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Ionic Of AngularJS: Delivering Top-notch Hybrid Mobile Apps

The generation of the 21st century cannot be kept away from the use of mobile technology. While everybody has been obsessed with smartphones, the business enterprises take this as their advantage to move from desktop to hybrid mobile apps.  ...

How to Get the API Calling in AngularJS Application?

Assume that there are 3 APIs. Each API does exactly the same task(to give you weather details) but has different endpoints as follows: API 1: Can only be used for India. Has methods named requestWeather(), requestWeatherDataForWeek() ...

Angular CLI Application - Introduction, Installation & Creation

The Angular CLI is an essential tool used in JavaScript that helps to initialize, develop, structure and maintain Angular applications. In Angular CLI, CLI stands for Common Line Interface. In other words, Angular CLI is a common Line Interface t...

What's New in Angular 6 Framework - Top 6 Features Revealed

Angular.js is a google maintained framework that is basically a library written in JavaScript. It has recently launched Angular 6 that holds exciting features for web application developers. It will be hailed by most of the developers as the fram...

Comparing Angular 2 Vs React In JavaScript Application Development

Dozens of libraries and frameworks in JavaScript are increasing in popularity. It has become overwhelming for the programmers to decide which one is right for their project. Among all new frameworks, Angular 2 and React are the most recommend fra...

4 Quick Steps to Create Dashboard in AngularJS Application

Creating dashboard in angular tutorial   A Dashboard is a page or a user interface in which information and other functions/pages of a website is provided in such a way that is easily accessible, understandable and readable. So in...

Tips to Use T-shirt Design Software For Creating Unique Designs

These days, customers have become more demanding and want a greater say when it comes to designing. They aspire to design and customize their own t-shirts without any interference. As a result, it has become vital for businesses to integrate t-sh...

How to Implement AngulaJs Form Validation in a Web Application

AngularJS is an open source free and most popular JavaScript client-side framework which provides a great power to built HTML and JavaScript based web application.   This tutorial is in continuation with my previous tutorials, regardin...

Angular2 vs React vs Ember vs Aurelia JavaScript Frameworks - Which is Best?

  Are you still planning to build web applications based on a plain JavaScript?   No Way!   With the modern age of rapid app development, we require much better ways to develop the web applications and this is wh...

How to pass data from controller to directive in AngularJs?

Hello All, Sometimes there is a situation in which one want to access data from Controller to Directive. So let's see how we can pass data from controller to directive in AngularJs   Step 1- Sample Controller: app.contro...

How to Prevent Flickering in Angularjs While Page Loads?

Hello All, We are sometimes in a situation when a particular page loads up on the browser and there are some incomplete contents, raw code displayed in the browser while Angular Js is loaded.   So in order to prevent the browser to ...

AngularJS : $emit, $broadcast and $on

AngularJS : $emit, $broadcast and $on   Nested controller in AngularJs make use of $emit, $broadcast and $on. $emit and $broadcast are used for raising event in angularjs application.   $emit : It is used for dispatchin...

How to Create Custom Filters in AngularJS?

Custom Filters in AngularJS The data can be modified through filters in Angularjs. AngularJS not only provides built in filters but also provides with the capability of creating custom filters. Custom filters can be created through "...

How to create separate AngularJS controller files?

Controllers are used to adding behaviors to $scope object. When you are building a large application,the best practice is to split your controllers into different files according to the purpose that it fulfills. So, you need to follow these very ...

Sharing Data Between Controllers using Services

Services are the Javascript functions (stateless object) that are responsible to do some specific tasks. We can use service to share some data or functions throughout the application within a controller or between different controllers. Services ...

Communication between Directives in AngularJS with Example

Communication between Directives can be done the following ways:-    1.Using require and directive controllers to communicate and share functionality    2.EVENTING -more defined way of communication.    3.using sc...

AngularJs : Creating multiple ng-app in single page

Creating multiple ng-app in single page   Consider a program with multiple ng-app in html page :-   <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>In a page only one ng-app works</title> ...

Difference between Angular 1.x and Angular 2.0

Angular 2 is different from Angular 1 as it is written completely in Typescript and includes the ES6 specification. As it is not updated version of Angular 1.x so it is rewritten and has many changes. Component based Programming: Angular2 is ...

Angularjs routeParams with Example

$routeParams is a service of angularjs that can be used to get the current set of route parameters i.e. URL parameters. ngRoute module is used to work on it. The route parameters consist of  $location’s search() and path(). The path p...

How to use switches in AngularJS

The md-switch which is a Angular directive can be used to show a switch in your angular application. These are the attributes: * ng-model -  bind data. name - It is the name of property in the form under which the control is publi...

Understanding Filters in AngularJS

Filters are used to do some changes in the data. It can be used by adding pipe character. These are the types of filters in angular: uppercase: It converts any text to upper case. lowercase: It converts any text to lower case. curren...

Difference between ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if

ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if are directives of angularjs which are used to check if an expression is true or false and after checking the expression, it shows /hides or removes/recreates the DOM element. Though the visual effect of both directive...

Expressions in AngularJS

AngularJS expressions are used to bind application data with HTML element. This expressions works in same way as we write in write in ng-bind directives. Expressions are written inside two curly braces as {{expression}}. This expressions are incl...

Scopes in Angular JS

Scope is a  JavaScript object that connects Controller and View. Scope contains information of model, its properties and methods.   Characteristics of scope: Scope acts as a connection between Controller and View and availab...

AngularJS directives

Directives in AngularJS are, that get run when DOM is complied by the compiler. Directives are used to extend HTML and DOM element's behaviour and create reusable and testable  code.These are attributes that starts with ng- prefix. &n...

Angular JS Filters

Filters is used to format the value of given expression for display to user. Some filter are built in filters and we can also define our filters. Filters are added to expression by using | symbol followed by a filter.  AngularJS provide...

md-list in angular material

<md-list> is the most important directive in angular material to represent the list of items. Multiple items 1 to n can be displayed by using this directive. User don't need to write frontend or html multiple times to display ...

AngularJS Pagination

We can easily apply paging on our page using AngularJs and bootstrap. Here, below is the example of this:   In View: <div ng-app="angularPagingSample"> <div ng-controller="PagingController"> <h1>Ang...

CRUD operations in AngularJS and MVC5

This example demonstrate how to use AngularJS with MVC5 and WebAPI for CRUD operations(Read,Insert,Update,Delete).   1. First step is to create table for CRUD operations.   2. Create a new project in ASP.NET MVC 5. Selec...

Use $broadcast(), $emit(), $on()

Hello Readers,   In today's post we will learn about $broadcast(), $emit(), $on() methods. In AngularJs application communication between controllers is very important. Communication might be to pass data or to send notification be...

Which is faster on DOM manipulator? AngularJS or jQuery?

Hi. I am a fresher and a front-end developer. I have just started to use AngularJS a while ago. And I find it a very powerful framework. It's all great! I am also used to jQuery like any other developer. I just want to know which works fas...

Limit text length using angularJS

Many times we run in a condition that the whole text is taking to much of space, so we need to show data upto certain limit and end it to ...(3 dots).  Usually we write code to check the length of the string and then trimming it, angular ...

Angularjs Post Data

Hi, Today we will discuss how to post data to the MVC Controller through AngularJS. To do so, you will need to inject '$http' as a dependency while defining your angularJS controller: app.controller('Controller', ['$scope', '$h...

AngularJS md-datepicker format

Hi, Today we will discuss how to define our custom date format for md-datepicker in angularJS. 1. You will need to install moment.js from nuget packages   2. Add reference of moment.min.js <script src="~/Scripts/momen...

Display initials if no profile pic available

When we create an application its very easy to display user image or profile pic. when no image is available then we used to include an anonymous image in place of no image is available. But Gone were days and now we have something rich...

Angular 2 Architecture

Angular 2 architecture consists of module , component , template , metadat , data binding , service , directive and dependency injection.Some of them are : Module Component Template Metadata Module: A module is a block of code...

Filters In AngularJs

AngularJs provides a number of filters.Filters Are added to format data or to transform it. It is added to the expressions by using the pipe character '|' followed by a filter. Some of the AngularJs filters are: uppercase lower...

Configuration files for AngularJS 2

Hello Everyone. Here,We will be going through a series of tutorials which aims at providing a basic understanding of AngularJS 2 framework. At its best,it will make you quite acquainted with the fundamentals of AngularJS 2. This is the firs...

Angular Directives

Hello everyone , here we are going to take an overview of directives in angularjs. Angularjs provides us with a set of built-in directives which provides functionality to our application.We can also define our own directives in angularjs. &nbs...

How web application is developed in AngularJs using MVC Architecture

Hii, This blog is in continuation with my previous blog on AngularJs, In this blog i am going to discuss about the most popular concept (MVC) on the basis of which an AngularJs application is developed. MVC stands for Model View Controller...

How do I force view refresh in angular?

Hello Nerds, I am using AngularJS in my front end and I have faced an issue that I modified my model, but it did not refresh the view. How can I force refresh my view? Can anyone please help to come out from this problem. Thanks in ...

Use Angularjs Expression to resolve expressions

Hii,  This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs, In this blog i am sharing a simple example in which i have used few AngularJs directives like ng-app, ng-init, ng-model and an AngularJs expression. 1)ng-app directive...

Dynamic and static data generated using angularjs

Hii,  This blog is in continuation with my previous blogs on AngularJs, In this blog i am sharing a simple example in which i have used few angularjs directives like ng-app, ng-init, ng-bind, ng-model. 1)ng-app directive is used to initial...

Create a HelloWorld application using angularJS

Generally any angularjs application requireds a following components: 1. ng-app - This component is required to make a links between the AngularJS application and the HTML. 2. ng-model - This component is required to bind the values of AngularJ...

Adding textbox dynamically and save the values in angularjs

To create textbox dynamically in angularjs, we have to declare an array named inputs in which we will push the textbox element dynamically. In input box, we have included ng-model to bind the property name to the input. so we ...

What is the difference between AngularJS, NodeJS and ReactJS?

Hello Everyone, Can anyone help to know the difference between AngularJS, NodeJS and ReactJS? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. MVC: AngularJs ng-include MVC: AngularJs ng-include AngularJs ng-include directive allows an HTML page to embed various other HTML pages. In MVC AngularJs ng-include allows inclusion of various views(cshtml pages) in a view(cshtml page). .cshtml page...

Learn how we can repeat html element without using any conditional loop

Hii, Learn how we can repeat html element without using any conditional loop by using AngularJs. To repeat html elements using AngularJs we use ng-repeat which is a directive of AngularJs, ng-repeat directive is used to repeat an HTML element. ...

Difference between ngBind, ngBindHtm and ngBindTemplate in Angular JS

Difference between ngBind, ngBindHtm and ngBindTemplate in Angular JS ng-bind ng-bind binds the value of a variable or expression to an HTML element i.e the content of HTML element is replaced with the value of a variable or expression...

Discussion on angularJS

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss angularJS. AngularJS is nothing but a javascript framework. It is open-source and managed by the Google. AngularJS works for dynamic web applications and mostly used to develop the single page ap...
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