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Gmail Sign-in through Selenium Webdriver

Hello all, this is script for Gmail Sign-in through Selenium Webdriver by using xpath as a locator. I have use xpath in locating HTML elements. Xpath can be easily generate from Firebug. public class loginuser { public static void main(St...

Things to know in javascript and jQuery

Difference Between this and $(this)? They both refer to same element. This is used traditional sense but we add $ sign in jquery. When we use $(this), it become a jquery object. Comparision between bind(), live() and delegate()? Bind() and liv...


We all know that systems are moving from legacy to new technology, and ETL is one of the common technique used to help this transformation. we can consolidate the scattered data for any organization while working with different data format and so...

User's location update on server when app is in background.

Code for those Apps where we need to update user's current location in regular interval of time even if app is in background state. In Appdelegate.h write this code:- @property (nonatomic,strong) UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier *bgTask; In Ap...

Remove .php, .html,.htm extension from website url.

Hello , I am sharing here how you can remove .php extension from Url of your website. here are the following steps:- Create a .htaccess file in project directory. Suppose you have to remove the .php extension from a PHP file for example ...

Scroll table view to top and bottom in iOS

If you want to scroll the tableview to the top row or bottom row right after it appears. Then do one line code to achieve this. Scroll table to the bottom row position [_tableViews setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, CGFLOAT_MAX)]; Scroll ta...

Black Box Testing Method

Black Box Testing is a method of testing in which the internal structure, design or implementation of the item being tested is not known to the tester. In other words we can say that, Black Box Testing is a software testing method where tester do...

How to Clear Skype User Name History from the Log-in screen

When you sign in to Skype, your Skype Log-In name is saved automatically on the sign in screen top-down menu, only if you log-in successfully. So to remove Skype name from the log-in screen follow the steps below: For Linux users: First...

Basic UI fundamentals

UI Fundamentals a) KEEP IT CLEAR User will generally avoid elements that are unclear or not presented in a simplified way. They avoid the design that left them wondering what to do next. b) GUIDE THEM TO THE NEXT ACTION User generally...

Animate button with zoom and bounce effect in ios

Many social apps are using bouncing effect for buttons and view. Just like Instagram and Facebook is using for LIKE. Here is the few lines of code. Simply just use your control (UIButton, UILabel, etc etc) instead of view down here... [UIV...

Smart ways of testing

below are few techniques Equivalence partitioning: Dividing the data into a range of values and selecting one input data value from each range is called Equivalence Partitioning. This is a black box test designing technique used to calculate...

SMTP Configuration of server

If you are using some other server like godaddy or some other server for that you need to put the settings of that particular server in its setting. I am sharing the settings for godaddy server. $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSM...

Evon Logo Using CSS

Hello readers ! Here is an example of css3 by using these codes you can make any logo. There is no use of any image. For example I used the same code to make Evon Logo. If you want to use the same code for creating other logo you have to do so...

css3 animation game

Duck game using pure CSS3 Hello all, Below is an example of pure CSS3 game using CSS3 animation, pseudo class. This example show efficiency of CSS3. There is no .gif image used. Find the attachment for complete code below. *{margin...

Create shapes using css

Hello readers! In this blog we will discuss how to make shapes using css only. to make any shape we have to know mainly about 2 pseudo Elements. ::before :- We can use this element to insert some content before an element. ::after :- W...

What is meta tag and there uses.

p {padding-left:3px;font-style:italic !important} Hello Readers, Usually we all uses the meta tags, but don't know properly what are these, their actual uses & their importance? So here I will explain you about meta tags and i hop...

Jquery Animation

Jquery animate() method is used to animate any element in the web page. It allow us to create custom animations.The syntax for this: $(selector).animate({params},speed,callback); The parameters of animate() mehod are: The params parameter de...

How to download file using PHP script

We use this script to download a file from a given define file path location In this script we are using two variable: 1:) $fileName // for file name with path. 2:)$title //for file name changed in you given title name. <?...

Integration Testing

Integration testing is performed to know whether system's different modules or third party services with system work together correctly or not. Integration Testing is performed by tester only, it comes under the Black Box testing. We should co...

Sanity Testing

Sanity Testing- Sanity testing is used to test that our application or major functionality is reasonably fit or working fine. It is performed when developers wants to know the quick status of the product after doing changes in the code to fix ...

Hibernate One to Many Mapping

One to many mapping One-to-many mapping means a mapping in which each record in one table is linked to multiple records in another table. Like a parent record in one table can have several child records in another table.The parent is not requi...

Pre-Launch Checklist and its Components

Pre-Launch Checklist:- A check-list is a list of items/tasks/assignments that are recorded for tracking.This catalog/list could be either ordered in a sequence or could be random/unsystematic. Checklist is needful for tracking and judge/rate comp...

Comparative Study on HashTable HashMap and HashSet

Hashtable This class has implemented Map interface, before using this data structure you should know their internal implementation Hashtable Class Decleration- <p>Public class Hashtable<k,v> implements Map<k,v> Yo...

Hibernate One to One Mapping

Basic Hibernate Mapping: One to one mapping One to one mapping is performed by one-to-one element. No foreign key is created in primary table. Let us see one simple example, in which we are using bidirectional association. There ar...

resize UIImage without losing quality (not screenshot)

Use the below code for cutting UIImage in high quality without blur (not screenshot) tmp is image view <p>UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(tmp.frame.size,YES, 4.0);</p> <p>CGContextRef c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentCon...

walking along with Agile

Here are some best practices that we can easily follow.... Our goal should be to satisfy the customer by early and best delivery of the valuable software. Good to have the change in requirements even after late development of product. Ag...

Pop and Push Elements in an Array

The examples below will help how one can include or remove new array elements in javascript with the help of unshift/ push/ shift/ pop functions. unshift() is used to add one or more elements to the starting of the existing array and returns t...

Why should You Need Technology!!

Because you Believe in Progress. And using technology will improve your live. Because now it become the biggest hub for education information you can Share or get more value able information. You have Massive online course, Ebooks. Becau...

Total of values in multiple textbox.

The code below will help, how one can use selector "class" to sum all the values in different input box in a Form. <pre>&lt;pre&gt;&amp;lt;pre&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;script language="javascript"&amp;amp;gt; fun...

Why do Bugs occur?

Bugs Occur Because of the following reasons:- Inexperienced developer:- Inexperienced programmers or programmers without proper domain knowledge introduce simple mistakes while coding. Lack of coding practices, unit testing, debugging are so...

Texturing in 3d Coat

Hello Guys, Since we all know that Photoshop is a great tool for painting and coloring a character or a 3d asset but during texturing process, there is a lot of back and forth in checking textures in your 3d programme, What if you could paint dir...

Best Practices used in Game Development

Writing simple games in HTML5 is easy, but you need to do certain things to make sure that your game runs smoothly. Here are some of the best practices for building HTML5 Games. #1: Use a Framework When using lot of images, sound effects and...

Implementing a RESTful service using WCF 4.5

Hello coders, In this article we are going to implement a RESTful service using WCF4.5. Note: WCF stand for Windows Communication Foundation Please follow the below steps to implement a RESTful service. Step 1: Open visual studio/New project...

Points to keep in mind while testing UI (User Interface)

UI (User Interface):- User Interface means testing the application that how easily an user can use/understand the application.GUI (Graphical User Interface):- In GUI we test requirements like background color, button naming convention, drop down ...

Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint

Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App This Blog will provide an insight of how we can use Sharepoint List and its properties in Provider Hosted App. Assuming you already are familiar with Sharepoint and Provider Hosted App. As we all know Pr...

Sharepoint Development Setup on Local Server

This blog is useful in setting up your own Sharepoint development environment on local server. I am assuming that you have already installed Sharepoint 2013 into your development server and now you want to start development for Sharepoint. ...

Colors of Testing

Colors Of Testing White Box Testing (WBT):- White box testing is also known by the different names  Clear box testing  Glass ...

QTP (Quick Test Professional) and its uses

Introduction to QTP(Quick Test Professional) QTP stands for Quick Test Professional and is a product of Hewlett Packard (HP). QTP was owned by Mercury Interactive and later it was acquired by HP. Its original name was Astra Quick Test and lat...

REST attributes of WCF Service

Objective: In this article we will explain what are the REST Attributes of WCF service and there usage. Here WCF Stands for Windows Communication Foundation WebServiceHost: This is a class which is inherited from ServiceHost Class. Servi...

Application Domain Overview

Application domain works like a process works for Operating system. It keeps the application isolated from each other, the same way an operating system process works. Isolation is required so that applications do not conflict with each other. It ...

Types of Environment Testing

Types of Environment Testings are: Desktop application testing Client server application testing Web application testing Every application differs in the environment as they are going to test on different different platforms and serve...

Profiling in .net

Introduction In this section we will talk about three things: what to profile, why we need profiler and how can we profile our code. So we will discuss this one by one. Profiling collect the information about an application, that helps you...

Web API Routing

Basics for Web API Routing The Web API framework maps incoming requests to the appropriate action based upon the HTTP verb of the request. The Web API route URLs to a controller, and then to the action which matches the HTTP verb of the re...

What is Auto Boxing

Auto-boxing was introduced for removing the need to manually "box" primitives. It just happen automatically when and as needed. Auto-boxing can be defined as getting a reference type out of a value type by type conversion, it can be either imp...

How to scroll listview inside a ScrollView in Android.

Hello Friends Here I am going to share a very important code to make ListView scroll inside a ScrollView. Most of the Android developers says: Its not a good approach to put a ListView inside a ScrollView because a ListView is already a sc...

Tutorial On LinQ and Simple LinQ examples

Introduction of LINQ: Abbreviated for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). It was introduced in Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework version 3.5. The main concept behind it was to fill the gap between world of objects and the world of data. LINQ...

Jquery and WebMethods for AJAX calls

What is jQuery? jQuery is a lightweight,JavaScript library (write less, do more). The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your website. jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code ...

Integration testing mehodologies

There are two approaches of Integration Testing: Big Bang approach Incremental approach: Incremental approach includes following methods: a. Top down approach b. Bottom Up approach c. Sandwich approach Big Bang Approach: In B...

Default function for Increment/Decrement updates database field values in rails 2.3.8

Generally at the time of development a situation of incrementing or decrementing a database field it can come like Number of views for a particular page or Number of views of a individual profile. In rails there are two default functions for this...

Understanding Lambda Expressions

What is Lambda Expression ? Lambda expression is an inline delegate introduced with C # 3.0 language. It is an easy way to represent an anonymous method. Lambda is used to write anonymous functions which does not take parameter and which does ...
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