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Override Login JSP using Liferay OSGI module

Dear Programmers,   Liferay 7 has been modularized to a great extend, so the most of the JSPs you might want to override are no longer in Liferay's core. Being modularized, Liferay 7 comes with a modular approach to override the co...

Apache Felix Gogo in Liferay 7

Apache Felix Gogo helps to get the details of all modules installed in Liferay 7. It is very useful when overriding JSP or Actions.   Before overriding, you must know the bundle in Liferay's module framework and its version so that...

How to create a module using Liferay Plugin SDK in Liferay 7.0

Follow the following steps to create a module using Liferay Plugin SDK in Liferay 7.0. 1) Install Liferay IDE in your eclipse (if not yet installed). Follow this to install Liferay IDE. 2) Open eclipse and create a new Liferay Workspace Pro...

Drow Basic Lines Using Highchart

1- First of all place JS file in JS folder.         jquery-1.11.0.min.js         highcharts.js         exporting.js   2- ...

Title and Alt Attribute and it's Importance

Alt attribute is a tag which provides a description of the image you use in your website blog etc. The main propose of this attribute is that when sometimes some browser can't display image so if the image doesn't appear in the browser / ...

jQuery CSS Classes

JQuery helps us to easily handle the CSS of the elements. jQuery provides several methods to handle CSS elements. These methods are :- addClass() :- This allows to add one or more than one classes to the selected elements ...

Chapter 1 : CSS Introduction

Cascading Style Sheets, affectionately alluded to as CSS, is a straightforward plan dialect proposed to streamline the way toward making pages satisfactory. CSS handles the look and feel part of a site. Utilizing CSS, you can control the shade...

An Overview to Accordin Using Metro UI

Hello readers, Today in my block we will discuss a plugin i.e Tabion that is used to create Tab Accordion inside a website using METRO UI. Here, I have tried to create Accordion using Metro UI. I have applied animation to the tab-content div. ...

How to Show Store On google map Locator in PHP using mysql?

Hello Reader's , Hope you are doing good today. Today in my blog, I am going to explain how you can show store on google map Locator using database record. In this tutorial we are using database table for getting a lat long through googl...

Strings methods and properties in JavaScript

Hello Readers,   In today's post, we will discuss the String methods and properties in JavaScript. These methods and properties make easy to deal with strings.   Now let's have a look at methods and properties: &n...

Jcrop image croping

1- Place JS and CSS files under head tag. jquery.min.js jquery.Jcrop.js main.css demos.css jquery.Jcrop.css   2- Also copy and paste bellow piece of javascript code under head tag. <script type="text/javascript"...

Top 5 SEO Friendly CMS a Web Developer Should Choose

What is CMS   CMS  means Content Management System. It is a web application that provide capabilities for multiple users on different levels to manage content, information & data of a website, internet application. Content Man...

Integrate Apache2 and Tomcat 7 Using mod_jk

As we know our most of the projects in Java is run using Tomacat application server. Sometimes we also need some web server like apache2 for other functionalities like wordpress integration. In such situation our project need both of the server ...

How to show CPU Usage in .Net using Threading

Hi Friends, Today I will tell you about how you can see CPU usage using c#. For this, we will use System.Diagnostics; The CPU Usage will include CPU usage(in %) and RAM usage(in MB) I have written code in a thread and I am executing t...

What is "soft" 404 error?

Generally when a user requests a page and if it doesn't exist then the server will return a 404 not found error as an output on the user screen. This error/response code informs the search engine that the current page request do not...

How to display Category Dropdown in admin panel through system.xml in magento?

In magento in a module if you're required to create a admin panel tab in which you need to display Category Drop down field through system.xml file in your module, then lets see how we can do it.   1- In the etc folder of the modul...

jQuery clone method with Id change

Here in this blog I am going to explain about the JQuery CLONE WITH CHANGING ID, for doing this we have to know about the clone() method so this method used for performing a deep copy of the set identical elements, it is useful for moving copies ...

Custom Helper in MVC Razor

Hi Friends, Today I will tell you about using the custom helper in mvc. We can create our own helper extension.We have multiple extensions as shown below in figure:- As these above extensions are predefined. But we can define our own exte...

How to Use MSMQ

Hi Friends, Today i will discuss you about MSMQ(Microsoft Message Queuing). MSMQ is a message queing service where you send a message from one application and receive by another application. The application are don't need to be in exec...

Cubic-bezier function

Cubic-bezier curve is alike a parametric curve which is used in computer graphics and many other related fields. In animation, Bezier curves are used to smoothen the cursor orbit within the user interface design. Cubic-bezier curve is defined by ...

How to Enhance Content Quality with Professional Web Copywriting

  As the business world continues to grow with regular advancements in latest technologies, new concerns are arising on the way business transactions can be done more efficiently. In that regard, businesses and individuals have known ...

Bootstrap Typeahead

The typeahead are very important input fields in web forms. The fundamental utilization of  typeahead is to enhance  the user experience by giving clues or a list of possible choices based in view of the text  entered while filling...

Integrate Cometchat With CakePHP 3.x.x

1- System Requirements         1- PHP version 5 or greater         2- MySQL version 4/5 or MSSQL Server 2005/2008/2012 or PostgreSQL 9.2-9.5      ...

Code First Approach in .Net

Hi Friends, Today I will tell you about using Code First approach using entity framework. There are some situations where you need to create the table(when it does not exist in the database). So to do this we will  use entity framework 6...

Brilliant Future is Ahead with Hadoop Technology

  Overhauling yourself with the ever challenging and latest technologies resemble securing your future. There are without doubt odds of lacking behind on the off chance that you don't redesign yourself routinely. In industry drive...

Bouncing Ball Animation

Hello, Readers! Here in this blog, we can see the power of css3, by using only CSS. This bouncing ball will give the effects of bounce and touches its shadow, this will be possible by using Keyframe and  animation. We have here three main d...

Large Size File Upload in ASP.NET

Hi Friends, Today i will talk about the exception we usually get while uploading a large size file in file uploader in The exception we get is shown in below image To get rid of this exception you need to configure the web.conf...

Get the All directories/Files Info in c#

HI Friends, Today i will specify you how we can access directories from a specific path in c# . Below code justify the functionality :- try { DirectoryInfo directoryinfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"D:\Test"); ...

GridView to Excel

Hi Friends, Today i will tell you how to export data to excel from gridview in For this firstly create a project in a gridview control in aspx page from toolbox as shown below: <html xmlns="http://www.w3....

Code to Convert List to Array

Hi Friends, Today i will tell you about how we can convert a list to array. We can use 2 methods to convert list to array Method 1: //Create a list object List<string> objList = new List<string>(); ...

Bootstrap Typography

Bootstrap typography is that feature with the help of which you can create headings, paragraphs, lists and other inline elements. It uses 14 pixel font-size, line-height 1.4 with default font family Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, ...

An Overview to Angular JS

Hello readers, Today in my blog I will discuss about Angular JS which is basically a web application framework.   Introduction:- It is a structural framework for creating dynamic web applications. The Angular JS is an extended ...

Upload files and copy it again

1-Upload selected file. <?php move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"],$target);//Upload file ?> 2- Copy uploaded file and place it again in same directory. <?php copy($target, $NewFileNameWithFullPath);//Copy...

7 Qualities to Become a Successful Entrepreneur in the Accounting Industry

  Certain jobs require a specific set of skills in an individual. These skills not only make the job easier, but they also guarantee success. Accounting can be difficult for people who don’t necessarily have the knack for this s...

How to parse Html text using Angularjs?

If our text contains some html content, then we have to use ng-bind-html directive in angular js, else our html content will not be parsed and will be rendered as it is. Example: If our text is   $scope.Val = "<span> Somethi...

WPF : How to use RelativeSource with WPF binding?

The RelativeSource is a markup extension that is used in for binding purpose in following scenarios : 1)  To bind a property of a given object to another property of the object itself 2)  To bind a property of a object to another one ...

Limit text length using angularJS

Many times we run in a condition that the whole text is taking to much of space, so we need to show data upto certain limit and end it to ...(3 dots).  Usually we write code to check the length of the string and then trimming it, angular ...

Liferay theme generator

We can create themes using Theme Generator. Liferay Theme Generator is an easy to use command line tool to generate the themes. Liferay plugin SDK isn't required to create the liferay theme and it works well with liferay 6.2 and 7 and probabl...


  In this article, we will see how to create Web API, hosting of Web API and how to use Web API in an application.   ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services which can be easily accessible to man...

Compare attribute in mvc

Compare is an attribute in MVC which is used to compare any of the two properties with one another. In the application, it can be used to compare emailId and password. If both the fields are not having the same value then this attribute will disp...

What is named paramters in c#

Named parameters:-          The concept of named parameters was introduced in C#4.0 and main purpose was to pass the parameter by name not the position. This features provide us the liberty to pass the par...

What is optional paramter in c#

The concept of optional parameter was introduced in C#4.0. Optional parameters enables you to pass the only required parameters. Each optional parameter has its default value, if no value is passed for this default parameter then its default valu...

Creating EPT in project online using CSOM

Hello Reader, The following code is used to create a new Enterprise Project Type(EPT): public void CreateEnterpriseProjectType(Guid eptGuid, string eptName, string eptDescription) { ProjectContext projectContext = new Projec...

HTTP Status Codes and its Impact on SEO

What is HTTP Status Code HTTP Status code are the three digit code starts from 100 to 500, it is generated by the server which indicates the status of the webpage or a web element a user is seeking for.   Types of HTTP Status Codes ...

Append() Method in jQuery

In jQuery append() method is used to add particular content at the end of the each element. In the below example, with the help of append method we will display the current text/content on hover of that.   HTML- <h2>Hover...

Angularjs Post Data

Hi, Today we will discuss how to post data to the MVC Controller through AngularJS. To do so, you will need to inject '$http' as a dependency while defining your angularJS controller: app.controller('Controller', ['$scope', '$h...

Extracting a part of string in JavaScript

Hello Readers,   In today's post we will discuss about the how we can extract the part of a string in JavaScript. These methods make easy to deal with strings.   To extract the part of a string there are three methods wh...

CSS Pseudo-elements

CSS pseudo elements are used to style parts of an element without giving particular Id or class to them. Uses of pseudo elements:- Used to style or add effect to the first letter or first element from the list of elements. With the hel...

AngularJS md-datepicker format

Hi, Today we will discuss how to define our custom date format for md-datepicker in angularJS. 1. You will need to install moment.js from nuget packages   2. Add reference of moment.min.js <script src="~/Scripts/momen...

How Social Media Marketing Helps in Business Branding

Social Media & its Benefits: Social Media is the future for communication, marketing & business. It is a collection of  internet based tools and platforms that enhance the information shared. Social media can be used for a vari...
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