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Some Useful Statements Used In Javascript

Hello readers, Today in my blog I will discuss about some useful statements that are used in JavaScript.   Basically the web developers use statements as it allow us to implement different type of logic in our code.   The va...

What is Content Marketing and Its Business Benefits?

The content marketing spilled much ink and businesses use more and more.   What is Content Marketing?   The content marketing is an information content production strategy , it aims to promote the hi...

Get Thumbnail Image from Video Using FFMPEG in C#

FFMPEG is a command line tool to convert multimedia files to another formats. In this article, we will see how to get thumbnail image from a video using FFMPEG in C#.   Step 1: Create a page to show the thumbnail image of a video &...

CSS Radial Menu

Hey Readers! A web page is incomplete without a navigation menu. Besides the navbar, there are other menus that make a web page interactive and help accommodate more information and links in lesser space. Thus, it becomes necessary to include ...

WPF : Deselect items in TreeView

In this blog we will learn how to clear/deselect selected items in TreeView while working on a WPF application. There following scenarios need to be considered before coming up for a solution to the problem:   1) The TreeView is bound&...

Feed Share in Unity

Hello Readers !!   Today I am going to explain about the Feed Sharing on Facebook with Unity. Feed Sharing is the simplest way to implement the Facebook Share with any App. With this feature, you no need to Implement the Facebook Lo...

text-overflow -CSS

The text-overflow property specifies however overflowed content that's not displayed ought to be signaled to the user. It can either be clipped, or can display an ellipsis or a custom string.   Clipping is applied at the border of ...

How to create Simple Phone Number Picker

Hello readers, Toady in my blog i have tried to create a simple phone number picker using CSS and JavaScript.   While filling many online forms besides names and emails, contact information filed is also essential part to be filled by ...

Bootstrap List Group

The List group component is used to render complex and customized content in lists.   Basic List Groups :-  To get a basic list group −  In element <ul> you should add the class .list-group...

Strong Named assembly

Strong names are used by the assemblies for their unique names. It is used when we want to deploy the assembly in Global Assembly Cache then strong name helps Global Assembly Cache to differentiate two versions. Strong name is basically a unique ...

Strings in JavaScript

Hello Readers,   JavaScript strings are used to store collection of characters or it can be text inside quotes. We can use both single and double quote. Lets talk about the basics of String.   For Example :   va...

Top 7 Tips on How to Become a Great Boss

  Though most everyone dreams is to become a boss of a lucrative or successful company, being one is not an easy job to do. Being a boss takes a lot of hard work and challenges to overcome. It is a large plate to fill since the succes...

JavaScript Math object

Hello Readers, In today's we will learn about math object of JavaScript. We can use this object as it includes many mathematical methods and perform several tasks on numbers. Lets have a look on the methods:   random()...

10 Best Ideas to Optimize Your Startup Success

  When you start a business, it will be challenging. The struggle is real, and the competition is tight in the business world. You need to have the best ideas on how to get your startup on a roll. Read on and learn about a few things ...

How to bind a dynamic dropdown list

In this blog we illustrate how to bind a dynamic dropdown list when dropdown list is coming from a databse in MVC See the below Example code: We bind a dropdownList for a States where the list of states is coming from a database.   W...

Bootstrap Helper Class

Helper Classes are those classes , which is used to perform operations and make the code reusable. Some of the Helper Class used in bootstrap are :- 1. Close Icon :- Bootstrap gives a general close symbol that can be uti...

Abstract Classes-Why and How?

Hi Friends, Previously in one of my blogs (actually two of them) I was trying to decompress the very compressed definition of delegates that it is a pointer to a methods. Here we will try to decompress another definition or statements for an a...

Default user public layout configuration

If we create a user website in Liferay, we find that it creates a 'Welcome' page on the user dashboard. Liferay creates this page by itself. And for every user, it looks similar, default layout, default color codes, default them...

Circular Progress Bar

Hi Readers! Progress bar, as the name says, is used to show a user's progress. The progress can be anything. For example, how far the user has completed a process,     Bootstrap provides many different types of progress bars. C...

WPF : Binding when DataContext not inherited

Introduction : The DataContext property in WPF is extremely useful because it is inherited by all children. However there are situations where  the DataContext is not accessible as the elements are not part of the visual/logical tree. In ...

WPF Converter : Show autoincrement number in ListBox

Introduction If you want to do data binding between  incompatible types, you need to use a converter. A converter converts the value from source type  to target type and vice versa. A value converter is a class, that implements the s...

What is a Business Process

Business Process is basically plethora of activities related to structural analysis which produces pioneering services for end users.   It generally represented by Flow Chart which showcase sequence of activities which focus on proc...

Text-orientation Property CSS3

The text-orientation CSS property defines the orientation of the text in every line.   This property solely has a control in vertical mode, that's once writing-mode isn't horizontal-tb. it's helpful to manage the show of wr...

Validation Group in

Validation group in helps to validate controls in a group. we can define any number of validation group on a page as per requirement. Each validation group will work independently than other. We set a ValidationGroup property with the sam...

Difference b/w Div and Span Tags

Hello readers, Toady in my blog I will discuss upon the difference b/w Div and Span tag in HTML.   For every beginner it is very confusing where to use which tag either Div or Span.   The <span> and <div> tags ar...

Chaning accordion icons using JQuery or CSS

In this blog i will explain how to change the accordion icon. I have used two methods here: Using Jquery Using CSS Here is the boostrap accordion html : <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multisele...

An Overview to CSS Selectors

Hello readers, Toady in my blog I will about Selectors and its types. What is selector ? These are used to select the content that the user want to style.   It can be applied to every element.   It can als...

Where should we use IEnumerable vs IQueryable in LINQ

Both IEnumerable and IQueryable are used for data manipulation in LINQ. As IQueryable interface derives from IEnumerable interface so that whatever IEnumerable can do, IQueryable can also do. IEnumerable exists in System.Collections namespace ...

Dropdown Menu using PureCSS

Dropdown Menu is used where user has to show list of items for example in selecting countries and state name or finding this list of any latest technology , movies or it should be anything that gives us option to do a choice. This dropdown menu a...

8 Best Learning Management Systems for Business

A learning management system (LMS) is crucial for the success of a company. E-learning is not just a thing for schools and universities, but it is equally required in the corporate world.   E-learning is one of the best ways to manage ...

HTML Anchor target Attribute

The target attribute is used in hyperlinks. It specifies the destination of the hyperlink. The target attribute is used to determine where to open/load the current link, whether on the same tab, next tab, new window or new frame. If we do n...

Technique For Performance Testing

Performance testing is complicated and Costly  due to huge  resource requirements and the time taking process. So performance testing require careful planning and a robust methodology. Performance testing don't have clear goal becau...

Using handlers in android.

Brief Introduction In Android apps there are scenario  where we need to communicate the thread with our UI .Like downloading image from server and communicating to UI thread that downloading is completed or it is interrupted. Hand...

Location Setting API Android

This blog is about how to show Popup for enable Location setting. 1. Add below dependency to app gradle file. compile '' 2. Implement GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.OnConn...

How to create a Google coloured button?

Hello readers, Today in my blog I have tried to create a Google colored button.   Before creating this a question arises in my find is it really possible to change each letter in a button to a different color at the same time on hover....

IEnumerable, ICollection and IList Interfaces

IEnumerable is the core of the ICollection and IList interfaces.   IEnumerable Interface: IEnumerable interface is used to iterate values. Usually, it is used with the help of a foreach loop. It has only one method i.e. GetEnumerato...

jQuery queue() Method

queue() Method: Queue method is used to display the queue of functions waiting to be get executed on selected html element. In a queue there can be one or more functions waiting to execute on selected html element. We can also manipulate the q...

Top 3 Calendar and Events Extension in Joomla

Hello friends, Today we will discuss about the Calendar and Events Extension in Joomla. Joomla provides many Calendar and Events extension. Here we will discuss the  popular top 3 calendar and events extension. They are as follows: ...

How to align checkboxes and their labels?

Hi there. In this blog post, I will tell you the solution for one of the minor problems faced in CSS. And that is, vertically aligning checkboxes and their respective labels consistently across browsers. Whenever I try to align them correct...

Custom CheckBoxes

Hello Readers! In this blog we will be creating custom check boxes that can be used in forms. Here is an example of custom check boxes using pure css.   CSS Code:   /*-- custom checkbox radio --*/ .cust-checkbox { ...

Creating Charts and Graphs in Rails

Creating Charts and Graphs in Rails   Few days back I was working on a project, in which a dashboard was needed with stats showing in different kinds of charts. i.e: pie chart, barchart etc. So I looked for a gem that can include all o...

How to disable resizable property of textarea?

Hi all. The <textarea> tag and the <input> are very much similar in terms of their usage. The only difference between the two is : <input> accepts a single line input where as <textarea> accepts a multi-line text input....

How to avoid adding emoticons in android edittext

If you don't want to allow users to add emoji in edittext then below few lines will be helpfull for you. This method will return blank string while typing any similies/emoji in your editext. public static InputFilter EMOJI_FILTER = new I...

Creating Credit Card Form Using Bootstrap

Hello readers, Today in my blog I have tried to create credit card form using Bootstrap.   In the HTML, I need to create an outer div with the class name as credit card div and had 2 nested div inside it.   With the help of ...

Hamburger icon using pureCSS

Hello Readers! We developers find every solution to deal with different codes and reached to final solution in the end, I thought previously that this transition effect would be possible using only jQuery. But here we used only pureCSS that will...

Creating a Loader Using CSS Properties

Hello readers, Today in my blog I will discuss about creating a loader using CSS properties.   As many of us has seen various loaders while opening a website, In this blog I have tried to create a loader using CSS properties.  ...

Defect Seeding

Defect Seeding : Defect seeding is the process in which one group of the project inject the defects in the product while other  group test the product to remove them. It is also know as bebugging.   It is a reliability&nbs...

Javascript void operator

The Javascript void operator set the given expression and then returns the output as undefined.   The void operator is employed to amass the undefinable denoting price, typically we tend to use "void(0)" (which is suggests th...

Multiple Inheritance in Java with Example

Hello!! As we know that java does not support the multiple inheritance but java 8 provides a way by which we can use multiple inheritance. It provides a default method to do this job. In java 7, interface are used to declare the contra...

Accordion Using Jquery Type -II

Hello Readers! In our previous blog we discussed about the simplest accordion with default functionalities. In this blog we will be discussing about the another type of accordion with content collapse feature. In this type of accordion when we cl...
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