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@Resource annotaion in Spring

@Resource annotation allows you to specify a name of the injected bean. @Resource annotation takes a 'name' attribute which will be treated as the bean name we want to inject in the class. In other words we can say, it follows by-name autowiring ...

When to use copy Attribute in declaring a property in objective c

We all use attributes in Objective C to declare properties. Attributes commonly used are strong, nonatomic, weak, assign. But we never take it seriously why we are using these attributes. One of the common mistakes I often see is the wrong us...

BeanPostProcessor in Spring

BeanPostProcessor :- It is an interface that defines callback methods by which you can provide your own instantiation logic and your own custom logic before and after the bean creation. along with this you can perform some additional logic or y...

What is use of synthesize?

The @property and @synthesize keywords simply automate the creation of getter and setter methods, @interface MyClass : NSObject @property int value; @end   @implementation MyClass @synthesize value; @end The @property keyword d...

depends-on attributes in spring

dependsOn attribute for loading the depended beans referenced by another bean. dependsOn is a bean tag that can indicate bean depends on another bean . In this Example we can see when ApplicationContext Container is initialize first it...

How to use Autowire With Qualifiers?

In Spring we use @Qualifier to indicate which bean we want to qualify to autowired on a field. when we create multiple beans of the same type( for example: Department) and want to autowire only one of them with a property in some other class (...

__weak and __unsafe_retained

__weak and __unsafe_unretained are the ownership qualifiers introduced by LLVM Compiler 3.0. By default all pointers are __strong under ARC which means that when an object is assigned to a pointer, it is retained for as long as that pointer re...

Interface and Property

Interface Interface is where you define the attributes and methods of class. In objective C the file where the declaration of class is done is called the interface file and the file where the class is defined is called the implementation file...

XML Configuration based spring framework example

Hello guys Bellow example will help you to develop XML configuration based spring framework project,here I have develop example to display "Hello Bhagwan" message using beans. Please create project and follow bellow setps: Step :1 Add ...

How to use Filters to Customize Scanning?

In Spring context XML file, Filter has a sub-element 'context:include-filter' having two attributes as 'type' and 'expression' attributes that indicate to Spring container that 'type' is of regular expression whose value is been provided by expre...

Mutable and Immutable Objects

Object which we create can either be mutable or immutable. For example: Immutable : NSString *str = [[NSString alloc]init]; Mutable: NSMutableString *str = [[NSMutableString alloc]init]; When we edit Mutable Object it will chang...

How to exclude a bean from auto-wiring?

When configuring beans in configuration file, set the "autowire-candidate" attribute of the bean element in .xml file to false, by doing this the container will exclude that specific bean from auto-wiring. By using the below example we can eas...

Installing RMagic on Mac Mavericks and Issues explained

Installing RMagic 2.13.1 is generates issues on Mavericks when working with Brew... The problem is that the latest version of ImageMagick on Brew repos conflicts with RMagic version.. So you need to build older versions of ImagicMagick like 6.8...

Basic Block Syntax using Objective C

Block are piece of code introduced in ios 4.0. Block are used to make code cleaner and reduce dependency from delegates. To use the block first we have to declare the block and then its definition. Here is the syntax to declare to the Block...

Restoring SQLServer Databases from backup files

There are many ways to restore MSSQL Server database from backup files(.bak) like using tools available in SQLServer Management tools. But we face problems when the backup was not created on the same machine or it was shared by someone else or i...

Logger class in PHP

Hi This is a simple application logging class which you can use in your PHP project. It currently provides two methods, one for logging messages and another to log a dump with an optional message. I will add the streams support and stack tra...

How to Generate Excel file using Apache POI in java

Hello Guys Bellow code will help you to generate excel file in java. Herebelow I have used apache poi jar file version: poi3.8.jar . You can download jar file from given bellow link Now Create ExcelExa...

Form Validations in HTML5

Different type of validation for HTML5: 1. Required Attribute: It is used when the value before submission of a form in not filled. It is sometimes known as Mandatory or Compulsory field. Use of "required" attribute. Example: <f...

How to display location on Google Map in JSP in JAVA?

Sometimes we need to display Google Map on a JSP page, for this you just need pass lat/long to JSP. Use below code to initialize map in script: var marker = null; var map = null; var markers = []; function initial...

Exploratory Testing

Exploratory Testing:- Exploratory testing is about exploring, finding out about the software, what it does, what it doesnt do, what works and what doesnt work. The plainest definition of exploratory testing is test design ...

How to get aspect ratio of an Image in java?

Sometimes we need to get aspect ratio for an image in Java to fulfil our requirement. You can use the below code to get aspect ratio for an image in Java very easily: Define the dimension boundary of which you want resized image as below ( h...

usr/bin Permission

Hello All, Some time many of us get stuck in providing permission to folder usr/bin, for this first you need to go to the folder to provide permission. We can find this folder by following steps:- 1. Open Finder 2. From menu bar Select ...

Best Marketing Plan for Mobile Gaming Application

This blog is the continuation series of Mobile Application or Game Marketing Techniques Part 1 in which I described brief information on the marketing techniques required for a mobile application or a gaming app. Here in this blog you will see t...

Mobile Application or Game Marketing Techniques Part 1

Hi guys, as you all know that developing a product and promoting it in the market are two different things. A product is useless until and unless it is accepted by the targeted audience for whom it has been developed. So whenever a product is lau...


Hi all, To configure the setup in OPENERP, i have provided the method/solution below, you just need to follow the steps one by one. SOLUTION Go to Settings-> Configuration-> Human Resources (this will Install your countrys payroll.) ...

How to Create Google Analytics Account?

Google Analytic is one of the best tools for analyzing website's traffic data and also enables us to track the user's location. Its a powerful web and mobile analytic solution that is easy to use. With this powerful and free service of Google,we ...

What is Software Testing?

What is Software Testing? Software testing can be considered as health checkup of any developed application or software. This can be achieved by investigating the application by executing it under some predefined conditions and/or by inspecti...

How to Create and Retrieve Array in Javascript?

If you want to store multiple values in a single variable javaScript arrays are used. There are few ways to store values in array in javascript which are mentioned below. First way: HTML: <div id="fruitList"></div> Javasc...

REST API in joomla 3.4 with SLIM Framework PART 1

Say Hello to Slim World Today I am going to reveal first part of building REST API in Joomla 3.4 with SLIM Framework. To get started with Slim, here is small introduction about slim framework that is written on SLIM official website. "Slim is...

How to develop javascript pagination for web pages

Hello guys, If you want to develop pagination for web pages using javascript, the below code will help you. So do not worry, just follow bellow mentioned steps todevelop pagination with HTML table. Step 1: Write CSS in style tag <s...

eBooks : Part of Modern Lifestyle

EBooks are the modern way of learning and studying. Most of the students prefer eBooks because of their portability, easy to manage, read and more interactive features than printed books. eBooks are not only for students, rather it is also becomi...

How to optimize and repair all databases and tabels in mysql?

Optimization of database tables in mysql is a methodology which must be done frequently to make your database healthy. As per mysql manual, OPTIMIZE TABLE should be used if you have deleted a large part of a table or if you have made ...

HTML5 Brings Future into Technology

HTML5 is the revolution which the web technology needs in today's competitive environment. If we look at the recently launched application in the market then we learn that HTML5 is the future platform for the web application development. Whether ...

Solution for MDM Error SIP-11008 and SIP-11141

If you are facing an error while executing batch for staging process in MDM Hub (Error executing job: SIP-11008, SIP-11141) Error Description : SIP-11008 :Failed running Cleanse: com.siperian.mrm.cleanse.api.CleanseException: SIP-11141: Excep...

Error, When Installing module on Server openerp 6.1

Hello all, When we install module in openerp version 6.1 we face the following error shown below and to resolve this issue I have provided the code below, mentioned in solution part. Error look like this on terminal <-----------------...

7 points every software developer should know about Linux administration

Linux is a particular field in itself, however, in the event as a developer you know how to handle some regular assignments. You can get great turn around and also can upgrade your application for execution. Simple and effective organization proc...

Unit Testing

Unit testing is done by the developers team before the aplication is verified/tested by testing team i.e, execution of the test cases. Unit testing is performed by developer on the specific unit of source code assigned.The test data used by the d...

Blank screen issue in joomla 1.0

The blank screen in joomla 1.0 powered sites can be resolved by the following ways: You have to edit the two pages Step 1: In /includes/Cache/Lite/Function.php Replace $arguments = func_get_args(); to $argume...

What is Agile Scrum Process?

Scrum is a software development process in which projects are divided into small different modules and they are developed and tested in a specific time, that time frame is known as sprint. Scrum is an iterative framework for application develo...

how to compress the recorded video

Hello all, Use the following code to compress the recorded video quality and size. - (void)compressRecordedVideoWithInputURL:(NSURL*)inputURL outputURL:(NSURL*)outputURL ...

Running Shell Script using java program on ubuntu

Hello guys; The bellow code will help you to write the Java code to pass argument in shell script and execute shell script on ubuntu. import; import; import; public cl...

Push Notification using GCM in Android

For Push Notification using GCM in Android, use the following steps: Create the Google Api Project on Google Console. Note down the project number which will be used as GCM Sender Id. Enable the GCM service by turn on the toggle for Google...

Simple Image resizing example in Java

Sometimes we need to resize image in Java to fulfil our requirement. You can use the below code to resize image in Java very easily: Define the dimension boundary of which you want resized image as below Dimension boundary = new Dimensi...

SEO Friendly Article Writing For Marketing

An article writing for promotion purpose is an important thing in the field of Digital Marketing. Before start writing an article for marketing one should know that there are several guidelines which are necessary to make it perfectly SEO friendl...

Deep Linking for App in Android

Deep Linking for App contents means allowing user to enter your app through the search results. For the deep linking to be enabled for your app you must use relevant intent filters in your Android manifest file. For Example: Suppose a user is...

Content is King

Content is King " Content is King " This is a very well known phrase we get to hear, Content in some way or the other and it holds the most significant role in our daily life, back from our toddler days to present date. It is the most ess...

Send Push Notification to iPhone device from Java Server Side

This blog will help you to send Push Notifications to iPhone devices from server side where server side code is written in Java. Follow the below code in order to send Push Notification: Define the below dependency in you pom.xml, if you...

How to change dateformat of DDLRecord created date in Liferay 6.2

Hello guys, Some programmers many time faces difficulty while changing date format in liferay. Therefore By Below example, I am going to guide you How to change date format in liferay? Given bellow is the date format in GMT of liferay "...

APK Expansion File

Google play currently has a restriction that we can not upload an APK greater than 50 Mb. This is the plenty space for most of the application but for some application this space is not sufficient. So Google play gives you a facility to attach ad...

Show a Sheet of options the user can choose from with native effect

If you want to show a sheet of options where users can choose from, for IOS application, to make this possible please follow the instructions below:- Install the plugin- ActionSheet: a Cordova plugin from the below link:
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