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Changing row color on clicking radio button

Consider an HTML table with multiple rows having radio button in first column of each row. Now, if we want to change the row color when radio button associated with it is clicked, we have to write following code. // HTML // Untitled ...

Finding the Dimensions of an Element

You want to determine the space occupied by an element. The width and height methods can be applied to any element, and they are useful for determining the computed width or height of an element. However, they fall short if you need to deter...

Finding the Dimensions of the Window and Document

You want to get the width and height of the window and document in pixels. jQuerys width and height methods provide easy access to the basic dimensions of the window or document: $(function() { alert('Window height:'+jQuery(window).height(...

DNN7 Common Error

DNN7 Common Error After installation of your DNN site sometime show given blow error on Default.aspx. HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. ...

Set predefault current date in datebox

How to set pre default current date in datebox before choose any other new date: We have to follow following steps. Step 1:- Download below 2 files. jquery.datepick.js jquery.datepick.css Call both file in HTML head <link ...

How to keep the order in ruby hashes

When we insert the data into a ruby hash it reorders the data in some other order when we use it in view file.So there are cases when we have to show the data in the same order in the order we are inserting the data into ruby hash.So in case wher...

Concept Of AJAX

AJAX----- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. We use AJAX when we are using the concept of " B to B " or "B to C" B to B -- business to business ........................................// user to website. B to C -- business to costumers...........

How to convert ppt file to swf

If we want to convert a PPT (Powerpoint presentation file) into SWF we can use this system command system("java -jar /opt/jodconverter-2.2.2/lib/jodconverter-cli-2.2.2.jar " +pptpath+" "+ppt_convert) where pptpath is the path where PPT file...

Cakephp - Using multiple database

Many a times we need use multiple database as per the domain or some other reason . We can easily achieve it with the following code in cakePhp. Write the following code in app->config->database.php class DATABASE_CONFIG { publ...

How to restore backup from sql script through Postgre console

Restoring backup from sql script through Postgre console is just a 2 step process.They are as follows: Step 1: psql -h hostname -U username database_name Step 2: \i filename.sql

Using TTS(TextToSpeech) in Android

We have a feature called TextToSpeech and is available for Android 1.6 and higher. Usind TTS we can build an app that speaks the text of various languages. Below are the steps to do so: Simply create an xml layout that includes an input ...

Get user FB friends data by itsa access token in php

By knowing the token value and fbid we can get the data of friends in a file which we can use use further in our code. For example: $post_decode = $this->request->input ( 'json_decode', true) ; $fbid = $post_decode['fbi...

Call JavaScript function from C# in Unity3D

Call JavaScript function from C# in Unity3D Mostly developer use a particular language to do code in Unity3D. But some times you need to use two types of Scripts. At same point you also may required to call vise a versa functions of both scr...

Category Bit And Mask Bit Filter

In Cocos2d,when you define a world for a scene by default all object heaving body in scene will collide with each other.In order to make object collidable with specific one,simply set body mask and category bit at the time of defining fixtures,an...

Format floating number

"%g" % (float_number) Above function formats float number to natural number if it contains zero's after decimal point otherwise format float upto one decimal point Helpful in showing working days(like 22.5 days)

How to Use Services in Android Simple Example

Using Services In Android Service is an application component which runs in the background and do not have a user interface.Services can be of two forms:: Started Service can be started from an application component such ...

Saving layerstyles in photoshop

Saving layer styles in Photoshop: Layer styles are the layer blending and effects which are used in the photoshop for the purpose of shadows, gradients and creating depth within the images or illustrations. In this tutorial we are going to cre...

Upload image in ruby on rails through AJAX

Upload image in ruby on rails through AJAX This is HTML and JavaScript code. <% remote_form_for(:image_upload_form, :url => "/meeting/save_image/", :html => { :method => :post, :id => 'imgForm', :multipart => true }) do |f...

Web RTC : Strongest Api of HTML5 Part -ii

holla amigos In my last blog i shared the power of web rtc and the first api getUserMedia of the web Rtc . This article will be focus on the Peer to Peer connection of the Web Rtc. Let me explain you first what is Peer-to-Peer connection ex...

Sending private messages to Facebook users

Many of us have this requirement of sending private message to your facebook friends and we usally struggle to get it done. The main reason behind this is that graph api provided by facebook does not provide this. We have to look for other option...

Load And Parse XML in Action script

It is very easy to load and parse XML in Action Script 3.0 Suppose we have xml like this - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <images> <image> <url>"first.jpg"</url> </image> &l...

How to check and uncheck all checkbox on single click?

When we have multiple check box to select then we need to check all these one by one it will take more time to check all so by using jsscript we can check and unchecked all check box on a single click. In the below script can check and uncheck al...

Image tag error- no image found

There was an error in img tag when no image source found. I used this below code to resolve this issue, if you are also facing the same issue, please go a head with this code. <img src="profileimage.png" onerror="this.src='noimage.png'">...

Make payment using PayPal MPL(Mobile Payment Libraries) in Android

There are certain applications in which we need to integrate the PayPal for enabling the user to pay certain amount to use further features of the app. Before starting, download the PayPal_MPL.jar file from PayPal developer's website and copy ...

Known bug of Temporary Table in MYSQL

Known Bug We cannot use temporary table twice in same query. However if you have not required above condition then Temporary table is best to use rather than creating rea...

A Real Animated Story :)

Cartoon, a sophisticated creation yet simple character to define and understand that has artificial emotions incorporated in it. They can make us smile, laugh, weep or cry. They have the kind of power that brings out the emotions residing inside ...

How to create function for Split string in SQL

How to create function for split string in SQL Function accepts two parameters first the concatenated string and second the delimiter character. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Split](@String nvarchar(4000),@Delimiter char(1)) RETURNS @Results TAB...

Android Screen recording using ADB shell in Android KitKat 4.4

The feature is available for devices running Android 4.4(API level 19) and higher. We use screenrecord command to perform this task. The screen activity is recorded to an MPEG-4 file, and the same can be downloaded from the device. Below is th...

Sorting an ArrayList by date

From here you can learn how to sort an Array List of a particular data type by one it date component. :- By calling the method below you can easily sort your array list. The format you put inside the SimpleDateFormat method is the format of...

Set Google Map API v2 in android

Set Google map in android application To get a google map view in your android application .First you have to create your Google Api Key on the following link . First make a project on t...

Load Image From Url

How To Load a Image Form a url You can use this class in your application to load image . It can be use by calling its DisplayImage(String url, int loader, ImageView imageView) function.This function there are three parameters first is Str...

Mandatory and optional methods in protocols

The methods and functions of the protocols can be categorized as, required or optional. The difference between these two specifiers is that, the programmer may or may not use the optional methods declared in the protocol, or may use some of them ...

GPS tracking in android tutorial

If you want to integrate GPS tracked latitude longitude to your application, then u need to add a GPS module to your program to make your app more smarter ,to automatically get the GPS tracked location in your app. In this tutorial ...

JavaScript Validation for User Name and Email Id in Asp.Net

JavaScript Validation for User Name and Email Id in Asp.Net Validate User Name and Email Id in a web page using JavaScript validation in ASP.Net. In this example I am using two TextBoxes. The first TextBox accepts user name and second textbox ...

Use existing sqlite database in android

I will show you the easiest solution, by far, is to use SQLiteAssetHelper. You add your existing sqlite database in a specified location in your project's assets/ directory, then use SQLiteAssetHelper to access your database (much same as you wo...

Extract method in PHP

Sometime we may need to use the same variable name that you are using in the query or simply in an associative array. Lets say you have an associative array : $arr = array( 'totalLimit' => 50, 'limit' => 10 ); The usually what we...

Using HeroDocs in php

Herodocs are useful for multi-line strings and avoiding quoting issues. It prevents from escapinging of characters in php EX1 ) $sql = <<<SQL select * from TABLE_NAME where id =1 and product_name = "widgets" SQL; O/...

Traceability Matrix

What is Traceability Matrix Traceability matrix is prepared in order to cross check the test cases designed against each product requirement. Why we use the Traceability Matrix? If you prepared your test cases completely & client cha...

Learn How To Do Logout using PHP Session

/* A PHP session variable is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session. Session variables hold information about one single user, and are available to all pages in one application.*/ Two things are to be kept in mi...

Cakephp - Using Auth

We can use Auth component in cakephp for authentication and authorization objects. Since it easy and secure way to do this. Write following in your App controller public $components = array( 'Auth' => array('loginAction...

Single Row Function in Oracle (Character Function)

These functions operate on single rows only and return one result per row. There are different types of single-row functions. Character Number Date Conversion Single-row functions are used to manipulate data items. They accept...

Adding custom annotations to a map

Annotations are little images(pins by default) that are to used to mark a point of interest in a map. But occasionally the programmer might need to use custom views or images instead of boring pins. This can be easily achieved by creating a image...

Adjust Image view width dynamically according to the screen size in android.

It is very difficult to re-size the image-view width according to the screen without losing the quality of the image or you can say increase the width in proportionate to height of the image view. I will show you the trick how you can do tha...

Finding Current Location in Android

To find the current location, follow the steps below: Create a dialog box to display loading message while finding the location ProgressDialog dialog=new ProgressDialog(this); dialog.setMessage("Please wait while getting your location in...

Fun with Images !

Pictures.. Non- Abstract form of any particular incident, kind of a "concrete" form of our memories. Memories we cant hold on forever but we live in a world where we have devices that allow us to capture memories in form of pictures and cherish t...

Do clones make sense?

I need a website similar to Facebook with all the features exactly same as Facebook I need a TempleRun game clone I need a travel website similar to Being in software services industry, one must have come across these kind of re...

Smoke Testing And Sanity Testing

SMOKE TESTING Smoke Testing term came from the Hardware Testing. Like in hardware testing, Tester Check whether or not it Catch fire and smoke. Same as in Software Smoke testing tester check that the main functionality of software is working f...

Make String with different colors in Android

We will use SpannableString to add different colors to a string and will use the setSpan(Object what, int start, int end, int flags) method of SpannableString to change the color for defined range of characters in that string. Here is the cod...

Introduction to php

<html> <head> <title>Example</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "Hi, I'm a PHP script!"; ?> </body> </html> PHP(Hypertext Prepr...

Char array is better than String for password prevention

Why Char array is better than String for storing secure data like Password in Java? As we know that String is immutable in Java if we store password as String, it will be available in memory (Heap) until Garbage collector clears it and since S...
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