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Creating Horizontal Menu Bar Using Html and CSS

Hello readers, If you want to create a horizontal menu bar in a web page using HTML and CSS follow the below code. CSS:- <style type="text/css"> #menu { font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 14px; margin: 0; ...

Test Data and Types of Test Data

Test data Test Data is the data which is need to execute test case to test software. Mostly test cases need test data to execute. Test data can be store in simple excel file and used manually or can be read from XML, Database or flat files ...

Typography viewport size

Hello reader, In this blog we will discuss about, how to manage font size in different viewport. Usually we fix the font size with different viewport size using @media. But as we know CSS3 has some new values. Viewport size: vw, vh, and vm...

Export Postgres table to CSV

Postgres PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video. It compatible with may of programming interfaces like PHP, C/C...

Make a shape using css

Hello reader ! If you want to make a shape using pure css (after and before pseudo Elements) without using any images follow the code below. .wrapper{ height: 220px; width:500px; margin: 0 auto; } .wrapper .midtop{ mar...

How to import csv file into mysql database in php

To Import csv file into mysql database using php script follow the below code: For example: I have a .csv file data with this formate:- (1) Indresh Singh,, 12345 (2) mukul kant,, 12345 To insert ...

If you want to remove index.php from url in Codeignitor

If you want to remove index.php file path form url in codeignitor then please follow below steps create .htaccess file in your root folder and place this code there RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f Rewr...

Drag and Drop through Web Driver

here is the method for doing drag and drop operation on mozilla Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla) Go to the URL Create an Action object for Driver Fetch and create WebElement object for the SOURCE element. Fetch and create WebElem...

CakePHP Form Validation Using Ajax

As we know cakephp have not any kind of in-build form validater to check requried fields. So by ajax we can check form validation. The flow is that first of all we have to submit the form via ajax to controller and check the validation throw c...

Creating a Panorama Image in Photoshop

So guys, This post is about Panorama, what is it and how can we create it using Photoshop. You might have sometimes(If you are sort of interested in clicking pictures) found yourself surrounded by an environment you want to capture. By surrou...

If cakephp not cofigured properly

If Cakephp throwing an error:- URL rewriting is not properly configured on your server. To fix this issue follow below steps: Check .htaccess files in root directory Let say you have directory with the name of myproject then check ....

How to resolve social media login hybridauth error in cakephp

If you facing an error to login through hybridauth and throwing this error(You cannot access this page directly) then you can follow below steps to resolve it. Please check you session id by php predefined function session_id(); If ...

Only Numeric value with dot can be enter in text box

If you need only float or numeric value to be enter in the text box. You can use the below code. <input name="score" id="score" type="text"> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#score").keydown(function(event) { ...

What is V-model and its advantages

V-model stands to verification and validation models and is a software development model. V-model was introduced with the intent to implement testing right from the requirement phase. In other software development models like Waterfall model tes...

Common Commands used in Selenium IDE

Here are some common commands used in selenium IDE open - it is used to open a page using url. waitForElementPresent - pause until the specified element present. verifyTitle/assertTitle- compare the actual title of the page with expected ...

How to Make Database Association on Selected Pages In Cakephp

If you want to make Database Association on Selected Pages In Cakephp follow the below steps, Below code can set association where it require and you can also reduce unnecessary queries firing to database. Make function in your model and ...

Introduction about SEO MetaTags

What is Meta tags Before knowing about Meta Tags, you should also know what is Metadata? Metadata is data about data or data which gives information about data. In webpages Metadata are used with HTML codes called meta tags, it provides the...

System Testing

System Testing Testing the behavior of whole system as defined in software requirement specification is known as System Testing. In other words we can say that "System Testing is a level of the software testing process where a whole product...

Integration Testing Approaches

Integration Testing: In Integration testing, more the one system's modules are combined and tested together to check data flow from one module to another. Integration Testing Approaches: 1. Big Bang: Where all of the modules are combined toge...

Keywords Analysis and Researching

What is Keywords Researching Keyword researching is the most important step in Digital Marketing, as it is about finding and researching actual search terms that people enter into the search engines while doing a search. SEO Professional searc...

Advantage of Automation testing over Manual testing

Automation testing over Manual testing 1. We do automation testing when the nature of testing is repetitive or when project is large.Testing a part of application again and again lead to frustration. Doing manual testing in this kind of repeti...

How to get Cakephp All Fields From Database on live server / localhost

If Cakephp not getting newly added columns from database on live server / localhost to solve this issue use below steps: Go to app / config.php the edit file and set Configure::write('debug',0); to Configure::...

Fixing orientation when sending images & videos from Iphone.

Hi all, for fixing the rotation problem when image/video is taken from Iphone, we can have following cases: When creating a thumbnail from an image and then getting its orientation correct, we can use shell command like this: shell_exec("co...

Link Building in SEO

What is Link Building Link Building is one of the most important technique or SEO skill or a part of Off-page SEO. It is the process of sharing ones link to other websites or we can say that it is the process of attaining a links to your own w...

Selenium components suitable for your projects need

this tutorial will guide you to understand which component is best suitable for our projects need. Selenium IDE - when you don't have any programming knowledge and you want simple test cases and test suits to be imported in Selenium RC or gri...

SEO Spider

What is SEO Spider SEO Spider is a software that track links throughout the Websites, acquire content from sites and add it to search engine databases for indexing hence, it is also known as site indexing by search engine. Spider follows an...

Create a Wordpress Plugin

Hi there , Here I am showing with the example how you can develop your custom plugin in wordpress,To develop a Plugin in Wordpress, you should know some basics concepts of Wordpress files and folders. So now I will create a plugin which wi...

Components of Selenium

Here is the story of all four components of Selenium Story of Selenium RC It is the most powerful framework of whole Selenium project, like every software in early phase there were some issues like origin policy with java script program, i...

Introduction to Selenium

The biggest advantage of Selenium is that its an open source automation tool same as HP's quick test pro, it is created by Jason Huggins in 2004, who was an engineer at thought works, he was working on an app that required frequent testing, then...

Tips for Offshore Partner Assessment

How to assess an Offshore vendor to Outsource your technology needs Outsourcing refers to contracting a 3rd party organization to get work done whereas Offshoring refers to getting the work done in a different country. So, here the context ...

Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. O...

Functional Testing

What is Functional testing? Functional Testing is a QA process and is a type of Black Box testing. Functional Testing is mainly used to verify whether a piece of software is providing the same output as required by client or end-user. Functiona...

How to Use SendGrid Web API in .Net Project

Hi all, This article is about how to use SendGrid Web API in .net project. There are two ways you can use API in your project one is to create a web client and post your data to send grid API second is you need to download the package for...

Exploratory Testing

What is Exploratory Testing? Exploratory Testing is a testing approach that allows you to apply your ability and skill as a tester in a powerful way." Exploratory testing refers testing of a software without any plan and schedules. The Main fe...

Install Image Magick on linux CentOS

We can easily install image magick on linux centos by following the below given steps : $ yum install make $ yum install gcc $ yum install php php-fpm php-devel php-pear $ yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel $ pecl install imagick $...

Selecting a radiobutton on selecting a value from dropdownlist

The code below helps to get a particular radio button checked on selecting a particular value from the dropdownlist. <form> <div> <select id="selectvalue" onchange="Checkbox();"> <option value="1...

Security Testing

What is Security Testing? Security testing is a type of software testing which is performed by experienced team of testers. The main objective of the Security testing is to ensure that the software is free from any loopholes that may cause los...

Find latitude and longitude of a place.

This code will help in finding the latitude and longitude of any place using curl and php. Step 1: Finding the latitude and longitude for first place. <?php ini&#95;set('error&#95;reporting', E&#95;STRICT|E&#95;ALL); i...

Social Media Marketing

To know about Social Media Marketing first we should know what is Social Media. What is Social Media? Social Media is a web 2.0 sites that allows users to collaborate and interact with each other. Social Media is a tool of interaction betw...

Quality Control Routine for Advertising Materials Before Publishing

Here in this blog you will get to know some quality control routine guidelines that are very essential to make the advertising and publishing process hassle free and error free on your web platform. Below are some routine guidelines for banner pu...

Myths of software testing

Here are some myths about software testing. testing is an expensive process - this is not true if we give more priority to early testing then automatically we do not have to bare more cost on maintenance or correction. finding bug is the ...

Error Guessing

What is Error Guessing? Error Guessing is a technique to find any bug through tester's experience. The main purpose of Error Guessing is to focus the testing activity on areas that have not been handled by other formal techniques. If the test...

Exporting Animation in Maya

Hello creative folks, In this short tutorial I am gonna tell you how to export animation from one file to another in Maya. In a scenario where you have some animation done for one character and want that same animation in another character ...

Digital Marketing and it's Role in Business Promotion

Digital marketing: Promoting product or brand via mean of electronic media which involves the proper usage of channel and methods that enables a product owner or and organization to understand the current market requirement and analyze the market...

Paypal: Create Recurring Payments Profile Working Code

This code use to deduct amount automatically from paypal buyers account. It is something like advance payment mode. If user agree with automatically deduction when he / she paying through paypal then amount will deduct according to billing period...


SQL means Structured Query Language and it is a standard language which is used for storing and manipulating the data in databases. In this tutorial we will learn some of the basic SQL queries used in data validation. Table...

How to Run Selenium Webdriver Test In Google Chrome

Selenium Webdriver support Google Chrome browser. For this first of all, download ChromeDriver server for webdriver. You can download zip file directly from the link below Then extract z...

Sanity Testing and it's Need/requirement

Sanity Testing in Software development term is a type of software testing, which determines whether the testing of software is required and fair or not, it also provides swift, wide and little in depth testing process. Sanity testing is similar t...

Smoke Testing

What is Smoke Testing? Smoke Testing: In computer software terms smoke testing is when you power on new hardware for the first time and if it do not catches fire or no smoke comes out it means the testing is successful. A smoke test is done in...

Plagiarism and its Role in Content Writing

The word Plagiarism is derived from the latin word plagiare which means to Kidnap or to take someone away illegally by force. Plagiarism means taking or stealing ideas or words of another and using them for as one's own for commercial use witho...
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