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jQuery methods to select elements by content

CSS selectors do not provide us the facility to interact with the content of any element. So in that case we have to depend either on xpath or jquery selector to select elements on the basis of contents.   In jQuery selector we have va...

How to each product partial reconciliation in OpenERP(Odoo)

In OpenERP first, create custom module and than override the function in .py file in custom module  and pass this file to the file. Then get the correct line residual amount  and pass this line in account invoice. using...

Circular ImageView

Use the following Java class to create a custom  circular ImageView   public class CircleImageView extends ImageView { private static final ScaleType SCALE_TYPE = ScaleType.CENTER_CROP; private static final Bitmap....

How to use Cakephp pagination using ajax in 2.x version?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to use Cakephp pagination using Ajax in 2.x version? Pagination is a very important feature for showing multiple records on a single page in a web application. CakePHP pag...

3D and 2D rotation of a view

Rotating a view in a 2D plane   To rotate a view, we'll create a animation object from a xml file. First, create a anim folder in /res directory. Then right-click on the /res directory then navigate to new -> Animation resourc...

CSS3 Spinning Loader

Hello Readers, here is a small blog on  spinning loader, when we visit any website we have seen loader at the time of loading website. these preloaders are the visual feedback while the content is being loaded. In this example, I have taken&...

Fisher-Yates Algorithm for Array Shuffling

Hi there, Here in this blog I am going to provide Java implementation of Fisher-Yates Algorithm for array shuffling. Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm as named after Ronald Fisher and Frank Yates. It is also known as Knuth sh...

jQuery - Methods to select elements by attributes

There are many times while selecting any element we do not have its class or ID, so in that case we have to take the help of various attributes to select the element. Suppose we have the following HTML   <div> <a target="ma...

How to make Grid View animation in android

By using below code I have implemented GridView animation in android. When you click on any image On Grid View, Image will zoom like popup. In below Adapter class I have used Animator class and I have created a zoomImageFromThumb method for zoomi...

How to check a valid phone Number by javascript?

Hello readers, in this blog we will discuss how to check a valid phone number in the form. Sometimes you need to add the validation for the phone number which requires a certain format.   We have to access the value which is in the for...

How to use tabbarcontroller and transfer data from one controller to another in iOS?

Hi Reader's, This blog includes the concept of TabBarController and how you can transfer data from one controller to another. TabBarController is use to manage different content view controller which you provides according to your need. He...

How to use EmojIcon keyboard in android ?

This tutorial will guide you to use EmojIcon keyboard in your app like WhatsApp by using a library code. This is a very easy tutorial to integrated EmojIcon keyboard.   Step 1- Set library project in your application To set library...

Simple Calculator using Html and jQuery

Simple Calculator using Html and jQuery: We can create a basic calculator using Html, Css and jQuery. When user will click digits then it will store in either crntStore or btnVal variable. When user will click a arithmetic operation button the...

How to set the partner's sale currency in OpenERP (Odoo) ?

In below example I have written Python script to the partner's sale currency . Use below python code in .py file : for order in self.pool.get('pos.order').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): if order.invoice_id: ...

Capybara method equivalent to findElements()

In a web-application, we may interact with every element having some unique xpath or css. The elements were easily located with its attributes but the problem arises when each element in a list have same attributes.   Lets suppose we h...

How to save and fetch data from Sqlite database

First include the sqlite file in your project. Then copy that file from bundle to documents directory as below and create Database method. -(void)createDatabase{ NSString *pathForDocumentDirectory =[self databasePath]; //define new path...

Cucumber - Reuse the value of any variable

We have a scenario in which first we have to fill the form and then assert the values filled in the form. This can be achieved by two ways:   Call assertion step form submission step but both the steps should be under the same step def...

How can you get all the combinations of given string in php?

We can generate all possible combinations of given string. Here I made a function get_string_combinations($str), this function will accept string as a parameter and will give you all possible combinations of that string. In this function, I have ...

MySQLi functions to fetch records from resultset: Part-2

Hello friends, My previous article MySQLi functions to fetch records from resultset demonstrates about mysqli_fetch_row() and mysqli_fetch_array() functions which are used to retrieve data from result sets. This article demonstrates two m...

How to get style information for an element with javascript?

Hello readers, in this tutorial we will learn about how to get style information for an element and set element style with one or more CSS.   Whenever you need to get information about style which is inline or via javascript and also n...

Restricting a View to parentbottom when keyboard appears.

Hello all readers. In this blog,I am going to tell you how to restrict a particular view (Relative or Linear) to be always at parent bottom of your activity even when the keyboards appears.   Lets us first look at the xml, activity_mai...

Compare content of two arrays

Many times we face a situation where we have to assert the content of two tables in a web-page. The best solution of this problem is that we first put the content of both the tables in an array and then compare the content of these two arrays. ...

How to store image in cache in iOS?

Hi Readers, This blog includes the concept of how to store image data in a cache memory with the help of SDWebImageManager. First of all, we need to install pods in the application to use SDWebImageManager, after creation of pod file you need ...

Integrating Backbone JS with Rails Application

Integrating Backbone JS with Rails Application It is an era of Single Page Applications. So there are multiple javascripts framework available that supports SPA. Two most popular frameworks are: Backbone JS Angular JS In this section we w...

Creating a Dynamic Runtime Function

Hello readers in this tutorial we will create a dynamic runtime function. When you need to create a runtime function, in that case you do not know its structure untill the code runs. In this blog we will discuss about how to make a runtime functi...

NSPredicate in iOS

NSPredicate is a query language. It provides a natural language interface to define logical conditions. While working with large data sets, sometimes it is essential to filter the data. So, the filtering and sorting of data can be done with NSPre...

Sessions, Cookies and Flash in Rails

Sessions, Cookies and Flash in Rails In rails if we want to store data for multiple request there are majorly three kinds of mechanism can be used for different different purposes.  Flash: Flash stores the data only until the new re...

Creating Chrome Extensions

Creating Chrome Extensions Extensions are the way to add functionalities to browser without changing anything in the native code. It is actually very easy to write an extension. It requires only a basic knowledge of: HTML CSS Javascr...

What Is Requirement Engineering?

The methodology to collect the all requirements related the software, from the client then study all the requirements and at last documented or recorded to all these, this whole process is known as the requirement engineering. The main aim of ...

Thread Testing

Thread Testing Thread testing is one of the addition/incremental procedures received during System Integration Testing. That is the reason, thread testing is also known as a "thread interaction test." This approach is used to...

Node js Events

As we all know Node.js is a single threaded application in which we will heavily use event and callback. Events modules allows you to emits and handle events. In node.js there are n number of in-built modules that has the ability to emit or broad...

A Creative Link With Hover Effect Using CSS3

Hello readers , Today's in my blog I have created a Creative Link with hover effect using CSS3 transition ,transform and translate property and have also made the use of pseudo-elements before and after.   In my blog I have tried t...

7 Core Reason to Choose Custom PHP as Web Development Servcies

  Custom PHP development services in India and across various overseas destination all around the world has suffered a good amount of transmutation. This has not only simplified but also reduced the time and value to develop some hand...

Exception Handling in Rails using begin rescue

Exception Handling in Rails using begin rescue Exception is a condition, that occurs when something goes wrong in a code. Normally in that case the program gets terminated. In rails, an object containing the information of the error is an inst...

How to change the default svn username and password to commit the changes?

Sometimes your SVN is configured with your own svn-account, but some changes in your code are to be commited from some other person's svn account. This commit could either be a one time operation or permanently the svn account might need t...

How to create a smoke effect in illustrator

In this tutorial we'll learn how to make smoke effect.   Step 1: To create a smoke effect, First we need to open a new document of any size. Make sure your color mode is in RGB mode. Step 2: Now goto the rectangle tool...

Node.js I/O blocking and I/O non blocking.

As we all know Node.js is a single threaded application in which we will heavily use event and callback. But before starting event loop we should know about events and cost of I/O & non-blocking I/O.So starting with event driven programming. ...

Cordova plugin for network information

Hello Readers, This plugin provides the information about the device network connection (Cellular or Wifi) or detects a device has internet connection or not. To use this functionality first of all we need to install the following plugin thro...

How to show animation with objects

Animation On x and y axis. If we want to show some moving object on X or Y axis then we can use following code. Here we have taken one view and give some colour to it. CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animation]; anim...

Making a navbar directive in AngularJs

Hello, reader's in this tutorial we will create a navigation menu with angular js. Angular js is a framework for dynamic web pages. By the use of Angularjs, we will create dynamic menus. First, we create a folder for our application by any...

How to use Recursive In CakePHP?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use Recursive In CakePHP? Basically in CakePHP by default you can get the data from the model or table that you are querying for and the data of the Models that are li...

How to save and fetch image data from documents directory in iOS

Hi Reader’s,   This blog includes the concept of how to store and fetch data from document directory. You can easily understand the concept with the help of code given below:-   ViewController.h #import &l...

MySQLi functions to fetch records from resultset.(Part-1)

In previous articles we already learned how to connect MySQL database and how to perform different queries using MySQLi. This article demonstrates some MySQLi functions which are used to retrieve row by row data from resultset. The complete artic...

How to convert .AIR file to .EXE?

Hi Developers, How to convert .AIR to .EXE?, How to silently install the .AIR file on windows desktop when the system does not have pre-install Adobe AIR?, it's a basic problem faced by every flash developers when working on windows deskto...

Segmenting an Image into Tiles

Segmenting of an Image can be done by applying different parts of a texture to Quads. This can be done by mapping different UV vertex points of an image with a Quad or any other 3d object. Following script demonstrate the Segmenting of an I...

Partial View and Layout in mvc

Partial view in mvc provides the reusability feature in the application. We can use our partial view in layout page which works as a master page for all the views of our application. To understand it better, First we take the Example o...

Universal link in ios 9

Universal link in iOS9 is similar to Deep linking in that on tapping a link on a website the app is launched. But in universal link the app is opened directly without going through safari. It also works with the apps which make call to openURL: f...

Use of Delegate for multiple buttons

/* Use of  Delegate for multiple buttons. Different functions are assigned to delegate that perform the required functionality. The basic color change and animation that are common to all buttons are given here. */ // Apply this Script ...

Using shadow property to text and box in CSS3

Css3 has added a new feature shadow to give shadow of elements. It supports two types of shadow: Text Shadow Box Shadow Text Shadow: You can use text shadow property to give text shadow effect. text-shadow property is used to give s...

How to show RecylerView as GridView in Android?

This tutorial will guide you to display a RecylerView list item as GridLayout items. We will use GridLayoutManager rather than LinearLayoutManager with RecylerView adapter. Here, we will discuss all required stuff's to complete this project s...
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