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Applying different CSS to different parts of a single character

Hey Readers! We have all styled HTML elements with various sort of CSS. The styling applies to whole of the element. But have we ever tried applying different CSS to one single character, i.e. one half with one CSS and the other half with othe...

jquery attr() function

  The jquery attr() method help users to return the values of first selected elements as well as we can also set the values of attribute(i.e one or more attribute values.) Syntax :   //Return the value of an attribute: &n...

Transparent background using CSS

Hey there! There are never enough things to do with CSS. We may think of the weirdest stuff, and CSS makes it possible. One such thought that popped into my mind was of transparent background. We have used  colors and images as background...

Create and remove the branch on GIT

Create and remove the GIT branch : Branching is the feature of GIT, which is needed when you want to add new functionality in your application without being changed to old version. So you need to create a branch which will be copy of your last ve...

How to make ajax searching in codeigniter?

Hello Reader's, If you are making searching and want to look it as ajax which show records then this blog is helpful to you. In this blog, we will make it for CodeIgniter framework. Ajax searching will show the matching results from the typed...

How to implement CKEditor in rails application?

There are TinyMCE editor & CKEditor mostly used in web application. Here we'll discuss about CKEditor integration in our rails application. Editor is basically used by the web users to post formated contents to the sever. This blog w...

Discussion on retrieving and set the data in cakePHP

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss retrieving and set the data in cakePHP. If you want to retrieve the data from the database in your CakePHP web application. So in CakePHP, there is an inbuilt function to get...

How to convert image color to Gray Scale using OpenCV?

OpenCV library is useful to convert image background color to another RGB color. We basically read the image using BufferedImage then we read bytes data from that image and we create a new MAT by applying image height and width and then put th...

How to horizontally center a div inside a div?

Hi Readers! We are usually using multiple divs inside a div. For the purpose of increasing interactiveness in the web page, we may want to align the inner divs properly, maybe horizontally or vertically.  Like in the following case : ...

Phongap Plugin Development From Android Studio.

Phone-gap Plugin Development  Hello all, Here is a simple tutorial to create plugin for phone-gap from android studio.  Requirements :-  Cordova (should be installed on your development machine). Phonegap (s...

Arrays in Ruby and its uses

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss arrays and its uses in Ruby. We use  arrays in Ruby in the same way as we use in other programming languages. We all knows array is nothing but an ordered and integer based indexed collectio...

Callback Function in jQuery

Callback Functions: It is used to prevent executing further code until earlier effects has not executed completely. As we know in jQuery effects takes time to complete and sometime next line code get executed while the earlier effects are stil...

Custom drop down select box

Drop-down list is a common feature in HTML5 to create web pages attractive. It is a toggleable menu in which user can select one value from predefined list. First item will be shown selected automatically. To create a drop-down list we use <se...

CSS3 Animation Iteration Count Property

In this blog I am going to tell you about  Animation Iteration Count Property of CSS3. How many times an animation cycle should play is defined with the help of Animation Iteration Count Property of CSS3. Syntax for the Animation Iteratio...

How to make visitor counter using ajax and php

Hello Reader's, If you want to get the records of visitors that visits your webpage then in this blog you can learn and build your own. Here we will develop it by using PHP and Ajax. Page counters are easy to get and install but if you w...

Chapter 1: An Introduction to HTML5

Hello readers, This is the my first post for html5 tutorial. Here are some basics for HTML's which will help you for the forthcoming post. HTML5 is the most latest version of HTML. HTML5 is a markup language HTML documents described by ...

Custom checkbox having Images

Hello Readers We are all familiar with Checkbox and Custom Checkbox too, In this blog I am Explaining about Custom checkbox having images, Images are used in checkbox to make them look more interactive and appealing. We must have surely notice...

How to fetch store name and other store details from system configuration in magento

In magento sometimes we need to get the current store details from system configuration for some reference, Then lets see how can we do it :   1. To get all the stores  from magento   for the same we can use  ...

How to create animated Buttons?

Hello readers , this is a small blog on creating animated buttons using css3. In my example, I have created four buttons using "<ul> <li>" of different color but of  same size. These buttons have width and height 100%, ...

Best Marketing Strategies That Your Small Business Can Learn from Big Players

Just because you don't have the same resources, it doesn’t mean your small business can't learn from the big players and apply their tactics in your marketing. Business giants are usually on the leading edge of their industries and ...

How to finds odd table rows using jQuery

If you want to find odd number of table rows then it's not a difficult task now, we can do this easily with the help of jQuery :odd selector. The :odd selector will choose all those components which have odd index i.e 1,2,5 etc. Most of...

How To Add Custom Field In Magento Contact Form ?

In magento, sometimes you need to add custom field to existing contact form as per client requirement. Here is an easy way to customize magento form by adding new field. You can also add more fields as per need. Lets see how can we do it. ...

Animating images in ImageView

 ImageView can be used for animation with a set of multiple images using various properties offered by apple.   Here are I’m going to tell you steps to animate images in ImageView:   1- Initialise an array of UIIm...

How to make animation using css to rotate text

Hello Reader's, If you want to make some animation to enhance the text then in this blog you can learn this. Animation is the property by virtue of which you can put the motion in any entity. In this blog we will translate a text inside t...

Vertically align text next to an image

Hey Readers! Web pages are incomplete without images. Images add visual appeal to our websites. There are situations when we want to put lines of text right next to an image. The text might be some sort of description of the image, or anyth...

CSS3 Flexbox

Hi there! The flexbox layout mode has completely redefined layouts in CSS. It is not just a property but a whole new module. The CSS3 Flexible Box, or flexbox, arranges the elements on a page such that the...

Sanitization in Cakephp 2

Sanitization in Cakephp 2 Sanitize in Cakephp is used to rid user submitted data and any other unwanted information.  Sanitize can be used anywhere in controllers or models. Before using Sanitization, you need to import its library by cal...

How to find browser details ?

Jquery have a nice feature to know about browser details. it is deprecated, If the functionality is removed, it will likely be easily accessible using a plugin.   It is safe to use it to determine whether or not to call $(document...

How to use Google Recaptcha with Devise in rails application?

In web applications, Captcha is used to prevent spam/bot from getting into our applications, inbox or databases. It ensures that web application using by a real human. Here, we are going to implement Googles reCAPTCHA service in our rails applica...

Learn how to create a Ribbon/Strip to highlight some important text using Pure CSS

Hii,  In this blog i am going to create a pure CSS ribbon or strip which can be used to display some important information,link etc with highlighted, eyecatching view on a webpage. While we create  any ribbon or strip design we must u...

Detect Beacon in Android

Hello Folks, This blog describes you how to use Altbeacon library for detecting beacons. What is a beacon ? A beacon is a device that is designed to attract attention to specific locations. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology is used t...

Discussion on insert data using replace statement in Mysql

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss insert data using replace statement in Mysql Basically REPLACE INTO Statement is used for inserting a row in a table. If we want to replaces any record form our table then fi...

NetworkReachability Listener in Alamofire

Alamofire provides a method to check network status reachable on WWAN, Ethernet and wifi. The NetworkReachabilityManager class provided by Alamofire listens whenever there is a change in network. It can be used to determine background informat...

How Technology is Impacting the Luxury Industry

                         When you think of the luxury industry, what do you think of? Intricately stitched clothes, handmade shoes, swanky hotel...

How to send email via sendgrid curl using PHP

Hello Reader's if you are looking to send emails via curl using PHP then this blog is helpful to you. Curl is a tool which sent the data in forms to any other server with multiple data. So lets get started working on sending email with ...

How to match template using openCV ?

Template matching with openCV basically works on matrix reading of searched image. following is the example of Template matching using openCV : xml file to show resulting image after image search : <?xml version="1.0" enco...

How to show openCV native camera in Android ?

In previous blog we added openCV android sdk and native libraries in our project so that we can use sdk. Here we will show camera in our Android app using openCV sdk. in your activity's xml file add this : <

How to add openCV sdk and native libs in your project?

OpenCV is an open source project that provides OpenCV android SDK to match one template against other. These are the following steps to add OpenCv in your project : 1. First of all download Android studio from this link - https://developer....

How to get android device macAddress, IMEI no and uniqueId

To grab MAC address first we have to enable device WIFI, after enabling it we can get the MAC address. public static String macAddress(final Context context){ WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context....

How to get height and width of a html element?

Hello Reader's If you are dealing with JQuery in your website and want to get the height and width of any html element then this blog will very helpful to you.  So lets get started working of getting the height and width of a div . F...

Social sharing in rails application

In modern days, we are using social media for web marketing which increase the traffic & popularity of our web sites. In Order to share posts/articles on net in rails application we can use the 'social-share-button' gem. To integrate ...

An Overview On Sprite Images

  Hello readers, Today in my blog I will discuss about a new topic related to images i.e Sprite images. As in a web page it includes number of images whether small or even it could be icons or the buttons which basically takes a long...

Learn how to use CSS pseudo-elements while styling web page.

Hii,  In this blog i am going to share a simple example in which i have used CSS pseudo-element using which we can insert any content, images or create any design before, or after any html tag. Syntax: selector:pseudo-element {prope...

Discussion on Group By in Cakephp

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss Group By in Cakephp In Cakephp web application sometimes we need to fetch data from database according to group field name. So GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with ...

How to load heavy images via ajax in webpage

Hello Reader's if you find your website is too heavy to load the contents, then you can use the ajax to load images. By using Ajax data be loaded and browser will load the heavy images with fade in effect. So lets get started...

How to make dashed border circle div?

Hello readers, Question is how to make dashed border circle div ? Its looks so easy but its not. For example below code - div{ height:100px; width: 100px; background-color: #ccc; border-radius: 50%; border: 3px...

Basic concepts of Ruby

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss basic concepts of Ruby. In Ruby almost every thing is object. Objects deal as fundamental building blocks for Ruby.  Every thing which you manipulate or return after manipulation, is an obje...

Is Google Duo App an Inspiration to Innovate for Future Product Development?

Image source:   As smartphones continue to outpace desktops, more and more companies are becoming likely to come up with digital products that only work on smartphones. The latest example is Google’s v...

Sending Email through SMTP mailer in Rails

Sending Email through SMTP mailer in Rails As we know these days in almost every application we have the need to send mails to its users then be it for password confirmations, subscriptions etc. So these mails can be sent through your rails...

Use Angularjs Expression to resolve expressions

Hii,  This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs, In this blog i am sharing a simple example in which i have used few AngularJs directives like ng-app, ng-init, ng-model and an AngularJs expression. 1)ng-app directive...
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