Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
Parameterized Junit
Suppose I have 3 test Cases I want to execute these test cases based on user choice. which test case user want to run only. so how to use parameterized junit for this.
What is difference between <button> and<input type=“button” /> ?
Hi all,
I want to know what is the difference between <button> and <input type=“button” /> ? and which one I should use.
What issue/bug trackers are the best according to you and why?
Hello friends, I am working on a project in PHP. So, want some information related to issue/bug trackers. Anyone know about Bug Trackers pleases help me which one should I prefer and why?
How should I combine paid, organic & social marketing into a collaborative strategy?
How should I combine paid, organic & social marketing into a collaborative strategy to boost my client’s businesses?
Hi all, I am running an Internet Marketing firm and want to utilize this forum to understand the best marketing prac...
University project
Hello, I'm a beginner at programming writing up a theoretical project for university and i wanted to know if this idea could actually be done in real life.
I'm trying to collaborate the prices of items from different superma...
Android background service launches itself after closing UI
There is a requirement to start the background service from the another application where the current services are only installed and not in running state. So I started the service from the another application by using the below code in MainActiv...
How to connect to redis server using Java?
Hello there,
I am stuck in an issue, I am not able to connect to Redis Server using Java to get multiple key values from redis server in one request, any help will be appreciated.
Thank you,
Is using SharePoint as an ECM (Enterprise Content Management) System a good idea?
I want to develop ECM (Enterprise Content Management). Can anyone have idea if it is good to develop using SharePoint?
What is reverse proxy?? How do hackers use it for denial of service attack?
I have gone through some articles and have noticed the term Reverse Proxy and have seen on various sites that this can be used for hacking and other activities which makes the server insecure.
I would like to know how can we use the Reverse Pr...
HOW TO COUSTAMIZE THE MPMoviePlayerController and play it in the collection view cell
How to coustamize The MPMoviePlayerController and play it in the collection view cell and the collection view contains 15 images and I want add this as a 16th element.
How to get the frame of the video and when...
best practices to make API calls to the server
Are there any best practices to make API calls to the server as few as possible without complicating and lengthening my code? How many calls per App screen should I take as a rule of thumb?
What is the difference between AngularJS, NodeJS and ReactJS?
Hello Everyone,
Can anyone help to know the difference between AngularJS, NodeJS and ReactJS?
Any help would be appreciated.
In what way is SEO organic?
Many a times, I have heard the phrase ‘Organic SEO’. It may improve the organic results but it's highly structured with stringent rules.
Is SEO Organic? If yes then in what way?
MySQL query to retrieve data of past two months
I have a table with name and createDate, please tell me the query to retrieve the user data of past two months.
Thanks in Advance
Why is Social Media essential for modern day business?
Social Media marketing is the talk of the town. I have heard a lot about Social Media Marketing and its utilization in modern day business. Why is it so much essential? Are other modes of marketing and promotions fading away?
How can I secure my APIs using O-Auth?
I wrote some APIs in PHP to expose my website to a greater no of audience. Now, can anyone help to know how I can secure them using O-Auth.
Christmas Tree Programm
Chirag is a pure Desi boy. And his one and only dream is to meet Santa Claus. He decided to decorate a Christmas tree for Santa on coming Christmas. Chirag made an interesting Christmas tree that grows day by day.
update multiple values using php and mysql?
i need to update multiple choices for question but every time i run the query it's only update the last choice only also i need to update the value of the correct answer which is (0 or 1 ) which the best using input text or radio button
Copying jar from one location to another in Ant build.xml
Hi can anybody help me to write a build.xml which copies file to a tomcat directory after the war is ready..
Thanks in Advance
How to Communicate Between Two Controllers in Angular?
I have two controllers in Angular, one controller makes an Http call gets data once the data is received I want all the controllers to invokes a call to update their model or refresh view.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Any Alternative to WordPress for Easy Content Management By End User?
Can anyone please suggest some good alternatives to WordPress for client sites, so that it is easy for them to manage themselves?
We all knows that Wordpress provides us many different features to build as well as manage the website....
Please guide to a javascript code packet
Please guide to a javascript code packet which I can use to upload file without refreshing the page and the browser does not support File/FileReader object
Image and Video Filtering for Profanity
I want to filter images and videos posted on my website to block profane/offensive content. Please suggest a 3rd party service or plugin which can be used to automate this.
Any Pointers on How Can I Speed Up my Node.js Application?
Performance optimization
I am planning to develop a new web application using Nodejs and I want it to make it faster than usual in order to keep it ahead in the competitive fast web technology. So can anyone please suggest some possible ...
Please suggest a Random number Generation library for iPhone
We know about Mersenne twister algo for Random number generation but best implementation of the algo and where do we get good seed..
Redirect_Input for Parallel Arrays
Instructions: The following programming problem can be solved by a program that uses three basic tasks-Input Data, Process Data, and Output Results. To process the data, it uses loops, arrays, decisions, accumulating, counting, se...
How to change Image icon of NotificationCompat.Builder?
Please help me.
How can I change Image icon of NotificationCompat.Builder?
Please see the screenshot attached?
Parallel Arrays
Create a program that allows the user to input a list of first names into one array and last names into a parallel array. Input should be terminated when the user enters a sentinel character. The output should be a list of email address...
Embedded one page slider is not working properly
Now I'm working on the project similar to this one here. I cant make the one page slider work properly. I tried on many different way but still it's not working. I wish to make the slideshow start to work when it is pi...
JSON Parser Not prasing the array in JSON
I have a project I'm working on, and I've run into 2 problems. The first is my JSON parser is parsing correctly for regular objects, but doesn't parse the arrays in the JSON.
Secondly, I am trying to implement dependencies i...
RMI Registery java.rmi.connectexception connection refused to host
Below is my code:
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSyst...
Solve null pointer exception
Here is my Code:
import java.sql.*;
public class dbcon {
Connection con;
Statement st;
ResultSet rs;
dbcon() {
try {
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(...
Creating a backspace button on my calculator python tkinter GUI
Hello, i'm very new to python and i would like to fix the "C" button so that it clears the last number on the display. For example 321 would become 32, i have tried a lot of things but i can't seem to get it to work, i wou...
How would I set the dict[value] to correspond to its dict[key] where the value itself is a dictionary?
How would I set the dict[value] to correspond to its dict[key] where the value itself is a dictionary ?
I have a csv file where I am trying to count row[3] then connect it with row[0]
row[0] &nb...
My listview not returning me to my DetailActivity.class when I'm clicking an item on listview
I am having trouble with my ListView. It always sends me back to my login page whenever I press an item on the list. It supposed to go to the details page.
Home Activity
package com.example.kun.carcarkila;
import android.content....
count pixels under each finger in multi touch in android
Hello I need to count pixels that are covered by each fingers in multi-touch.When fingers down one by one it should plus pixels in count and finger up it should subtract pixels of that finger.I have did this but it is not getting exact counts i d...
Lag in receiving packets from ble device
I am using a ble device which send me data packet every second in onCharacteristicChanged() method. But the problem is, the above method not called every second as expected and there is a random milliseconds delay. I searched a lot on googl...
How to print the data from my array?
I want to print a file with the data of this struct.
struct dados
char matr[50];
char ele[50];
float ela[50];
float final[50];
int freq[50];
float recu[50];
set the correct answers equal to 1?
i'm working in query to insert answer into answers table and i need to set to correct answer equal to 1 and the incorrect answer equal to 0 for that i'm using radio buttons to assigned value into the answer but every time when i run the q...
How to Write a Python program that Stores App Information in A Text File?
Write a Python program that reads in from a text file. You should briefly prepare a textfile containing information about items sold in a bakery. The information like type of buns,cookies, cakes and more with the price lists should be i...
c program to print all possible combinations of given input number or value ?
If user input is 183 then output should be 183 138 813 831 318 381.
Performance testing using Jmeter
Hello Sir,
I'm facing problem when i'm running mobile application which is recorded in jmeter using proxy. I'm facing token authotication token Issue.
2. Can you please explain me how to use 5 users login by us...
What are latest link building techniques in 2016?
Hey Guys,
Can any one tell me the latest link building methods in field of SEO to increase the DA/ Page rank of a website.
I know some old school methods like Social Bookmarking, directory submission, Blog commenting etc..
But I wan...
prevent form submitting in Jquery ?
how can i prevent submit if i got next :-
username is too short
first character must a letter
user_name is not available
invalid E-mail format
E-mail is not available
password do not match
i got other problem password confirmation is not...
how to open application by pressing power button 3 times?
I want to open my application when user press power button 3 times or more.
I followed this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22086349/press-power-button-twice-to-launch-activity URL from StackOverflow, and my application is opening but ...
Android - Information leakage flaw OutputStream
I have developed an application in the Cordova Framework, and I have added a camera plugin for capture functionality,
I am getting an Information Leakage flaw in the code below, using veracode to scan APK.
OutputStream os = this.cordova.get...
How to delete rows from a JTable using swingworker?
Am trying to create an application that sends messages(SMS) to a list of people in the JTable and each time a message is sent to the recipient who is a row in the JTable i want that row to be deleted and i want the sending of the message to be do...
Merging Panda Dataframes
I have two dataframes. One is user(UserID, Name) and other one is rating (srcUserId, dstUserId, RatingValue). I have to merge these two dataframes such that in place of srcUserId I get the name of the user corresponding to userid from user d...
How to change itertools.product parameters while running
Hi, I'm new in Python, so excuse me if the question may be too simple for someone.
I have the following code:
from itertools import product
for a,b in product(range(0,10), range(a,10)):
print (a,b)
but it does not work, a m...
How to send emails in VB.NET using multithreading?
As I'm not familiarized with VB.NET I am requesting help for my last school project this year.
So I have a ListView with many emails and want to send a certain message to those emails but using multithreading because If...