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C# does not support multiple inheritance

C# does not support multiple inheritance because of diamond problem. To  understand it better, just take an example. Let's consider there is a class 'X' and it has two subclasses or derived classes 'Y' and 'Z&...

"Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string...." in Layout.php:555 issue of magento after upgrading ...

How to solve Fatal Error Magento 1.xx on PHP 7   Error: On upgrading PHP version , and running the Magento 1.9.x version you will get some "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string" of Layout.php file on...

What is Vue.js and Why Use it

Vue.js is a library of javascript that can be used to build any web application. It has MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel) architecture. It is easy to learn and also more flexible. Here you will see how you can use this js in your application. Adding...

Pool object in Dot net

Object pool is a box of objects that contains a list of other objects that are ready to be used. When the new object request comes then pool object will receive that request and allocate an object from the pool.   How pool object work...

Business Startups - Feeling A Burnout Coming On? Why You Need To Delegate

    Fresh new business cards hot off the press? Check. The opportunity to start your 18-hour work days at any time you wish? Check. Entrepreneurial burnout caused by working ridiculous hours?   Check mate. ...

What is System.Console.WriteLine in C#?

Hello Reader's , Hope you are doing good today. Today on My blog, I am going to explain about the System.Console.WriteLine in C# Console is a class that belongs to the System namespace, A namespace is a collection of Classes. The Syste...

Chapter 4:- Skeleton animation in Unity

Hey Guys, this blog is part of a series "Skeleton Animation in Unity" . In this i'll try to explain "What are Stateful and Stateless classes in Spine Unity". The whole unity spine classes are divided into Stateful and S...

Simple Digital Clock using JavaScript

In this blog, we will learn about how to create a simply animated digital clock with javascript. As we know, browser executes any javascript program at the client side, this means that the script will take the time of the client computer and will...

Storing data in session

Session storage is used when the user wants the same data to be used for a session, that also can be used in multiple windows, without affecting the working of website or mobile app. The data stored in sessions can only be maintained until the us...

Take a picture with device camera in PhoneGap application

Hello Readers,   Cordova camera plugin allows to take pictures with device camera. First of all we need to install the plugin.   We can install it through CLI simple run:   $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ca...

CRUD operations in AngularJS and MVC5

This example demonstrate how to use AngularJS with MVC5 and WebAPI for CRUD operations(Read,Insert,Update,Delete).   1. First step is to create table for CRUD operations.   2. Create a new project in ASP.NET MVC 5. Selec...

Animated Check Boxes Using CSS3

In this article, you can see how to create custom animated check boxes using css3. Suppose you have some input type checkbox. Now you can add a label after checkbox and animate it with css3. Here is an example that shows the animated check box...

Best Landing Page Tools to Boost Your Conversions

You’re going to struggle to convert anybody if your landing pages aren’t configured properly. For then you might get traffic, but they won’t end up buying your product. And in that case you’re wasting time, money and e...

Remove hash from URL angularjs single page application

Hello Programmers,   By default AngularJS places hash (#) in URL when we build a single page application using it. There is some circumstances when hash creates problem. Search Engines like Google couldn't parse and read content fr...

How to browse and show multiple images at the same time in cakephp?

Sometimes we are required to upload multiple images in our CakePHP application and at the same time to show them on that page. Let's see how we can do it. In our view file like as we have done in post add file of view. In our form of ty...

Effective Ways to use Facebook to Drive More Traffic on Websites

Earlier Facebook was a medium to interact with the people both known and unknown, but with the passing time people has started using it for business purposes. By using the Facebook features entrepreneurs have started promoting their business. For...

Inheritance In c#

Inheritance is the one of the important feature of OOPS(object oriented programming language). This feature allows to create a class which is derived from the another class. Inheritance saves user's time and effort. It provides the reusabilit...

Use $broadcast(), $emit(), $on()

Hello Readers,   In today's post we will learn about $broadcast(), $emit(), $on() methods. In AngularJs application communication between controllers is very important. Communication might be to pass data or to send notification be...

How to send email in cakephp2.x?

Sometimes we are required to send mails in our cakephp application.   To setup in cakephp lets follow these steps :   1. In your EmailConfig class at /app/Config/email.php set the email configuration. Use this class to con...

How to bind checkbox with enum values in MVC?

To bind checkbox with enum, we have to write some custom code. Here, below is the example of binding checkbox with enum.   Suppose we have a enum EmployeeGroup public enum EmployeeGroup { [Display(Name = "Group 1")] ...

Navigation Elements - Bootstrap

In Bootstrap, there are many options with the help of which we can style navigation elements and these all share the same markup and base class .nav . Following are those different  options :- Tabular Navigation or ...

SQl Server : Check table existence

A common problem encountered during SQL server development is to check if a particular table exists or not. There are different approaches to solve this problem and in this blog we will list out these approaches. For illustration purpose we will ...

SQl Server : Get size of tables in database

Many times when we  manage SQL server databases we need to  determine how much space each table is consuming on disk. In this blog we will learn two approaches for solving this frequently encountered common problem. Approach 1: We...

CSS Transform Property

The transform property permits you to visually control an element using transform functions. Such functions are skewing, rotating, translating, or scaling. A transformation effect lets you to change shape, size and position of...

Arraylist vs Vector

Basic difference between the two is the Synchronization. Vector is Synchronized and Arraylist is not. If your application will  be having single thread of execution use Arraylist else Vector. ArrayList is fast because its not synchronized...

Close window on button click

If you have requirement to close window on button click, for example closing popup window, you can use below code for same: <input type="button" id="myCloseButton" onClick="window.close()" /> Here we have created a button and added ...

CSS Star Rating

Hey Readers! We visit uncountable web pages in a day. We read reviews, news, blog posts etc. In many of these pages, you might have seen a star rating. A star rating consists of a series of stars. A star rating is required to know the us...

Save image taken from device memory to a specific folder in Android

Step1: Permssion needed to save image. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> Step2: Saving image to the particular directory with new name as given by the user. This will make a seperate direct...

Parallel Programming with .NET

There might be some scenario in your code, where some of the tasks should be performed in the background without affecting the current task. Some time we have scenario, where we needed to fire the function, which consists of some function call, w...

Full Calendar Events From Database

1- Create a mysql Database.   2- Create a Table events inside created database.    CREATE TABLE `events` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ...

Custom Radio Buttons

Use of Custom Radio Buttons Custom radio buttons are used to style radio buttons by the use of CSS properties by applying background-color and border-color. HTML: <div class="radioButtons "> <label for="veryurgent"&g...

How to seamlessly enable location/gps without redirected to the location service window

Most of the apps requires the user to manually enable the gps setting which causes confusion with the user as they are redirected to the location services window outside the app. The below code will help you to seamlessly enable location/gps with...

Sending Mail using SMTP in Cakephp 3.0

Hello Reader's , Today in my blog, I am going to explain about the mail function in CakePHP3 and how you can use it for sending a mail. It is simple to implement in your project. First, you need to configure email transports and email d...

CSS Transition Property

 Transition properties allows you to change the values of a element over a predefined duration, animating the property changes, as opposed to having them happen instantly. Over a given duration, CSS3 transition property permit...

jQuery Effects methods

Hello Readers, jQuery provides a simple way to apply wonderful effects in your application. jQuery effects methods are very amazing and easy to implement with minimum configuration. So in today's post, we will discuss the jQuery effects me...

Full Calendar Implementation

1- Place the JS files in js directory. fullcalendar.min.js jquery.min.js moment.min.js   2- Place CSS files in CSS folder. fullcalendar.css fullcalendar.print.css   3- Paste the bellow javascript code i...

Difference Between Out and ref Keywords in C#

Ref  Out 1. Ref keyword is required to initialize a passing parameter first then passed it to ref.  1. Out keyword doesn't required to initialize a passing parameter before it is passed it to o...

Code First Approach in .Net - Part 2

Hi Friends, I have implemented the code first approach in my last blog if you miss it below is the link. Code First Approach in .Net There are some points i need to discuss while implementing code first approach. If you run the code f...

10 Awesome High-Tech Gadgets for Teachers

  If you are a teacher looking for the best high-tech gadgets so to make your life easier, or if you are someone trying to get a special present for a geek teacher, here are ten of the most awesome high-tech gadget in offer nowadays. ...

Cordova plugin to login with Google Sign-In on iOS

Hello Readers,   In today's post we will learn about Cordova plugin to login with Google Sign-In on iOS. This plugin allow users with Google Sign-In on iOS application and you will get the user's profile information such as ema...

Chapter 2 : CSS Color

CSS color values is used to set the two type background color, foreground (borde-color,text-color etc.) to define a color value we some color format. You can determine your color values in different formats. Below is lists all of possible formats...

Integrating Virtual Reality in Web App Development

  Okay, let me just start by saying how cool it is that I can actually write this article. I mean, virtual reality is actually here! Considering they’ve been saying that it’s just around the corner for something like three...

All about Kraken PHP Framework

Kraken is revered as one of the only multi-threaded, multi-processed, fault-tolerant and one of the best PHP Framework. It is a new framework written to offer reliable and easy API for making distributed PHP applications. It aims to offer solutio...

Jquery Mouse Events

Event methods trigger or join a function to an event handler for the choosen elements. Mouse events attaches an event handler function to an HTML element. Here, below are some of the mouse events :- .click() :-  The function is ...

Override Portlet MVC Action Command in Liferay 7

Hello Programmers,   If you are looking to override a Portlet MVC Action Command then you are at correct place. I'm going to override LoginMVCActionCommand in this example. I'm writing the steps here. Before starting ...

HttpClient Class

HttpClient class is used to send the http request and receive http response by URL. It is defined inside the System.Net.Http namespace. HttpClient is instantiated  once and re-used throughout the life of an application. Properties: I...

Bootstrap Grid System

Bootstrap grid system are used for creating page layout using series of rows and columns. It allow maximum 12 columns across the page. First class we use in grid system is .container. All rows and columns are placed inside container. Conta...

Pagination in CakePHP 3

Hello Reader's, Today we will discuss the Pagination in CakePHP 3. Pagination is a very useful part of any application where you can manage multiple record in a single page with the help of Pagination. Pagination in CakePHP is provided by a ...

How to use Inflector in CakePHP3

Hello Reader's , Hope you are doing good today. Today in my blog, I am going to explain about the inflector in CakePHP3. inflector is a many utility classes which takes a string and can manipulate it to handle word variations. Ex...

Adding Site Map in application and showing it in Tree View

Sitemap is used for navigation to different pages in Website. It contains a hierarchal structure of pages. In this article, I shall show you how to create a sitemap and then show the sitemap in Treeview control in ASP.Net To add a sitemap, ...
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