways to ...
5 Important Facts About Managed Security Systems
Many entrepreneurs around the globe are suffering under the scourge of cyber attacks. Data is being stolen or manipulated at an alarming rate. Locations such as free Wi-Fi hotspots are plagued with malware which can be utilized for industrial esp...
The Internet Of Things Needs Curiosity And Caution
Everything is smart these days. So many new products include a way to connect to the internet, share information, and work with a mobile device such as a smartphone, tablet, or watch.
While many people debate how far the trend should...
5 Modern Security Strategies for IoT Devices
More than half a decade ago, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore published a paper predicting the pace for the digital revolution. Moore’s Law stated that computing abilities would exponentially increase in power over time while dec...
Why do you need an MVP for your Mobile App?
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the one that helps the businesses to determine the acceptance of the product and to evaluate whether the product will sustain in the market or not. MVP is a necessary factor to determine the market po...
How Secure is Your Data in the Cloud Technology?
The primary concern of a personal user to large enterprises regarding data is maintaining security. For this purpose, users store files in Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and many other so their data is more secure. Data i...
Top Five Security Plugins To Keep Your WordPress Site Safe
WordPress doesn’t have a bad security record compared to other content management systems in its class. An up-to-date and properly maintained WordPress site is as secure as any other CMS. Most hacked WordPress sites are out-of-date or other...
Why SSL Security Certificate is Necessary for Business Applications
SSL certificate is the buzz-word on everyone's mouth after the latest update of Google! Today, everyone is aware of the security needs and know that having an SSL certificate is the primary step they have to take to secure their businesses.
What are the Best DDoS Protection Practices to Prevent Cyber Attack
Lately, DDoS attacks have been one of the most prevalent cyberattacks. Every website online is suffering through a vulnerability. The repercussions of attack last long years. The DDoS attacks are one of the much focused attacks with...
Big Data Analytics: The Dominating Cloud Technology of Present Times
Big Data Analytics came into picture at the commencement of 21st century. According to IBM, “we generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data per day, so much that 90 percent of the data in the present world has been created in the last 24 months....
How Ransomware Authors Use Psychology to Achieve Hacking Goals
Ransomware is a type of cybercrime that is very much a psychological challenge. Psychology is involved in each and every aspect of ransomware attack, from the moment of infection and to the moment when people pay the ransom.
Injection Flaws
Injection Flaws
Injection flaws means that when application sends untrusted data to break out the context of target web application as a part of query. Injection flaws are very common in the developer code. It mainly founds in SQL, LDAP, Xpath...
How to Delete Saved Password in Safari Web Browser
Apple developed Safari Web Browser in January 2003. It uses the WebKit and Nitro web engine for its great functionality. Safari Web Browser is not open source, but Commercial and proprietary software owned by Apple Corporation. Currently, ...
How to Delete Stored Passwords in Firefox
In September 2002, Mozilla Foundation developed a free, open-source and cross platform graphical interface Web Browser, known as Mozilla Firefox. Now, it’s the most popular open- sourced internet web browser around...
How to Remove a Saved username and Password from Chrome/ Chromium
Ever since the growth of the internet, the passwords to our social media accounts have acted like a key to our priceless data. In the present times with the emergence of new entertainment and work-based websites, almost ev...
Different types of cross-site scripting
Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) is a type of attack in which attacker can insert and run the client side script in the web application. It occurs when user does not validate or encode the user inputs and show it in the browser directly. The most common...
Difference between Hashing and Encryption?
Hashing: A hashing is a protected version from string or text in the form of string or number. A string or number is generally have a fixed length.
Hashing is a irreversible process, when we apply hashing on some string then it can't be deco...
Few Quality Factors Of Web Application
There are many factors based on the quality for the web applications. Few of them are mentioned below --
1- Reliability
2- Security
3- Usability
4- Maintainability
Reliability:- Meaning of reliability is that...
Security Testing and their Types?
What is Security?
Security is set of measures to ensure an application against unexpected activities/actions that make it to stop functioning or being misused/exploited. Unexpected activities can be either intentional o...
Session Hijacking Using Wireshark
Please find the following link for your reference:-
Wireshark download link:-http://www.wireshark.org
Greasemonkey:-Addons in your firefox
Cookie injector link:- http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/119798