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How does CSS3 @keyframe Animation Work?

The @keyframes property specifies animation code. To use CSS3 animation we need to understand @keyframe property. This @keyframe property enables user to do multiple transition on the same property which is later performed in continuous sequence...

Eager Loading and Lazy Loading in Rails

Eager Loading and Lazy Loading in Rails As we know that almost every web application has an interaction with the database to fetch records or insert records and other functions.  This can be achieved through different types o...

How to set multiple attribute values using jQuery?

Hello friends, Today we learn to change the multiple attribute value using jQuery. To set multiple attribute value we will use a jQuery attr() method. This method is used for changing the attribute values. We can change multiple attributes wit...

How to get GCM registration token in Android

GCM(Google Cloud Messaging) registration token is a kind of id given by the GCM connection server to user/client that allow user to receive messages. To get registration token first we have to generate a unique number, it can be created while con...

How to count date difference in day, month and year format

Hello friends, I have two date 2016-04-04 and 2016-08-31 and now I want to display its difference as 4 months 24 days format. I have created a function to return date difference in year, months and days format $date1 = '2016-08-31'; $dat...

How to display the image before uploading?

Hello friends, Today we learn how we can display a image before uploading using jquery. For this we will take a input field of file type and a image tag as follows: <input type="file" id="demo" /> <img id="demoimage" /> Af...

Add camera node in sceneKit

  Adding Camera node  provide us the point of view from which we view our scene. To add camera node we have to simply make the SCNCamera object and assign it to node’s camera property.       let ...

Bounce effect on View

iOS has integrated full physics engine to UIKit. Which not only integrate physics-related capabilities but adds smooth and fascinating animations by using underlying iOS Physics engine and provided dynamic items what we send in API. One can use t...

sessionStorage Object in js

Hello Readers! In this blog we will be saving the data temporarily in the browser. Earlier we use to achieve such task by using the cookies. But now for a change we will be doing this with the help of sessionStorage object. The sessionStorage obj...

How to Display banner ads for DFP users in ObjectiveC

This blog includes how to display banner ads for DFP users.For this first user need to signed up as a DFP (Double click for publisher) and then install cocoa pods for Google mobile ads. pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK'   We can also in...

Hover() method in jQuery

Hover() method: This method is used to perform some changes on mouse over and mouse out for html elements. It requires two parameters which are as follows: over −This function triggers when the mouse is moved over a matched element...

Stitched Effect using CSS

we can achieve numerous effects by simply using CSS, we just need to use our innovativeness and creativity. This time, as the title recommends, we are making stitched effect by simply using CSS. For creating stitched effect, first, we hav...

About Zepto Virus

Introduction to Zepto Virus Zepto Ransomware:   Zepto is unique type of virus whose purpose is to infect the system through ' spam ' emails. Most of the virus program uses algorithm, similarly Ransomware also uses algorithm ...

Table Border-collapse:separate in CSS

Hello Readers Border-collapse property allows you to quickly create formatted tables using plain HTML markup. the border-collapse property sets the table borders are collapsed into a single border or detached as in standard HTML. Border-col...

Table Border-collapse:collapse in CSS

Hello Readers As already explained in my previous article that, Border-collapse property allows you to quickly create formatted tables using plain HTML markup. The border-collapse property sets the table borders are collapsed into a single bor...

Introduction to Favicon

FAVICON Favicons are small icons usually of 16x16 pixels. These icons are used to represent the website we are visiting. This square icon is displayed at the left side of the browser's address bar. It is also known as shortcut icon, web...

Create Moving Marker Functionality on Google Map with jQuery and HTML

How to move markers on a google map api without clicking on any object ? The above can be achieved with simple logic . ie update the marker position after a particular time ( Let say 1 second in our example ) The following HTML and jquery c...

Particle System In Unity3D

Hello Readers !!   We love to play good games. Its nice to see there effects and animations. Game play is just use to engage the player but effects and animations is always a WOW factor for the game.   We can create dif...

How to scrap a website in node.js?

Sometimes, we may need to scrap data from a website (It could be any live website, For Ex:   There are 3 steps involved while scrapping a website:-   1- Getting the HTML content of a website's pa...

Unity 5.5 Beta

Hello Readers !! Here are good news for all,   Unity has launched its new version with new features and effects.   Now Unity has focused on the following points:- Line Rendering:- Unity has improved the Line rendering ...

Redirect_to and Render methods in Rails

As we know that in rails we have models view and their controllers which act as a medium between model and view. The normal flow between a controller and a view is to display a view corresponding to its controller action.  So this can ...

Callbacks in node.js

The basic idea behind using callback is that if we are doing a task and it is taking a longer time to complete. So instead of waiting for this task to be complete we want our node server to process other incomming request.In such situations we ca...

How to Mute/Unmute device sound programmatically in android?

In some of the cases in our application, we have to set our devices in Mute/Unmute mode. To get this functionality we have to add few lines of code. I have added two buttons one is for Mute and another one is for Unmute our device described below...

Fading slideshow using Javascript

Hello Readers! In this blog post, I am going to tell you about slideshows but with a special effect. Slideshow is an information which is displayed in slides. The information may be images, text, chart etc. The slides change after a certain...

Top Tips for Using Reddit for Business Promotion

Are you tired of the same old online marketing channels and are looking for something new? Reddit is easily your best pick.   This unique content publishing platform attracts almost 164 million unique visitors each month.  ...

How to catch activities in foreground/background using ActivityLifecycleCallbacks?

To catch the states of every activity in our android application we have to implement ActivityLifecycleCallbacks. ActivityLifecycleCallbacks will have different override method as onActivityCreated, onActivityStarted, onActivityResumed, onActivit...

Discussion on merge function in Ruby

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss merge function in Ruby. If we talk about the merge function then it is used for hashes only. We can merge two hashes in one hash. Please have a look.   teacher1 = { "id" => 232 ,"...

How to Create a Corner Ribbon With The Help Of Css

In this blog, I am going to demonstrate to you proper methodologies to make a corner ribbon with the help of css by utilizing various css properties for example  with the help of transform, box-shadow and position we can make corner rib...

Disable Click effect on web page.

Hello everyone, Today, We will discuss that how to disable click effect on the web page so that we can protect our html. Using javascript we can disable the click effect on the web page. But this is not most difficult way to protect the HTM...

reset() method in javascript

Reset() method: It is used to clear all the values entered in a form. This method does not require any parameter and also does not return any value. Syntax: formObject.reset() Example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <b...

Guest Blogging - Guidelines & Marketing Opportunities at FindNerd

            As you all are aware of the fact that Guest Blogging is extremely important as far as content marketing is concerned because through guest blogging your unique content will be showca...

How to use exceptions in CakePHP?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss exceptions in CakePHP. We can use exceptions for a variety of uses in our application when implementing any web application in CakePHP. CakePHP uses the exceptions internally...

How to Build a Great Dev Team from Scratch

You’re going to count on your developers for a lot. All qualified developers have the know-how to get the job done, but it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re working with them, rather than against them. Once you’ve ...

Embedded powerpoint presentation in your website

Hi there! This blog post will tell you how to add Powerpoint slide presentation in your websites. We add images, colors, figures, charts etc and many other things in our website to make it look more interactive and appealing. Powerpoint presen...

How to authenticate with Fingerprint in android applications ?

From android marshmallow api 23 android supports fingerprint authentication support. Fingerprint api support android version 6.0 or greater. Fingerprint authentication contains following process : 1. Check weather a user enabled keyguard or...

jQuery next() Method

The jQuery next() method gives back the next sibling components of the  component which we have selected. By using next() method we can select  the  next siblings of the component which we have selected and then we can use ...

Warning : Unknown type 245 sent by the server

Here we will learn how to resolve the error that we come across while updating MySQL 5.5 to MySQL 5.7 on ubuntu 14.04. After the upgradating, I was trying to login my CakePHP application, but every time I was trying to login I was facing the w...

How to set pagination in Joomla with MVC workflow?

Hello Readers, The below blog shows the pagination in Joomla. When we use the pagination in Joomla, we require the model and the view to write the code. Suppose we have a component (com_example).Open the component file (com_example/model...

What is FireBase?

Firebase is a Google product for the mobile platform that helps us developing High-quality apps quickly, it also helps us to create our own userbase & earn more money. Google's FireBase  provides us cloud & back-end services. Fir...

Use of strict mode in javascript

strict mode: It is used to catch or throw errors when some unsafe actions are taken and  use strict directive is used to execute javascript code in strict mode. For example: we cannot use undeclared variable in strict mode. use strict ...

How to design a coffee logo in illustrator

In this tutorial we'' ll learn to make a coffee logo in illustrator.   Step 1: First we need to draw a circle on the canvas. Now draw a oval on the center of the circle.     Step 2: Select both objects an...

How to pass data from controller to view in joomla ?

Hello Readers, The below blog display the data from joomla component controller (C1) to joomla view (V1). Suppose, we have a data in joomla controller.php and we want to rendered the data in joomla view (for example in component com_mycompo...

Group notification with summary in android nougat 7

As we know we have notification bar to show all the notifications in that are, in Android M we can show multiple notifications but from android N we can group them easily with better UI experience. A summary will also add whenever user wants t...

Jquery Chaining

jQuery - Chaining  In general terms, An associated adaptable arrangement of metal connections utilized for affixing or securing items and pulling or supporting burdens is known as chaining.  In Jquery, Chaining mean...

Speed Up Your Google Chrome

Hello readers, today I guide you to "How to speed up your google chrome".   Google-chrome is the most developed and effective browsers available to you, and it could be a reasonable implication that it is a comparatively rich...

Discussion on install Plugins in Cake PHP

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss install Plugins in Cake PHP. When adding a Plugins in CakePHP web application we should follow any of the below four ways 1- Manually plugin install 2- Plugin installed A...

10 Best Cloud Music Backup Options in Trend

      Cloud computing services have brought a new dimension to the way files are stored and accessed, transforming businesses everywhere in the process.   There is nothing that stops you now from having acces...

How to call the model from one component to another component in Joomla?

Hello Readers, Below blog shows the call of the model from one component to another component.   For Example - We have a two different components in Joomla : >> comp1 comp1->model->m1   model: m1 comp1->...

Achieving Nested Comments in Rails

Few days back, I was working on a project where I have to create nested comments on a articles and on showing the article I was needed to show all the nested comments in its hierarchy.So I used closure_tree gem to achieve that. So lets see how I ...

Linkify text in Android Textview

Linkify is very helpful to create links from TextView or Spannable. Linkify get Regular expression and work on Text with Regular expression.  For example, you have a random text which includes web URLs also and you want to use web URL a...
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