Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
What are some of the best tools for cross promotion?
Searching for cross promotion platforms to enhance social media branding. Plz suggest some free tools.
Shortcut keys to Remove/Delete saved usernames and password on google chrome browser?
Hey Guys,
When I login from various different website like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, the chrome browser show me various loging IDs(usernames) and dotted passwords for the same. Some of the ids are no more live and some of them passwords are ...
How to Make Image Selectable Using OCR Api which Can Extract Image Text in Android?
Hello, I am working on a project on android application which extract receipt images text and save it using OCR API. The problem i am having is that i want some way so that image potion can be selectable to user so that it highlight amount and da...
how can i insert a value into foreign key in mysql table using php?
I am having a problem when I try to push value into a foreign key in MySQL table I don't know if it's correct but I have used the GET method to pass the primary key through a link but it didn't work so how can I use the right wa...
How to get only one restaurant when I press click button one click
I have an app and inside it only one activity (main activity) and layout XML of main activity have only
list view . This app will get restaurants near from my location and display it in list view.
What I need to do is add button to the ma...
Android app first installed
I am facing issue with my android app.
If a user installs my app through apk file. After installation a window appears with two buttons open and done which is part of android os.
When user taps on open, it opens my launcher activ...
Desktop application like word web (http://wordweb.info/free/)
I need to make a Desktop Application with following features :
Once installed, it gets launched at the time user logs in and runs in the background.
If the user selects some text from browser or from notepad and clicks a particular key combinat...
Find the maximal of maximum sum of contiguous subarray by deleting no more than one elemnent?
You're given an array of N integer numbers.
The maximal sum of the array is the maximal sum of the elements of a nonempty consecutive subarray of this array. For example, the maximal sum of the array [1, -2, 3, -2, 5] is 6 because the sum of...
send data into php using javascript and ajax
i need to send data into my database using ajax but i don't need to send duplicate data so how can i return false if the username or email already exist in my database or prevent submit also i need to prevent submit if the password fields are...
Which OS Data visualization software/reporting tool should i use?
I am working in a startup, I need to visualize my data using either a reporting tool or data visualization software (both open source). I need to integrate this tool with traffic data coming from google analytics, click-cost data from google adwo...
Create a database in Odoo from a php website
I want to create a database in my server Odoo from my website(php).
Can you help me please.
how to choose correct answers from multiple choices questions ?
how to choose correct answers from multiple choices questions using php and mysql
i don't know if i'm doing in the right way because i'm still new in programming world
1- i'm using an array to store the questions
How to prevent and USSD code from running in android?
I want to see how can I prevent a specific USSD code from running in android java?
for example if the user dials *1234# an error pops or just make it not working.
I want to create an application that prevents dangerous USSD codes from runni...
prevent countdown timer for being restarted
how to prevent countdown timer for being restart when you hit refresh in your browser
<div id="quiz-time-left"> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var total_seconds = 60*10 ;
var minutes = parseInt(total_se...
Autofill functionality for website forms
I have a website whose source code cannot be changed.It has several forms which has repetitive fields so for reducing manual filing of repetitive fields i want autofill functionality.I will have another website from where data will be stored and ...
flash control
Hello iam not profi in adobe flash pro i made logo animation and i need to be controlled by mause. How can I make this?
Export Excel Data to mysql by using codeigniter framework
How do i export Excel Data to mysql by codeigniter framework?
Shopping cart quantity counter incrementer?
Hello all, I am creating my first shopping cart in cakephp but got stuck while updating the product quantity. I want to update the product quantity using a session variable. Problem here is that when ever I am adding the same product to the cart ...
Send correct emails depending on customers language settings
Hi guys,
When customer creates an account in language other than english (e.g. german) Magento sends an email using default english template account_new.html. Email template account_new.html in app/locale/de_DE/template/email seems to be ignored...
Gridview is only adding one item. However i want it to add both items
My listbox2 items are the items needed to be added as columns. i am using a button to add items from listbox1 to listbox 2. so lets say if listbox1 item x,y coordinate is added to listbox2 item then i need to add column x,y coordinate to the grid...
how to avoid duplicate data in php mysql ?
i have this database which contain table for questions and other for answers
how can i display each questions with the answers that belong to this question
my problem is when i try to display the questions i get duplicated rows or all the answe...
Wrong count of concatenated words from the python script
I have written a python script b making use of trie data structure to show the longest concatenated word and second longest concatenated word from a words list attached. However, I am getting a wrong count of concatenated words. Can anyone please...
Unity 3D: Idle check direction
Basically I have created a 2d rpg click to move game on unity. My problem is that my player isn't facing the right direction once it has reached it's position, for example please take a look at this video: Unity problem 2 - YouTube[^...
linked list
how I can perform and display a linked list in c++ ?
please I want an explanation and tune small example in c++
I need help in a C code
Help me with the Logic of the question given below:
You will be given a file with two lines. First line will contain two integers separated by commas(say X,Y). In the next line there will be Y number of integers again separated by commas. You ...
Extendable Tableviewcell in ios
Hi all,
How to create extendable cell in tableview(By clicking particular row in particular section the cell should expand and to collapse),please help me.
Thanks in advance
How can essay writing reviews will help to write a tech essay?
I have to write a technical essay for my academical assignment. It is difficult for me to write the essay myself. I am in a trouble. I want to hire an essay writing service. Which essay writing service is better? How the essay writing service rev...
Sorting singly linked list which takes only one argument
I want to write a recursive method which sorts the singly linked list and takes only one argument. And do not write another auxiliary method to support this recursive method.
how click ad and my link by single button
<!-- Begin BidVertiser code -->
<SCRIPT SRC="http://bdv.bidvertiser.com/BidVertiser.dbm?pid=719755&bid=1786221" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
<!-- End BidVertiser code --&...
countdown timer for online test
countdown timer for online test
how can i add timer to my online test which allows me to
-1 time your testing
2-if the countdown is finish the form will submit
3- after submit i need to give score the questions that he has already answered it...
Push notification using c#
Hi, I want to send a Push notification so can anyone help me to know, How to send notifications to multiple devices using C#?
How do I stop the flickering that occurs when the character stops moving?
I followed this tutorial on youtube: Unity3D. Top-down 8 directions movement - YouTube[^]. It took me a while but I've almost converted from movement by arrows to mouse touch . but now I have this problem, there's flickering that occ...
How to make my angular js function to run only one time?
I have this plunker.How to make that function to be executed only one time ?
The code is:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script data-require="angular.js@1.1.5" data-semver="1.1.5" src="http://code.a...
convert letters to digits and get all combinations
I have letters in a string, I would like in result get all possible sets of those letters and convert them to numbers, each set should use all numbers, each number can occur only once in a set. numbers automatically should increment until 9. and ...
Identify file type from hex/binary
I have some data in varbinary(max) from database and I have exported it to physical files. Some of these files were in jpeg so I was able to just add an extension .jpg to it and it opened. The rest are not jpeg files.
I have tried almost all t...
How to Recover Deleted Photos from HUAWEI Phone?
I got an outsourcing project from a client, who asked me to build a data recovery app for HUAWEI based Android phone. I have never in this areas before. Anyone would shed some light on this or recommend some open source project i can learn f...
Linked Integration with android app
I tried to integrate my app with linked in android the access token is getting expired with in less than five sounds i need a best tutorial on linked integration with android which is using oAuth2.0 if any provide some best resources on that it i...
Mysql database browsers not working after upgrade
needed version 5.7 of mysql server for a project. I upgraded from version 5.5 to 5.7 using this tutorial. The upgrade was successful and I am able to use the updated version via command line. However, mysql browsers (mysql-workbench as sqlyog as ...
update data using get method
update and delete using get method
i have this code to update data from my database
i have no error reporting but he's not updating any data
can you help me with that
my database and my code
-- -------------------...
Gmail API C# code
hi ,
im working on a function that will save the attachment file in Email via Gmail using gmail API code(C#).
but i keep getting an error that saying :
An unhandled exception of type 'Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Responses.TokenResp...
php script help needed
using wamp server ive created a table called tbl_users which has columns user fname, lname, email and password. ive populated all these fields already. ii am currently using note++ and need php code that will create a login form that will accept ...
How to hide a content on stacked Bar Chart below X - Axis
I have drawn a horizontal stacked bar chart using d3 js in a box frame on jsp page. But the stack bar chart is huge i.e. SVG content is so big that all the bars of the stacked bar chart does not fit in the box and I have to put auto overflow in t...
Create a Login Form With Validation
Hi All
My Question is as follows.
Create a login page for your project. The login page must:
a. Accept a user’s name, surname, email address and password.
b. The password must be compared to a, e.g. hash “29ef52e7563626a...
Create and Delete and Recreate Table
Hi i have been asked to the following task.
Your project must meet the following specifications:
1. Create a table tbl_User in MySQL using the console or phpMyAdmin, consisting of the following column names:
a. The table struct...
Listview items sets to default after scrolling
I have list view which uses base adapter class for each item view, when I make changes in one item of list view and scroll the list view the changed item sets to default value, I need to retain my values even after scrolling.
need help for my future career
I am fares i am 17 old years i like developer game i started dev for 3 years i think to get in future a game designer i started with Game maker for two years and now i learn in unity .My question is: can i work at game developer company with only...
Convert object to xml
i want to make a program that will create automatically XML data structures. I will not know from the beginning which is the class, and which the attributes so i cant use JAXB.
For example, if the input is:
Employee, name,id
Employeelist, co...
find the longest sub-arraythat all of its elements are less or equalA[i]
I have an array A[1,...,n] of positive numbers, for example:
[1, 2, 5, 3, 7, 2, 8, 4]
I need to build an array S[1,...,n] according to the definition:
S[i] = max {k|ik <ji :A[j] A[i] and k i}
It means ...