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Difference between Static Resource and Dynamic Resource in WPF

   Static Resource Dynamic Resource 1. Static resource can be evaluated only once.    1.  Dynamic resource can be evaluated every time when needed. 2. Static resource i...

Mobile Application Testing

Mobile Application Testing:   Testing the applications which are developed and designed for the mobile devices is known as Mobile Application Testing. Test the application for its functionality, consistency, and usability. But, there a...

DataBase in unity

Hi everybody I just learned some things in the past week about SQLite in Unity and I thought I share them as I had to figure out most of it myself. All code in C#. Set up a database in Unity Its my first time i am working with db in unity....

Clean cache of all applications below API 23 Android

This blog is for cleaning cache of all application using Reflection on below API leve 23 i.e Marshmallow. 1. Create Project. 2. Create package in root folder with name 3. Create aidl file int this package with name IP...

Discussion on load models in CakePHP

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss on load model in CakePHP. Basically model is a very important feature in a CakePHP web application because it is manage everything regarding our data, So in other words, we ca...

How to Read Excel file & Insert data into MySQL Database using PHP?

Hello Reader's , Today I am going to give you this blog on how to read excel file and insert data into MySQL DB using PHP.Here we are using php-excel-reader.php library to get excel data in MySQL database. Let's Start. Create D...

Start an infinite animation effect on page load using jQuery

Hii, When we talk about adding animation effect in our web page then  css is one the best option we use along with any of the programming laungage such as javascript,jQuery etc to give dynamic animation effects. Using animation effect in a...

Event Driven Asynchronous Callback in Node

To understand the asynchronous callbacks concept in node.js let us see the below code and try to understand what is the concept: var output = database.query("select * from employee"); console.log("Learning the conept of Event driven asynch...

Export Post Data into json file and Import Post into other website.

Hello readers, In this tutorial I will guide you to create Wordpress Plugin for "Get all Category in Dropdown". For creating Wordpress Plugin, we need to do some basic things for creating a Plugin. 1) Create Wordpress Plugin, just...

Sorting list with jQuery

Sorting as we all know refers to the rearrangement of data in some predefined format, it can either be ascending or descending or alphabetically or numerically.  This is a small blog on sorting the list data using jquery. Here is a sample co...

Defect Report Fundamentals

Defect Report: Testers creates a defect report after finding the defect or bugs. Defect report is used to explain or describe the bug or issue to the developers in a clear manner so that they can easily reproduce the issue and fix it.  ...

Chapter 3: Jquery Selector

Hi All, In this chapter we will learn about the selectors, Before the selector, we should know about the factory function-   $() factory function - The factory function is the functions from which the jQuery selector starts and the...

Compare two strings by comparing the sum of their letter-Values

Description: Compare two strings by comparing the sum of their letter-Values (char-Value). For comparing treat all letters as UpperCase. Empty and null-Strings should be treated as they are equal. If the string contains other characters t...

Any Alternative to WordPress for Easy Content Management By End User?

Can anyone please suggest some good alternatives to WordPress for client sites, so that it is easy for them to manage themselves?   We all knows that Wordpress provides us many different features to build as well as manage the website....

How to make a text unselectable in an HTML page?

Hey people! We developers, deal with HTML pages every second. Every  HTML UI essentially has some text elements. It is very easy for a user to double-click this text and select it. And this makes them look bad. To solve the same, CSS pres...

Process for building the command-line tools for nodejs application

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss the process for building the command-line tools for your application. If you are reading our blogs on daily basis then you must have a good command on nodejs. We have explained different modules ...

Explaination of Jquery Methods: remove , fadeIn, fadeOut and fadeToggle

In this blog I am going to explain you about very simple concept of Jquery Methods, a little bit Html and Css that is used for decoration the model and for explaining these methods in a more beautiful manner. A user can design the boxes as accord...

Search in MySQL using FULL-TEXT INDEXING in PHP Without LIKE and Wildcard Operator

Hellow Readers , Today in my blog I am going to explain about Quick searching in MySQL using FULL-TEXT INDEXING. Many times we made a big mistake during searching from MySQL, we use the wildcard and like operator "LIKE %helpful website%&q...

How to structure a project in ASP.NET MVC using AngularJS?

These are the several steps to structure a project in ASP.NET MVC using AngularJS.   1. Open Visual Studio 2015 -> Select File New Project->Give Project Name->Select a template MVC->Unselect Host in the cloud -> Click Ok...

How to add Custom Metabox in a particular page in Wordpress?

Hello readers, In this tutorial I will guide you to "How to add Custom Metabox in a particular page in Wordpress."   In WordPress, If you want to add or save some extra field in a post, custom post type or in the page. So bas...

How to check password strength in your form using jQuery

Hii, In this blog, I am sharing jQuery code by which you can set validation i.e check password strength in your form. By adding this option in your form, You can enhance the security level of form by adding validation for the password. ...

Localization & Internationalization

Localization: Adapting a product to local and regional market called localization.   Sometimes it is referred as l10n. A characteristics of development and testing related to the translation of the software (product) and its cont...

Add shadow around the text

Hello Reader This blog will helps you to draw a shadow around the individual character same( like border ). We can use webkit stroke method but webkit disappears in other browsers!. It will set text color, stroke color and set 1px offset . ...

Get Cache Size of Apps Android

This tutorial is about getting internal cache size for all applications. There is no such API is available in android because of Security reasons.   So we will get cache size of all apps with Reflection.   Here we start:- ...

Express application generator

As we know Express is the most commonly used web framework in node.It has many features such as rendering, routing and REST controls. But in this post we are going to discuss about express-generator. Express-generator is a application generator ...

Make an HTTP server work by function passing as an anonymous function in Node

Here we will see an example of how we can make our http server work by writing a re-factored code or by using an anonymous function.First let us see an example of re-factored code. Let us import the http module var http = require("http"); /...

Submit form without loading the whole page

In cakephp when we submit a form from the ctp file. It goes to the controller and carry the action to which the form is submitted. This requires the reloading of the complete page. We can submit the form without reloading the whole page and...

How to get data from assets file in android?

In the below example I have described how to get data from assets folder. Firstly I have created txt.json file in assets folder. In txt.json file I have added JSON data. Now See In MainActivity code I have created loadJSONFromAsset() method, in t...

Javascript Events

Event- An "event" generate a specific action in the browser. When an event occurs,like click on an HTML element, then a JavaScript can be executed.  A page load, pressing key, window resize are also example of an event. Even...

Please guide to a javascript code packet

Please guide to a javascript code packet which I can use to upload file without refreshing the page and the browser does not support File/FileReader object

error: Unable to append to .git/logs/refs/heads/dev: Permission denied fatal: Cannot update the ref 'HEAD'

Hello Friends,   When you are working with GIT sometimes face this kind of error "error: Unable to append to .git/logs/refs/heads/dev: Permission denied fatal: Cannot update the ref 'HEAD'.", while taking update from ...

Discussion on Authenticate Application in CakePHP Using Auth Component

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss on authenticate application in CakePHP using Auth Component. If we are developing a web application in CakePHP then some time we have to use Authenticate user for login functi...

error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied

Hello Friends, If you are trying to take PULL request from server and facing this issue "error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied". Please use the below command to fix this issue: chmod a+rw .git/FETCH_HEAD I hop...

Manipulating CSS using jQuery addClass() Method

If we want to manipulate css or we want to  add some classes to our tags when page load or when we click on the button , we can achieve it by using  jQuery addclass() method . addClass() method add particular classes to the...

Customizing search bar in iOS SDK

Hi Readers, Customizing search bar can be easily done with UISearchBar. All you need to check view hierarchy of search bar subviews for that as with latest iOS SDK hierarchy can get changed. Customizing can be done by changing these views colo...

Create draggable objects using javascript

Hii, In this blog i am sharing a simple javascript code for creating draggable objects using mouse event. This code can be used when you want to add animation effect in your static html document and make it more attractive. You ca...

Basic introduction to ngStyle and ngClass in Angular2

Hello Readers, Now a days creating dynamic CSS in web application is very popular. Angular2 provides a way to implement dynamic CSS and CSS classes with template syntax and also provides some built in directives. Here we will have a look on th...

Basic differences between Margin and Padding

Hey Readers! This blog post will hopefully clear your doubts regarding the difference between CSS 'margin' and 'padding' properties. CSS Margin: The CSS margin property is used to specify the space around HTML elements . It ...

Chapter 2: Basics of jQuery

Hi All, In this chapter we are learn some basics, So here we go A jQuery statement starts with the dollar sign ($) and ends with a semicolon (;) in the which is in document ready function. $ sign defines the jQuery, Document Ready - Al...

Login process with passport module in nodejs

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to point out the steps for login process in nodejs. In nodejs we use passport and passport-local modules for authentication. Passport works with express module. Passport process the request to authenticate ...

Software Testing Skills

Important skills which a good software tester must have: 1. Out of the Box thinkers: Tester should be expert in design the multiple scenarios. Create the positive and negative both scenarios. He should be able to test from customer’s p...

Injection Flaws

Injection Flaws Injection flaws means that when application sends untrusted data to break out the context of target web application as a part of query. Injection flaws are very common in the developer code. It mainly founds in SQL, LDAP, Xpath...

Asynchronous Vs Synchronous programming

In this tutorial we will come to know about the difference between the working of synchronous and asynchronous programming. To explain the difference let us take two examples, one for asynchronous and another for synchronous programming. First...

Node.js application directory structure

Node.js does not come with any predefined folder structure thus in order to architect your application it entirely depend on your nature of choice. Before architecting any application you should keep in mind the nature and scope of an application...

Types of Bootstrap Pagination

Hello readers. This blog post will clear your queries regarding the concept Pagination in Bootstrap. The need for pagination arises when you have a website with lot of web pages. Basically, Pagination is the process of organizing content by di...

Game Testing

Game Testing Strategy:   Evaluation of game rules: Game rules appropriately describe the functionality of all components of the game. Game functions as defined by rules.   UI, Functional, Performance and Compatibility test:...

How to change the value of css property

Hii, This is an intresting features of angularJs you can use when you want to change the value of CSS properties dynamically. Using this feature we can change many value of css properties like background color,text color,border-color,f...

Image and Video Filtering for Profanity

I want to filter images and videos posted on my website to block profane/offensive content. Please suggest a 3rd party service or plugin which can be used to automate this.

Any Pointers on How Can I Speed Up my Node.js Application?

Performance optimization I am planning to develop a new web application using Nodejs and I want it to make it  faster than usual in order to keep it ahead in the competitive fast web technology. So can anyone please suggest some possible ...

How to create a custom filter in AngularJS?

In AngularJS, Filters are used to format data which is served to the user. Filters are added to expressions by using the pipe(|) character and followed by a filter method. There are a lot of in-built filters available in AngularJS  For ...
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